DuyTa's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
bc20498 verified
import { BROWSER, DEV } from 'esm-env';
import { hash } from '../hash.js';
import { b64_decode } from '../utils.js';
let loading = 0;
/** @type {typeof fetch} */
export const native_fetch = BROWSER ? window.fetch : /** @type {any} */ (() => {});
export function lock_fetch() {
loading += 1;
export function unlock_fetch() {
loading -= 1;
if (DEV && BROWSER) {
let can_inspect_stack_trace = false;
// detect whether async stack traces work
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
const check_stack_trace = async () => {
const stack = /** @type {string} */ (new Error().stack);
can_inspect_stack_trace = stack.includes('check_stack_trace');
* @param {RequestInfo | URL} input
* @param {RequestInit & Record<string, any> | undefined} init
window.fetch = (input, init) => {
// Check if fetch was called via load_node. the lock method only checks if it was called at the
// same time, but not necessarily if it was called from `load`.
// We use just the filename as the method name sometimes does not appear on the CI.
const url = input instanceof Request ? input.url : input.toString();
const stack_array = /** @type {string} */ (new Error().stack).split('\n');
// We need to do a cutoff because Safari and Firefox maintain the stack
// across events and for example traces a `fetch` call triggered from a button
// back to the creation of the event listener and the element creation itself,
// where at some point client.js will show up, leading to false positives.
const cutoff = stack_array.findIndex((a) => a.includes('load@') || a.includes('at load'));
const stack = stack_array.slice(0, cutoff + 2).join('\n');
const in_load_heuristic = can_inspect_stack_trace
? stack.includes('src/runtime/client/client.js')
: loading;
// This flag is set in initial_fetch and subsequent_fetch
const used_kit_fetch = init?.__sveltekit_fetch__;
if (in_load_heuristic && !used_kit_fetch) {
`Loading ${url} using \`window.fetch\`. For best results, use the \`fetch\` that is passed to your \`load\` function: https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/load#making-fetch-requests`
const method = input instanceof Request ? input.method : init?.method || 'GET';
if (method !== 'GET') {
return native_fetch(input, init);
} else if (BROWSER) {
window.fetch = (input, init) => {
const method = input instanceof Request ? input.method : init?.method || 'GET';
if (method !== 'GET') {
return native_fetch(input, init);
const cache = new Map();
* Should be called on the initial run of load functions that hydrate the page.
* Saves any requests with cache-control max-age to the cache.
* @param {URL | string} resource
* @param {RequestInit} [opts]
export function initial_fetch(resource, opts) {
const selector = build_selector(resource, opts);
const script = document.querySelector(selector);
if (script?.textContent) {
let { body, ...init } = JSON.parse(script.textContent);
const ttl = script.getAttribute('data-ttl');
if (ttl) cache.set(selector, { body, init, ttl: 1000 * Number(ttl) });
const b64 = script.getAttribute('data-b64');
if (b64 !== null) {
// Can't use native_fetch('data:...;base64,${body}')
// csp can block the request
body = b64_decode(body);
return Promise.resolve(new Response(body, init));
return DEV ? dev_fetch(resource, opts) : window.fetch(resource, opts);
* Tries to get the response from the cache, if max-age allows it, else does a fetch.
* @param {URL | string} resource
* @param {string} resolved
* @param {RequestInit} [opts]
export function subsequent_fetch(resource, resolved, opts) {
if (cache.size > 0) {
const selector = build_selector(resource, opts);
const cached = cache.get(selector);
if (cached) {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/cache#value
if (
performance.now() < cached.ttl &&
['default', 'force-cache', 'only-if-cached', undefined].includes(opts?.cache)
) {
return new Response(cached.body, cached.init);
return DEV ? dev_fetch(resolved, opts) : window.fetch(resolved, opts);
* @param {RequestInfo | URL} resource
* @param {RequestInit & Record<string, any> | undefined} opts
function dev_fetch(resource, opts) {
const patched_opts = { ...opts };
// This assigns the __sveltekit_fetch__ flag and makes it non-enumerable
Object.defineProperty(patched_opts, '__sveltekit_fetch__', {
value: true,
writable: true,
configurable: true
return window.fetch(resource, patched_opts);
* Build the cache key for a given request
* @param {URL | RequestInfo} resource
* @param {RequestInit} [opts]
function build_selector(resource, opts) {
const url = JSON.stringify(resource instanceof Request ? resource.url : resource);
let selector = `script[data-sveltekit-fetched][data-url=${url}]`;
if (opts?.headers || opts?.body) {
/** @type {import('types').StrictBody[]} */
const values = [];
if (opts.headers) {
values.push([...new Headers(opts.headers)].join(','));
if (opts.body && (typeof opts.body === 'string' || ArrayBuffer.isView(opts.body))) {
selector += `[data-hash="${hash(...values)}"]`;
return selector;