import {styleTags, tags as t} from "@lezer/highlight" |
export const pythonHighlighting = styleTags({ |
"async \"*\" \"**\" FormatConversion FormatSpec": t.modifier, |
"for while if elif else try except finally return raise break continue with pass assert await yield match case": t.controlKeyword, |
"in not and or is del": t.operatorKeyword, |
"from def class global nonlocal lambda": t.definitionKeyword, |
import: t.moduleKeyword, |
"with as print": t.keyword, |
Boolean: t.bool, |
None: t.null, |
VariableName: t.variableName, |
"CallExpression/VariableName": t.function(t.variableName), |
"FunctionDefinition/VariableName": t.function(t.definition(t.variableName)), |
"ClassDefinition/VariableName": t.definition(t.className), |
PropertyName: t.propertyName, |
"CallExpression/MemberExpression/PropertyName": t.function(t.propertyName), |
Comment: t.lineComment, |
Number: t.number, |
String: t.string, |
FormatString: t.special(t.string), |
Escape: t.escape, |
UpdateOp: t.updateOperator, |
"ArithOp!": t.arithmeticOperator, |
BitOp: t.bitwiseOperator, |
CompareOp: t.compareOperator, |
AssignOp: t.definitionOperator, |
Ellipsis: t.punctuation, |
At: t.meta, |
"( )": t.paren, |
"[ ]": t.squareBracket, |
"{ }": t.brace, |
".": t.derefOperator, |
", ;": t.separator |
}) |