{ "app_config": { "locale": { "default": "zh_CN", "description": "Locale settings for the application", "label": "语言", "type": "string" }, "server_port": { "default": 7860, "description": "Port number for the application, -1 for auto select", "label": "服务端口", "type": "integer" }, "server_name": { "default": "", "description": "Host address for the application", "label": "服务主机", "type": "string", "choices": ["", ""] }, "inbrowser": { "default": true, "description": "Flag to indicate if the application is running in browser", "label": "是否在浏览器中打开", "type": "boolean" }, "synthesizer": { "default": "gsv_fast", "description": "Synthesizer used by app.py, 'remote' for using TTS service running on a remote host", "label": "Web UI 所采用的语音合成器", "type": "string", "choices": ["gsv_fast", "remote"] }, "also_enable_api": { "default": true, "description": "Flag to indicate if API is enabled", "label": "是否启用API", "type": "boolean" }, "max_text_length": { "default": -1, "description": "Maximum length of text to synthesize in Web UI", "label": "Max Text Length", "type": "integer" }, "is_share": { "default": false, "description": "Flag to indicate if sharing is enabled", "label": "是否分享", "type": "boolean" } }, "pure_api_config": { "tts_port": { "default": 7860, "description": "Port number for TTS service", "label": "tts服务端口", "type": "integer" }, "tts_host": { "default": "", "description": "Host address for TTS service", "label": "tts主机端口", "type": "string", "choices": ["", ""] }, "synthesizer": { "default": "gsv_fast", "description": "Synthesizer used by api.py", "label": "api.py 所采用的语音合成器", "type": "string", "choices": ["gsv_fast"] } } }