"""krfinbert_esg.ipynb |
Automatically generated by Colaboratory. |
Original file is located at |
https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1_cVBwxsa7LcHzjzCcS4l1ds0wxNPQrjm |
""" |
from google.colab import drive |
drive.mount('/content/drive') |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') |
import random |
import pandas as pd |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import seaborn as sns |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
""" |
Sklearn Libraries |
""" |
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split |
""" |
Transformer Libraries |
""" |
!pip install transformers |
from transformers import BertTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AdamW, get_linear_schedule_with_warmup |
""" |
Pytorch Libraries |
""" |
import torch |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler, TensorDataset |
esg_data = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/kpmg_personal/concat.csv", |
encoding='utf-8') |
esg_data |
plt.figure(figsize = (15,8)) |
sns.set(style='darkgrid') |
sns.set(font_scale=1.3) |
sns.countplot(x='category', data = esg_data) |
plt.title('ESG Category Distribution') |
plt.xlabel('E,S,G,N') |
plt.ylabel('Number of Contents') |
def show_random_contents(total_number, df): |
n_contents = df.sample(total_number) |
for val in list(n_contents.index): |
print("Contents #°{}".format(val)) |
print(" - Category: {}".format(df.iloc[val]["category"])) |
print(" - Contents: {}".format(df.iloc[val]["contents"])) |
print("") |
show_random_contents(5, esg_data) |
def encode_categories_values(df): |
possible_categories = df.category.unique() |
category_dict = {} |
for index, possible_category in enumerate(possible_categories): |
category_dict[possible_category] = index |
df['label'] = df.category.replace(category_dict) |
return df, category_dict |
esg_data, category_dict = encode_categories_values(esg_data) |
X_train,X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(esg_data.index.values, |
esg_data.label.values, |
test_size = 0.15, |
random_state = 2022, |
stratify = esg_data.label.values) |
esg_data.loc[X_train, 'data_type'] = 'train' |
esg_data.loc[X_val, 'data_type'] = 'val' |
esg_data.groupby(['category', 'label', 'data_type']).count() |
finbert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('snunlp/KR-FinBert-SC', |
do_lower_case=True) |
def get_contents_len(df): |
contents_sequence_lengths = [] |
print("Encoding in progress...") |
for content in tqdm(df.contents): |
encoded_content = finbert_tokenizer.encode(content, |
add_special_tokens = True) |
contents_sequence_lengths.append(len(encoded_content)) |
print("End of Task.") |
return contents_sequence_lengths |
def show_contents_distribution(sequence_lengths, figsize = (15,8)): |
len_512_plus = [rev_len for rev_len in sequence_lengths if rev_len > 512] |
percent = (len(len_512_plus)/len(sequence_lengths))*100 |
print("Maximum Sequence Length is {}".format(max(sequence_lengths))) |
plt.figure(figsize = figsize) |
sns.set(style='darkgrid') |
sns.set(font_scale=1.3) |
sns.distplot(sequence_lengths, kde = False, rug = False) |
plt.title('Contents Lengths Distribution') |
plt.xlabel('Contents Length') |
plt.ylabel('Number of Contents') |
show_contents_distribution(get_contents_len(esg_data)) |
encoded_data_train = finbert_tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( |
esg_data[esg_data.data_type=='train'].contents.values, |
return_tensors='pt', |
add_special_tokens=True, |
return_attention_mask=True, |
pad_to_max_length=True, |
max_length=200 |
) |
encoded_data_val = finbert_tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( |
esg_data[esg_data.data_type=='val'].contents.values, |
return_tensors='pt', |
add_special_tokens=True, |
return_attention_mask=True, |
pad_to_max_length=True, |
max_length=200 |
) |
input_ids_train = encoded_data_train['input_ids'] |
attention_masks_train = encoded_data_train['attention_mask'] |
labels_train = torch.tensor(esg_data[esg_data.data_type=='train'].label.values) |
input_ids_val = encoded_data_val['input_ids'] |
attention_masks_val = encoded_data_val['attention_mask'] |
sentiments_val = torch.tensor(esg_data[esg_data.data_type=='val'].label.values) |
dataset_train = TensorDataset(input_ids_train, attention_masks_train, labels_train) |
dataset_val = TensorDataset(input_ids_val, attention_masks_val, sentiments_val) |
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("snunlp/KR-FinBert-SC", |
num_labels=len(category_dict), |
output_attentions=False, |
output_hidden_states=False, |
ignore_mismatched_sizes=True) |
batch_size = 5 |
dataloader_train = DataLoader(dataset_train, |
sampler=RandomSampler(dataset_train), |
batch_size=batch_size) |
dataloader_validation = DataLoader(dataset_val, |
sampler=SequentialSampler(dataset_val), |
batch_size=batch_size) |
optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), |
lr=1e-5, |
eps=1e-8) |
epochs = 5 |
scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer, |
num_warmup_steps=0, |
num_training_steps=len(dataloader_train)*epochs) |
def f1_score_func(preds, labels): |
preds_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten() |
labels_flat = labels.flatten() |
return f1_score(labels_flat, preds_flat, average='weighted') |
def accuracy_per_class(preds, labels): |
label_dict_inverse = {v: k for k, v in category_dict.items()} |
preds_flat = np.argmax(preds, axis=1).flatten() |
labels_flat = labels.flatten() |
for label in np.unique(labels_flat): |
y_preds = preds_flat[labels_flat==label] |
y_true = labels_flat[labels_flat==label] |
print(f'Class: {label_dict_inverse[label]}') |
print(f'Accuracy: {len(y_preds[y_preds==label])}/{len(y_true)}\n') |
seed_val = 2022 |
random.seed(seed_val) |
np.random.seed(seed_val) |
torch.manual_seed(seed_val) |
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed_val) |
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') |
model.to(device) |
def evaluate(dataloader_val): |
model.eval() |
loss_val_total = 0 |
predictions, true_vals = [], [] |
for batch in dataloader_val: |
batch = tuple(b.to(device) for b in batch) |
inputs = {'input_ids': batch[0], |
'attention_mask': batch[1], |
'labels': batch[2], |
} |
with torch.no_grad(): |
outputs = model(**inputs) |
loss = outputs[0] |
logits = outputs[1] |
loss_val_total += loss.item() |
logits = logits.detach().cpu().numpy() |
label_ids = inputs['labels'].cpu().numpy() |
predictions.append(logits) |
true_vals.append(label_ids) |
loss_val_avg = loss_val_total/len(dataloader_val) |
predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, axis=0) |
true_vals = np.concatenate(true_vals, axis=0) |
return loss_val_avg, predictions, true_vals |
for epoch in tqdm(range(1, epochs+1)): |
model.train() |
loss_train_total = 0 |
progress_bar = tqdm(dataloader_train, desc='Epoch {:1d}'.format(epoch), leave=False, disable=False) |
for batch in progress_bar: |
model.zero_grad() |
batch = tuple(b.to(device) for b in batch) |
inputs = {'input_ids': batch[0], |
'attention_mask': batch[1], |
'labels': batch[2], |
} |
outputs = model(**inputs) |
loss = outputs[0] |
loss_train_total += loss.item() |
loss.backward() |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), 1.0) |
optimizer.step() |
scheduler.step() |
progress_bar.set_postfix({'training_loss': '{:.3f}'.format(loss.item()/len(batch))}) |
torch.save(model.state_dict(), f'finetuned_finBERT_epoch_{epoch}.model') |
tqdm.write(f'\nEpoch {epoch}') |
loss_train_avg = loss_train_total/len(dataloader_train) |
tqdm.write(f'Training loss: {loss_train_avg}') |
val_loss, predictions, true_vals = evaluate(dataloader_validation) |
val_f1 = f1_score_func(predictions, true_vals) |
tqdm.write(f'Validation loss: {val_loss}') |
tqdm.write(f'F1 Score (Weighted): {val_f1}') |
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("snunlp/KR-FinBert-SC", |
num_labels=len(category_dict), |
output_attentions=False, |
output_hidden_states=False, |
ignore_mismatched_sizes=True) |
model.to(device) |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load('finetuned_finBERT_epoch_4.model', |
map_location=torch.device('cpu'))) |
_, predictions, true_vals = evaluate(dataloader_validation) |
accuracy_per_class(predictions, true_vals) |