export interface Options { | |
/** | |
* define a key combo to toggle inspector, | |
* @default 'meta-shift' on mac, 'control-shift' on other os | |
* | |
* any number of modifiers `control` `shift` `alt` `meta` followed by zero or one regular key, separated by - | |
* examples: control-shift, control-o, control-alt-s meta-x control-meta | |
* Some keys have native behavior (e.g. alt-s opens history menu on firefox). | |
* To avoid conflicts or accidentally typing into inputs, modifier only combinations are recommended. | |
*/ | |
toggleKeyCombo?: string; | |
/** | |
* define keys to select elements with via keyboard | |
* @default {parent: 'ArrowUp', child: 'ArrowDown', next: 'ArrowRight', prev: 'ArrowLeft' } | |
* | |
* improves accessibility and also helps when you want to select elements that do not have a hoverable surface area | |
* due to tight wrapping | |
* | |
* A note for users of screen-readers: | |
* If you are using arrow keys to navigate the page itself, change the navKeys to avoid conflicts. | |
* e.g. navKeys: {parent: 'w', prev: 'a', child: 's', next: 'd'} | |
* | |
* | |
* parent: select closest parent | |
* child: select first child (or grandchild) | |
* next: next sibling (or parent if no next sibling exists) | |
* prev: previous sibling (or parent if no prev sibling exists) | |
*/ | |
navKeys?: { parent: string; child: string; next: string; prev: string }; | |
/** | |
* define key to open the editor for the currently selected dom node | |
* | |
* @default 'Enter' | |
*/ | |
openKey?: string; | |
/** | |
* define keys to close the inspector | |
* @default ['Backspace', 'Escape'] | |
*/ | |
escapeKeys?: string[]; | |
/** | |
* inspector is automatically disabled when releasing toggleKeyCombo after holding it for a longpress | |
* @default true | |
*/ | |
holdMode?: boolean; | |
/** | |
* when to show the toggle button | |
* @default 'active' | |
*/ | |
showToggleButton?: 'always' | 'active' | 'never'; | |
/** | |
* where to display the toggle button | |
* @default top-right | |
*/ | |
toggleButtonPos?: 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left'; | |
/** | |
* inject custom styles when inspector is active | |
*/ | |
customStyles?: boolean; | |
/** | |
* internal options that are automatically set, not to be set or used by users | |
* @internal | |
*/ | |
__internal?: { | |
// vite base url | |
base: string; | |
}; | |
} | |
export * from './index.js'; | |