DuyTa's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
bc20498 verified
import type { Dimensions, XYPosition, CoordinateExtent, Box, Rect, NodeBase, NodeOrigin, SnapGrid, Transform, InternalNodeBase, NodeLookup } from '../types';
import { type Viewport } from '../types';
export declare const clamp: (val: number, min?: number, max?: number) => number;
export declare const clampPosition: (position: XYPosition | undefined, extent: CoordinateExtent, dimensions: Partial<Dimensions>) => {
x: number;
y: number;
export declare function clampPositionToParent<NodeType extends NodeBase>(childPosition: XYPosition, childDimensions: Dimensions, parent: InternalNodeBase<NodeType>): {
x: number;
y: number;
export declare const calcAutoPan: (pos: XYPosition, bounds: Dimensions, speed?: number, distance?: number) => number[];
export declare const getBoundsOfBoxes: (box1: Box, box2: Box) => Box;
export declare const rectToBox: ({ x, y, width, height }: Rect) => Box;
export declare const boxToRect: ({ x, y, x2, y2 }: Box) => Rect;
export declare const nodeToRect: (node: InternalNodeBase | NodeBase, nodeOrigin?: NodeOrigin) => Rect;
export declare const nodeToBox: (node: InternalNodeBase | NodeBase, nodeOrigin?: NodeOrigin) => Box;
export declare const getBoundsOfRects: (rect1: Rect, rect2: Rect) => Rect;
export declare const getOverlappingArea: (rectA: Rect, rectB: Rect) => number;
export declare const isRectObject: (obj: any) => obj is Rect;
export declare const isNumeric: (n: any) => n is number;
export declare const devWarn: (id: string, message: string) => void;
export declare const snapPosition: (position: XYPosition, snapGrid?: SnapGrid) => XYPosition;
export declare const pointToRendererPoint: ({ x, y }: XYPosition, [tx, ty, tScale]: Transform, snapToGrid?: boolean, snapGrid?: SnapGrid) => XYPosition;
export declare const rendererPointToPoint: ({ x, y }: XYPosition, [tx, ty, tScale]: Transform) => XYPosition;
* Returns a viewport that encloses the given bounds with optional padding.
* @public
* @remarks You can determine bounds of nodes with {@link getNodesBounds} and {@link getBoundsOfRects}
* @param bounds - Bounds to fit inside viewport
* @param width - Width of the viewport
* @param height - Height of the viewport
* @param minZoom - Minimum zoom level of the resulting viewport
* @param maxZoom - Maximum zoom level of the resulting viewport
* @param padding - Optional padding around the bounds
* @returns A transforned {@link Viewport} that encloses the given bounds which you can pass to e.g. {@link setViewport}
* @example
* const { x, y, zoom } = getViewportForBounds(
{ x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100},
1200, 800, 0.5, 2);
export declare const getViewportForBounds: (bounds: Rect, width: number, height: number, minZoom: number, maxZoom: number, padding: number) => Viewport;
export declare const isMacOs: () => boolean;
export declare function isCoordinateExtent(extent?: CoordinateExtent | 'parent'): extent is CoordinateExtent;
export declare function getNodeDimensions(node: {
measured?: {
width?: number;
height?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
initialWidth?: number;
initialHeight?: number;
}): {
width: number;
height: number;
export declare function nodeHasDimensions<NodeType extends NodeBase = NodeBase>(node: NodeType): boolean;
* Convert child position to aboslute position
* @internal
* @param position
* @param parentId
* @param nodeLookup
* @param nodeOrigin
* @returns an internal node with an absolute position
export declare function evaluateAbsolutePosition(position: XYPosition, dimensions: {
width?: number | undefined;
height?: number | undefined;
} | undefined, parentId: string, nodeLookup: NodeLookup, nodeOrigin: NodeOrigin): XYPosition;
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