license: apache-2.0
Still needs some work to improve performance, but it's good—almost like [DeepMount00/universal_ner_ita](https://huggingface.co/DeepMount00/universal_ner_ita).

## Installation
To use this model, you must install the GLiNER Python library:
!pip install gliner

## Usage
Once you've downloaded the GLiNER library, you can import the GLiNER class. You can then load this model using `GLiNER.from_pretrained` and predict entities with `predict_entities`.

from gliner import GLiNER

model = GLiNER.from_pretrained("DeepMount00/GLiNER_ITA_SMALL")

text = """..."""

labels = ["label1", "label2"]

entities = model.predict_entities(text, labels)

for entity in entities:
    print(entity["text"], "=>", entity["label"])