--- base_model: BenjaminOcampo/model-hatebert__trained-in-ishate__seed-0 datasets: - ISHate language: - en library_name: transformers license: bsl-1.0 metrics: - f1 - accuracy tags: - hate-speech-detection - implicit-hate-speech --- This model card documents the demo paper "PEACE: Providing Explanations and Analysis for Combating Hate Expressions" accepted at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence: https://www.ecai2024.eu/calls/demos. # The Model This model is a hate speech detector fine-tuned specifically for detecting implicit hate speech. It is based on the paper "PEACE: Providing Explanations and Analysis for Combating Hate Expressions" by Greta Damo, Nicolás Benjamín Ocampo, Elena Cabrio, and Serena Villata, presented at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. # Training Parameters and Experimental Info The model was trained using the ISHate dataset, focusing on implicit data. Training parameters included: - Batch size: 32 - Weight decay: 0.01 - Epochs: 4 - Learning rate: 2e-5 For detailed information on the training process, please refer to the [model's paper](https://aclanthology.org/2023.findings-emnlp.441/). # Datasets The model was trained on the [ISHate dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/BenjaminOcampo/ISHate), specifically the training part of the dataset which focuses on implicit hate speech. # Evaluation Results The model's performance was evaluated using standard metrics, including F1 score and accuracy. For comprehensive evaluation results, refer to the linked paper. Authors: - [Greta Damo](https://grexit-d.github.io/damo.greta.github.io/) - [Nicolás Benjamín Ocampo](https://www.nicolasbenjaminocampo.com/) - [Elena Cabrio](https://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Elena.Cabrio/) - [Serena Villata](https://webusers.i3s.unice.fr/~villata/Home.html)