DuyTa's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
bc20498 verified
import { HttpError, Redirect, ActionFailure } from '../runtime/control.js';
import { BROWSER, DEV } from 'esm-env';
export { VERSION } from '../version.js';
// TODO 3.0: remove these types as they are not used anymore (we can't remove them yet because that would be a breaking change)
* @template {number} TNumber
* @template {any[]} [TArray=[]]
* @typedef {TNumber extends TArray['length'] ? TArray[number] : LessThan<TNumber, [...TArray, TArray['length']]>} LessThan
* @template {number} TStart
* @template {number} TEnd
* @typedef {Exclude<TEnd | LessThan<TEnd>, LessThan<TStart>>} NumericRange
// Keep the status codes as `number` because restricting to certain numbers makes it unnecessarily hard to use compared to the benefits
// (we have runtime errors already to check for invalid codes). Also see https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/issues/11780
// we have to repeat the JSDoc because the display for function overloads is broken
// see https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/55056
* Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message.
* When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to
* return an error response without invoking `handleError`.
* Make sure you're not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
* @param {number} status The [HTTP status code](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#client_error_responses). Must be in the range 400-599.
* @param {App.Error} body An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
* @overload
* @param {number} status
* @param {App.Error} body
* @return {never}
* @throws {HttpError} This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
* @throws {Error} If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
* Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message.
* When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to
* return an error response without invoking `handleError`.
* Make sure you're not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
* @param {number} status The [HTTP status code](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#client_error_responses). Must be in the range 400-599.
* @param {{ message: string } extends App.Error ? App.Error | string | undefined : never} [body] An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
* @overload
* @param {number} status
* @param {{ message: string } extends App.Error ? App.Error | string | undefined : never} [body]
* @return {never}
* @throws {HttpError} This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
* @throws {Error} If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
* Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message.
* When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to
* return an error response without invoking `handleError`.
* Make sure you're not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
* @param {number} status The [HTTP status code](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#client_error_responses). Must be in the range 400-599.
* @param {{ message: string } extends App.Error ? App.Error | string | undefined : never} body An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
* @return {never}
* @throws {HttpError} This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
* @throws {Error} If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
export function error(status, body) {
if ((!BROWSER || DEV) && (isNaN(status) || status < 400 || status > 599)) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error status codes must be between 400 and 599 — ${status} is invalid`);
throw new HttpError(status, body);
* Checks whether this is an error thrown by {@link error}.
* @template {number} T
* @param {unknown} e
* @param {T} [status] The status to filter for.
* @return {e is (HttpError & { status: T extends undefined ? never : T })}
export function isHttpError(e, status) {
if (!(e instanceof HttpError)) return false;
return !status || e.status === status;
* Redirect a request. When called during request handling, SvelteKit will return a redirect response.
* Make sure you're not catching the thrown redirect, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.
* @param {300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308 | ({} & number)} status The [HTTP status code](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#redirection_messages). Must be in the range 300-308.
* @param {string | URL} location The location to redirect to.
* @throws {Redirect} This error instructs SvelteKit to redirect to the specified location.
* @throws {Error} If the provided status is invalid.
* @return {never}
export function redirect(status, location) {
if ((!BROWSER || DEV) && (isNaN(status) || status < 300 || status > 308)) {
throw new Error('Invalid status code');
throw new Redirect(
// @ts-ignore
* Checks whether this is a redirect thrown by {@link redirect}.
* @param {unknown} e The object to check.
* @return {e is Redirect}
export function isRedirect(e) {
return e instanceof Redirect;
* Create a JSON `Response` object from the supplied data.
* @param {any} data The value that will be serialized as JSON.
* @param {ResponseInit} [init] Options such as `status` and `headers` that will be added to the response. `Content-Type: application/json` and `Content-Length` headers will be added automatically.
export function json(data, init) {
// TODO deprecate this in favour of `Response.json` when it's
// more widely supported
const body = JSON.stringify(data);
// we can't just do `text(JSON.stringify(data), init)` because
// it will set a default `content-type` header. duplicated code
// means less duplicated work
const headers = new Headers(init?.headers);
if (!headers.has('content-length')) {
headers.set('content-length', encoder.encode(body).byteLength.toString());
if (!headers.has('content-type')) {
headers.set('content-type', 'application/json');
return new Response(body, {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
* Create a `Response` object from the supplied body.
* @param {string} body The value that will be used as-is.
* @param {ResponseInit} [init] Options such as `status` and `headers` that will be added to the response. A `Content-Length` header will be added automatically.
export function text(body, init) {
const headers = new Headers(init?.headers);
if (!headers.has('content-length')) {
const encoded = encoder.encode(body);
headers.set('content-length', encoded.byteLength.toString());
return new Response(encoded, {
return new Response(body, {
* Create an `ActionFailure` object.
* @param {number} status The [HTTP status code](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#client_error_responses). Must be in the range 400-599.
* @overload
* @param {number} status
* @returns {import('./public.js').ActionFailure<undefined>}
* Create an `ActionFailure` object.
* @template {Record<string, unknown> | undefined} [T=undefined]
* @param {number} status The [HTTP status code](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#client_error_responses). Must be in the range 400-599.
* @param {T} data Data associated with the failure (e.g. validation errors)
* @overload
* @param {number} status
* @param {T} data
* @returns {import('./public.js').ActionFailure<T>}
* Create an `ActionFailure` object.
* @param {number} status
* @param {any} [data]
* @returns {import('./public.js').ActionFailure<any>}
export function fail(status, data) {
// @ts-expect-error unique symbol missing
return new ActionFailure(status, data);