File size: 6,419 Bytes
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import argparse
from typing import Dict
import torch
import numpy as np
from gguf import *
from transformers import (
def k(raw_key: str, arch: str) -> str:
return raw_key.format(arch=arch)
def to_gguf_name(name: str) -> str:
og = name
name = name.replace("text_model", "t").replace("vision_model", "v")
name = name.replace("blocks", "blk").replace("embeddings.", "")
name = name.replace("attn.", "attn_")
name = name.replace("mlp.fc1", "ffn_down").replace("mlp.fc2", "ffn_up").replace("proj.", "out.")
# name = name.replace("layrnorm", "ln").replace("layer_norm", "ln").replace("layernorm", "ln")
name = name.replace("norm1", "ln1").replace("norm2", "ln2")
name = name.replace("merger.mlp", 'mm')
print(f"[to_gguf_name] {og} --> {name}")
return name
def find_vision_tensors(qwen2vl, dtype) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
vision_model = qwen2vl.visual
tensor_map = {}
for name, ten in vision_model.state_dict().items():
ten = ten.numpy()
if 'qkv' in name:
if ten.ndim == 2: # weight
c3, _ = ten.shape
else: # bias
c3 = ten.shape[0]
assert c3 % 3 == 0
c = c3 // 3
wq = ten[:c]
wk = ten[c: c * 2]
wv = ten[c * 2:]
tensor_map[to_gguf_name(f"vision_model.{name}").replace("qkv", "q")] = wq
tensor_map[to_gguf_name(f"vision_model.{name}").replace("qkv", "k")] = wk
tensor_map[to_gguf_name(f"vision_model.{name}").replace("qkv", "v")] = wv
elif 'merger' in name:
if name.endswith("ln_q.weight"):
tensor_map['v.post_ln.weight'] = ten
elif name.endswith("ln_q.bias"):
tensor_map['v.post_ln.bias'] = ten
# "merger.mlp.%d.weight/bias" --> "mm.%d.weight/bias"
tensor_map[to_gguf_name(name)] = ten
elif 'patch_embed.proj.weight' in name:
# NOTE: split Conv3D into Conv2Ds
c1, c2, kt, kh, kw = ten.shape
assert kt == 2, "Current implmentation only support temporal_patch_size of 2"
tensor_map["v.patch_embd.weight"] = ten[:, :, 0, ...]
tensor_map["v.patch_embd.weight.1"] = ten[:, :, 1, ...]
tensor_map[to_gguf_name(f"vision_model.{name}")] = ten
for new_name, ten in tensor_map.items():
if ten.ndim <= 1 or new_name.endswith("_norm.weight"):
tensor_map[new_name] = ten.astype(np.float32)
tensor_map[new_name] = ten.astype(dtype)
tensor_map["v.position_embd.weight"] = np.zeros([10, 10], dtype=np.float32) # dummy tensor, just here as a placeholder
return tensor_map
def main(args):
if args.data_type == 'fp32':
dtype = torch.float32
np_dtype = np.float32
ftype = 0
elif args.data_type == 'fp16':
dtype = torch.float32
np_dtype = np.float16
ftype = 1
raise ValueError()
local_model = False
model_path = ""
model_name = args.model_name
print("model_name: ", model_name)
qwen2vl = Qwen2VLForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(
model_name, torch_dtype=dtype, device_map="cpu"
cfg: Qwen2VLConfig = qwen2vl.config # type: ignore[reportAssignmentType]
vcfg = cfg.vision_config
if os.path.isdir(model_name):
local_model = True
if model_name.endswith(os.sep):
model_name = model_name[:-1]
model_path = model_name
model_name = os.path.basename(model_name)
fname_out = f"{model_name.replace('/', '-').lower()}-vision.gguf"
fout = GGUFWriter(path=fname_out, arch="clip")
fout.add_description("image encoder for Qwen2VL")
fout.add_bool("clip.has_text_encoder", False)
fout.add_bool("clip.has_vision_encoder", True)
fout.add_bool("clip.has_qwen2vl_merger", True)
fout.add_string("clip.projector_type", "qwen2vl_merger")
if 'silu' in cfg.vision_config.hidden_act.lower():
fout.add_bool("clip.use_silu", True)
fout.add_bool("clip.use_gelu", False)
elif 'gelu' in cfg.vision_config.hidden_act.lower():
fout.add_bool("clip.use_silu", False)
fout.add_bool("clip.use_gelu", 'quick' not in cfg.vision_config.hidden_act.lower())
raise ValueError()
tensor_map = find_vision_tensors(qwen2vl, np_dtype)
for name, data in tensor_map.items():
fout.add_tensor(name, data)
fout.add_uint32("", vcfg.patch_size)
fout.add_uint32("", 14 * 40) # some reasonable size that is divable by (14*2)
fout.add_uint32(k(KEY_EMBEDDING_LENGTH, VISION), vcfg.embed_dim)
fout.add_uint32("", vcfg.hidden_size)
fout.add_uint32(k(KEY_ATTENTION_HEAD_COUNT, VISION), vcfg.num_heads)
fout.add_float32(k(KEY_ATTENTION_LAYERNORM_EPS, VISION), 1e-6)
fout.add_uint32(k(KEY_BLOCK_COUNT, VISION), vcfg.depth)
fout.add_uint32(k(KEY_FEED_FORWARD_LENGTH, VISION), 0) # not sure what this does, put 0 here as a placeholder
HACK: Since vision rope related parameter aren't stored in the `Qwen2VLConfig,
it will be hardcoded in the `clip_image_build_graph` from `clip.cpp`.
if local_model:
processor: Qwen2VLProcessor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_path)
processor: Qwen2VLProcessor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_name)
fout.add_array("", processor.image_processor.image_mean) # type: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue]
fout.add_array("", processor.image_processor.image_std) # type: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue]
print("save model as: ", fname_out)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("model_name", nargs='?', default="Qwen/Qwen2-VL-2B-Instruct")
parser.add_argument("--data_type", nargs='?', choices=['fp32', 'fp16'], default="fp32")
args = parser.parse_args()