'use strict'; |
var view = require('@codemirror/view'); |
var state = require('@codemirror/state'); |
var elt = require('crelt'); |
const basicNormalize = typeof String.prototype.normalize == "function" |
? x => x.normalize("NFKD") : x => x; |
class SearchCursor { |
constructor(text, query, from = 0, to = text.length, normalize, test) { |
this.test = test; |
this.value = { from: 0, to: 0 }; |
this.done = false; |
this.matches = []; |
this.buffer = ""; |
this.bufferPos = 0; |
this.iter = text.iterRange(from, to); |
this.bufferStart = from; |
this.normalize = normalize ? x => normalize(basicNormalize(x)) : basicNormalize; |
this.query = this.normalize(query); |
} |
peek() { |
if (this.bufferPos == this.buffer.length) { |
this.bufferStart += this.buffer.length; |
this.iter.next(); |
if (this.iter.done) |
return -1; |
this.bufferPos = 0; |
this.buffer = this.iter.value; |
} |
return state.codePointAt(this.buffer, this.bufferPos); |
} |
next() { |
while (this.matches.length) |
this.matches.pop(); |
return this.nextOverlapping(); |
} |
nextOverlapping() { |
for (;;) { |
let next = this.peek(); |
if (next < 0) { |
this.done = true; |
return this; |
} |
let str = state.fromCodePoint(next), start = this.bufferStart + this.bufferPos; |
this.bufferPos += state.codePointSize(next); |
let norm = this.normalize(str); |
for (let i = 0, pos = start;; i++) { |
let code = norm.charCodeAt(i); |
let match = this.match(code, pos, this.bufferPos + this.bufferStart); |
if (i == norm.length - 1) { |
if (match) { |
this.value = match; |
return this; |
} |
break; |
} |
if (pos == start && i < str.length && str.charCodeAt(i) == code) |
pos++; |
} |
} |
} |
match(code, pos, end) { |
let match = null; |
for (let i = 0; i < this.matches.length; i += 2) { |
let index = this.matches[i], keep = false; |
if (this.query.charCodeAt(index) == code) { |
if (index == this.query.length - 1) { |
match = { from: this.matches[i + 1], to: end }; |
} |
else { |
this.matches[i]++; |
keep = true; |
} |
} |
if (!keep) { |
this.matches.splice(i, 2); |
i -= 2; |
} |
} |
if (this.query.charCodeAt(0) == code) { |
if (this.query.length == 1) |
match = { from: pos, to: end }; |
else |
this.matches.push(1, pos); |
} |
if (match && this.test && !this.test(match.from, match.to, this.buffer, this.bufferStart)) |
match = null; |
return match; |
} |
} |
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined") |
SearchCursor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }; |
const empty = { from: -1, to: -1, match: /.*/.exec("") }; |
const baseFlags = "gm" + (/x/.unicode == null ? "" : "u"); |
class RegExpCursor { |
constructor(text, query, options, from = 0, to = text.length) { |
this.text = text; |
this.to = to; |
this.curLine = ""; |
this.done = false; |
this.value = empty; |
if (/\\[sWDnr]|\n|\r|\[\^/.test(query)) |
return new MultilineRegExpCursor(text, query, options, from, to); |
this.re = new RegExp(query, baseFlags + ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.ignoreCase) ? "i" : "")); |
this.test = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.test; |
this.iter = text.iter(); |
let startLine = text.lineAt(from); |
this.curLineStart = startLine.from; |
this.matchPos = toCharEnd(text, from); |
this.getLine(this.curLineStart); |
} |
getLine(skip) { |
this.iter.next(skip); |
if (this.iter.lineBreak) { |
this.curLine = ""; |
} |
else { |
this.curLine = this.iter.value; |
if (this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length > this.to) |
this.curLine = this.curLine.slice(0, this.to - this.curLineStart); |
this.iter.next(); |
} |
} |
nextLine() { |
this.curLineStart = this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length + 1; |
if (this.curLineStart > this.to) |
this.curLine = ""; |
else |
this.getLine(0); |
} |
next() { |
for (let off = this.matchPos - this.curLineStart;;) { |
this.re.lastIndex = off; |
let match = this.matchPos <= this.to && this.re.exec(this.curLine); |
if (match) { |
let from = this.curLineStart + match.index, to = from + match[0].length; |
this.matchPos = toCharEnd(this.text, to + (from == to ? 1 : 0)); |
if (from == this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length) |
this.nextLine(); |
if ((from < to || from > this.value.to) && (!this.test || this.test(from, to, match))) { |
this.value = { from, to, match }; |
return this; |
} |
off = this.matchPos - this.curLineStart; |
} |
else if (this.curLineStart + this.curLine.length < this.to) { |
this.nextLine(); |
off = 0; |
} |
else { |
this.done = true; |
return this; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
const flattened = new WeakMap(); |
class FlattenedDoc { |
constructor(from, text) { |
this.from = from; |
this.text = text; |
} |
get to() { return this.from + this.text.length; } |
static get(doc, from, to) { |
let cached = flattened.get(doc); |
if (!cached || cached.from >= to || cached.to <= from) { |
let flat = new FlattenedDoc(from, doc.sliceString(from, to)); |
flattened.set(doc, flat); |
return flat; |
} |
if (cached.from == from && cached.to == to) |
return cached; |
let { text, from: cachedFrom } = cached; |
if (cachedFrom > from) { |
text = doc.sliceString(from, cachedFrom) + text; |
cachedFrom = from; |
} |
if (cached.to < to) |
text += doc.sliceString(cached.to, to); |
flattened.set(doc, new FlattenedDoc(cachedFrom, text)); |
return new FlattenedDoc(from, text.slice(from - cachedFrom, to - cachedFrom)); |
} |
} |
class MultilineRegExpCursor { |
constructor(text, query, options, from, to) { |
this.text = text; |
this.to = to; |
this.done = false; |
this.value = empty; |
this.matchPos = toCharEnd(text, from); |
this.re = new RegExp(query, baseFlags + ((options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.ignoreCase) ? "i" : "")); |
this.test = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.test; |
this.flat = FlattenedDoc.get(text, from, this.chunkEnd(from + 5000 )); |
} |
chunkEnd(pos) { |
return pos >= this.to ? this.to : this.text.lineAt(pos).to; |
} |
next() { |
for (;;) { |
let off = this.re.lastIndex = this.matchPos - this.flat.from; |
let match = this.re.exec(this.flat.text); |
if (match && !match[0] && match.index == off) { |
this.re.lastIndex = off + 1; |
match = this.re.exec(this.flat.text); |
} |
if (match) { |
let from = this.flat.from + match.index, to = from + match[0].length; |
if ((this.flat.to >= this.to || match.index + match[0].length <= this.flat.text.length - 10) && |
(!this.test || this.test(from, to, match))) { |
this.value = { from, to, match }; |
this.matchPos = toCharEnd(this.text, to + (from == to ? 1 : 0)); |
return this; |
} |
} |
if (this.flat.to == this.to) { |
this.done = true; |
return this; |
} |
this.flat = FlattenedDoc.get(this.text, this.flat.from, this.chunkEnd(this.flat.from + this.flat.text.length * 2)); |
} |
} |
} |
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined") { |
RegExpCursor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = MultilineRegExpCursor.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = |
function () { return this; }; |
} |
function validRegExp(source) { |
try { |
new RegExp(source, baseFlags); |
return true; |
} |
catch (_a) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
function toCharEnd(text, pos) { |
if (pos >= text.length) |
return pos; |
let line = text.lineAt(pos), next; |
while (pos < line.to && (next = line.text.charCodeAt(pos - line.from)) >= 0xDC00 && next < 0xE000) |
pos++; |
return pos; |
} |
function createLineDialog(view$1) { |
let line = String(view$1.state.doc.lineAt(view$1.state.selection.main.head).number); |
let input = elt("input", { class: "cm-textfield", name: "line", value: line }); |
let dom = elt("form", { |
class: "cm-gotoLine", |
onkeydown: (event) => { |
if (event.keyCode == 27) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
view$1.dispatch({ effects: dialogEffect.of(false) }); |
view$1.focus(); |
} |
else if (event.keyCode == 13) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
go(); |
} |
}, |
onsubmit: (event) => { |
event.preventDefault(); |
go(); |
} |
}, elt("label", view$1.state.phrase("Go to line"), ": ", input), " ", elt("button", { class: "cm-button", type: "submit" }, view$1.state.phrase("go"))); |
function go() { |
let match = /^([+-])?(\d+)?(:\d+)?(%)?$/.exec(input.value); |
if (!match) |
return; |
let { state: state$1 } = view$1, startLine = state$1.doc.lineAt(state$1.selection.main.head); |
let [, sign, ln, cl, percent] = match; |
let col = cl ? +cl.slice(1) : 0; |
let line = ln ? +ln : startLine.number; |
if (ln && percent) { |
let pc = line / 100; |
if (sign) |
pc = pc * (sign == "-" ? -1 : 1) + (startLine.number / state$1.doc.lines); |
line = Math.round(state$1.doc.lines * pc); |
} |
else if (ln && sign) { |
line = line * (sign == "-" ? -1 : 1) + startLine.number; |
} |
let docLine = state$1.doc.line(Math.max(1, Math.min(state$1.doc.lines, line))); |
let selection = state.EditorSelection.cursor(docLine.from + Math.max(0, Math.min(col, docLine.length))); |
view$1.dispatch({ |
effects: [dialogEffect.of(false), view.EditorView.scrollIntoView(selection.from, { y: 'center' })], |
selection, |
}); |
view$1.focus(); |
} |
return { dom }; |
} |
const dialogEffect = state.StateEffect.define(); |
const dialogField = state.StateField.define({ |
create() { return true; }, |
update(value, tr) { |
for (let e of tr.effects) |
if (e.is(dialogEffect)) |
value = e.value; |
return value; |
}, |
provide: f => view.showPanel.from(f, val => val ? createLineDialog : null) |
}); |
const gotoLine = view$1 => { |
let panel = view.getPanel(view$1, createLineDialog); |
if (!panel) { |
let effects = [dialogEffect.of(true)]; |
if (view$1.state.field(dialogField, false) == null) |
effects.push(state.StateEffect.appendConfig.of([dialogField, baseTheme$1])); |
view$1.dispatch({ effects }); |
panel = view.getPanel(view$1, createLineDialog); |
} |
if (panel) |
panel.dom.querySelector("input").select(); |
return true; |
}; |
const baseTheme$1 = view.EditorView.baseTheme({ |
".cm-panel.cm-gotoLine": { |
padding: "2px 6px 4px", |
"& label": { fontSize: "80%" } |
} |
}); |
const defaultHighlightOptions = { |
highlightWordAroundCursor: false, |
minSelectionLength: 1, |
maxMatches: 100, |
wholeWords: false |
}; |
const highlightConfig = state.Facet.define({ |
combine(options) { |
return state.combineConfig(options, defaultHighlightOptions, { |
highlightWordAroundCursor: (a, b) => a || b, |
minSelectionLength: Math.min, |
maxMatches: Math.min |
}); |
} |
}); |
function highlightSelectionMatches(options) { |
let ext = [defaultTheme, matchHighlighter]; |
if (options) |
ext.push(highlightConfig.of(options)); |
return ext; |
} |
const matchDeco = view.Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-selectionMatch" }); |
const mainMatchDeco = view.Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-selectionMatch cm-selectionMatch-main" }); |
function insideWordBoundaries(check, state$1, from, to) { |
return (from == 0 || check(state$1.sliceDoc(from - 1, from)) != state.CharCategory.Word) && |
(to == state$1.doc.length || check(state$1.sliceDoc(to, to + 1)) != state.CharCategory.Word); |
} |
function insideWord(check, state$1, from, to) { |
return check(state$1.sliceDoc(from, from + 1)) == state.CharCategory.Word |
&& check(state$1.sliceDoc(to - 1, to)) == state.CharCategory.Word; |
} |
const matchHighlighter = view.ViewPlugin.fromClass(class { |
constructor(view) { |
this.decorations = this.getDeco(view); |
} |
update(update) { |
if (update.selectionSet || update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged) |
this.decorations = this.getDeco(update.view); |
} |
getDeco(view$1) { |
let conf = view$1.state.facet(highlightConfig); |
let { state } = view$1, sel = state.selection; |
if (sel.ranges.length > 1) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
let range = sel.main, query, check = null; |
if (range.empty) { |
if (!conf.highlightWordAroundCursor) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
let word = state.wordAt(range.head); |
if (!word) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
check = state.charCategorizer(range.head); |
query = state.sliceDoc(word.from, word.to); |
} |
else { |
let len = range.to - range.from; |
if (len < conf.minSelectionLength || len > 200) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
if (conf.wholeWords) { |
query = state.sliceDoc(range.from, range.to); |
check = state.charCategorizer(range.head); |
if (!(insideWordBoundaries(check, state, range.from, range.to) && |
insideWord(check, state, range.from, range.to))) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
} |
else { |
query = state.sliceDoc(range.from, range.to); |
if (!query) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
} |
} |
let deco = []; |
for (let part of view$1.visibleRanges) { |
let cursor = new SearchCursor(state.doc, query, part.from, part.to); |
while (!cursor.next().done) { |
let { from, to } = cursor.value; |
if (!check || insideWordBoundaries(check, state, from, to)) { |
if (range.empty && from <= range.from && to >= range.to) |
deco.push(mainMatchDeco.range(from, to)); |
else if (from >= range.to || to <= range.from) |
deco.push(matchDeco.range(from, to)); |
if (deco.length > conf.maxMatches) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
} |
} |
} |
return view.Decoration.set(deco); |
} |
}, { |
decorations: v => v.decorations |
}); |
const defaultTheme = view.EditorView.baseTheme({ |
".cm-selectionMatch": { backgroundColor: "#99ff7780" }, |
".cm-searchMatch .cm-selectionMatch": { backgroundColor: "transparent" } |
}); |
const selectWord = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
let { selection } = state$1; |
let newSel = state.EditorSelection.create(selection.ranges.map(range => state$1.wordAt(range.head) || state.EditorSelection.cursor(range.head)), selection.mainIndex); |
if (newSel.eq(selection)) |
return false; |
dispatch(state$1.update({ selection: newSel })); |
return true; |
}; |
function findNextOccurrence(state, query) { |
let { main, ranges } = state.selection; |
let word = state.wordAt(main.head), fullWord = word && word.from == main.from && word.to == main.to; |
for (let cycled = false, cursor = new SearchCursor(state.doc, query, ranges[ranges.length - 1].to);;) { |
cursor.next(); |
if (cursor.done) { |
if (cycled) |
return null; |
cursor = new SearchCursor(state.doc, query, 0, Math.max(0, ranges[ranges.length - 1].from - 1)); |
cycled = true; |
} |
else { |
if (cycled && ranges.some(r => r.from == cursor.value.from)) |
continue; |
if (fullWord) { |
let word = state.wordAt(cursor.value.from); |
if (!word || word.from != cursor.value.from || word.to != cursor.value.to) |
continue; |
} |
return cursor.value; |
} |
} |
} |
const selectNextOccurrence = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
let { ranges } = state$1.selection; |
if (ranges.some(sel => sel.from === sel.to)) |
return selectWord({ state: state$1, dispatch }); |
let searchedText = state$1.sliceDoc(ranges[0].from, ranges[0].to); |
if (state$1.selection.ranges.some(r => state$1.sliceDoc(r.from, r.to) != searchedText)) |
return false; |
let range = findNextOccurrence(state$1, searchedText); |
if (!range) |
return false; |
dispatch(state$1.update({ |
selection: state$1.selection.addRange(state.EditorSelection.range(range.from, range.to), false), |
effects: view.EditorView.scrollIntoView(range.to) |
})); |
return true; |
}; |
const searchConfigFacet = state.Facet.define({ |
combine(configs) { |
return state.combineConfig(configs, { |
top: false, |
caseSensitive: false, |
literal: false, |
regexp: false, |
wholeWord: false, |
createPanel: view => new SearchPanel(view), |
scrollToMatch: range => view.EditorView.scrollIntoView(range) |
}); |
} |
}); |
function search(config) { |
return config ? [searchConfigFacet.of(config), searchExtensions] : searchExtensions; |
} |
class SearchQuery { |
constructor(config) { |
this.search = config.search; |
this.caseSensitive = !!config.caseSensitive; |
this.literal = !!config.literal; |
this.regexp = !!config.regexp; |
this.replace = config.replace || ""; |
this.valid = !!this.search && (!this.regexp || validRegExp(this.search)); |
this.unquoted = this.unquote(this.search); |
this.wholeWord = !!config.wholeWord; |
} |
unquote(text) { |
return this.literal ? text : |
text.replace(/\\([nrt\\])/g, (_, ch) => ch == "n" ? "\n" : ch == "r" ? "\r" : ch == "t" ? "\t" : "\\"); |
} |
eq(other) { |
return this.search == other.search && this.replace == other.replace && |
this.caseSensitive == other.caseSensitive && this.regexp == other.regexp && |
this.wholeWord == other.wholeWord; |
} |
create() { |
return this.regexp ? new RegExpQuery(this) : new StringQuery(this); |
} |
getCursor(state$1, from = 0, to) { |
let st = state$1.doc ? state$1 : state.EditorState.create({ doc: state$1 }); |
if (to == null) |
to = st.doc.length; |
return this.regexp ? regexpCursor(this, st, from, to) : stringCursor(this, st, from, to); |
} |
} |
class QueryType { |
constructor(spec) { |
this.spec = spec; |
} |
} |
function stringCursor(spec, state, from, to) { |
return new SearchCursor(state.doc, spec.unquoted, from, to, spec.caseSensitive ? undefined : x => x.toLowerCase(), spec.wholeWord ? stringWordTest(state.doc, state.charCategorizer(state.selection.main.head)) : undefined); |
} |
function stringWordTest(doc, categorizer) { |
return (from, to, buf, bufPos) => { |
if (bufPos > from || bufPos + buf.length < to) { |
bufPos = Math.max(0, from - 2); |
buf = doc.sliceString(bufPos, Math.min(doc.length, to + 2)); |
} |
return (categorizer(charBefore(buf, from - bufPos)) != state.CharCategory.Word || |
categorizer(charAfter(buf, from - bufPos)) != state.CharCategory.Word) && |
(categorizer(charAfter(buf, to - bufPos)) != state.CharCategory.Word || |
categorizer(charBefore(buf, to - bufPos)) != state.CharCategory.Word); |
}; |
} |
class StringQuery extends QueryType { |
constructor(spec) { |
super(spec); |
} |
nextMatch(state, curFrom, curTo) { |
let cursor = stringCursor(this.spec, state, curTo, state.doc.length).nextOverlapping(); |
if (cursor.done) |
cursor = stringCursor(this.spec, state, 0, curFrom).nextOverlapping(); |
return cursor.done ? null : cursor.value; |
} |
prevMatchInRange(state, from, to) { |
for (let pos = to;;) { |
let start = Math.max(from, pos - 10000 - this.spec.unquoted.length); |
let cursor = stringCursor(this.spec, state, start, pos), range = null; |
while (!cursor.nextOverlapping().done) |
range = cursor.value; |
if (range) |
return range; |
if (start == from) |
return null; |
pos -= 10000 ; |
} |
} |
prevMatch(state, curFrom, curTo) { |
return this.prevMatchInRange(state, 0, curFrom) || |
this.prevMatchInRange(state, curTo, state.doc.length); |
} |
getReplacement(_result) { return this.spec.unquote(this.spec.replace); } |
matchAll(state, limit) { |
let cursor = stringCursor(this.spec, state, 0, state.doc.length), ranges = []; |
while (!cursor.next().done) { |
if (ranges.length >= limit) |
return null; |
ranges.push(cursor.value); |
} |
return ranges; |
} |
highlight(state, from, to, add) { |
let cursor = stringCursor(this.spec, state, Math.max(0, from - this.spec.unquoted.length), Math.min(to + this.spec.unquoted.length, state.doc.length)); |
while (!cursor.next().done) |
add(cursor.value.from, cursor.value.to); |
} |
} |
function regexpCursor(spec, state, from, to) { |
return new RegExpCursor(state.doc, spec.search, { |
ignoreCase: !spec.caseSensitive, |
test: spec.wholeWord ? regexpWordTest(state.charCategorizer(state.selection.main.head)) : undefined |
}, from, to); |
} |
function charBefore(str, index) { |
return str.slice(state.findClusterBreak(str, index, false), index); |
} |
function charAfter(str, index) { |
return str.slice(index, state.findClusterBreak(str, index)); |
} |
function regexpWordTest(categorizer) { |
return (_from, _to, match) => !match[0].length || |
(categorizer(charBefore(match.input, match.index)) != state.CharCategory.Word || |
categorizer(charAfter(match.input, match.index)) != state.CharCategory.Word) && |
(categorizer(charAfter(match.input, match.index + match[0].length)) != state.CharCategory.Word || |
categorizer(charBefore(match.input, match.index + match[0].length)) != state.CharCategory.Word); |
} |
class RegExpQuery extends QueryType { |
nextMatch(state, curFrom, curTo) { |
let cursor = regexpCursor(this.spec, state, curTo, state.doc.length).next(); |
if (cursor.done) |
cursor = regexpCursor(this.spec, state, 0, curFrom).next(); |
return cursor.done ? null : cursor.value; |
} |
prevMatchInRange(state, from, to) { |
for (let size = 1;; size++) { |
let start = Math.max(from, to - size * 10000 ); |
let cursor = regexpCursor(this.spec, state, start, to), range = null; |
while (!cursor.next().done) |
range = cursor.value; |
if (range && (start == from || range.from > start + 10)) |
return range; |
if (start == from) |
return null; |
} |
} |
prevMatch(state, curFrom, curTo) { |
return this.prevMatchInRange(state, 0, curFrom) || |
this.prevMatchInRange(state, curTo, state.doc.length); |
} |
getReplacement(result) { |
return this.spec.unquote(this.spec.replace).replace(/\$([$&\d+])/g, (m, i) => i == "$" ? "$" |
: i == "&" ? result.match[0] |
: i != "0" && +i < result.match.length ? result.match[i] |
: m); |
} |
matchAll(state, limit) { |
let cursor = regexpCursor(this.spec, state, 0, state.doc.length), ranges = []; |
while (!cursor.next().done) { |
if (ranges.length >= limit) |
return null; |
ranges.push(cursor.value); |
} |
return ranges; |
} |
highlight(state, from, to, add) { |
let cursor = regexpCursor(this.spec, state, Math.max(0, from - 250 ), Math.min(to + 250 , state.doc.length)); |
while (!cursor.next().done) |
add(cursor.value.from, cursor.value.to); |
} |
} |
const setSearchQuery = state.StateEffect.define(); |
const togglePanel = state.StateEffect.define(); |
const searchState = state.StateField.define({ |
create(state) { |
return new SearchState(defaultQuery(state).create(), null); |
}, |
update(value, tr) { |
for (let effect of tr.effects) { |
if (effect.is(setSearchQuery)) |
value = new SearchState(effect.value.create(), value.panel); |
else if (effect.is(togglePanel)) |
value = new SearchState(value.query, effect.value ? createSearchPanel : null); |
} |
return value; |
}, |
provide: f => view.showPanel.from(f, val => val.panel) |
}); |
function getSearchQuery(state) { |
let curState = state.field(searchState, false); |
return curState ? curState.query.spec : defaultQuery(state); |
} |
function searchPanelOpen(state) { |
var _a; |
return ((_a = state.field(searchState, false)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.panel) != null; |
} |
class SearchState { |
constructor(query, panel) { |
this.query = query; |
this.panel = panel; |
} |
} |
const matchMark = view.Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-searchMatch" }), selectedMatchMark = view.Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-searchMatch cm-searchMatch-selected" }); |
const searchHighlighter = view.ViewPlugin.fromClass(class { |
constructor(view) { |
this.view = view; |
this.decorations = this.highlight(view.state.field(searchState)); |
} |
update(update) { |
let state = update.state.field(searchState); |
if (state != update.startState.field(searchState) || update.docChanged || update.selectionSet || update.viewportChanged) |
this.decorations = this.highlight(state); |
} |
highlight({ query, panel }) { |
if (!panel || !query.spec.valid) |
return view.Decoration.none; |
let { view: view$1 } = this; |
let builder = new state.RangeSetBuilder(); |
for (let i = 0, ranges = view$1.visibleRanges, l = ranges.length; i < l; i++) { |
let { from, to } = ranges[i]; |
while (i < l - 1 && to > ranges[i + 1].from - 2 * 250 ) |
to = ranges[++i].to; |
query.highlight(view$1.state, from, to, (from, to) => { |
let selected = view$1.state.selection.ranges.some(r => r.from == from && r.to == to); |
builder.add(from, to, selected ? selectedMatchMark : matchMark); |
}); |
} |
return builder.finish(); |
} |
}, { |
decorations: v => v.decorations |
}); |
function searchCommand(f) { |
return view => { |
let state = view.state.field(searchState, false); |
return state && state.query.spec.valid ? f(view, state) : openSearchPanel(view); |
}; |
} |
const findNext = searchCommand((view, { query }) => { |
let { to } = view.state.selection.main; |
let next = query.nextMatch(view.state, to, to); |
if (!next) |
return false; |
let selection = state.EditorSelection.single(next.from, next.to); |
let config = view.state.facet(searchConfigFacet); |
view.dispatch({ |
selection, |
effects: [announceMatch(view, next), config.scrollToMatch(selection.main, view)], |
userEvent: "select.search" |
}); |
selectSearchInput(view); |
return true; |
}); |
const findPrevious = searchCommand((view, { query }) => { |
let { state: state$1 } = view, { from } = state$1.selection.main; |
let prev = query.prevMatch(state$1, from, from); |
if (!prev) |
return false; |
let selection = state.EditorSelection.single(prev.from, prev.to); |
let config = view.state.facet(searchConfigFacet); |
view.dispatch({ |
selection, |
effects: [announceMatch(view, prev), config.scrollToMatch(selection.main, view)], |
userEvent: "select.search" |
}); |
selectSearchInput(view); |
return true; |
}); |
const selectMatches = searchCommand((view, { query }) => { |
let ranges = query.matchAll(view.state, 1000); |
if (!ranges || !ranges.length) |
return false; |
view.dispatch({ |
selection: state.EditorSelection.create(ranges.map(r => state.EditorSelection.range(r.from, r.to))), |
userEvent: "select.search.matches" |
}); |
return true; |
}); |
const selectSelectionMatches = ({ state: state$1, dispatch }) => { |
let sel = state$1.selection; |
if (sel.ranges.length > 1 || sel.main.empty) |
return false; |
let { from, to } = sel.main; |
let ranges = [], main = 0; |
for (let cur = new SearchCursor(state$1.doc, state$1.sliceDoc(from, to)); !cur.next().done;) { |
if (ranges.length > 1000) |
return false; |
if (cur.value.from == from) |
main = ranges.length; |
ranges.push(state.EditorSelection.range(cur.value.from, cur.value.to)); |
} |
dispatch(state$1.update({ |
selection: state.EditorSelection.create(ranges, main), |
userEvent: "select.search.matches" |
})); |
return true; |
}; |
const replaceNext = searchCommand((view$1, { query }) => { |
let { state: state$1 } = view$1, { from, to } = state$1.selection.main; |
if (state$1.readOnly) |
return false; |
let next = query.nextMatch(state$1, from, from); |
if (!next) |
return false; |
let changes = [], selection, replacement; |
let effects = []; |
if (next.from == from && next.to == to) { |
replacement = state$1.toText(query.getReplacement(next)); |
changes.push({ from: next.from, to: next.to, insert: replacement }); |
next = query.nextMatch(state$1, next.from, next.to); |
effects.push(view.EditorView.announce.of(state$1.phrase("replaced match on line $", state$1.doc.lineAt(from).number) + ".")); |
} |
if (next) { |
let off = changes.length == 0 || changes[0].from >= next.to ? 0 : next.to - next.from - replacement.length; |
selection = state.EditorSelection.single(next.from - off, next.to - off); |
effects.push(announceMatch(view$1, next)); |
effects.push(state$1.facet(searchConfigFacet).scrollToMatch(selection.main, view$1)); |
} |
view$1.dispatch({ |
changes, selection, effects, |
userEvent: "input.replace" |
}); |
return true; |
}); |
const replaceAll = searchCommand((view$1, { query }) => { |
if (view$1.state.readOnly) |
return false; |
let changes = query.matchAll(view$1.state, 1e9).map(match => { |
let { from, to } = match; |
return { from, to, insert: query.getReplacement(match) }; |
}); |
if (!changes.length) |
return false; |
let announceText = view$1.state.phrase("replaced $ matches", changes.length) + "."; |
view$1.dispatch({ |
changes, |
effects: view.EditorView.announce.of(announceText), |
userEvent: "input.replace.all" |
}); |
return true; |
}); |
function createSearchPanel(view) { |
return view.state.facet(searchConfigFacet).createPanel(view); |
} |
function defaultQuery(state, fallback) { |
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; |
let sel = state.selection.main; |
let selText = sel.empty || sel.to > sel.from + 100 ? "" : state.sliceDoc(sel.from, sel.to); |
if (fallback && !selText) |
return fallback; |
let config = state.facet(searchConfigFacet); |
return new SearchQuery({ |
search: ((_a = fallback === null || fallback === void 0 ? void 0 : fallback.literal) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : config.literal) ? selText : selText.replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), |
caseSensitive: (_b = fallback === null || fallback === void 0 ? void 0 : fallback.caseSensitive) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : config.caseSensitive, |
literal: (_c = fallback === null || fallback === void 0 ? void 0 : fallback.literal) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : config.literal, |
regexp: (_d = fallback === null || fallback === void 0 ? void 0 : fallback.regexp) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : config.regexp, |
wholeWord: (_e = fallback === null || fallback === void 0 ? void 0 : fallback.wholeWord) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : config.wholeWord |
}); |
} |
function getSearchInput(view$1) { |
let panel = view.getPanel(view$1, createSearchPanel); |
return panel && panel.dom.querySelector("[main-field]"); |
} |
function selectSearchInput(view) { |
let input = getSearchInput(view); |
if (input && input == view.root.activeElement) |
input.select(); |
} |
const openSearchPanel = view => { |
let state$1 = view.state.field(searchState, false); |
if (state$1 && state$1.panel) { |
let searchInput = getSearchInput(view); |
if (searchInput && searchInput != view.root.activeElement) { |
let query = defaultQuery(view.state, state$1.query.spec); |
if (query.valid) |
view.dispatch({ effects: setSearchQuery.of(query) }); |
searchInput.focus(); |
searchInput.select(); |
} |
} |
else { |
view.dispatch({ effects: [ |
togglePanel.of(true), |
state$1 ? setSearchQuery.of(defaultQuery(view.state, state$1.query.spec)) : state.StateEffect.appendConfig.of(searchExtensions) |
] }); |
} |
return true; |
}; |
const closeSearchPanel = view$1 => { |
let state = view$1.state.field(searchState, false); |
if (!state || !state.panel) |
return false; |
let panel = view.getPanel(view$1, createSearchPanel); |
if (panel && panel.dom.contains(view$1.root.activeElement)) |
view$1.focus(); |
view$1.dispatch({ effects: togglePanel.of(false) }); |
return true; |
}; |
const searchKeymap = [ |
{ key: "Mod-f", run: openSearchPanel, scope: "editor search-panel" }, |
{ key: "F3", run: findNext, shift: findPrevious, scope: "editor search-panel", preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Mod-g", run: findNext, shift: findPrevious, scope: "editor search-panel", preventDefault: true }, |
{ key: "Escape", run: closeSearchPanel, scope: "editor search-panel" }, |
{ key: "Mod-Shift-l", run: selectSelectionMatches }, |
{ key: "Mod-Alt-g", run: gotoLine }, |
{ key: "Mod-d", run: selectNextOccurrence, preventDefault: true }, |
]; |
class SearchPanel { |
constructor(view) { |
this.view = view; |
let query = this.query = view.state.field(searchState).query.spec; |
this.commit = this.commit.bind(this); |
this.searchField = elt("input", { |
value: query.search, |
placeholder: phrase(view, "Find"), |
"aria-label": phrase(view, "Find"), |
class: "cm-textfield", |
name: "search", |
form: "", |
"main-field": "true", |
onchange: this.commit, |
onkeyup: this.commit |
}); |
this.replaceField = elt("input", { |
value: query.replace, |
placeholder: phrase(view, "Replace"), |
"aria-label": phrase(view, "Replace"), |
class: "cm-textfield", |
name: "replace", |
form: "", |
onchange: this.commit, |
onkeyup: this.commit |
}); |
this.caseField = elt("input", { |
type: "checkbox", |
name: "case", |
form: "", |
checked: query.caseSensitive, |
onchange: this.commit |
}); |
this.reField = elt("input", { |
type: "checkbox", |
name: "re", |
form: "", |
checked: query.regexp, |
onchange: this.commit |
}); |
this.wordField = elt("input", { |
type: "checkbox", |
name: "word", |
form: "", |
checked: query.wholeWord, |
onchange: this.commit |
}); |
function button(name, onclick, content) { |
return elt("button", { class: "cm-button", name, onclick, type: "button" }, content); |
} |
this.dom = elt("div", { onkeydown: (e) => this.keydown(e), class: "cm-search" }, [ |
this.searchField, |
button("next", () => findNext(view), [phrase(view, "next")]), |
button("prev", () => findPrevious(view), [phrase(view, "previous")]), |
button("select", () => selectMatches(view), [phrase(view, "all")]), |
elt("label", null, [this.caseField, phrase(view, "match case")]), |
elt("label", null, [this.reField, phrase(view, "regexp")]), |
elt("label", null, [this.wordField, phrase(view, "by word")]), |
...view.state.readOnly ? [] : [ |
elt("br"), |
this.replaceField, |
button("replace", () => replaceNext(view), [phrase(view, "replace")]), |
button("replaceAll", () => replaceAll(view), [phrase(view, "replace all")]) |
], |
elt("button", { |
name: "close", |
onclick: () => closeSearchPanel(view), |
"aria-label": phrase(view, "close"), |
type: "button" |
}, ["×"]) |
]); |
} |
commit() { |
let query = new SearchQuery({ |
search: this.searchField.value, |
caseSensitive: this.caseField.checked, |
regexp: this.reField.checked, |
wholeWord: this.wordField.checked, |
replace: this.replaceField.value, |
}); |
if (!query.eq(this.query)) { |
this.query = query; |
this.view.dispatch({ effects: setSearchQuery.of(query) }); |
} |
} |
keydown(e) { |
if (view.runScopeHandlers(this.view, e, "search-panel")) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
else if (e.keyCode == 13 && e.target == this.searchField) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
(e.shiftKey ? findPrevious : findNext)(this.view); |
} |
else if (e.keyCode == 13 && e.target == this.replaceField) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
replaceNext(this.view); |
} |
} |
update(update) { |
for (let tr of update.transactions) |
for (let effect of tr.effects) { |
if (effect.is(setSearchQuery) && !effect.value.eq(this.query)) |
this.setQuery(effect.value); |
} |
} |
setQuery(query) { |
this.query = query; |
this.searchField.value = query.search; |
this.replaceField.value = query.replace; |
this.caseField.checked = query.caseSensitive; |
this.reField.checked = query.regexp; |
this.wordField.checked = query.wholeWord; |
} |
mount() { |
this.searchField.select(); |
} |
get pos() { return 80; } |
get top() { return this.view.state.facet(searchConfigFacet).top; } |
} |
function phrase(view, phrase) { return view.state.phrase(phrase); } |
const AnnounceMargin = 30; |
const Break = /[\s\.,:;?!]/; |
function announceMatch(view$1, { from, to }) { |
let line = view$1.state.doc.lineAt(from), lineEnd = view$1.state.doc.lineAt(to).to; |
let start = Math.max(line.from, from - AnnounceMargin), end = Math.min(lineEnd, to + AnnounceMargin); |
let text = view$1.state.sliceDoc(start, end); |
if (start != line.from) { |
for (let i = 0; i < AnnounceMargin; i++) |
if (!Break.test(text[i + 1]) && Break.test(text[i])) { |
text = text.slice(i); |
break; |
} |
} |
if (end != lineEnd) { |
for (let i = text.length - 1; i > text.length - AnnounceMargin; i--) |
if (!Break.test(text[i - 1]) && Break.test(text[i])) { |
text = text.slice(0, i); |
break; |
} |
} |
return view.EditorView.announce.of(`${view$1.state.phrase("current match")}. ${text} ${view$1.state.phrase("on line")} ${line.number}.`); |
} |
const baseTheme = view.EditorView.baseTheme({ |
".cm-panel.cm-search": { |
padding: "2px 6px 4px", |
position: "relative", |
"& [name=close]": { |
position: "absolute", |
top: "0", |
right: "4px", |
backgroundColor: "inherit", |
border: "none", |
font: "inherit", |
padding: 0, |
margin: 0 |
}, |
"& input, & button, & label": { |
margin: ".2em .6em .2em 0" |
}, |
"& input[type=checkbox]": { |
marginRight: ".2em" |
}, |
"& label": { |
fontSize: "80%", |
whiteSpace: "pre" |
} |
}, |
"&light .cm-searchMatch": { backgroundColor: "#ffff0054" }, |
"&dark .cm-searchMatch": { backgroundColor: "#00ffff8a" }, |
"&light .cm-searchMatch-selected": { backgroundColor: "#ff6a0054" }, |
"&dark .cm-searchMatch-selected": { backgroundColor: "#ff00ff8a" } |
}); |
const searchExtensions = [ |
searchState, |
state.Prec.low(searchHighlighter), |
baseTheme |
]; |
exports.RegExpCursor = RegExpCursor; |
exports.SearchCursor = SearchCursor; |
exports.SearchQuery = SearchQuery; |
exports.closeSearchPanel = closeSearchPanel; |
exports.findNext = findNext; |
exports.findPrevious = findPrevious; |
exports.getSearchQuery = getSearchQuery; |
exports.gotoLine = gotoLine; |
exports.highlightSelectionMatches = highlightSelectionMatches; |
exports.openSearchPanel = openSearchPanel; |
exports.replaceAll = replaceAll; |
exports.replaceNext = replaceNext; |
exports.search = search; |
exports.searchKeymap = searchKeymap; |
exports.searchPanelOpen = searchPanelOpen; |
exports.selectMatches = selectMatches; |
exports.selectNextOccurrence = selectNextOccurrence; |
exports.selectSelectionMatches = selectSelectionMatches; |
exports.setSearchQuery = setSearchQuery; |