import { buildExtendedLogMessage } from './log.js'; /** * convert an error thrown by svelte.compile to a RollupError so that vite displays it in a user friendly way * @param {import('svelte/types/compiler/interfaces').Warning & Error} error a svelte compiler error, which is a mix of Warning and an error * @param {import('../types/options.d.ts').ResolvedOptions} options * @returns {import('vite').Rollup.RollupError} the converted error */ export function toRollupError(error, options) { const { filename, frame, start, code, name, stack } = error; /** @type {import('vite').Rollup.RollupError} */ const rollupError = { name, // needed otherwise sveltekit coalesce_to_error turns it into a string id: filename, message: buildExtendedLogMessage(error), // include filename:line:column so that it's clickable frame: formatFrameForVite(frame), code, stack: options.isBuild || options.isDebug || !frame ? stack : '' }; if (start) { rollupError.loc = { line: start.line, column: start.column, file: filename }; } return rollupError; } /** * convert an error thrown by svelte.compile to an esbuild PartialMessage * @param {import('svelte/types/compiler/interfaces').Warning & Error} error a svelte compiler error, which is a mix of Warning and an error * @param {import('../types/options.d.ts').ResolvedOptions} options * @returns {import('esbuild').PartialMessage} the converted error */ export function toESBuildError(error, options) { const { filename, frame, start, stack } = error; /** @type {import('esbuild').PartialMessage} */ const partialMessage = { text: buildExtendedLogMessage(error) }; if (start) { partialMessage.location = { line: start.line, column: start.column, file: filename, lineText: lineFromFrame(start.line, frame) // needed to get a meaningful error message on cli }; } if (options.isBuild || options.isDebug || !frame) { partialMessage.detail = stack; } return partialMessage; } /** * extract line with number from codeframe * * @param {number} lineNo * @param {string} [frame] * @returns {string} */ function lineFromFrame(lineNo, frame) { if (!frame) { return ''; } const lines = frame.split('\n'); const errorLine = lines.find((line) => line.trimStart().startsWith(`${lineNo}: `)); return errorLine ? errorLine.substring(errorLine.indexOf(': ') + 3) : ''; } /** * vite error overlay expects a specific format to show frames * this reformats svelte frame (colon separated, less whitespace) * to one that vite displays on overlay ( pipe separated, more whitespace) * e.g. * ``` * 1: foo * 2: bar; * ^ * 3: baz * ``` * to * ``` * 1 | foo * 2 | bar; * ^ * 3 | baz * ``` * @see * @param {string} [frame] * @returns {string} */ function formatFrameForVite(frame) { if (!frame) { return ''; } return frame .split('\n') .map((line) => (line.match(/^\s+\^/) ? ' ' + line : ' ' + line.replace(':', ' | '))) .join('\n'); } /** * @param {import('svelte/types/compiler/interfaces').Warning & Error} err a svelte compiler error, which is a mix of Warning and an error * @param {string} originalCode * @param {import('../public.d.ts').Options['preprocess']} [preprocessors] */ export function enhanceCompileError(err, originalCode, preprocessors) { preprocessors = arraify(preprocessors ?? []); /** @type {string[]} */ const additionalMessages = []; // Handle incorrect TypeScript usage if (err.code === 'parse-error') { // Reference from Svelte: const scriptRe = /|'"/]+=(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>\s]+)|\s+[^=>'"/]+)*\s*)(?:\/>|>([\S\s]*?)<\/script>)/g; const errIndex = err.pos ?? -1; let m; while ((m = scriptRe.exec(originalCode))) { const matchStart = m.index; const matchEnd = matchStart + m[0].length; const isErrorInScript = matchStart <= errIndex && errIndex <= matchEnd; if (isErrorInScript) { // Warn missing lang="ts" const hasLangTs = m[1]?.includes('lang="ts"'); if (!hasLangTs) { additionalMessages.push('Did you forget to add lang="ts" to your script tag?'); } // Warn missing script preprocessor if (preprocessors.every((p) => p.script == null)) { const preprocessorType = hasLangTs ? 'TypeScript' : 'script'; additionalMessages.push( `Did you forget to add a ${preprocessorType} preprocessor? See for more information.` ); } } } } // Handle incorrect CSS preprocessor usage if (err.code === 'css-syntax-error') { // Reference from Svelte: const styleRe = /|'"/]+=(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>\s]+)|\s+[^=>'"/]+)*\s*)(?:\/>|>([\S\s]*?)<\/style>)/g; let m; while ((m = styleRe.exec(originalCode))) { // Warn missing lang attribute if (!m[1]?.includes('lang=')) { additionalMessages.push('Did you forget to add a lang attribute to your style tag?'); } // Warn missing style preprocessor if ( preprocessors.every((p) => == null || === 'inject-scope-everything-rule') ) { const preprocessorType = m[1]?.match(/lang="(.+?)"/)?.[1] ?? 'style'; additionalMessages.push( `Did you forget to add a ${preprocessorType} preprocessor? See for more information.` ); } } } if (additionalMessages.length) { err.message += '\n\n- ' + additionalMessages.join('\n- '); } return err; } /** * @param {T | T[]} value * @template T */ function arraify(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; }