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// Chat support (incl. tool call grammar constraining & output parsing) w/ generic & custom template handlers.
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct common_chat_templates;
struct common_chat_tool_call {
std::string name;
std::string arguments;
std::string id;
struct common_chat_msg_content_part {
std::string type;
std::string text;
struct common_chat_msg {
std::string role;
std::string content;
std::vector<common_chat_msg_content_part> content_parts = {};
std::vector<common_chat_tool_call> tool_calls = {};
std::string reasoning_content;
std::string tool_name;
std::string tool_call_id;
struct common_chat_tool {
std::string name;
std::string description;
std::string parameters;
enum common_chat_tool_choice {
enum common_chat_format {
COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_COUNT, // Not a format, just the # formats
struct common_chat_templates_inputs {
std::vector<common_chat_msg> messages;
std::string grammar;
std::string json_schema;
bool add_generation_prompt = true;
bool use_jinja = true;
// Parameters below only supported when use_jinja is true
std::vector<common_chat_tool> tools;
common_chat_tool_choice tool_choice = COMMON_CHAT_TOOL_CHOICE_AUTO;
bool parallel_tool_calls = false;
bool extract_reasoning = true;
struct common_chat_params {
common_chat_format format = COMMON_CHAT_FORMAT_CONTENT_ONLY;
std::string prompt;
std::string grammar;
bool grammar_lazy = false;
std::vector<common_grammar_trigger> grammar_triggers;
std::vector<std::string> preserved_tokens;
std::vector<std::string> additional_stops;
// Check if the template supplied via "--chat-template" is supported or not. Returns true if it's valid
bool common_chat_verify_template(const std::string & tmpl, bool use_jinja);
void common_chat_templates_free(struct common_chat_templates * tmpls);
struct common_chat_templates_deleter { void operator()(common_chat_templates * tmpls) { common_chat_templates_free(tmpls); } };
typedef std::unique_ptr<struct common_chat_templates, common_chat_templates_deleter> common_chat_templates_ptr;
common_chat_templates_ptr common_chat_templates_init(
const struct llama_model * model,
const std::string & chat_template_override,
const std::string & bos_token_override = "",
const std::string & eos_token_override = "");
bool common_chat_templates_was_explicit(const struct common_chat_templates * tmpls);
const char * common_chat_templates_source(const struct common_chat_templates * tmpls, const char * variant = nullptr);
struct common_chat_params common_chat_templates_apply(
const struct common_chat_templates * tmpls,
const struct common_chat_templates_inputs & inputs);
// Format single message, while taking into account the position of that message in chat history
std::string common_chat_format_single(
const struct common_chat_templates * tmpls,
const std::vector<common_chat_msg> & past_msg,
const common_chat_msg & new_msg,
bool add_ass,
bool use_jinja);
// Returns an example of formatted chat
std::string common_chat_format_example(
const struct common_chat_templates * tmpls,
bool use_jinja);
std::string common_chat_format_name(common_chat_format format);
common_chat_msg common_chat_parse( const std::string & input, common_chat_format format);
common_chat_tool_choice common_chat_tool_choice_parse_oaicompat(const std::string & tool_choice);
// Parses a JSON array of messages in OpenAI's chat completion API format.
// T can be std::string containing JSON or nlohmann::ordered_json
template <class T> std::vector<common_chat_msg> common_chat_msgs_parse_oaicompat(const T & messages);
template <class T> T common_chat_msgs_to_json_oaicompat(const std::vector<common_chat_msg> & msgs, bool concat_typed_text = false);
// Parses a JSON array of tools in OpenAI's chat completion tool call API format.
// T can be std::string containing JSON or nlohmann::ordered_json
template <class T> std::vector<common_chat_tool> common_chat_tools_parse_oaicompat(const T & tools);
template <class T> T common_chat_tools_to_json_oaicompat(const std::vector<common_chat_tool> & tools);