import { parser } from '@lezer/python'; |
import { syntaxTree, LRLanguage, indentNodeProp, delimitedIndent, foldNodeProp, foldInside, LanguageSupport } from '@codemirror/language'; |
import { NodeWeakMap, IterMode } from '@lezer/common'; |
import { snippetCompletion, ifNotIn, completeFromList } from '@codemirror/autocomplete'; |
const cache = new NodeWeakMap(); |
const ScopeNodes = new Set([ |
"Script", "Body", |
"FunctionDefinition", "ClassDefinition", "LambdaExpression", |
"ForStatement", "MatchClause" |
]); |
function defID(type) { |
return (node, def, outer) => { |
if (outer) |
return false; |
let id = node.node.getChild("VariableName"); |
if (id) |
def(id, type); |
return true; |
}; |
} |
const gatherCompletions = { |
FunctionDefinition: defID("function"), |
ClassDefinition: defID("class"), |
ForStatement(node, def, outer) { |
if (outer) |
for (let child = node.node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { |
if (child.name == "VariableName") |
def(child, "variable"); |
else if (child.name == "in") |
break; |
} |
}, |
ImportStatement(_node, def) { |
var _a, _b; |
let { node } = _node; |
let isFrom = ((_a = node.firstChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) == "from"; |
for (let ch = node.getChild("import"); ch; ch = ch.nextSibling) { |
if (ch.name == "VariableName" && ((_b = ch.nextSibling) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.name) != "as") |
def(ch, isFrom ? "variable" : "namespace"); |
} |
}, |
AssignStatement(node, def) { |
for (let child = node.node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { |
if (child.name == "VariableName") |
def(child, "variable"); |
else if (child.name == ":" || child.name == "AssignOp") |
break; |
} |
}, |
ParamList(node, def) { |
for (let prev = null, child = node.node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { |
if (child.name == "VariableName" && (!prev || !/\*|AssignOp/.test(prev.name))) |
def(child, "variable"); |
prev = child; |
} |
}, |
CapturePattern: defID("variable"), |
AsPattern: defID("variable"), |
__proto__: null |
}; |
function getScope(doc, node) { |
let cached = cache.get(node); |
if (cached) |
return cached; |
let completions = [], top = true; |
function def(node, type) { |
let name = doc.sliceString(node.from, node.to); |
completions.push({ label: name, type }); |
} |
node.cursor(IterMode.IncludeAnonymous).iterate(node => { |
if (node.name) { |
let gather = gatherCompletions[node.name]; |
if (gather && gather(node, def, top) || !top && ScopeNodes.has(node.name)) |
return false; |
top = false; |
} |
else if (node.to - node.from > 8192) { |
for (let c of getScope(doc, node.node)) |
completions.push(c); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
cache.set(node, completions); |
return completions; |
} |
const Identifier = /^[\w\xa1-\uffff][\w\d\xa1-\uffff]*$/; |
const dontComplete = ["String", "FormatString", "Comment", "PropertyName"]; |
function localCompletionSource(context) { |
let inner = syntaxTree(context.state).resolveInner(context.pos, -1); |
if (dontComplete.indexOf(inner.name) > -1) |
return null; |
let isWord = inner.name == "VariableName" || |
inner.to - inner.from < 20 && Identifier.test(context.state.sliceDoc(inner.from, inner.to)); |
if (!isWord && !context.explicit) |
return null; |
let options = []; |
for (let pos = inner; pos; pos = pos.parent) { |
if (ScopeNodes.has(pos.name)) |
options = options.concat(getScope(context.state.doc, pos)); |
} |
return { |
options, |
from: isWord ? inner.from : context.pos, |
validFor: Identifier |
}; |
} |
const globals = [ |
"__annotations__", "__builtins__", "__debug__", "__doc__", "__import__", "__name__", |
"__loader__", "__package__", "__spec__", |
"False", "None", "True" |
].map(n => ({ label: n, type: "constant" })).concat([ |
"ArithmeticError", "AssertionError", "AttributeError", "BaseException", "BlockingIOError", |
"BrokenPipeError", "BufferError", "BytesWarning", "ChildProcessError", "ConnectionAbortedError", |
"ConnectionError", "ConnectionRefusedError", "ConnectionResetError", "DeprecationWarning", |
"EOFError", "Ellipsis", "EncodingWarning", "EnvironmentError", "Exception", "FileExistsError", |
"FileNotFoundError", "FloatingPointError", "FutureWarning", "GeneratorExit", "IOError", |
"ImportError", "ImportWarning", "IndentationError", "IndexError", "InterruptedError", |
"IsADirectoryError", "KeyError", "KeyboardInterrupt", "LookupError", "MemoryError", |
"ModuleNotFoundError", "NameError", "NotADirectoryError", "NotImplemented", "NotImplementedError", |
"OSError", "OverflowError", "PendingDeprecationWarning", "PermissionError", "ProcessLookupError", |
"RecursionError", "ReferenceError", "ResourceWarning", "RuntimeError", "RuntimeWarning", |
"StopAsyncIteration", "StopIteration", "SyntaxError", "SyntaxWarning", "SystemError", |
"SystemExit", "TabError", "TimeoutError", "TypeError", "UnboundLocalError", "UnicodeDecodeError", |
"UnicodeEncodeError", "UnicodeError", "UnicodeTranslateError", "UnicodeWarning", "UserWarning", |
"ValueError", "Warning", "ZeroDivisionError" |
].map(n => ({ label: n, type: "type" }))).concat([ |
"bool", "bytearray", "bytes", "classmethod", "complex", "float", "frozenset", "int", "list", |
"map", "memoryview", "object", "range", "set", "staticmethod", "str", "super", "tuple", "type" |
].map(n => ({ label: n, type: "class" }))).concat([ |
"abs", "aiter", "all", "anext", "any", "ascii", "bin", "breakpoint", "callable", "chr", |
"compile", "delattr", "dict", "dir", "divmod", "enumerate", "eval", "exec", "exit", "filter", |
"format", "getattr", "globals", "hasattr", "hash", "help", "hex", "id", "input", "isinstance", |
"issubclass", "iter", "len", "license", "locals", "max", "min", "next", "oct", "open", |
"ord", "pow", "print", "property", "quit", "repr", "reversed", "round", "setattr", "slice", |
"sorted", "sum", "vars", "zip" |
].map(n => ({ label: n, type: "function" }))); |
const snippets = [ |
snippetCompletion("def ${name}(${params}):\n\t${}", { |
label: "def", |
detail: "function", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("for ${name} in ${collection}:\n\t${}", { |
label: "for", |
detail: "loop", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("while ${}:\n\t${}", { |
label: "while", |
detail: "loop", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("try:\n\t${}\nexcept ${error}:\n\t${}", { |
label: "try", |
detail: "/ except block", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("if ${}:\n\t\n", { |
label: "if", |
detail: "block", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("if ${}:\n\t${}\nelse:\n\t${}", { |
label: "if", |
detail: "/ else block", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("class ${name}:\n\tdef __init__(self, ${params}):\n\t\t\t${}", { |
label: "class", |
detail: "definition", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("import ${module}", { |
label: "import", |
detail: "statement", |
type: "keyword" |
}), |
snippetCompletion("from ${module} import ${names}", { |
label: "from", |
detail: "import", |
type: "keyword" |
}) |
]; |
const globalCompletion = ifNotIn(dontComplete, completeFromList(globals.concat(snippets))); |
function innerBody(context) { |
let { node, pos } = context; |
let lineIndent = context.lineIndent(pos, -1); |
let found = null; |
for (;;) { |
let before = node.childBefore(pos); |
if (!before) { |
break; |
} |
else if (before.name == "Comment") { |
pos = before.from; |
} |
else if (before.name == "Body") { |
if (context.baseIndentFor(before) + context.unit <= lineIndent) |
found = before; |
node = before; |
} |
else if (before.type.is("Statement")) { |
node = before; |
} |
else { |
break; |
} |
} |
return found; |
} |
function indentBody(context, node) { |
let base = context.baseIndentFor(node); |
let line = context.lineAt(context.pos, -1), to = line.from + line.text.length; |
if (/^\s*($|#)/.test(line.text) && |
context.node.to < to + 100 && |
!/\S/.test(context.state.sliceDoc(to, context.node.to)) && |
context.lineIndent(context.pos, -1) <= base) |
return null; |
if (/^\s*(else:|elif |except |finally:)/.test(context.textAfter) && context.lineIndent(context.pos, -1) > base) |
return null; |
return base + context.unit; |
} |
const pythonLanguage = LRLanguage.define({ |
name: "python", |
parser: parser.configure({ |
props: [ |
indentNodeProp.add({ |
Body: context => { |
var _a; |
let inner = innerBody(context); |
return (_a = indentBody(context, inner || context.node)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context.continue(); |
}, |
IfStatement: cx => /^\s*(else:|elif )/.test(cx.textAfter) ? cx.baseIndent : cx.continue(), |
"ForStatement WhileStatement": cx => /^\s*else:/.test(cx.textAfter) ? cx.baseIndent : cx.continue(), |
TryStatement: cx => /^\s*(except |finally:|else:)/.test(cx.textAfter) ? cx.baseIndent : cx.continue(), |
"TupleExpression ComprehensionExpression ParamList ArgList ParenthesizedExpression": delimitedIndent({ closing: ")" }), |
"DictionaryExpression DictionaryComprehensionExpression SetExpression SetComprehensionExpression": delimitedIndent({ closing: "}" }), |
"ArrayExpression ArrayComprehensionExpression": delimitedIndent({ closing: "]" }), |
"String FormatString": () => null, |
Script: context => { |
var _a; |
let inner = innerBody(context); |
return (_a = (inner && indentBody(context, inner))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context.continue(); |
} |
}), |
foldNodeProp.add({ |
"ArrayExpression DictionaryExpression SetExpression TupleExpression": foldInside, |
Body: (node, state) => ({ from: node.from + 1, to: node.to - (node.to == state.doc.length ? 0 : 1) }) |
}) |
], |
}), |
languageData: { |
closeBrackets: { |
brackets: ["(", "[", "{", "'", '"', "'''", '"""'], |
stringPrefixes: ["f", "fr", "rf", "r", "u", "b", "br", "rb", |
"F", "FR", "RF", "R", "U", "B", "BR", "RB"] |
}, |
commentTokens: { line: "#" }, |
indentOnInput: /^\s*([\}\]\)]|else:|elif |except |finally:)$/ |
} |
}); |
function python() { |
return new LanguageSupport(pythonLanguage, [ |
pythonLanguage.data.of({ autocomplete: localCompletionSource }), |
pythonLanguage.data.of({ autocomplete: globalCompletion }), |
]); |
} |
export { globalCompletion, localCompletionSource, python, pythonLanguage }; |