File size: 29,481 Bytes
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import nibabel as nib
import pydicom
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import warnings
from scipy.ndimage import find_objects
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes
from skimage import measure
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import scipy
import datetime
from dicom_to_nii import set_header_info
def convert_nii_to_dicom(dicomctdir, predictedNiiFile, predictedDicomFile, predicted_structures=[], rtstruct_colors=[], refCT = None):
# img = nib.load(os.path.join(predniidir, patient_id, 'RTStruct.nii.gz'))
# data = img.get_fdata()[:,:,:,1]
# patient_list = PatientList() # initialize list of patient data
# patient_list.list_dicom_files(os.path.join(ct_ref_path,patient,inner_ct_ref_path), 1) # search dicom files in the patient data folder, stores all files in the attributes (all CT images, dose file, struct file)
# refCT = patient_list.list[0].CTimages[0]
# refCT.import_Dicom_CT()
struct = RTstruct()
struct.load_from_nii(predictedNiiFile, predicted_structures, rtstruct_colors) #TODO add already the refCT info in here because there are fields to do that
if not struct.Contours[0].Mask_PixelSpacing == refCT.PixelSpacing:
struct.export_Dicom(refCT, predictedDicomFile)
# create_RT_struct(dicomctdir, data.transpose([1,0,2]).astype(int), dicomdir, predicted_structures)
def integer_to_onehot(niiFile):
# get contours in nnunet format
nnunet_integer_nib = nib.load(niiFile)
nnunet_integer_data = nnunet_integer_nib.get_fdata()
# convert to onehot encoding (2**i)
onehot_data = np.zeros(nnunet_integer_data.shape)
for i in np.unique(nnunet_integer_data):
onehot_data[nnunet_integer_data == i] = 2**i
# get contours_exist
contours_exist = np.ones(len(np.unique(onehot_data))).astype(bool).tolist()
#contours_exist = np.ones(len(np.unique(onehot_data))-1).astype(bool) # -1 to remove the background which we don't want
# save it back to nii format (will overwrite the predicted file - integer format - with this one - onehot format -)
image_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(onehot_data, affine=np.eye(4)) # for Nifti1 header, change for a Nifti2 type of header
# Update header fields
image_nii = set_header_info(image_nii, nnunet_integer_nib.header['pixdim'][1:4], [nnunet_integer_nib.header['qoffset_x'],nnunet_integer_nib.header['qoffset_y'],nnunet_integer_nib.header['qoffset_z']], contours_exist = contours_exist)
# Save nii,niiFile) #overwrites old file
def save_nii_image(nib_img, nib_header,dst_dir, dst_filename, contours_exist = None):
image_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(nib_img, affine=np.eye(4)) # for Nifti1 header, change for a Nifti2 type of header
# Update header fields
if contours_exist is not None:
image_nii = set_header_info(image_nii, nib_header['pixdim'][1:4], [nib_header['qoffset_x'],nib_header['qoffset_y'],nib_header['qoffset_z']], contours_exist = contours_exist)
image_nii = set_header_info(image_nii, nib_header['pixdim'][1:4], [nib_header['qoffset_x'],nib_header['qoffset_y'],nib_header['qoffset_z']])
# Save nii, os.path.join(dst_dir,dst_filename))
def Taubin_smoothing(contour):
""" Here, we do smoothing in 2D contours!
a Nx2 numpy array containing the contour to smooth
a Nx2 numpy array containing the smoothed contour """
smoothingloops = 5
smoothed = [np.empty_like(contour) for i in range(smoothingloops+1)]
smoothed[0] = contour
for i in range(smoothingloops):
# loop over all elements in the contour
for vertex_i in range(smoothed[0].shape[0]):
if vertex_i == 0:
vertex_prev = smoothed[i].shape[0]-1
vertex_next = vertex_i+1
elif vertex_i == smoothed[i].shape[0]-1:
vertex_prev = vertex_i-1
vertex_next = 0
vertex_prev = vertex_i -1
vertex_next = vertex_i +1
neighbours_x = np.array([smoothed[i][vertex_prev,0], smoothed[i][vertex_next,0]])
neighbours_y = np.array([smoothed[i][vertex_prev,1], smoothed[i][vertex_next,1]])
smoothed[i+1][vertex_i,0] = smoothed[i][vertex_i,0] - 0.3*(smoothed[i][vertex_i,0] - np.mean(neighbours_x))
smoothed[i+1][vertex_i,1] = smoothed[i][vertex_i,1] - 0.3*(smoothed[i][vertex_i,1] - np.mean(neighbours_y))
return np.round(smoothed[smoothingloops],3)
class RTstruct:
def __init__(self):
self.SeriesInstanceUID = ""
self.PatientInfo = {}
self.StudyInfo = {}
self.CT_SeriesInstanceUID = ""
self.DcmFile = ""
self.isLoaded = 0
self.Contours = []
self.NumContours = 0
def print_struct_info(self, prefix=""):
print(prefix + "Struct: " + self.SeriesInstanceUID)
print(prefix + " " + self.DcmFile)
def print_ROINames(self):
print("RT Struct UID: " + self.SeriesInstanceUID)
count = -1
for contour in self.Contours:
count += 1
print(' [' + str(count) + '] ' + contour.ROIName)
def resample_struct(self, newvoxelsize):
# Rescaling to the newvoxelsize if given in parameter
if newvoxelsize is not None:
for i, Contour in enumerate(self.Contours):
source_shape = Contour.Mask_GridSize
voxelsize = Contour.Mask_PixelSpacing
VoxelX_source = Contour.Mask_Offset[0] + np.arange(source_shape[0])*voxelsize[0]
VoxelY_source = Contour.Mask_Offset[1] + np.arange(source_shape[1])*voxelsize[1]
VoxelZ_source = Contour.Mask_Offset[2] + np.arange(source_shape[2])*voxelsize[2]
target_shape = np.ceil(np.array(source_shape).astype(float)*np.array(voxelsize).astype(float)/newvoxelsize).astype(int)
VoxelX_target = Contour.Mask_Offset[0] + np.arange(target_shape[0])*newvoxelsize[0]
VoxelY_target = Contour.Mask_Offset[1] + np.arange(target_shape[1])*newvoxelsize[1]
VoxelZ_target = Contour.Mask_Offset[2] + np.arange(target_shape[2])*newvoxelsize[2]
contour = Contour.Mask
if(all(source_shape == target_shape) and np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(voxelsize, newvoxelsize) < 0.001)):
print("! Image does not need filtering")
# anti-aliasing filter
sigma = [0, 0, 0]
if(newvoxelsize[0] > voxelsize[0]): sigma[0] = 0.4 * (newvoxelsize[0]/voxelsize[0])
if(newvoxelsize[1] > voxelsize[1]): sigma[1] = 0.4 * (newvoxelsize[1]/voxelsize[1])
if(newvoxelsize[2] > voxelsize[2]): sigma[2] = 0.4 * (newvoxelsize[2]/voxelsize[2])
if(sigma != [0, 0, 0]):
contour = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(contour.astype(float), sigma)
#come back to binary
contour[np.where(contour>=0.5)] = 1
contour[np.where(contour<0.5)] = 0
xi = np.array(np.meshgrid(VoxelX_target, VoxelY_target, VoxelZ_target))
xi = np.rollaxis(xi, 0, 4)
xi = xi.reshape((xi.size // 3, 3))
# get resized ct
contour = scipy.interpolate.interpn((VoxelX_source,VoxelY_source,VoxelZ_source), contour, xi, method='nearest', fill_value=0, bounds_error=False).astype(bool).reshape(target_shape).transpose(1,0,2)
Contour.Mask_PixelSpacing = newvoxelsize
Contour.Mask_GridSize = list(contour.shape)
Contour.NumVoxels = Contour.Mask_GridSize[0] * Contour.Mask_GridSize[1] * Contour.Mask_GridSize[2]
Contour.Mask = contour
def import_Dicom_struct(self, CT):
if(self.isLoaded == 1):
print("Warning: RTstruct " + self.SeriesInstanceUID + " is already loaded")
dcm = pydicom.dcmread(self.DcmFile)
self.CT_SeriesInstanceUID = CT.SeriesInstanceUID
for dcm_struct in dcm.StructureSetROISequence:
ReferencedROI_id = next((x for x, val in enumerate(dcm.ROIContourSequence) if val.ReferencedROINumber == dcm_struct.ROINumber), -1)
dcm_contour = dcm.ROIContourSequence[ReferencedROI_id]
Contour = ROIcontour()
Contour.SeriesInstanceUID = self.SeriesInstanceUID
Contour.ROIName = dcm_struct.ROIName
Contour.ROIDisplayColor = dcm_contour.ROIDisplayColor
#print("Import contour " + str(len(self.Contours)) + ": " + Contour.ROIName)
Contour.Mask = np.zeros((CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1], CT.GridSize[2]), dtype=np.bool)
Contour.Mask_GridSize = CT.GridSize
Contour.Mask_PixelSpacing = CT.PixelSpacing
Contour.Mask_Offset = CT.ImagePositionPatient
Contour.Mask_NumVoxels = CT.NumVoxels
Contour.ContourMask = np.zeros((CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1], CT.GridSize[2]), dtype=np.bool)
SOPInstanceUID_match = 1
if not hasattr(dcm_contour, 'ContourSequence'):
print("This structure has no attribute ContourSequence. Skipping ...")
for dcm_slice in dcm_contour.ContourSequence:
Slice = {}
# list of Dicom coordinates
Slice["XY_dcm"] = list(zip( np.array(dcm_slice.ContourData[0::3]), np.array(dcm_slice.ContourData[1::3]) ))
Slice["Z_dcm"] = float(dcm_slice.ContourData[2])
# list of coordinates in the image frame
Slice["XY_img"] = list(zip( ((np.array(dcm_slice.ContourData[0::3]) - CT.ImagePositionPatient[0]) / CT.PixelSpacing[0]), ((np.array(dcm_slice.ContourData[1::3]) - CT.ImagePositionPatient[1]) / CT.PixelSpacing[1]) ))
Slice["Z_img"] = (Slice["Z_dcm"] - CT.ImagePositionPatient[2]) / CT.PixelSpacing[2]
Slice["Slice_id"] = int(round(Slice["Z_img"]))
# convert polygon to mask (based on matplotlib - slow)
#x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(CT.GridSize[0]), np.arange(CT.GridSize[1]))
#points = np.transpose((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
#path = Path(Slice["XY_img"])
#mask = path.contains_points(points)
#mask = mask.reshape((CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1]))
# convert polygon to mask (based on PIL - fast)
img ='L', (CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1]), 0)
if(len(Slice["XY_img"]) > 1): ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(Slice["XY_img"], outline=1, fill=1)
mask = np.array(img)
Contour.Mask[:,:,Slice["Slice_id"]] = np.logical_or(Contour.Mask[:,:,Slice["Slice_id"]], mask)
# do the same, but only keep contour in the mask
img ='L', (CT.GridSize[0], CT.GridSize[1]), 0)
if(len(Slice["XY_img"]) > 1): ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(Slice["XY_img"], outline=1, fill=0)
mask = np.array(img)
Contour.ContourMask[:,:,Slice["Slice_id"]] = np.logical_or(Contour.ContourMask[:,:,Slice["Slice_id"]], mask)
# check if the contour sequence is imported on the correct CT slice:
if(hasattr(dcm_slice, 'ContourImageSequence') and CT.SOPInstanceUIDs[Slice["Slice_id"]] != dcm_slice.ContourImageSequence[0].ReferencedSOPInstanceUID):
SOPInstanceUID_match = 0
if SOPInstanceUID_match != 1:
print("WARNING: some SOPInstanceUIDs don't match during importation of " + Contour.ROIName + " contour on CT image")
self.NumContours += 1
#print("self.NumContours",self.NumContours, len(self.Contours))
self.isLoaded = 1
def load_from_nii(self, struct_nii_path, rtstruct_labels, rtstruct_colors):
# load the nii image
struct_nib = nib.load(struct_nii_path)
struct_data = struct_nib.get_fdata()
# get contourexists from header
if len(struct_nib.header.extensions)==0:
contoursexist = []
contoursexist = list(struct_nib.header.extensions[0].get_content())
# get number of rois in struct_data
# for nii with consecutive integers
#roinumbers = np.unique(struct_data)
# for nii with power of 2 format
#roinumbers = list(np.arange(np.floor(np.log2(np.max(struct_data))).astype(int)+1)) # CAREFUL WITH THIS LINE, MIGHT NOT WORK ALWAYS IF WE HAVE OVERLAP OF
#nb_rois_in_struct = len(roinumbers)
# check that they match
if not len(rtstruct_labels) == len(contoursexist) :
#raise TypeError("The number or struct labels, contoursexist, and masks in struct.nii.gz is not the same")
# raise Warning("The number or struct labels and contoursexist in struct.nii.gz is not the same. Taking len(contoursexist) as number of rois")
self.NumContours = len(rtstruct_labels)#len(contoursexist)
self.NumContours = len(rtstruct_labels)#len(contoursexist)
print("num contours", self.NumContours, len(rtstruct_labels) , len(contoursexist))
# fill in contours
#TODO fill in ContourSequence and ContourData to be faster later in writeDicomRTstruct
for c in range(self.NumContours):
Contour = ROIcontour()
Contour.SeriesInstanceUID = self.SeriesInstanceUID
Contour.ROIName = rtstruct_labels[c]
if rtstruct_colors[c] == None:
Contour.ROIDisplayColor = [0, 0, 255] # default color is blue
Contour.ROIDisplayColor = rtstruct_colors[c]
if len(contoursexist)!=0 and contoursexist[c] == 0:
Contour.Mask = np.zeros((struct_nib.header['dim'][1], struct_nib.header['dim'][2], struct_nib.header['dim'][3]), dtype=np.bool_)
Contour.Mask = np.bitwise_and(struct_data.astype(int), 2 ** c).astype(bool)
#TODO enable option for consecutive integers masks?
Contour.Mask_GridSize = [struct_nib.header['dim'][1], struct_nib.header['dim'][2], struct_nib.header['dim'][3]]
Contour.Mask_PixelSpacing = [struct_nib.header['pixdim'][1], struct_nib.header['pixdim'][2], struct_nib.header['pixdim'][3]]
Contour.Mask_Offset = [struct_nib.header['qoffset_x'], struct_nib.header['qoffset_y'], struct_nib.header['qoffset_z']]
Contour.Mask_NumVoxels = struct_nib.header['dim'][1].astype(int) * struct_nib.header['dim'][2].astype(int) * struct_nib.header['dim'][3].astype(int)
# Contour.ContourMask --> this should be only the contour, so far we don't need it so I'll skip it
# apend to self
def export_Dicom(self, refCT, outputFile):
# meta data
# generate UID
#uid_base = '' #TODO define one for us if we want? Siri is using: uid_base='1.2.826.0.1.3680043.10.230.',
# personal UID, applied for via
SOPInstanceUID = pydicom.uid.generate_uid() #TODO verify this! Siri was using a uid_base, this line is taken from OpenTPS writeRTPlan
#SOPInstanceUID = pydicom.uid.generate_uid('1.2.840.10008.') # siri's version
meta = pydicom.dataset.FileMetaDataset()
meta.MediaStorageSOPClassUID = '1.2.840.10008.' # UID class for RTSTRUCT
meta.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID = SOPInstanceUID
# meta.ImplementationClassUID = uid_base + '1.1.1' # Siri's
meta.ImplementationClassUID = '' # from OpenREGGUI
meta.TransferSyntaxUID = '1.2.840.10008.1.2' # Siri's and OpenREGGUI
meta.FileMetaInformationGroupLength = 188 # from Siri
# meta.ImplementationVersionName = 'DCIE 2.2' # from Siri
# Main data elements - only required fields, optional fields like StudyDescription are not included for simplicity
ds = pydicom.dataset.FileDataset(outputFile, {}, file_meta=meta, preamble=b"\0" * 128) # preamble is taken from this example
# Patient info - will take it from the referenced CT image
ds.PatientName = refCT.PatientInfo.PatientName
ds.PatientID = refCT.PatientInfo.PatientID
ds.PatientBirthDate = refCT.PatientInfo.PatientBirthDate
ds.PatientSex = refCT.PatientInfo.PatientSex
# General Study
dt =
ds.StudyDate = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
ds.StudyTime = dt.strftime('%H%M%S.%f')
ds.AccessionNumber = '1' # A RIS/PACS (Radiology Information System/picture archiving and communication system) generated number that identifies the order for the Study.
ds.ReferringPhysicianName = 'NA'
ds.StudyInstanceUID = refCT.StudyInfo.StudyInstanceUID # get from reference CT to indicate that they belong to the same study
ds.StudyID = refCT.StudyInfo.StudyID # get from reference CT to indicate that they belong to the same study
# RT Series
#ds.SeriesDate # optional
#ds.SeriesTime # optional
ds.Modality = 'RTSTRUCT'
ds.SeriesDescription = 'AI-predicted' + dt.strftime('%Y%m%d') + dt.strftime('%H%M%S.%f')
ds.OperatorsName = 'MIRO AI team'
ds.SeriesInstanceUID = pydicom.uid.generate_uid() # if we have a uid_base --> pydicom.uid.generate_uid(uid_base)
ds.SeriesNumber = '1'
# General Equipment
ds.Manufacturer = 'MIRO lab'
#ds.InstitutionName = 'MIRO lab' # optional
#ds.ManufacturerModelName = 'nnUNet' # optional, but can be a good tag to insert the model information or label
#ds.SoftwareVersions # optional, but can be used to insert the version of the code in PARROT or the version of the model
# Frame of Reference
ds.FrameOfReferenceUID = refCT.FrameOfReferenceUID
ds.PositionReferenceIndicator = '' # empty if unknown - info here
# Structure Set
ds.StructureSetLabel = 'AI predicted' # do not use - or spetial characters or the Dicom Validation in Raystation will give a warning
#ds.StructureSetName # optional
#ds.StructureSetDescription # optional
ds.StructureSetDate = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
ds.StructureSetTime = dt.strftime('%H%M%S.%f')
ds.ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence = pydicom.Sequence()# optional
# we assume there is only one, the CT
dssr = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr.FrameOfReferenceUID = refCT.FrameOfReferenceUID
dssr.RTReferencedStudySequence = pydicom.Sequence()
# fill in sequence
dssr_refStudy = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr_refStudy.ReferencedSOPClassUID = '1.2.840.10008.' # Study Management Detached
dssr_refStudy.ReferencedSOPInstanceUID = refCT.StudyInfo.StudyInstanceUID
dssr_refStudy.RTReferencedSeriesSequence = pydicom.Sequence()
dssr_refStudy_series = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr_refStudy_series.SeriesInstanceUID = refCT.SeriesInstanceUID
dssr_refStudy_series.ContourImageSequence = pydicom.Sequence()
# loop over slices of CT
for slc in range(len(refCT.SOPInstanceUIDs)):
dssr_refStudy_series_slc = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr_refStudy_series_slc.ReferencedSOPClassUID = refCT.SOPClassUID
dssr_refStudy_series_slc.ReferencedSOPInstanceUID = refCT.SOPInstanceUIDs[slc]
# append
# append
# append
ds.StructureSetROISequence = pydicom.Sequence()
# loop over the ROIs to fill in the fields
for iroi in range(self.NumContours):
# initialize the Dataset
dssr = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr.ROINumber = iroi + 1 # because iroi starts at zero and ROINumber cannot be zero
dssr.ReferencedFrameOfReferenceUID = ds.FrameOfReferenceUID # coming from refCT
dssr.ROIName = self.Contours[iroi].ROIName
#dssr.ROIDescription # optional
dssr.ROIGenerationAlgorithm = 'AUTOMATIC' # can also be 'SEMIAUTOMATIC' OR 'MANUAL', info here
#TODO enable a function to tell us which type of GenerationAlgorithm we have
# delete to remove space
del dssr
#TODO merge all loops into one to be faster, although like this the code is easier to follow I find
# ROI Contour
ds.ROIContourSequence = pydicom.Sequence()
# loop over the ROIs to fill in the fields
for iroi in range(self.NumContours):
# initialize the Dataset
dssr = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr.ROIDisplayColor = self.Contours[iroi].ROIDisplayColor
dssr.ReferencedROINumber = iroi + 1 # because iroi starts at zero and ReferencedROINumber cannot be zero
dssr.ContourSequence = pydicom.Sequence()
# mask to polygon
polygonMeshList = self.Contours[iroi].getROIContour()
# get z vector
z_coords = list(np.arange(self.Contours[iroi].Mask_Offset[2],self.Contours[iroi].Mask_Offset[2]+self.Contours[iroi].Mask_GridSize[2]*self.Contours[iroi].Mask_PixelSpacing[2], self.Contours[iroi].Mask_PixelSpacing[2]))
# loop over the polygonMeshList to fill in ContourSequence
for polygon in polygonMeshList:
# initialize the Dataset
dssr_slc = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr_slc.ContourGeometricType = 'CLOSED_PLANAR' # can also be 'POINT', 'OPEN_PLANAR', 'OPEN_NONPLANAR', info here
#TODO enable the proper selection of the ContourGeometricType
# fill in contour points and data
dssr_slc.NumberOfContourPoints = len(polygon[0::3])
#dssr_slc.ContourNumber # optional
# Smooth contour
smoothed_array_2D = Taubin_smoothing(np.transpose(np.array([polygon[0::3],polygon[1::3]])))
# fill in smoothed contour
polygon[0::3] = smoothed_array_2D[:,0]
polygon[1::3] = smoothed_array_2D[:,1]
dssr_slc.ContourData = polygon
#get slice
polygon_z = polygon[2]
slc = z_coords.index(polygon_z)
# fill in ContourImageSequence
dssr_slc.ContourImageSequence = pydicom.Sequence() # Sequence of images containing the contour
# in our case, we assume we only have one, the reference CT (refCT)
dssr_slc_ref = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr_slc_ref.ReferencedSOPClassUID = refCT.SOPClassUID
dssr_slc_ref.ReferencedSOPInstanceUID = refCT.SOPInstanceUIDs[slc]
# append Dataset to Sequence
# append Dataset
# RT ROI Observations
ds.RTROIObservationsSequence = pydicom.Sequence()
# loop over the ROIs to fill in the fields
for iroi in range(self.NumContours):
# initialize the Dataset
dssr = pydicom.Dataset()
dssr.ObservationNumber = iroi + 1 # because iroi starts at zero and ReferencedROINumber cannot be zero
dssr.ReferencedROINumber = iroi + 1 ## because iroi starts at zero and ReferencedROINumber cannot be zero
dssr.ROIObservationLabel = self.Contours[iroi].ROIName #optional
dssr.RTROIInterpretedType = 'ORGAN' # we can have many types, see here
# TODO enable a better fill in of the RTROIInterpretedType
dssr.ROIInterpreter = '' # empty if unknown
# append Dataset
# Approval
ds.ApprovalStatus = 'UNAPPROVED'#'APPROVED'
# if ds.ApprovalStatus = 'APPROVED', then we need to fill in the reviewer information
#ds.ReviewDate = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d')
#ds.ReviewTime = dt.strftime('%H%M%S.%f')
#ds.ReviewerName = 'MIRO AI team'
# SOP common
ds.SpecificCharacterSet = 'ISO_IR 100' # conditionally required - see info here
#ds.InstanceCreationDate # optional
#ds.InstanceCreationTime # optional
ds.SOPClassUID = '1.2.840.10008.' #RTSTRUCT file
ds.SOPInstanceUID = SOPInstanceUID# Siri's --> pydicom.uid.generate_uid(uid_base)
#ds.InstanceNumber # optional
# save dicom file
print("Export dicom RTSTRUCT: " + outputFile)
class ROIcontour:
def __init__(self):
self.SeriesInstanceUID = ""
self.ROIName = ""
self.ContourSequence = []
def getROIContour(self): # this is from new version of OpenTPS, I(ana) have adapted it to work with old version of self.Contours[i].Mask
from skimage.measure import label, find_contours
from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
print('Module skimage (scikit-image) not installed, ROIMask cannot be converted to ROIContour')
return 0
polygonMeshList = []
for zSlice in range(self.Mask.shape[2]):
labeledImg, numberOfLabel = label(self.Mask[:, :, zSlice], return_num=True)
for i in range(1, numberOfLabel + 1):
singleLabelImg = labeledImg == i
contours = find_contours(singleLabelImg.astype(np.uint8), level=0.6)
if len(contours) > 0:
if len(contours) == 2:
## use a different threshold in the case of an interior contour
contours2 = find_contours(singleLabelImg.astype(np.uint8), level=0.4)
interiorContour = contours2[1]
polygonMesh = []
for point in interiorContour:
xCoord = np.round(point[1]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[1] + self.Mask_Offset[1] # original Damien in OpenTPS
yCoord = np.round(point[0]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[0] + self.Mask_Offset[0] # original Damien in OpenTPS
# xCoord = np.round(point[1]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[0] + self.Mask_Offset[0] #AB
# yCoord = np.round(point[0]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[1] + self.Mask_Offset[1] #AB
zCoord = zSlice * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[2] + self.Mask_Offset[2]
polygonMesh.append(yCoord) # original Damien in OpenTPS
polygonMesh.append(xCoord) # original Damien in OpenTPS
# polygonMesh.append(xCoord) # AB
# polygonMesh.append(yCoord) # AB
contour = contours[0]
polygonMesh = []
for point in contour:
#xCoord = np.round(point[1]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[1] + self.Mask_Offset[1] # original Damien in OpenTPS
#yCoord = np.round(point[0]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[0] + self.Mask_Offset[0] # original Damien in OpenTPS
xCoord = np.round(point[1]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[0] + self.Mask_Offset[0] #AB
yCoord = np.round(point[0]) * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[1] + self.Mask_Offset[1] #AB
zCoord = zSlice * self.Mask_PixelSpacing[2] + self.Mask_Offset[2]
polygonMesh.append(xCoord) # AB
polygonMesh.append(yCoord) # AB
#polygonMesh.append(yCoord) # original Damien in OpenTPS
#polygonMesh.append(xCoord) # original Damien in OpenTPS
## I (ana) will comment this part since I will not use the class ROIContour for simplicity ###
#from import ROIContour ## this is done here to avoir circular imports issue
#contour = ROIContour(name=self.ROIName, displayColor=self.ROIDisplayColor)
#contour.polygonMesh = polygonMeshList
#return contour
# instead returning the polygonMeshList directly
return polygonMeshList