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#pragma once
#include <ATen/functorch/Macros.h>
#include <ATen/core/dispatch/Dispatcher.h>
#include <c10/core/impl/LocalDispatchKeySet.h>
#include <c10/util/Optional.h>
#include <c10/util/variant.h>
#include <bitset>
namespace at { namespace functorch {
// NOTE: [functorch interpreter stack]
// functorch's dispatching system uses a stack of interpreters.
// Historically we've referred to this as the "DynamicLayerStack".
// An interpreter is something that reads in the code it is passed
// and then executes it. We have a different interpreter per-transform:
// the "VmapInterpreter" is responsible for reading in operators (like aten::mv)
// and executing the batched version of it (the batching rule for aten::mv).
// Concretely, each interpreter is responsible for two things:
// 1) process(ophandle, stack)
// Given an operator handle and a stack of arguments, the interpreter is
// responsible for figuring out how to execute the operation under the semantics
// of the interpreter. For e.g. VmapInterpreter, this is figuring out how to call
// the batching rule.
// The batching rules are stored as kernels on the FuncTorchBatched key, so the way
// VmapInterpreter calls the batching rule is roughly: (A) exclude all
// dispatch keys aside from the Batched key, (B) redispatch so we get to the
// Batched key.
// 2) sendToNextInterpreter(ophandle, stack)
// The VmapInterpreter, when it sees aten::mv, will process it into a call to
// aten::mm. It then needs to send the call to aten::mm to the next interpreter
// in the interpreter stack.
// The VmapInterpreter just does this via a call to ophandle.callBoxed(stack)
// and most Interpreters will implement it this way.
enum RandomnessType {
Error, // always errors when calling a random function
Same, // randomness appears the same across batches
Different, // randomness appears different across batches
enum class TransformType {
Torch, // Unused
Grad, // reverse-mode AD, aka vjp
Jvp, // forward-mode AD
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TransformType& t);
// NOTE: [Interpreter "subclassing" design]
// How are various Interpreters for different transforms (vmap, grad, ...)
// implemented?
// Accessing interpreters is in the hot-path of functorch so we have a constraint
// that this code must be as fast as possible.
// As a result, we stay away from virtual methods and this causes our code
// to look a little funny.
// `Interpreter` is the struct for Interpreters. It holds ALL of the
// relevant information (what type of interpreter it is and the metadata).
// Metadata for each interpreter is represented as a Union (c10::variant)
// of all possible metadata (VmapInterpreterMeta, GradInterpreterMeta, ...).
// Given an Interpreter, how do I get a "VmapInterpreter"? You may wish to do this
// if you want to access the metadata fields (like batchSize and randomness).
// Each type of interpreter (e.g. Vmap) has a convenience struct
// (e.g. VmapInterpreterPtr) associated with it.
// Construct the convenience struct with VmapInterpreterPtr(Interpreter*),
// and then one can access methods on VmapInterpreterPtr like so:
// >>> VmapInterpreterPtr(&interpreter).batchSize()
// Finally, Interpreter::process switches on the type of the interpreter
// and calls one of {Transform}Intepreter::processImpl under the hood.
// Same for Interpreter::sendToNextInterpreter :)
struct VmapInterpreterMeta {
explicit VmapInterpreterMeta(int64_t batchSize, RandomnessType randomness) :
batchSize_(batchSize), randomness_(randomness) {}
int64_t batchSize_;
RandomnessType randomness_;
struct GradInterpreterMeta {
explicit GradInterpreterMeta(bool prevGradMode): prevGradMode_(prevGradMode) {}
bool prevGradMode_;
struct JvpInterpreterMeta {
explicit JvpInterpreterMeta(bool prevFwdGradMode) : prevFwdGradMode_(prevFwdGradMode) {}
bool prevFwdGradMode_;
struct FunctionalizeInterpreterMeta {
explicit FunctionalizeInterpreterMeta(bool functionalizeAddBackViews) :
functionalizeAddBackViews_(functionalizeAddBackViews) {}
bool functionalizeAddBackViews_;
typedef c10::variant<
> InterpreterMeta;
struct Interpreter {
// factory functions
static Interpreter Vmap(int64_t level, int64_t batchSize, RandomnessType randomness) {
return Interpreter(TransformType::Vmap, level, VmapInterpreterMeta(batchSize, randomness));
static Interpreter Grad(int64_t level, bool prevGradMode) {
return Interpreter(TransformType::Grad, level, GradInterpreterMeta(prevGradMode));
static Interpreter Jvp(int64_t level, bool prevFwdGradMode) {
return Interpreter(TransformType::Jvp, level, JvpInterpreterMeta(prevFwdGradMode));
static Interpreter Functionalize(int64_t level, bool functionalizeAddBackViews) {
return Interpreter(TransformType::Functionalize, level, FunctionalizeInterpreterMeta(functionalizeAddBackViews));
// methods
TransformType key() const { return type_; }
int64_t level() const { return level_; }
const InterpreterMeta& meta() const { return meta_; }
void process(const c10::OperatorHandle& op, torch::jit::Stack* stack);
void sendToNextInterpreter(const c10::OperatorHandle& op, torch::jit::Stack* stack, bool grad_special_case);
void saveLocalDispatchKeySet(c10::impl::LocalDispatchKeySet keyset) {
savedLocalDispatchKeySet_ = std::move(keyset);
void clearSavedLocalDispatchKeySet() {
savedLocalDispatchKeySet_ = c10::nullopt;
c10::impl::LocalDispatchKeySet getSavedLocalDispatchKeySet() const {
return *savedLocalDispatchKeySet_;
// Please don't use this
explicit Interpreter() = default;
explicit Interpreter(TransformType type, int64_t level, InterpreterMeta meta):
type_(type), level_(level), meta_(meta) {}
// fields
TransformType type_;
int64_t level_;
optional<c10::impl::LocalDispatchKeySet> savedLocalDispatchKeySet_;
InterpreterMeta meta_;
// Applies the following for-loop:
// for i in range(begin, end):
// args[i] = func(args[i])
void foreachTensorInplace(std::vector<IValue>& args, int64_t begin, int64_t end,
std::function<Tensor(const Tensor&)> func);
// Applies the following for-loop:
// for i in range(begin, end):
// if use_flag_relative[i] == 1: <-- treats use_flag_relative as a bitset
// args[i] = func(args[i], i - begin, true)
// args[i] = func(args[i], i - begin)
void foreachTensorInplaceWithFlag(std::vector<IValue>& args, int64_t begin, int64_t end,
const std::bitset<64> use_flag_relative, std::function<Tensor(const Tensor&, bool)> func);
std::vector<int64_t> findUnwrappedInputs(std::vector<IValue>& args, int64_t begin, int64_t end);
DispatchKeySet keysToExcludeWhenEnteringDynamicLayer(TransformType key);
void setup_dispatch_key_tls(DispatchKeySet exclude, DispatchKeySet include);
void sanityCheckStack(const c10::OperatorHandle& op, torch::jit::Stack* stack);
}} // namespace at::functorch