#!/usr/bin/env zx |
import { $, fs, glob } from "zx"; |
import { ast_grep } from "./ast_grep.js"; |
import { errors } from "./errors.js"; |
import { root } from "./utils.js"; |
await Promise.all([ |
fs.remove(root("cjs")), |
fs.remove(root("_")), |
fs.remove(root("src")), |
]); |
let modules = await glob("*.js", { cwd: root("esm") }); |
const task_queue = []; |
const NO_MODIFY = [ |
"/* This file is automatically generated and should not be manually edited. */", |
"/* To modify this file, please run the `npm run build` command instead. */", |
]; |
const indexESM = [...NO_MODIFY, ""]; |
const indexCJS = [`"use strict";`, "", ...NO_MODIFY, ""]; |
const cjs_export_list = []; |
const cjs_module_lexer = []; |
const main_package_json = fs.readJSONSync(root("package.json")); |
main_package_json.exports = { |
"./package.json": "./package.json", |
"./esm/*": "./esm/*", |
"./cjs/*": "./cjs/*", |
"./src/*": "./src/*", |
".": { import: "./esm/index.js", default: "./cjs/index.cjs" }, |
"./_": { import: "./esm/index.js", default: "./cjs/index.cjs" }, |
}; |
modules.forEach((p) => { |
const importBinding = p.slice(0, -3); |
main_package_json.exports[`./_/${importBinding}`] = { |
import: `./esm/${importBinding}.js`, |
default: `./cjs/${importBinding}.cjs`, |
}; |
const alias_package = { |
main: `../../cjs/${importBinding}.cjs`, |
module: `../../esm/${importBinding}.js`, |
}; |
task_queue.push( |
fs.outputJSON(root("_", importBinding, "package.json"), alias_package, { |
encoding: "utf-8", |
spaces: 4, |
}), |
); |
if (importBinding === "index") { |
return; |
} |
task_queue.push( |
fs.outputFile(root("src", `${importBinding}.mjs`), re_export_esm(importBinding), { |
encoding: "utf-8", |
}), |
); |
indexESM.push(`export { ${importBinding} } from "./${importBinding}.js";`); |
cjs_module_lexer.push(`${importBinding}: null,`); |
cjs_export_list.push(`get ${importBinding}() { |
return require("./${importBinding}.cjs")._; |
},`); |
}); |
indexCJS.push( |
`0 && (module.exports = {`, |
"/* @Annotate_start: the CommonJS named exports for ESM import in node */", |
...cjs_module_lexer, |
"/* @Annotate_end */", |
`});`, |
`module.exports = {`, |
...cjs_export_list, |
`};`, |
); |
task_queue.push( |
fs.outputJSON(root("package.json"), main_package_json, { spaces: 4 }), |
fs.outputFile(root("esm", "index.js"), indexESM.join("\n") + "\n", { |
encoding: "utf-8", |
}), |
fs.outputFile(root("cjs", "index.cjs"), indexCJS.join("\n") + "\n", { |
encoding: "utf-8", |
}), |
fs.outputFile(root("src", "index.mjs"), `export * from "../esm/index.js"`, { |
"encoding": "utf-8", |
}), |
); |
task_queue.push(...ast_grep()); |
await Promise.all(task_queue); |
if (errors.length > 0) { |
errors.forEach((e) => { |
console.error(e); |
}); |
process.exitCode = 1; |
} else { |
$.cwd = root("."); |
await $`dprint fmt`; |
await $`dprint fmt "scripts/*.js" -c scripts/.dprint.json`; |
} |
function re_export_esm(importBinding) { |
return `export { _ as default } from "../esm/${importBinding}.js"`; |
} |