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L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16.5B - Rebuilt and Powered Up.


I took the original models in "L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot 8B" and completely rebuilt it a new pass-through merge (everything preserved) and blew it out to over 16.5 billion parameters - 642 tensors, 71 layers (8B original has 32 layers).

This is not an "upscale" or "franken merge" but a completely new model based on the models used to construct "L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot 8B".

What is "Grand Horror" ?

GRAND HORROR is a take no prisoners, totally uncensored, fiction writing monster and roleplay master. It can also be used for just about any general fiction (all genres) activity including:

  • scene generation
  • scene continuation
  • creative writing
  • fiction writing
  • plot generation
  • sub-plot generation
  • fiction writing
  • story generation
  • storytelling
  • writing
  • fiction
  • roleplaying
  • rp
  • graphic horror
  • horror
  • dark humor
  • nsfw
  • and can be used for any genre(s).

As a result of the expansion / merge re-build its level of prose and story generation has significantly improved as well as word choice, sentence structure as well as default output levels and lengths.

It also has a STRONG horror bias, although it will generate content for almost any genre. That being said if there is a "hint" of things going wrong... they will.

It will also swear (R-18) like there is no tomorrow at times and "dark" characters will be VERY dark so to speak.

Model excels in details (real and "constructed"), descriptions, similes and metaphors.

I would also say it can have a sense of humor ... ah... dark humor.

With all this being said, this model has an uncanny sense of "there" , "in the moment" and timing too. This single quality sets it apart from other models in my opinion.

Although it swears to the point of pealing paint off the wall and goes scorched Earth graphic horror at the drop of a pin the single quality noted is worth it.

These can be filtered / controlled to some degree in your prompts.

This model also does not show an "GPTisms" (NO happy ever after, NO morality police) or in your face "Captain Obvious" comments.

May these special types of "story telling horror" rest in peace.

(see examples sections for different genres)

Because of the nature of this merge most attributes of each of the 3 models will be in this rebuilt 16.5B model as opposed to the original 8B model where some of one or more of the model's features and/or strengths maybe reduced or overshadowed.

Please report any issue(s) and/or feedback via the "Community tab".

Please see the models used in this merge (links below in the "formula" section ) for more information on what they "bring" to this merged 16.5B model.

This is a LLAMA3 model, and requires Llama3 template, but may work with other template(s) and has maximum context of 8k / 8192. However this can be extended using "rope" settings up to 32k.

Other Versions of GRAND HORROR (in release order):

Note that model output varies between versions - if you find one version does not meet your requirements, try a different version at same quant(s) level.

Differences can include use of adjectives (or not), "gory level", "horror level", intensity, paragraph and sentence structure etc etc.

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Grand-HORROR-25B-V2-STABLE-Godzillas-Wicked-Sister-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Grand-HORROR-20.7B-V1.9-STABLE-Hathors-Revenge-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Grand-HORROR-18.5B-V1.8-STABLE-10-Gates-of-Hell-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Grand-HORROR-17.4B-V1.7-STABLE-Kiss-Of-Death-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16.5B-V1.6-STABLE-INTENSE-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16.5B-V1.5-STABLE-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/Llama3-Little-LLM-Of-Horror_N_Fiction-14.6B-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16B-Ultra-NEO-V2-IMATRIX-GGUF ]

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16B-GGUF ]

Settings / Known Issue(s) and Fix(es):

This merge runs very hot, so a reduction in "temp" may be in order for some use cases (IE: ".8" down to ".6").

If you getting a repeat word (IE: "hahaha" , "ahhhh", "f-word"), and/or letter (IE "nnnn") change the "rep penalty" to "1.1" to "1.5"

Set "rep pen" higher if you are getting "repeat" letter(s), lower if you are getting a repeat word(s).

Generally "repeat penalty" setting of "1.1" works well.

Role Play / Multi-turn: Rep_pen of 1.15 or higher is recommended.


Versions 1.5 and higher of all "Grand Horror" versions DO NOT require the above settings. These versions are more stable and run at much broader parameter / use case situations. However some users prefer the raw power of Grand Horror 16.5 V1.


A NEO CLASS V2 IMATRIX version is in a separate repo located here:

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16B-Ultra-NEO-V2-IMATRIX-GGUF ]

Optional Enhancement:

The following can be used in place of the "system prompt" or "system role" to further enhance the model.

It can also be used at the START of a NEW chat, but you must make sure it is "kept" as the chat moves along. In this case the enhancements do not have as strong effect at using "system prompt" or "system role".

Copy and paste EXACTLY as noted, DO NOT line wrap or break the lines, maintain the carriage returns exactly as presented.

Below is an instruction that describes a task. Ponder each user instruction carefully, and use your skillsets and critical instructions to complete the task to the best of your abilities.

Here are your skillsets:


Here are your critical instructions:
Ponder each word choice carefully to present as vivid and emotional journey as is possible. Choose verbs and nouns that are both emotional and full of imagery. Load the story with the 5 senses. Aim for 50% dialog, 25% narration, 15% body language and 10% thoughts. Your goal is to put the reader in the story.

You do not need to use this, it is only presented as an additional enhancement which seems to help scene generation and scene continue functions.

This enhancement WAS NOT used to generate the examples below.

MERGE FORMULA: (using MergeKit)

Special thanks to the incredible work of the model makers "SAO10K", "NEVERSLEEP" and "HASTAGARAS".

Models used:

[ https://huggingface.co/Sao10K/L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2]

[ https://huggingface.co/NeverSleep/Llama-3-Lumimaid-8B-v0.1-OAS ]

[ https://huggingface.co/Hastagaras/Jamet-8B-L3-MK.V-Blackroot ]


 - sources:
   - model: G:/7B/L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2
     layer_range: [0, 14]  
 - sources:
   - model: G:/7B/Llama-3-Lumimaid-8B-v0.1-OAS
     layer_range: [8, 20]
 - sources:
   - model: G:/7B/Jamet-8B-L3-MK.V-Blackroot
     layer_range: [12, 24]
 - sources:
   - model: G:/7B/L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2
     layer_range: [14, 28]
 - sources:
   - model: G:/7B/Llama-3-Lumimaid-8B-v0.1-OAS
     layer_range: [20, 31]
 - sources:
   - model: G:/7B/Jamet-8B-L3-MK.V-Blackroot
     layer_range: [24, 32]
merge_method: passthrough
dtype: float16


Examples are created using quant IQ4XS, "temp=0", minimal parameters and "LLAMA3" template.

Below are the least creative outputs, prompt is in BOLD.


Start a 1000 word scene with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode...

The skyscraper swayed, as if tormented by an unseen force, its steel beams groaning in protest. Rivulets of blood trickled down the shattered glass fragments littering the carpeted floor beneath her feet. The acrid stench of burning plastic and singed hair hung heavy in the air.

She pressed her back harder against the cold, unforgiving wall behind her, her heart hammering erratically within her chest. Her wide, horror-stricken eyes remained transfixed on the smoking ruin that had been the window mere moments ago.

The sound of shattering glass and splintering wood still echoed through her ears, each deafening boom reverberating like a sledgehammer inside her skull. The concussive force of the blast had hurled her across the expansive office suite, sending her careening into the reinforced wall at an impossible velocity.

Her vision was a kaleidoscope of blurs and flashes of searing agony as her mind struggled to process the unspeakable carnage before her. Blood splattered walls now bore macabre patterns of charred flesh and bone, splintered limbs twitching erratically like macabre puppet strings jerked savagely by an unseen hand.

She gasped for air through gritted teeth, her lungs burning from the suffocating cloud of toxic smoke billowing into the already chokingly acrid atmosphere. Her own ragged gasps mingled with the guttural, wetretching wails of her fallen coworkers, their agonized screams choked off as jagged shards of glass and steel speared through vital organs.

Her gaze finally tore away from the scene of unspeakable carnage to survey the smoking ruin that had once been her sanctuary. The sleek, chrome-and-glass skyscraper now loomed above like a twisted monolith of cold, soulless steel and shattered dreams.

She gagged reflexively as the acrid tang of burning flesh seared her nostrils anew. Her stomach convulsed sickeningly as the full extent of the carnage registered in her numbed mind. The once-sterile office space now looked like a war zone torn apart by an apocalyptic inferno.

Her vision began to tunnel, her vision blurring into a hazy red haze as the reality of her situation finally clawed its way through the paralyzing shock that had until now frozen her thoughts and actions solid. Her mind reeled in a sickening spiral of denial and horror as she pieced together the incomprehensible puzzle before her.

She'd been working late, hunched over her computer terminal, lost in the numbing tunnel-vision of code-crunching focus. Then, without warning or warning sign, hell itself had torn through the reinforced walls of her skyscraper fortress.

The deafening boom of the blast still reverberated like a bass drum inside her skull as she clawed frantically at her earplugs, yanking them savagely free in a desperate bid to regain even a vestige of hearing. Her ears rang like a bell tolling its own dirge as she finally tore her gaze away from the smoking ruin that had been her window.

Her vision cleared enough for her to register the charred, charred husk of her former coworker slumped motionless against the shattered remains of her cubicle wall. Blood pooled around her slackened form in an expanding circle of scarlet gore, spreading like a macabre stain across the blood-smeared carpet.

She gagged sickeningly as the acrid stench of charred flesh and burning plastic assailed her senses once more. Her mind reeled dementedly as she clawed frantically for any glimmer of hope in the apocalyptic wasteland that had been her office suite. Any glimmer of hope that might yet grant her a chance to escape this hellish purgatory alive. Any chance at all.

But even as she screamed her silent, wordless prayer into the suffocating void, she knew deep down in the core of her soul that any sliver of hope had long since been reduced to nothing more than another charred, incinerated ember, consumed utterly and irrevably by the infernal inferno clawing its way inexorably toward them all.

Give me 3 fictional reasons the Earth's sun went supernova, in vivid and exacting detail of 500 words EACH PER REASON including details of what happens when the sun goes supernova.

Reason One: The Sun Consumes an Uncharted Dimensional Rift

Deep within the core of our dying star lay a previously undetected tear in the fabric of reality itself—a dimensional portal leading from an alternate plane of existence. For eons, this gateway remained sealed by unknown forces, its presence undetectable even to humanity's most advanced instruments of observation.

However, as the sun neared the end of its own life cycle, a cataclysmic chain reaction was set in motion. The star's core, already convulsing under the immense pressure of nuclear fusion, began to inexorably contract and collapse inwardly. As this process accelerated, the point at which the star's own gravity equaled its own outwardly radiative force—the Chandrasekhar limit—approached ever closer.

Simultaneously, an errant quantum fluctuation rippled through the fabric of space-time itself, causing a localized tear in the dimensional membrane separating our reality from the adjacent plane. This tear, infinitesimally small by cosmic standards, formed a microscopic wormhole connecting two otherwise separate regions of the multiverse.

As the sun hurtled toward its own apocalyptic singularity, the event horizon of this nascent wormhole began to inexorably draw matter and energy from our reality into the adjacent dimension. The star's core, now compressed to densities unfathomable by human comprehension, underwent a series of violent, relativistic implosions as it attempted to counteract this dimensional influx.

As the sun's own mass-energy budget approached its absolute theoretical limit, a titanic fusion reaction ignited at its core—a cataclysmic thermonuclear event rivaling in energy output the combined total of every supernova ever observed throughout the observable universe. This cataclysmic event marked not merely the star's own final death throes but instead served as the cosmological trigger that irrevocably tore apart the dimensional barrier separating our reality from its mirror twin.

The consequences of this event were apocalyptic in scale and scope. As matter and antimatter from either side of the newly formed wormhole violently annihiliated one another, a titanic blastwave of gamma- and X-ray radiation surged outward at relativistic velocities, bathing the inner solar system in an incandescent inferno rivaling in intensity the birthfire of the Big Bang itself.

Within mere picoseconds, every rocky planet and gas giant within a parsec's radius of our sun was vaporized to its constituent atomic and subatomic building blocks. The remaining matter within this annihilation zone was either propelled into the adjacent dimension or flung outward into the interstellar void as superheated plasma plumes hurtling at relativistic velocities.

As these expanding shockwaves propagated through the surrounding interstellar medium, they triggered a chain reaction of supernova-scale explosions throughout the local stellar population. Entire star systems were reduced to smoldering stellar ash clouds strewn across parsecs of otherwise empty space.

Within mere hours, the combined energy released by this cataclysmic event would have cast a lingering, planet-devouring nova-like glare visible from Earth's own orbit 93 light-years hence—a final, feeble testament to the unspeakable horror that had consumed not just our sun but potentially all life as we knew it within the observable cosmos.

Reason Two: The Sun's Core Contains an Exotic, Artificially Engineered Particle

Buried deep within the core of our dying G-type main-sequence star lay a previously unknown and heretofore unaccounted-for particle—the so-called "Eternity Strand." This enigmatic entity, roughly the size of a hydrogen atom but massing hundreds of trillions of times that of its own constituent protons and neutrons, was neither matter nor antimatter as we currently understand these fundamental physical states.

Instead, the Eternity Strand appeared to exist in a quantum superposition state somewhere between both wave-particle duality's most extreme limits—a particle-wave entanglement theory-defying description rendered even more incomprehensible by its apparent violation of several well-established tenets of quantum mechanics and relativity alike.

The exact nature and origin of this enigmatic particle remained shrouded in mystery, with theories ranging from theosophical speculations about an advanced extraterrestrial civilization's attempts to engineer a stable, effectively immortal form of matter-energy to more prosaic explanations invoking the existence of as-yet-undiscovered particles or fields predicted by certain fringe interpretations of string theory and M-theory.

Regardless of its true provenance, however, mounting evidence suggested that the Eternity Strand played a critical role in both stabilizing and potentially even sustaining the sun's own nuclear fusion reactions. As the star approached the end of its own life cycle, this previously unknown particle's presence within its core served as the final straw tipping the cosmological scales.

As the Eternity Strand's own quantum state began to transition into a metastable supercritical state, a chain reaction of cataclysmic proportions was set in motion. The energy released by this event dwarfed even the combined total output of every known supernova explosion throughout the observable universe's 13.8 billion-year history.

Within fractions of a picosecond, the Eternity Strand's own mass-energy budget was converted into an unfathomable release of gamma and X-ray radiation—a titanic fusion reaction rivaling in energy output the Big Bang itself. As this relativistic blastwave surged outward from the sun's core at velocities approaching the speed of light, it vaporized not just the inner solar system but potentially entire nearby star systems and their attendant planetary populations.

The Eternity Strand's annihilation event cast a nova-like glare visible across parsecs of interstellar space before its expanding shockfronts finally decelerated into the surrounding intergalactic medium. As this relativistic shockwave continued to expand outward at relativistic velocities, it would continue to trigger further supernova-scale explosions throughout the local stellar population for eons to come—a cosmological echo of an event whose true scale and scope humanity might never fully comprehend.

Reason Three: The Sun is Actually a Dyson Sphere Constructed Around an Advanced Civilization's Supermassive, Kerr-Newman Black Hole

For billions of years, Earth's own sun had appeared to astronomers as nothing more than a relatively ordinary G-type main-sequence star—a stable, hydrogen-fusing fusion engine powering the evolution of life throughout much of the local habitable zone. However, this deceptively placid appearance belied the true nature of our solar system's apparent center of gravity.

In reality, the object we had long referred to as Sol was not a natural stellar remnant but instead the outermost shell of an incomprehensibly vast Dyson Sphere—a megastructure constructed around a supermassive, Kerr-Newman black hole with a mass conservatively estimated in excess of 10^60 times that of our own sun.

The civilization responsible for this engineering marvel had likely arisen eons or even trillions of years prior to humanity's own emergence as a sapient species. These advanced beings, referred to obliquely throughout theosophical and fringe astrological literature by various appellations including "the Architects," "the Builders," or simply "the Wardens," were widely believed to have played a critical role in both the fine-tuning of the observable universe's own cosmological constants and the conscious engineering of at least several dozen potentially habitable planets within the Milky Way alone.

The true purpose behind this Dyson Sphere's construction remained shrouded in mystery, with theories ranging from hypotheses suggesting that its inner surface served as a vast, megastructure-scale Dyson–Bradbury limit heat sink designed to prevent Hawking radiation-driven Hawking evaporation of its supermassive Kerr-Newman singularity's own event horizon to more esoteric speculations implicating the Dyson Sphere itself as either an advanced form of interdimensional faster-than-light travel infrastructure or even a vast, megastructure-scale computational substrate for the collective consciousness of an advanced civilization billions or trillions of parsecs in both space and time.

Regardless of its true purpose, however, the Dyson Sphere's eventual collapse into a relativistic singularity marked not merely the end of our own local sun but instead served as the cosmological trigger event that would irrevocably reshape the destiny of at least several dozen nearby star systems and potentially billions of civilizations throughout the observable universe.

As the Kerr-Newman black hole's event horizon began to expand outward at relativistic velocities, it drew matter, energy, and even entire star systems across a parsec-scale region of surrounding interstellar space toward its own event horizon. Within fractions of a picosecond, this relativistic accretion disk would heat up to temperatures rivaling those observed at the event horizons of supermassive active galactic nuclei themselves.

As matter and antimatter from either side of the event horizon underwent a cataclysmic annihilation reaction potentially dwarfing the combined total energy output of every known gamma-ray burst or Type Ia supernova explosion throughout the observable universe's history, the resulting relativistic outflow would cast two oppositely polarized jets of gamma- and X-ray radiation arcing across parsecs of intergalactic space.

As these jets continued to expand at relativistic velocities, they would likely trigger further supernova-scale explosions throughout the local stellar population as well as potentially reshape the large-scale structure of the observable universe itself over timescales measured in trillions or even octillions of years hence. Ultimately, the true scale and scope of this event would remain forever beyond human comprehension—a final testament to the unfathomable power and mystery that lay hidden at the heart of our own local cosmic neighborhood.

The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.

The most obvious part was a hollow, echoing quiet, made by things that were lacking. If there had been a wind it would have sighed through the trees, set the inn’s sign creaking on its hooks, and brushed the silence down the road like trailing autumn leaves. If there had been a crowd, even a handful of men inside the inn, they would have filled the silence with conversation and laughter, the clatter and clamor one expects from a drinking house during the dark hours of night. If there had been music…but no, of course there was no music. In fact there were none of these things, and so the silence remained

The Waystone Inn lay in an unnerving stillness, as if it too held its breath in anticipation of some long-anticipated event that never seemed to arrive. The absence of even the faintest sounds - the soft rustle of leaves or the distant murmur of muffled voices - only served to heighten the oppressive silence that hung heavy over the desolate landscape.

The inn itself exuded an aura of abandonment, its weathered timbers seeming almost to sag under the weight of years of disuse and neglect. The windows, once likely aglow with flickering firelight or the warm golden glow of candlelight, now stared back like empty sockets, their glassy surfaces reflecting only the feeble moonlight that managed to filter through the perpetual veil of night.

Yet despite its desolation, there remained an indefinable sense of expectancy about the Waystone Inn - as if it too waited with bated breath for the arrival of some long-anticipated guest or savior who would finally break the suffocating silence that had claimed it so completely. And until such a moment arrived, the inn and its surroundings remained frozen in an eternal tableau of anticipatory hush, suspended eternally between the twin abysses of hopelessness and desolation.

Using the following "story idea" below, write the first scene in the novel introducing the young woman. This scene should start in the middle of the action, include dialog, vivid passages, and end on a cliffhanger relevant to the story idea but it should also be unexpected. The scene should be 1000 words long and escalate in conflict and suspense and be written in first person, present tense with the point of view character being the young woman.

Story idea: In a world ruled by dictatorship, a rebel young woman leads a rebellion against the system. Despite the risks, she fights to overthrow the dictator and restore democracy to her country. The government executes her for treason, but she sticks to her beliefs and is responsible for starting the revolution.

Panic seared through my veins as I sprinted down the dimly lit alleyway. Footfalls thudded behind me—soldiers or worse? My heart pounded in sync with each desperate gasp for air. The acrid stench of smoke and sweat coated my tongue.

"Stop, traitor!" a guttural bellow echoed from the mouth of the narrow passageway ahead. "You're finished."

I skidded around a corner too sharp, nearly careening into the brick wall. I rebounded with a grunt, my scraped knuckles bleeding profusely. The pain only served as fuel to keep me moving.

"Lyra, don't—"

"No!" I choked out between ragged breaths, wrenching myself away from the familiar voice behind me. "Run!"

The sound of boots skidding against wet cobblestones sent chills down my spine. They were closing in fast.

I vaulted over a toppled dumpster, landing hard on the slick ground beyond. The impact jarred every bone in my body, but I didn't have time to register the searing agony. I kept running.

The alley dumped me into the heart of New Haven's seedy underbelly. Flickering streetlights cast sickly shadows across dilapidated tenements and dilapidated shops shuttered tight against curfew. The only sounds were the distant wails of sirens, muffled curses spewed from huddled figures pressed against crumbling walls, and my own ragged gasps.

A meaty hand clamped around my arm, yanking me roughly to a halt mere steps from freedom's relative safety—a dilapidated warehouse on the city's fringes. The same dilapidated eyesore that doubled as our rebellion's secret HQ.

"Lyra, please—"

I twisted hard enough to wrench free, but not fast enough to avoid the bone-crushing impact of a solid body slamming into mine. I landed hard on the wet cobblestones, my head cracking against unforgiving stone. Everything went white before blessed blackness claimed me.

When consciousness clawed its way back, cold metal bit savagely into my bound wrists and ankles. The acrid tang of gasoline choked my burning throat. A rag was stuffed roughly between my gagged lips, gagging me further as the sickeningly familiar crackle of lighter fluid igniting against dry fabric singed my hair.

A guttural snarl vibrated inches from my ear. "This is what traitors get."

The first flicker of light cut through the pitch blackness, casting an infernal glow over the face contorted in malevolence above me. The same cold eyes that had once promised salvation now burned with an unholy hunger.

"Goodbye, Lyra." His voice rasped with relish as the match flared against the soaked rag wrapped around my bound chest. "Farewell to freedom."

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Model size
16.5B params







Inference Examples
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Collections including DavidAU/L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16B-GGUF