import os
import jsonlines
import pandas as pd
import time
from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, Repository
import torch
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def generate_responses(llm, batch_texts, sampling_params):
    print("Generating responses for the current batch...")
    appended_prompts = [
        f"you are a captioner, you only generate 3 single sentence long captions as though the text were an image, and return the captions in an enumerated list with each being one sentence long and in quotes, and each a description of a hypothetical image inspired by [{prompt}]"
        for prompt in batch_texts
    outputs = llm.generate(appended_prompts, sampling_params)
    responses = [[output.outputs[k].text.strip() for k in range(len(output.outputs))] for output in outputs]
    return responses
def process_file(llm, filepath, sampling_params):
    print(f"Processing file: {filepath}")
    BATCH_SIZE = 128
    prev_eps = 0
    batch_texts = []
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    batch_counter = 0  # Counter to keep track of batches processed
    if filepath.endswith('.parquet'):
        print("Reading from a parquet file...")
        df = pd.read_parquet(filepath)
        batch_texts = df['TEXT'].tolist()
    total_prompts = len(batch_texts)
    print(f"Total prompts found: {total_prompts}")
    i = 0
    new_filepath = filepath.replace('.parquet', '_processed.jsonl')
    print(f"Data will be saved to: {new_filepath}")
    with, 'w') as writer:
        with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
            while i < total_prompts:
                batch = batch_texts[i:i+BATCH_SIZE]
                start_time = time.time()
                batch_responses = generate_responses(llm, batch, sampling_params)
                end_time = time.time()
                duration = end_time - start_time
                eps = len(batch) / duration
                # Adjust batch size based on examples per second
                if eps > prev_eps and BATCH_SIZE + BATCH_INCREMENT <= total_prompts - i:
                    BATCH_SIZE += BATCH_INCREMENT
                    print(f"Increasing batch size to: {BATCH_SIZE}")
                elif eps < prev_eps and BATCH_SIZE - BATCH_INCREMENT > 0:
                    BATCH_SIZE -= BATCH_INCREMENT
                    print(f"Decreasing batch size to: {BATCH_SIZE}")
                prev_eps = eps
                # Print progress and write to file after every batch.
                print(f"Processed: {min(i + BATCH_SIZE, total_prompts)}/{total_prompts}, Batch Size: {BATCH_SIZE}, EPS: {eps:.2f}")
                print("Writing to the new jsonl file...")
                for idx, text in enumerate(batch):
                    writer.write({'TEXT': text, 'RESPONSE': batch_responses[idx][0]})
                # Delete the processed rows from the original parquet file
                if not df.empty:
                    df = df.iloc[i + BATCH_SIZE:]
                    executor.submit(df.to_parquet, filepath)
                i += BATCH_SIZE
                batch_counter += 1
                # Push to hub every 10 batches
                if batch_counter % 10 == 0:
                    # Initialize the HuggingFace API
                    api = HfApi()
                    # Upload the processed file to the repository
                        print(f"Uploaded {new_filepath} to AlignmentLab-AI/caption_creation_0.8 repository.")
                    except Exception as e:
                        print(f"Error uploading file: {e}")
    # Delete the original parquet file if it is empty
    if df.empty:
        print(f"Deleted the original file: {filepath}")
def main():
    folder_name = 'captionate'
    sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, max_tokens=100)
    print("Initializing the LLM model...")
    llm = LLM("Open-Orca/Mistral-7B-OpenOrca")
    print("Iterating through the files in the folder...")
    for filename in os.listdir(folder_name):
        if filename.endswith(".parquet"):
            process_file(llm, os.path.join(folder_name, filename), sampling_params)
if __name__ == "__main__":