import { NodeProp, IterMode, Tree, TreeFragment, Parser, NodeType, NodeSet } from '@lezer/common'; import { StateEffect, StateField, Facet, EditorState, countColumn, combineConfig, RangeSet, RangeSetBuilder, Prec } from '@codemirror/state'; import { ViewPlugin, logException, EditorView, Decoration, WidgetType, gutter, GutterMarker, Direction } from '@codemirror/view'; import { tags, tagHighlighter, highlightTree, styleTags } from '@lezer/highlight'; import { StyleModule } from 'style-mod'; var _a; /** Node prop stored in a parser's top syntax node to provide the facet that stores language-specific data for that language. */ const languageDataProp = /*@__PURE__*/new NodeProp(); /** Helper function to define a facet (to be added to the top syntax node(s) for a language via [`languageDataProp`](, that will be used to associate language data with the language. You probably only need this when subclassing [`Language`]( */ function defineLanguageFacet(baseData) { return Facet.define({ combine: baseData ? values => values.concat(baseData) : undefined }); } /** Syntax node prop used to register sublanguages. Should be added to the top level node type for the language. */ const sublanguageProp = /*@__PURE__*/new NodeProp(); /** A language object manages parsing and per-language [metadata]( Parse data is managed as a [Lezer]( tree. The class can be used directly, via the [`LRLanguage`]( subclass for [Lezer]( LR parsers, or via the [`StreamLanguage`]( subclass for stream parsers. */ class Language { /** Construct a language object. If you need to invoke this directly, first define a data facet with [`defineLanguageFacet`](, and then configure your parser to [attach]( it to the language's outer syntax node. */ constructor( /** The [language data]( facet used for this language. */ data, parser, extraExtensions = [], /** A language name. */ name = "") { = data; = name; // Kludge to define EditorState.tree as a debugging helper, // without the EditorState package actually knowing about // languages and lezer trees. if (!EditorState.prototype.hasOwnProperty("tree")) Object.defineProperty(EditorState.prototype, "tree", { get() { return syntaxTree(this); } }); this.parser = parser; this.extension = [ language.of(this), EditorState.languageData.of((state, pos, side) => { let top = topNodeAt(state, pos, side), data = top.type.prop(languageDataProp); if (!data) return []; let base = state.facet(data), sub = top.type.prop(sublanguageProp); if (sub) { let innerNode = top.resolve(pos - top.from, side); for (let sublang of sub) if (sublang.test(innerNode, state)) { let data = state.facet(sublang.facet); return sublang.type == "replace" ? data : data.concat(base); } } return base; }) ].concat(extraExtensions); } /** Query whether this language is active at the given position. */ isActiveAt(state, pos, side = -1) { return topNodeAt(state, pos, side).type.prop(languageDataProp) ==; } /** Find the document regions that were parsed using this language. The returned regions will _include_ any nested languages rooted in this language, when those exist. */ findRegions(state) { let lang = state.facet(language); if ((lang === null || lang === void 0 ? void 0 : == return [{ from: 0, to: state.doc.length }]; if (!lang || !lang.allowsNesting) return []; let result = []; let explore = (tree, from) => { if (tree.prop(languageDataProp) == { result.push({ from, to: from + tree.length }); return; } let mount = tree.prop(NodeProp.mounted); if (mount) { if (mount.tree.prop(languageDataProp) == { if (mount.overlay) for (let r of mount.overlay) result.push({ from: r.from + from, to: + from }); else result.push({ from: from, to: from + tree.length }); return; } else if (mount.overlay) { let size = result.length; explore(mount.tree, mount.overlay[0].from + from); if (result.length > size) return; } } for (let i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) { let ch = tree.children[i]; if (ch instanceof Tree) explore(ch, tree.positions[i] + from); } }; explore(syntaxTree(state), 0); return result; } /** Indicates whether this language allows nested languages. The default implementation returns true. */ get allowsNesting() { return true; } } /** @internal */ Language.setState = /*@__PURE__*/StateEffect.define(); function topNodeAt(state, pos, side) { let topLang = state.facet(language), tree = syntaxTree(state).topNode; if (!topLang || topLang.allowsNesting) { for (let node = tree; node; node = node.enter(pos, side, IterMode.ExcludeBuffers)) if (node.type.isTop) tree = node; } return tree; } /** A subclass of [`Language`]( for use with Lezer [LR parsers]( parsers. */ class LRLanguage extends Language { constructor(data, parser, name) { super(data, parser, [], name); this.parser = parser; } /** Define a language from a parser. */ static define(spec) { let data = defineLanguageFacet(spec.languageData); return new LRLanguage(data, spec.parser.configure({ props: [languageDataProp.add(type => type.isTop ? data : undefined)] }),; } /** Create a new instance of this language with a reconfigured version of its parser and optionally a new name. */ configure(options, name) { return new LRLanguage(, this.parser.configure(options), name ||; } get allowsNesting() { return this.parser.hasWrappers(); } } /** Get the syntax tree for a state, which is the current (possibly incomplete) parse tree of the active [language](, or the empty tree if there is no language available. */ function syntaxTree(state) { let field = state.field(Language.state, false); return field ? field.tree : Tree.empty; } /** Try to get a parse tree that spans at least up to `upto`. The method will do at most `timeout` milliseconds of work to parse up to that point if the tree isn't already available. */ function ensureSyntaxTree(state, upto, timeout = 50) { var _a; let parse = (_a = state.field(Language.state, false)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.context; if (!parse) return null; let oldVieport = parse.viewport; parse.updateViewport({ from: 0, to: upto }); let result = parse.isDone(upto) ||, upto) ? parse.tree : null; parse.updateViewport(oldVieport); return result; } /** Queries whether there is a full syntax tree available up to the given document position. If there isn't, the background parse process _might_ still be working and update the tree further, but there is no guarantee of that—the parser will [stop working]( when it has spent a certain amount of time or has moved beyond the visible viewport. Always returns false if no language has been enabled. */ function syntaxTreeAvailable(state, upto = state.doc.length) { var _a; return ((_a = state.field(Language.state, false)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.context.isDone(upto)) || false; } /** Move parsing forward, and update the editor state afterwards to reflect the new tree. Will work for at most `timeout` milliseconds. Returns true if the parser managed get to the given position in that time. */ function forceParsing(view, upto =, timeout = 100) { let success = ensureSyntaxTree(view.state, upto, timeout); if (success != syntaxTree(view.state)) view.dispatch({}); return !!success; } /** Tells you whether the language parser is planning to do more parsing work (in a `requestIdleCallback` pseudo-thread) or has stopped running, either because it parsed the entire document, because it spent too much time and was cut off, or because there is no language parser enabled. */ function syntaxParserRunning(view) { var _a; return ((_a = view.plugin(parseWorker)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isWorking()) || false; } /** Lezer-style [`Input`]( object for a [`Text`]( object. */ class DocInput { /** Create an input object for the given document. */ constructor(doc) { this.doc = doc; this.cursorPos = 0; this.string = ""; this.cursor = doc.iter(); } get length() { return this.doc.length; } syncTo(pos) { this.string = - this.cursorPos).value; this.cursorPos = pos + this.string.length; return this.cursorPos - this.string.length; } chunk(pos) { this.syncTo(pos); return this.string; } get lineChunks() { return true; } read(from, to) { let stringStart = this.cursorPos - this.string.length; if (from < stringStart || to >= this.cursorPos) return this.doc.sliceString(from, to); else return this.string.slice(from - stringStart, to - stringStart); } } let currentContext = null; /** A parse context provided to parsers working on the editor content. */ class ParseContext { constructor(parser, /** The current editor state. */ state, /** Tree fragments that can be reused by incremental re-parses. */ fragments = [], /** @internal */ tree, /** @internal */ treeLen, /** The current editor viewport (or some overapproximation thereof). Intended to be used for opportunistically avoiding work (in which case [`skipUntilInView`]( should be called to make sure the parser is restarted when the skipped region becomes visible). */ viewport, /** @internal */ skipped, /** This is where skipping parsers can register a promise that, when resolved, will schedule a new parse. It is cleared when the parse worker picks up the promise. @internal */ scheduleOn) { this.parser = parser; this.state = state; this.fragments = fragments; this.tree = tree; this.treeLen = treeLen; this.viewport = viewport; this.skipped = skipped; this.scheduleOn = scheduleOn; this.parse = null; /** @internal */ this.tempSkipped = []; } /** @internal */ static create(parser, state, viewport) { return new ParseContext(parser, state, [], Tree.empty, 0, viewport, [], null); } startParse() { return this.parser.startParse(new DocInput(this.state.doc), this.fragments); } /** @internal */ work(until, upto) { if (upto != null && upto >= this.state.doc.length) upto = undefined; if (this.tree != Tree.empty && this.isDone(upto !== null && upto !== void 0 ? upto : this.state.doc.length)) { this.takeTree(); return true; } return this.withContext(() => { var _a; if (typeof until == "number") { let endTime = + until; until = () => > endTime; } if (!this.parse) this.parse = this.startParse(); if (upto != null && (this.parse.stoppedAt == null || this.parse.stoppedAt > upto) && upto < this.state.doc.length) this.parse.stopAt(upto); for (;;) { let done = this.parse.advance(); if (done) { this.fragments = this.withoutTempSkipped(TreeFragment.addTree(done, this.fragments, this.parse.stoppedAt != null)); this.treeLen = (_a = this.parse.stoppedAt) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.state.doc.length; this.tree = done; this.parse = null; if (this.treeLen < (upto !== null && upto !== void 0 ? upto : this.state.doc.length)) this.parse = this.startParse(); else return true; } if (until()) return false; } }); } /** @internal */ takeTree() { let pos, tree; if (this.parse && (pos = this.parse.parsedPos) >= this.treeLen) { if (this.parse.stoppedAt == null || this.parse.stoppedAt > pos) this.parse.stopAt(pos); this.withContext(() => { while (!(tree = this.parse.advance())) { } }); this.treeLen = pos; this.tree = tree; this.fragments = this.withoutTempSkipped(TreeFragment.addTree(this.tree, this.fragments, true)); this.parse = null; } } withContext(f) { let prev = currentContext; currentContext = this; try { return f(); } finally { currentContext = prev; } } withoutTempSkipped(fragments) { for (let r; r = this.tempSkipped.pop();) fragments = cutFragments(fragments, r.from,; return fragments; } /** @internal */ changes(changes, newState) { let { fragments, tree, treeLen, viewport, skipped } = this; this.takeTree(); if (!changes.empty) { let ranges = []; changes.iterChangedRanges((fromA, toA, fromB, toB) => ranges.push({ fromA, toA, fromB, toB })); fragments = TreeFragment.applyChanges(fragments, ranges); tree = Tree.empty; treeLen = 0; viewport = { from: changes.mapPos(viewport.from, -1), to: changes.mapPos(, 1) }; if (this.skipped.length) { skipped = []; for (let r of this.skipped) { let from = changes.mapPos(r.from, 1), to = changes.mapPos(, -1); if (from < to) skipped.push({ from, to }); } } } return new ParseContext(this.parser, newState, fragments, tree, treeLen, viewport, skipped, this.scheduleOn); } /** @internal */ updateViewport(viewport) { if (this.viewport.from == viewport.from && == return false; this.viewport = viewport; let startLen = this.skipped.length; for (let i = 0; i < this.skipped.length; i++) { let { from, to } = this.skipped[i]; if (from < && to > viewport.from) { this.fragments = cutFragments(this.fragments, from, to); this.skipped.splice(i--, 1); } } if (this.skipped.length >= startLen) return false; this.reset(); return true; } /** @internal */ reset() { if (this.parse) { this.takeTree(); this.parse = null; } } /** Notify the parse scheduler that the given region was skipped because it wasn't in view, and the parse should be restarted when it comes into view. */ skipUntilInView(from, to) { this.skipped.push({ from, to }); } /** Returns a parser intended to be used as placeholder when asynchronously loading a nested parser. It'll skip its input and mark it as not-really-parsed, so that the next update will parse it again. When `until` is given, a reparse will be scheduled when that promise resolves. */ static getSkippingParser(until) { return new class extends Parser { createParse(input, fragments, ranges) { let from = ranges[0].from, to = ranges[ranges.length - 1].to; let parser = { parsedPos: from, advance() { let cx = currentContext; if (cx) { for (let r of ranges) cx.tempSkipped.push(r); if (until) cx.scheduleOn = cx.scheduleOn ? Promise.all([cx.scheduleOn, until]) : until; } this.parsedPos = to; return new Tree(NodeType.none, [], [], to - from); }, stoppedAt: null, stopAt() { } }; return parser; } }; } /** @internal */ isDone(upto) { upto = Math.min(upto, this.state.doc.length); let frags = this.fragments; return this.treeLen >= upto && frags.length && frags[0].from == 0 && frags[0].to >= upto; } /** Get the context for the current parse, or `null` if no editor parse is in progress. */ static get() { return currentContext; } } function cutFragments(fragments, from, to) { return TreeFragment.applyChanges(fragments, [{ fromA: from, toA: to, fromB: from, toB: to }]); } class LanguageState { constructor( // A mutable parse state that is used to preserve work done during // the lifetime of a state when moving to the next state. context) { this.context = context; this.tree = context.tree; } apply(tr) { if (!tr.docChanged && this.tree == this.context.tree) return this; let newCx = this.context.changes(tr.changes, tr.state); // If the previous parse wasn't done, go forward only up to its // end position or the end of the viewport, to avoid slowing down // state updates with parse work beyond the viewport. let upto = this.context.treeLen == tr.startState.doc.length ? undefined : Math.max(tr.changes.mapPos(this.context.treeLen),; if (! /* Work.Apply */, upto)) newCx.takeTree(); return new LanguageState(newCx); } static init(state) { let vpTo = Math.min(3000 /* Work.InitViewport */, state.doc.length); let parseState = ParseContext.create(state.facet(language).parser, state, { from: 0, to: vpTo }); if (! /* Work.Apply */, vpTo)) parseState.takeTree(); return new LanguageState(parseState); } } Language.state = /*@__PURE__*/StateField.define({ create: LanguageState.init, update(value, tr) { for (let e of tr.effects) if ( return e.value; if (tr.startState.facet(language) != tr.state.facet(language)) return LanguageState.init(tr.state); return value.apply(tr); } }); let requestIdle = (callback) => { let timeout = setTimeout(() => callback(), 500 /* Work.MaxPause */); return () => clearTimeout(timeout); }; if (typeof requestIdleCallback != "undefined") requestIdle = (callback) => { let idle = -1, timeout = setTimeout(() => { idle = requestIdleCallback(callback, { timeout: 500 /* Work.MaxPause */ - 100 /* Work.MinPause */ }); }, 100 /* Work.MinPause */); return () => idle < 0 ? clearTimeout(timeout) : cancelIdleCallback(idle); }; const isInputPending = typeof navigator != "undefined" && ((_a = navigator.scheduling) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isInputPending) ? () => navigator.scheduling.isInputPending() : null; const parseWorker = /*@__PURE__*/ViewPlugin.fromClass(class ParseWorker { constructor(view) { this.view = view; this.working = null; this.workScheduled = 0; // End of the current time chunk this.chunkEnd = -1; // Milliseconds of budget left for this chunk this.chunkBudget = -1; =; this.scheduleWork(); } update(update) { let cx = this.view.state.field(Language.state).context; if (cx.updateViewport(update.view.viewport) || > cx.treeLen) this.scheduleWork(); if (update.docChanged || update.selectionSet) { if (this.view.hasFocus) this.chunkBudget += 50 /* Work.ChangeBonus */; this.scheduleWork(); } this.checkAsyncSchedule(cx); } scheduleWork() { if (this.working) return; let { state } = this.view, field = state.field(Language.state); if (field.tree != field.context.tree || !field.context.isDone(state.doc.length)) this.working = requestIdle(; } work(deadline) { this.working = null; let now =; if (this.chunkEnd < now && (this.chunkEnd < 0 || this.view.hasFocus)) { // Start a new chunk this.chunkEnd = now + 30000 /* Work.ChunkTime */; this.chunkBudget = 3000 /* Work.ChunkBudget */; } if (this.chunkBudget <= 0) return; // No more budget let { state, viewport: { to: vpTo } } = this.view, field = state.field(Language.state); if (field.tree == field.context.tree && field.context.isDone(vpTo + 100000 /* Work.MaxParseAhead */)) return; let endTime = + Math.min(this.chunkBudget, 100 /* Work.Slice */, deadline && !isInputPending ? Math.max(25 /* Work.MinSlice */, deadline.timeRemaining() - 5) : 1e9); let viewportFirst = field.context.treeLen < vpTo && state.doc.length > vpTo + 1000; let done = => { return isInputPending && isInputPending() || > endTime; }, vpTo + (viewportFirst ? 0 : 100000 /* Work.MaxParseAhead */)); this.chunkBudget -= - now; if (done || this.chunkBudget <= 0) { field.context.takeTree(); this.view.dispatch({ effects: Language.setState.of(new LanguageState(field.context)) }); } if (this.chunkBudget > 0 && !(done && !viewportFirst)) this.scheduleWork(); this.checkAsyncSchedule(field.context); } checkAsyncSchedule(cx) { if (cx.scheduleOn) { this.workScheduled++; cx.scheduleOn .then(() => this.scheduleWork()) .catch(err => logException(this.view.state, err)) .then(() => this.workScheduled--); cx.scheduleOn = null; } } destroy() { if (this.working) this.working(); } isWorking() { return !!(this.working || this.workScheduled > 0); } }, { eventHandlers: { focus() { this.scheduleWork(); } } }); /** The facet used to associate a language with an editor state. Used by `Language` object's `extension` property (so you don't need to manually wrap your languages in this). Can be used to access the current language on a state. */ const language = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ combine(languages) { return languages.length ? languages[0] : null; }, enables: language => [ Language.state, parseWorker, EditorView.contentAttributes.compute([language], state => { let lang = state.facet(language); return lang && ? { "data-language": } : {}; }) ] }); /** This class bundles a [language]( with an optional set of supporting extensions. Language packages are encouraged to export a function that optionally takes a configuration object and returns a `LanguageSupport` instance, as the main way for client code to use the package. */ class LanguageSupport { /** Create a language support object. */ constructor( /** The language object. */ language, /** An optional set of supporting extensions. When nesting a language in another language, the outer language is encouraged to include the supporting extensions for its inner languages in its own set of support extensions. */ support = []) { this.language = language; = support; this.extension = [language, support]; } } /** Language descriptions are used to store metadata about languages and to dynamically load them. Their main role is finding the appropriate language for a filename or dynamically loading nested parsers. */ class LanguageDescription { constructor( /** The name of this language. */ name, /** Alternative names for the mode (lowercased, includes ``). */ alias, /** File extensions associated with this language. */ extensions, /** Optional filename pattern that should be associated with this language. */ filename, loadFunc, /** If the language has been loaded, this will hold its value. */ support = undefined) { = name; this.alias = alias; this.extensions = extensions; this.filename = filename; this.loadFunc = loadFunc; = support; this.loading = null; } /** Start loading the the language. Will return a promise that resolves to a [`LanguageSupport`]( object when the language successfully loads. */ load() { return this.loading || (this.loading = this.loadFunc().then(support => = support, err => { this.loading = null; throw err; })); } /** Create a language description. */ static of(spec) { let { load, support } = spec; if (!load) { if (!support) throw new RangeError("Must pass either 'load' or 'support' to LanguageDescription.of"); load = () => Promise.resolve(support); } return new LanguageDescription(, (spec.alias || []).concat( => s.toLowerCase()), spec.extensions || [], spec.filename, load, support); } /** Look for a language in the given array of descriptions that matches the filename. Will first match [`filename`]( patterns, and then [extensions](, and return the first language that matches. */ static matchFilename(descs, filename) { for (let d of descs) if (d.filename && d.filename.test(filename)) return d; let ext = /\.([^.]+)$/.exec(filename); if (ext) for (let d of descs) if (d.extensions.indexOf(ext[1]) > -1) return d; return null; } /** Look for a language whose name or alias matches the the given name (case-insensitively). If `fuzzy` is true, and no direct matchs is found, this'll also search for a language whose name or alias occurs in the string (for names shorter than three characters, only when surrounded by non-word characters). */ static matchLanguageName(descs, name, fuzzy = true) { name = name.toLowerCase(); for (let d of descs) if (d.alias.some(a => a == name)) return d; if (fuzzy) for (let d of descs) for (let a of d.alias) { let found = name.indexOf(a); if (found > -1 && (a.length > 2 || !/\w/.test(name[found - 1]) && !/\w/.test(name[found + a.length]))) return d; } return null; } } /** Facet that defines a way to provide a function that computes the appropriate indentation depth, as a column number (see [`indentString`](, at the start of a given line. A return value of `null` indicates no indentation can be determined, and the line should inherit the indentation of the one above it. A return value of `undefined` defers to the next indent service. */ const indentService = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define(); /** Facet for overriding the unit by which indentation happens. Should be a string consisting either entirely of the same whitespace character. When not set, this defaults to 2 spaces. */ const indentUnit = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ combine: values => { if (!values.length) return " "; let unit = values[0]; if (!unit || /\S/.test(unit) || Array.from(unit).some(e => e != unit[0])) throw new Error("Invalid indent unit: " + JSON.stringify(values[0])); return unit; } }); /** Return the _column width_ of an indent unit in the state. Determined by the [`indentUnit`]( facet, and [`tabSize`](^tabSize) when that contains tabs. */ function getIndentUnit(state) { let unit = state.facet(indentUnit); return unit.charCodeAt(0) == 9 ? state.tabSize * unit.length : unit.length; } /** Create an indentation string that covers columns 0 to `cols`. Will use tabs for as much of the columns as possible when the [`indentUnit`]( facet contains tabs. */ function indentString(state, cols) { let result = "", ts = state.tabSize, ch = state.facet(indentUnit)[0]; if (ch == "\t") { while (cols >= ts) { result += "\t"; cols -= ts; } ch = " "; } for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) result += ch; return result; } /** Get the indentation, as a column number, at the given position. Will first consult any [indent services]( that are registered, and if none of those return an indentation, this will check the syntax tree for the [indent node prop]( and use that if found. Returns a number when an indentation could be determined, and null otherwise. */ function getIndentation(context, pos) { if (context instanceof EditorState) context = new IndentContext(context); for (let service of context.state.facet(indentService)) { let result = service(context, pos); if (result !== undefined) return result; } let tree = syntaxTree(context.state); return tree.length >= pos ? syntaxIndentation(context, tree, pos) : null; } /** Create a change set that auto-indents all lines touched by the given document range. */ function indentRange(state, from, to) { let updated = Object.create(null); let context = new IndentContext(state, { overrideIndentation: start => { var _a; return (_a = updated[start]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : -1; } }); let changes = []; for (let pos = from; pos <= to;) { let line = state.doc.lineAt(pos); pos = + 1; let indent = getIndentation(context, line.from); if (indent == null) continue; if (!/\S/.test(line.text)) indent = 0; let cur = /^\s*/.exec(line.text)[0]; let norm = indentString(state, indent); if (cur != norm) { updated[line.from] = indent; changes.push({ from: line.from, to: line.from + cur.length, insert: norm }); } } return state.changes(changes); } /** Indentation contexts are used when calling [indentation services]( They provide helper utilities useful in indentation logic, and can selectively override the indentation reported for some lines. */ class IndentContext { /** Create an indent context. */ constructor( /** The editor state. */ state, /** @internal */ options = {}) { this.state = state; this.options = options; this.unit = getIndentUnit(state); } /** Get a description of the line at the given position, taking [simulated line breaks](^options.simulateBreak) into account. If there is such a break at `pos`, the `bias` argument determines whether the part of the line line before or after the break is used. */ lineAt(pos, bias = 1) { let line = this.state.doc.lineAt(pos); let { simulateBreak, simulateDoubleBreak } = this.options; if (simulateBreak != null && simulateBreak >= line.from && simulateBreak <= { if (simulateDoubleBreak && simulateBreak == pos) return { text: "", from: pos }; else if (bias < 0 ? simulateBreak < pos : simulateBreak <= pos) return { text: line.text.slice(simulateBreak - line.from), from: simulateBreak }; else return { text: line.text.slice(0, simulateBreak - line.from), from: line.from }; } return line; } /** Get the text directly after `pos`, either the entire line or the next 100 characters, whichever is shorter. */ textAfterPos(pos, bias = 1) { if (this.options.simulateDoubleBreak && pos == this.options.simulateBreak) return ""; let { text, from } = this.lineAt(pos, bias); return text.slice(pos - from, Math.min(text.length, pos + 100 - from)); } /** Find the column for the given position. */ column(pos, bias = 1) { let { text, from } = this.lineAt(pos, bias); let result = this.countColumn(text, pos - from); let override = this.options.overrideIndentation ? this.options.overrideIndentation(from) : -1; if (override > -1) result += override - this.countColumn(text,\S|$/)); return result; } /** Find the column position (taking tabs into account) of the given position in the given string. */ countColumn(line, pos = line.length) { return countColumn(line, this.state.tabSize, pos); } /** Find the indentation column of the line at the given point. */ lineIndent(pos, bias = 1) { let { text, from } = this.lineAt(pos, bias); let override = this.options.overrideIndentation; if (override) { let overriden = override(from); if (overriden > -1) return overriden; } return this.countColumn(text,\S|$/)); } /** Returns the [simulated line break](^options.simulateBreak) for this context, if any. */ get simulatedBreak() { return this.options.simulateBreak || null; } } /** A syntax tree node prop used to associate indentation strategies with node types. Such a strategy is a function from an indentation context to a column number (see also [`indentString`]( or null, where null indicates that no definitive indentation can be determined. */ const indentNodeProp = /*@__PURE__*/new NodeProp(); // Compute the indentation for a given position from the syntax tree. function syntaxIndentation(cx, ast, pos) { let stack = ast.resolveStack(pos); let inner = stack.node.enterUnfinishedNodesBefore(pos); if (inner != stack.node) { let add = []; for (let cur = inner; cur != stack.node; cur = cur.parent) add.push(cur); for (let i = add.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) stack = { node: add[i], next: stack }; } return indentFor(stack, cx, pos); } function indentFor(stack, cx, pos) { for (let cur = stack; cur; cur = { let strategy = indentStrategy(cur.node); if (strategy) return strategy(TreeIndentContext.create(cx, pos, cur)); } return 0; } function ignoreClosed(cx) { return cx.pos == cx.options.simulateBreak && cx.options.simulateDoubleBreak; } function indentStrategy(tree) { let strategy = tree.type.prop(indentNodeProp); if (strategy) return strategy; let first = tree.firstChild, close; if (first && (close = first.type.prop(NodeProp.closedBy))) { let last = tree.lastChild, closed = last && close.indexOf( > -1; return cx => delimitedStrategy(cx, true, 1, undefined, closed && !ignoreClosed(cx) ? last.from : undefined); } return tree.parent == null ? topIndent : null; } function topIndent() { return 0; } /** Objects of this type provide context information and helper methods to indentation functions registered on syntax nodes. */ class TreeIndentContext extends IndentContext { constructor(base, /** The position at which indentation is being computed. */ pos, /** @internal */ context) { super(base.state, base.options); this.base = base; this.pos = pos; this.context = context; } /** The syntax tree node to which the indentation strategy applies. */ get node() { return this.context.node; } /** @internal */ static create(base, pos, context) { return new TreeIndentContext(base, pos, context); } /** Get the text directly after `this.pos`, either the entire line or the next 100 characters, whichever is shorter. */ get textAfter() { return this.textAfterPos(this.pos); } /** Get the indentation at the reference line for `this.node`, which is the line on which it starts, unless there is a node that is _not_ a parent of this node covering the start of that line. If so, the line at the start of that node is tried, again skipping on if it is covered by another such node. */ get baseIndent() { return this.baseIndentFor(this.node); } /** Get the indentation for the reference line of the given node (see [`baseIndent`]( */ baseIndentFor(node) { let line = this.state.doc.lineAt(node.from); // Skip line starts that are covered by a sibling (or cousin, etc) for (;;) { let atBreak = node.resolve(line.from); while (atBreak.parent && atBreak.parent.from == atBreak.from) atBreak = atBreak.parent; if (isParent(atBreak, node)) break; line = this.state.doc.lineAt(atBreak.from); } return this.lineIndent(line.from); } /** Continue looking for indentations in the node's parent nodes, and return the result of that. */ continue() { return indentFor(, this.base, this.pos); } } function isParent(parent, of) { for (let cur = of; cur; cur = cur.parent) if (parent == cur) return true; return false; } // Check whether a delimited node is aligned (meaning there are // non-skipped nodes on the same line as the opening delimiter). And // if so, return the opening token. function bracketedAligned(context) { let tree = context.node; let openToken = tree.childAfter(tree.from), last = tree.lastChild; if (!openToken) return null; let sim = context.options.simulateBreak; let openLine = context.state.doc.lineAt(openToken.from); let lineEnd = sim == null || sim <= openLine.from ? : Math.min(, sim); for (let pos =;;) { let next = tree.childAfter(pos); if (!next || next == last) return null; if (!next.type.isSkipped) return next.from < lineEnd ? openToken : null; pos =; } } /** An indentation strategy for delimited (usually bracketed) nodes. Will, by default, indent one unit more than the parent's base indent unless the line starts with a closing token. When `align` is true and there are non-skipped nodes on the node's opening line, the content of the node will be aligned with the end of the opening node, like this: foo(bar, baz) */ function delimitedIndent({ closing, align = true, units = 1 }) { return (context) => delimitedStrategy(context, align, units, closing); } function delimitedStrategy(context, align, units, closing, closedAt) { let after = context.textAfter, space = after.match(/^\s*/)[0].length; let closed = closing && after.slice(space, space + closing.length) == closing || closedAt == context.pos + space; let aligned = align ? bracketedAligned(context) : null; if (aligned) return closed ? context.column(aligned.from) : context.column(; return context.baseIndent + (closed ? 0 : context.unit * units); } /** An indentation strategy that aligns a node's content to its base indentation. */ const flatIndent = (context) => context.baseIndent; /** Creates an indentation strategy that, by default, indents continued lines one unit more than the node's base indentation. You can provide `except` to prevent indentation of lines that match a pattern (for example `/^else\b/` in `if`/`else` constructs), and you can change the amount of units used with the `units` option. */ function continuedIndent({ except, units = 1 } = {}) { return (context) => { let matchExcept = except && except.test(context.textAfter); return context.baseIndent + (matchExcept ? 0 : units * context.unit); }; } const DontIndentBeyond = 200; /** Enables reindentation on input. When a language defines an `indentOnInput` field in its [language data](, which must hold a regular expression, the line at the cursor will be reindented whenever new text is typed and the input from the start of the line up to the cursor matches that regexp. To avoid unneccesary reindents, it is recommended to start the regexp with `^` (usually followed by `\s*`), and end it with `$`. For example, `/^\s*\}$/` will reindent when a closing brace is added at the start of a line. */ function indentOnInput() { return EditorState.transactionFilter.of(tr => { if (!tr.docChanged || !tr.isUserEvent("input.type") && !tr.isUserEvent("input.complete")) return tr; let rules = tr.startState.languageDataAt("indentOnInput", tr.startState.selection.main.head); if (!rules.length) return tr; let doc = tr.newDoc, { head } = tr.newSelection.main, line = doc.lineAt(head); if (head > line.from + DontIndentBeyond) return tr; let lineStart = doc.sliceString(line.from, head); if (!rules.some(r => r.test(lineStart))) return tr; let { state } = tr, last = -1, changes = []; for (let { head } of state.selection.ranges) { let line = state.doc.lineAt(head); if (line.from == last) continue; last = line.from; let indent = getIndentation(state, line.from); if (indent == null) continue; let cur = /^\s*/.exec(line.text)[0]; let norm = indentString(state, indent); if (cur != norm) changes.push({ from: line.from, to: line.from + cur.length, insert: norm }); } return changes.length ? [tr, { changes, sequential: true }] : tr; }); } /** A facet that registers a code folding service. When called with the extent of a line, such a function should return a foldable range that starts on that line (but continues beyond it), if one can be found. */ const foldService = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define(); /** This node prop is used to associate folding information with syntax node types. Given a syntax node, it should check whether that tree is foldable and return the range that can be collapsed when it is. */ const foldNodeProp = /*@__PURE__*/new NodeProp(); /** [Fold]( function that folds everything but the first and the last child of a syntax node. Useful for nodes that start and end with delimiters. */ function foldInside(node) { let first = node.firstChild, last = node.lastChild; return first && < last.from ? { from:, to: last.type.isError ? : last.from } : null; } function syntaxFolding(state, start, end) { let tree = syntaxTree(state); if (tree.length < end) return null; let stack = tree.resolveStack(end, 1); let found = null; for (let iter = stack; iter; iter = { let cur = iter.node; if ( <= end || cur.from > end) continue; if (found && cur.from < start) break; let prop = cur.type.prop(foldNodeProp); if (prop && ( < tree.length - 50 || tree.length == state.doc.length || !isUnfinished(cur))) { let value = prop(cur, state); if (value && value.from <= end && value.from >= start && > end) found = value; } } return found; } function isUnfinished(node) { let ch = node.lastChild; return ch && == && ch.type.isError; } /** Check whether the given line is foldable. First asks any fold services registered through [`foldService`](, and if none of them return a result, tries to query the [fold node prop]( of syntax nodes that cover the end of the line. */ function foldable(state, lineStart, lineEnd) { for (let service of state.facet(foldService)) { let result = service(state, lineStart, lineEnd); if (result) return result; } return syntaxFolding(state, lineStart, lineEnd); } function mapRange(range, mapping) { let from = mapping.mapPos(range.from, 1), to = mapping.mapPos(, -1); return from >= to ? undefined : { from, to }; } /** State effect that can be attached to a transaction to fold the given range. (You probably only need this in exceptional circumstances—usually you'll just want to let [`foldCode`]( and the [fold gutter]( create the transactions.) */ const foldEffect = /*@__PURE__*/StateEffect.define({ map: mapRange }); /** State effect that unfolds the given range (if it was folded). */ const unfoldEffect = /*@__PURE__*/StateEffect.define({ map: mapRange }); function selectedLines(view) { let lines = []; for (let { head } of view.state.selection.ranges) { if (lines.some(l => l.from <= head && >= head)) continue; lines.push(view.lineBlockAt(head)); } return lines; } /** The state field that stores the folded ranges (as a [decoration set]( Can be passed to [`EditorState.toJSON`]( and [`fromJSON`](^fromJSON) to serialize the fold state. */ const foldState = /*@__PURE__*/StateField.define({ create() { return Decoration.none; }, update(folded, tr) { folded =; for (let e of tr.effects) { if ( && !foldExists(folded, e.value.from, { let { preparePlaceholder } = tr.state.facet(foldConfig); let widget = !preparePlaceholder ? foldWidget : Decoration.replace({ widget: new PreparedFoldWidget(preparePlaceholder(tr.state, e.value)) }); folded = folded.update({ add: [widget.range(e.value.from,] }); } else if ( { folded = folded.update({ filter: (from, to) => e.value.from != from || != to, filterFrom: e.value.from, filterTo: }); } } // Clear folded ranges that cover the selection head if (tr.selection) { let onSelection = false, { head } = tr.selection.main; folded.between(head, head, (a, b) => { if (a < head && b > head) onSelection = true; }); if (onSelection) folded = folded.update({ filterFrom: head, filterTo: head, filter: (a, b) => b <= head || a >= head }); } return folded; }, provide: f => EditorView.decorations.from(f), toJSON(folded, state) { let ranges = []; folded.between(0, state.doc.length, (from, to) => { ranges.push(from, to); }); return ranges; }, fromJSON(value) { if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length % 2) throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON for fold state"); let ranges = []; for (let i = 0; i < value.length;) { let from = value[i++], to = value[i++]; if (typeof from != "number" || typeof to != "number") throw new RangeError("Invalid JSON for fold state"); ranges.push(foldWidget.range(from, to)); } return Decoration.set(ranges, true); } }); /** Get a [range set]( containing the folded ranges in the given state. */ function foldedRanges(state) { return state.field(foldState, false) || RangeSet.empty; } function findFold(state, from, to) { var _a; let found = null; (_a = state.field(foldState, false)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.between(from, to, (from, to) => { if (!found || found.from > from) found = { from, to }; }); return found; } function foldExists(folded, from, to) { let found = false; folded.between(from, from, (a, b) => { if (a == from && b == to) found = true; }); return found; } function maybeEnable(state, other) { return state.field(foldState, false) ? other : other.concat(StateEffect.appendConfig.of(codeFolding())); } /** Fold the lines that are selected, if possible. */ const foldCode = view => { for (let line of selectedLines(view)) { let range = foldable(view.state, line.from,; if (range) { view.dispatch({ effects: maybeEnable(view.state, [foldEffect.of(range), announceFold(view, range)]) }); return true; } } return false; }; /** Unfold folded ranges on selected lines. */ const unfoldCode = view => { if (!view.state.field(foldState, false)) return false; let effects = []; for (let line of selectedLines(view)) { let folded = findFold(view.state, line.from,; if (folded) effects.push(unfoldEffect.of(folded), announceFold(view, folded, false)); } if (effects.length) view.dispatch({ effects }); return effects.length > 0; }; function announceFold(view, range, fold = true) { let lineFrom = view.state.doc.lineAt(range.from).number, lineTo = view.state.doc.lineAt(; return EditorView.announce.of(`${view.state.phrase(fold ? "Folded lines" : "Unfolded lines")} ${lineFrom} ${view.state.phrase("to")} ${lineTo}.`); } /** Fold all top-level foldable ranges. Note that, in most cases, folding information will depend on the [syntax tree](, and folding everything may not work reliably when the document hasn't been fully parsed (either because the editor state was only just initialized, or because the document is so big that the parser decided not to parse it entirely). */ const foldAll = view => { let { state } = view, effects = []; for (let pos = 0; pos < state.doc.length;) { let line = view.lineBlockAt(pos), range = foldable(state, line.from,; if (range) effects.push(foldEffect.of(range)); pos = (range ? view.lineBlockAt( : line).to + 1; } if (effects.length) view.dispatch({ effects: maybeEnable(view.state, effects) }); return !!effects.length; }; /** Unfold all folded code. */ const unfoldAll = view => { let field = view.state.field(foldState, false); if (!field || !field.size) return false; let effects = []; field.between(0, view.state.doc.length, (from, to) => { effects.push(unfoldEffect.of({ from, to })); }); view.dispatch({ effects }); return true; }; // Find the foldable region containing the given line, if one exists function foldableContainer(view, lineBlock) { // Look backwards through line blocks until we find a foldable region that // intersects with the line for (let line = lineBlock;;) { let foldableRegion = foldable(view.state, line.from,; if (foldableRegion && > lineBlock.from) return foldableRegion; if (!line.from) return null; line = view.lineBlockAt(line.from - 1); } } /** Toggle folding at cursors. Unfolds if there is an existing fold starting in that line, tries to find a foldable range around it otherwise. */ const toggleFold = (view) => { let effects = []; for (let line of selectedLines(view)) { let folded = findFold(view.state, line.from,; if (folded) { effects.push(unfoldEffect.of(folded), announceFold(view, folded, false)); } else { let foldRange = foldableContainer(view, line); if (foldRange) effects.push(foldEffect.of(foldRange), announceFold(view, foldRange)); } } if (effects.length > 0) view.dispatch({ effects: maybeEnable(view.state, effects) }); return !!effects.length; }; /** Default fold-related key bindings. - Ctrl-Shift-[ (Cmd-Alt-[ on macOS): [`foldCode`]( - Ctrl-Shift-] (Cmd-Alt-] on macOS): [`unfoldCode`]( - Ctrl-Alt-[: [`foldAll`]( - Ctrl-Alt-]: [`unfoldAll`]( */ const foldKeymap = [ { key: "Ctrl-Shift-[", mac: "Cmd-Alt-[", run: foldCode }, { key: "Ctrl-Shift-]", mac: "Cmd-Alt-]", run: unfoldCode }, { key: "Ctrl-Alt-[", run: foldAll }, { key: "Ctrl-Alt-]", run: unfoldAll } ]; const defaultConfig = { placeholderDOM: null, preparePlaceholder: null, placeholderText: "…" }; const foldConfig = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ combine(values) { return combineConfig(values, defaultConfig); } }); /** Create an extension that configures code folding. */ function codeFolding(config) { let result = [foldState, baseTheme$1]; if (config) result.push(foldConfig.of(config)); return result; } function widgetToDOM(view, prepared) { let { state } = view, conf = state.facet(foldConfig); let onclick = (event) => { let line = view.lineBlockAt(view.posAtDOM(; let folded = findFold(view.state, line.from,; if (folded) view.dispatch({ effects: unfoldEffect.of(folded) }); event.preventDefault(); }; if (conf.placeholderDOM) return conf.placeholderDOM(view, onclick, prepared); let element = document.createElement("span"); element.textContent = conf.placeholderText; element.setAttribute("aria-label", state.phrase("folded code")); element.title = state.phrase("unfold"); element.className = "cm-foldPlaceholder"; element.onclick = onclick; return element; } const foldWidget = /*@__PURE__*/Decoration.replace({ widget: /*@__PURE__*/new class extends WidgetType { toDOM(view) { return widgetToDOM(view, null); } } }); class PreparedFoldWidget extends WidgetType { constructor(value) { super(); this.value = value; } eq(other) { return this.value == other.value; } toDOM(view) { return widgetToDOM(view, this.value); } } const foldGutterDefaults = { openText: "⌄", closedText: "›", markerDOM: null, domEventHandlers: {}, foldingChanged: () => false }; class FoldMarker extends GutterMarker { constructor(config, open) { super(); this.config = config; = open; } eq(other) { return this.config == other.config && ==; } toDOM(view) { if (this.config.markerDOM) return this.config.markerDOM(; let span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = ? this.config.openText : this.config.closedText; span.title = view.state.phrase( ? "Fold line" : "Unfold line"); return span; } } /** Create an extension that registers a fold gutter, which shows a fold status indicator before foldable lines (which can be clicked to fold or unfold the line). */ function foldGutter(config = {}) { let fullConfig = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, foldGutterDefaults), config); let canFold = new FoldMarker(fullConfig, true), canUnfold = new FoldMarker(fullConfig, false); let markers = ViewPlugin.fromClass(class { constructor(view) { this.from = view.viewport.from; this.markers = this.buildMarkers(view); } update(update) { if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged || update.startState.facet(language) != update.state.facet(language) || update.startState.field(foldState, false) != update.state.field(foldState, false) || syntaxTree(update.startState) != syntaxTree(update.state) || fullConfig.foldingChanged(update)) this.markers = this.buildMarkers(update.view); } buildMarkers(view) { let builder = new RangeSetBuilder(); for (let line of view.viewportLineBlocks) { let mark = findFold(view.state, line.from, ? canUnfold : foldable(view.state, line.from, ? canFold : null; if (mark) builder.add(line.from, line.from, mark); } return builder.finish(); } }); let { domEventHandlers } = fullConfig; return [ markers, gutter({ class: "cm-foldGutter", markers(view) { var _a; return ((_a = view.plugin(markers)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.markers) || RangeSet.empty; }, initialSpacer() { return new FoldMarker(fullConfig, false); }, domEventHandlers: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, domEventHandlers), { click: (view, line, event) => { if ( &&, line, event)) return true; let folded = findFold(view.state, line.from,; if (folded) { view.dispatch({ effects: unfoldEffect.of(folded) }); return true; } let range = foldable(view.state, line.from,; if (range) { view.dispatch({ effects: foldEffect.of(range) }); return true; } return false; } }) }), codeFolding() ]; } const baseTheme$1 = /*@__PURE__*/EditorView.baseTheme({ ".cm-foldPlaceholder": { backgroundColor: "#eee", border: "1px solid #ddd", color: "#888", borderRadius: ".2em", margin: "0 1px", padding: "0 1px", cursor: "pointer" }, ".cm-foldGutter span": { padding: "0 1px", cursor: "pointer" } }); /** A highlight style associates CSS styles with higlighting [tags]( */ class HighlightStyle { constructor( /** The tag styles used to create this highlight style. */ specs, options) { this.specs = specs; let modSpec; function def(spec) { let cls = StyleModule.newName(); (modSpec || (modSpec = Object.create(null)))["." + cls] = spec; return cls; } const all = typeof options.all == "string" ? options.all : options.all ? def(options.all) : undefined; const scopeOpt = options.scope; this.scope = scopeOpt instanceof Language ? (type) => type.prop(languageDataProp) == : scopeOpt ? (type) => type == scopeOpt : undefined; = tagHighlighter( => ({ tag: style.tag, class: style.class || def(Object.assign({}, style, { tag: null })) })), { all, }).style; this.module = modSpec ? new StyleModule(modSpec) : null; this.themeType = options.themeType; } /** Create a highlighter style that associates the given styles to the given tags. The specs must be objects that hold a style tag or array of tags in their `tag` property, and either a single `class` property providing a static CSS class (for highlighter that rely on external styling), or a [`style-mod`]( set of CSS properties (which define the styling for those tags). The CSS rules created for a highlighter will be emitted in the order of the spec's properties. That means that for elements that have multiple tags associated with them, styles defined further down in the list will have a higher CSS precedence than styles defined earlier. */ static define(specs, options) { return new HighlightStyle(specs, options || {}); } } const highlighterFacet = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define(); const fallbackHighlighter = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ combine(values) { return values.length ? [values[0]] : null; } }); function getHighlighters(state) { let main = state.facet(highlighterFacet); return main.length ? main : state.facet(fallbackHighlighter); } /** Wrap a highlighter in an editor extension that uses it to apply syntax highlighting to the editor content. When multiple (non-fallback) styles are provided, the styling applied is the union of the classes they emit. */ function syntaxHighlighting(highlighter, options) { let ext = [treeHighlighter], themeType; if (highlighter instanceof HighlightStyle) { if (highlighter.module) ext.push(EditorView.styleModule.of(highlighter.module)); themeType = highlighter.themeType; } if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.fallback) ext.push(fallbackHighlighter.of(highlighter)); else if (themeType) ext.push(highlighterFacet.computeN([EditorView.darkTheme], state => { return state.facet(EditorView.darkTheme) == (themeType == "dark") ? [highlighter] : []; })); else ext.push(highlighterFacet.of(highlighter)); return ext; } /** Returns the CSS classes (if any) that the highlighters active in the state would assign to the given style [tags]( and (optional) language [scope](^define^options.scope). */ function highlightingFor(state, tags, scope) { let highlighters = getHighlighters(state); let result = null; if (highlighters) for (let highlighter of highlighters) { if (!highlighter.scope || scope && highlighter.scope(scope)) { let cls =; if (cls) result = result ? result + " " + cls : cls; } } return result; } class TreeHighlighter { constructor(view) { this.markCache = Object.create(null); this.tree = syntaxTree(view.state); this.decorations = this.buildDeco(view, getHighlighters(view.state)); this.decoratedTo =; } update(update) { let tree = syntaxTree(update.state), highlighters = getHighlighters(update.state); let styleChange = highlighters != getHighlighters(update.startState); let { viewport } = update.view, decoratedToMapped = update.changes.mapPos(this.decoratedTo, 1); if (tree.length < && !styleChange && tree.type == this.tree.type && decoratedToMapped >= { this.decorations =; this.decoratedTo = decoratedToMapped; } else if (tree != this.tree || update.viewportChanged || styleChange) { this.tree = tree; this.decorations = this.buildDeco(update.view, highlighters); this.decoratedTo =; } } buildDeco(view, highlighters) { if (!highlighters || !this.tree.length) return Decoration.none; let builder = new RangeSetBuilder(); for (let { from, to } of view.visibleRanges) { highlightTree(this.tree, highlighters, (from, to, style) => { builder.add(from, to, this.markCache[style] || (this.markCache[style] = Decoration.mark({ class: style }))); }, from, to); } return builder.finish(); } } const treeHighlighter = /*@__PURE__*/Prec.high(/*@__PURE__*/ViewPlugin.fromClass(TreeHighlighter, { decorations: v => v.decorations })); /** A default highlight style (works well with light themes). */ const defaultHighlightStyle = /*@__PURE__*/HighlightStyle.define([ { tag: tags.meta, color: "#404740" }, { tag:, textDecoration: "underline" }, { tag: tags.heading, textDecoration: "underline", fontWeight: "bold" }, { tag: tags.emphasis, fontStyle: "italic" }, { tag: tags.strong, fontWeight: "bold" }, { tag: tags.strikethrough, textDecoration: "line-through" }, { tag: tags.keyword, color: "#708" }, { tag: [tags.atom, tags.bool, tags.url, tags.contentSeparator, tags.labelName], color: "#219" }, { tag: [tags.literal, tags.inserted], color: "#164" }, { tag: [tags.string, tags.deleted], color: "#a11" }, { tag: [tags.regexp, tags.escape, /*@__PURE__*/tags.special(tags.string)], color: "#e40" }, { tag: /*@__PURE__*/tags.definition(tags.variableName), color: "#00f" }, { tag: /*@__PURE__*/tags.local(tags.variableName), color: "#30a" }, { tag: [tags.typeName, tags.namespace], color: "#085" }, { tag: tags.className, color: "#167" }, { tag: [/*@__PURE__*/tags.special(tags.variableName), tags.macroName], color: "#256" }, { tag: /*@__PURE__*/tags.definition(tags.propertyName), color: "#00c" }, { tag: tags.comment, color: "#940" }, { tag: tags.invalid, color: "#f00" } ]); const baseTheme = /*@__PURE__*/EditorView.baseTheme({ "&.cm-focused .cm-matchingBracket": { backgroundColor: "#328c8252" }, "&.cm-focused .cm-nonmatchingBracket": { backgroundColor: "#bb555544" } }); const DefaultScanDist = 10000, DefaultBrackets = "()[]{}"; const bracketMatchingConfig = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ combine(configs) { return combineConfig(configs, { afterCursor: true, brackets: DefaultBrackets, maxScanDistance: DefaultScanDist, renderMatch: defaultRenderMatch }); } }); const matchingMark = /*@__PURE__*/Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-matchingBracket" }), nonmatchingMark = /*@__PURE__*/Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-nonmatchingBracket" }); function defaultRenderMatch(match) { let decorations = []; let mark = match.matched ? matchingMark : nonmatchingMark; decorations.push(mark.range(match.start.from,; if (match.end) decorations.push(mark.range(match.end.from,; return decorations; } const bracketMatchingState = /*@__PURE__*/StateField.define({ create() { return Decoration.none; }, update(deco, tr) { if (!tr.docChanged && !tr.selection) return deco; let decorations = []; let config = tr.state.facet(bracketMatchingConfig); for (let range of tr.state.selection.ranges) { if (!range.empty) continue; let match = matchBrackets(tr.state, range.head, -1, config) || (range.head > 0 && matchBrackets(tr.state, range.head - 1, 1, config)) || (config.afterCursor && (matchBrackets(tr.state, range.head, 1, config) || (range.head < tr.state.doc.length && matchBrackets(tr.state, range.head + 1, -1, config)))); if (match) decorations = decorations.concat(config.renderMatch(match, tr.state)); } return Decoration.set(decorations, true); }, provide: f => EditorView.decorations.from(f) }); const bracketMatchingUnique = [ bracketMatchingState, baseTheme ]; /** Create an extension that enables bracket matching. Whenever the cursor is next to a bracket, that bracket and the one it matches are highlighted. Or, when no matching bracket is found, another highlighting style is used to indicate this. */ function bracketMatching(config = {}) { return [bracketMatchingConfig.of(config), bracketMatchingUnique]; } /** When larger syntax nodes, such as HTML tags, are marked as opening/closing, it can be a bit messy to treat the whole node as a matchable bracket. This node prop allows you to define, for such a node, a ‘handle’—the part of the node that is highlighted, and that the cursor must be on to activate highlighting in the first place. */ const bracketMatchingHandle = /*@__PURE__*/new NodeProp(); function matchingNodes(node, dir, brackets) { let byProp = node.prop(dir < 0 ? NodeProp.openedBy : NodeProp.closedBy); if (byProp) return byProp; if ( == 1) { let index = brackets.indexOf(; if (index > -1 && index % 2 == (dir < 0 ? 1 : 0)) return [brackets[index + dir]]; } return null; } function findHandle(node) { let hasHandle = node.type.prop(bracketMatchingHandle); return hasHandle ? hasHandle(node.node) : node; } /** Find the matching bracket for the token at `pos`, scanning direction `dir`. Only the `brackets` and `maxScanDistance` properties are used from `config`, if given. Returns null if no bracket was found at `pos`, or a match result otherwise. */ function matchBrackets(state, pos, dir, config = {}) { let maxScanDistance = config.maxScanDistance || DefaultScanDist, brackets = config.brackets || DefaultBrackets; let tree = syntaxTree(state), node = tree.resolveInner(pos, dir); for (let cur = node; cur; cur = cur.parent) { let matches = matchingNodes(cur.type, dir, brackets); if (matches && cur.from < { let handle = findHandle(cur); if (handle && (dir > 0 ? pos >= handle.from && pos < : pos > handle.from && pos <= return matchMarkedBrackets(state, pos, dir, cur, handle, matches, brackets); } } return matchPlainBrackets(state, pos, dir, tree, node.type, maxScanDistance, brackets); } function matchMarkedBrackets(_state, _pos, dir, token, handle, matching, brackets) { let parent = token.parent, firstToken = { from: handle.from, to: }; let depth = 0, cursor = parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.cursor(); if (cursor && (dir < 0 ? cursor.childBefore(token.from) : cursor.childAfter( do { if (dir < 0 ? <= token.from : cursor.from >= { if (depth == 0 && matching.indexOf( > -1 && cursor.from < { let endHandle = findHandle(cursor); return { start: firstToken, end: endHandle ? { from: endHandle.from, to: } : undefined, matched: true }; } else if (matchingNodes(cursor.type, dir, brackets)) { depth++; } else if (matchingNodes(cursor.type, -dir, brackets)) { if (depth == 0) { let endHandle = findHandle(cursor); return { start: firstToken, end: endHandle && endHandle.from < ? { from: endHandle.from, to: } : undefined, matched: false }; } depth--; } } } while (dir < 0 ? cursor.prevSibling() : cursor.nextSibling()); return { start: firstToken, matched: false }; } function matchPlainBrackets(state, pos, dir, tree, tokenType, maxScanDistance, brackets) { let startCh = dir < 0 ? state.sliceDoc(pos - 1, pos) : state.sliceDoc(pos, pos + 1); let bracket = brackets.indexOf(startCh); if (bracket < 0 || (bracket % 2 == 0) != (dir > 0)) return null; let startToken = { from: dir < 0 ? pos - 1 : pos, to: dir > 0 ? pos + 1 : pos }; let iter = state.doc.iterRange(pos, dir > 0 ? state.doc.length : 0), depth = 0; for (let distance = 0; !( && distance <= maxScanDistance;) { let text = iter.value; if (dir < 0) distance += text.length; let basePos = pos + distance * dir; for (let pos = dir > 0 ? 0 : text.length - 1, end = dir > 0 ? text.length : -1; pos != end; pos += dir) { let found = brackets.indexOf(text[pos]); if (found < 0 || tree.resolveInner(basePos + pos, 1).type != tokenType) continue; if ((found % 2 == 0) == (dir > 0)) { depth++; } else if (depth == 1) { // Closing return { start: startToken, end: { from: basePos + pos, to: basePos + pos + 1 }, matched: (found >> 1) == (bracket >> 1) }; } else { depth--; } } if (dir > 0) distance += text.length; } return iter.done ? { start: startToken, matched: false } : null; } // Counts the column offset in a string, taking tabs into account. // Used mostly to find indentation. function countCol(string, end, tabSize, startIndex = 0, startValue = 0) { if (end == null) { end =[^\s\u00a0]/); if (end == -1) end = string.length; } let n = startValue; for (let i = startIndex; i < end; i++) { if (string.charCodeAt(i) == 9) n += tabSize - (n % tabSize); else n++; } return n; } /** Encapsulates a single line of input. Given to stream syntax code, which uses it to tokenize the content. */ class StringStream { /** Create a stream. */ constructor( /** The line. */ string, tabSize, /** The current indent unit size. */ indentUnit, overrideIndent) { this.string = string; this.tabSize = tabSize; this.indentUnit = indentUnit; this.overrideIndent = overrideIndent; /** The current position on the line. */ this.pos = 0; /** The start position of the current token. */ this.start = 0; this.lastColumnPos = 0; this.lastColumnValue = 0; } /** True if we are at the end of the line. */ eol() { return this.pos >= this.string.length; } /** True if we are at the start of the line. */ sol() { return this.pos == 0; } /** Get the next code unit after the current position, or undefined if we're at the end of the line. */ peek() { return this.string.charAt(this.pos) || undefined; } /** Read the next code unit and advance `this.pos`. */ next() { if (this.pos < this.string.length) return this.string.charAt(this.pos++); } /** Match the next character against the given string, regular expression, or predicate. Consume and return it if it matches. */ eat(match) { let ch = this.string.charAt(this.pos); let ok; if (typeof match == "string") ok = ch == match; else ok = ch && (match instanceof RegExp ? match.test(ch) : match(ch)); if (ok) { ++this.pos; return ch; } } /** Continue matching characters that match the given string, regular expression, or predicate function. Return true if any characters were consumed. */ eatWhile(match) { let start = this.pos; while ( { } return this.pos > start; } /** Consume whitespace ahead of `this.pos`. Return true if any was found. */ eatSpace() { let start = this.pos; while (/[\s\u00a0]/.test(this.string.charAt(this.pos))) ++this.pos; return this.pos > start; } /** Move to the end of the line. */ skipToEnd() { this.pos = this.string.length; } /** Move to directly before the given character, if found on the current line. */ skipTo(ch) { let found = this.string.indexOf(ch, this.pos); if (found > -1) { this.pos = found; return true; } } /** Move back `n` characters. */ backUp(n) { this.pos -= n; } /** Get the column position at `this.pos`. */ column() { if (this.lastColumnPos < this.start) { this.lastColumnValue = countCol(this.string, this.start, this.tabSize, this.lastColumnPos, this.lastColumnValue); this.lastColumnPos = this.start; } return this.lastColumnValue; } /** Get the indentation column of the current line. */ indentation() { var _a; return (_a = this.overrideIndent) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : countCol(this.string, null, this.tabSize); } /** Match the input against the given string or regular expression (which should start with a `^`). Return true or the regexp match if it matches. Unless `consume` is set to `false`, this will move `this.pos` past the matched text. When matching a string `caseInsensitive` can be set to true to make the match case-insensitive. */ match(pattern, consume, caseInsensitive) { if (typeof pattern == "string") { let cased = (str) => caseInsensitive ? str.toLowerCase() : str; let substr = this.string.substr(this.pos, pattern.length); if (cased(substr) == cased(pattern)) { if (consume !== false) this.pos += pattern.length; return true; } else return null; } else { let match = this.string.slice(this.pos).match(pattern); if (match && match.index > 0) return null; if (match && consume !== false) this.pos += match[0].length; return match; } } /** Get the current token. */ current() { return this.string.slice(this.start, this.pos); } } function fullParser(spec) { return { name: || "", token: spec.token, blankLine: spec.blankLine || (() => { }), startState: spec.startState || (() => true), copyState: spec.copyState || defaultCopyState, indent: spec.indent || (() => null), languageData: spec.languageData || {}, tokenTable: spec.tokenTable || noTokens }; } function defaultCopyState(state) { if (typeof state != "object") return state; let newState = {}; for (let prop in state) { let val = state[prop]; newState[prop] = (val instanceof Array ? val.slice() : val); } return newState; } const IndentedFrom = /*@__PURE__*/new WeakMap(); /** A [language]( class based on a CodeMirror 5-style [streaming parser]( */ class StreamLanguage extends Language { constructor(parser) { let data = defineLanguageFacet(parser.languageData); let p = fullParser(parser), self; let impl = new class extends Parser { createParse(input, fragments, ranges) { return new Parse(self, input, fragments, ranges); } }; super(data, impl, [indentService.of((cx, pos) => this.getIndent(cx, pos))],; this.topNode = docID(data); self = this; this.streamParser = p; this.stateAfter = new NodeProp({ perNode: true }); this.tokenTable = parser.tokenTable ? new TokenTable(p.tokenTable) : defaultTokenTable; } /** Define a stream language. */ static define(spec) { return new StreamLanguage(spec); } getIndent(cx, pos) { let tree = syntaxTree(cx.state), at = tree.resolve(pos); while (at && at.type != this.topNode) at = at.parent; if (!at) return null; let from = undefined; let { overrideIndentation } = cx.options; if (overrideIndentation) { from = IndentedFrom.get(cx.state); if (from != null && from < pos - 1e4) from = undefined; } let start = findState(this, tree, 0, at.from, from !== null && from !== void 0 ? from : pos), statePos, state; if (start) { state = start.state; statePos = start.pos + 1; } else { state = this.streamParser.startState(cx.unit); statePos = 0; } if (pos - statePos > 10000 /* C.MaxIndentScanDist */) return null; while (statePos < pos) { let line = cx.state.doc.lineAt(statePos), end = Math.min(pos,; if (line.length) { let indentation = overrideIndentation ? overrideIndentation(line.from) : -1; let stream = new StringStream(line.text, cx.state.tabSize, cx.unit, indentation < 0 ? undefined : indentation); while (stream.pos < end - line.from) readToken(this.streamParser.token, stream, state); } else { this.streamParser.blankLine(state, cx.unit); } if (end == pos) break; statePos = + 1; } let line = cx.lineAt(pos); if (overrideIndentation && from == null) IndentedFrom.set(cx.state, line.from); return this.streamParser.indent(state, /^\s*(.*)/.exec(line.text)[1], cx); } get allowsNesting() { return false; } } function findState(lang, tree, off, startPos, before) { let state = off >= startPos && off + tree.length <= before && tree.prop(lang.stateAfter); if (state) return { state: lang.streamParser.copyState(state), pos: off + tree.length }; for (let i = tree.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let child = tree.children[i], pos = off + tree.positions[i]; let found = child instanceof Tree && pos < before && findState(lang, child, pos, startPos, before); if (found) return found; } return null; } function cutTree(lang, tree, from, to, inside) { if (inside && from <= 0 && to >= tree.length) return tree; if (!inside && tree.type == lang.topNode) inside = true; for (let i = tree.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let pos = tree.positions[i], child = tree.children[i], inner; if (pos < to && child instanceof Tree) { if (!(inner = cutTree(lang, child, from - pos, to - pos, inside))) break; return !inside ? inner : new Tree(tree.type, tree.children.slice(0, i).concat(inner), tree.positions.slice(0, i + 1), pos + inner.length); } } return null; } function findStartInFragments(lang, fragments, startPos, editorState) { for (let f of fragments) { let from = f.from + (f.openStart ? 25 : 0), to = - (f.openEnd ? 25 : 0); let found = from <= startPos && to > startPos && findState(lang, f.tree, 0 - f.offset, startPos, to), tree; if (found && (tree = cutTree(lang, f.tree, startPos + f.offset, found.pos + f.offset, false))) return { state: found.state, tree }; } return { state: lang.streamParser.startState(editorState ? getIndentUnit(editorState) : 4), tree: Tree.empty }; } class Parse { constructor(lang, input, fragments, ranges) { this.lang = lang; this.input = input; this.fragments = fragments; this.ranges = ranges; this.stoppedAt = null; this.chunks = []; this.chunkPos = []; this.chunk = []; this.chunkReused = undefined; this.rangeIndex = 0; = ranges[ranges.length - 1].to; let context = ParseContext.get(), from = ranges[0].from; let { state, tree } = findStartInFragments(lang, fragments, from, context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.state); this.state = state; this.parsedPos = this.chunkStart = from + tree.length; for (let i = 0; i < tree.children.length; i++) { this.chunks.push(tree.children[i]); this.chunkPos.push(tree.positions[i]); } if (context && this.parsedPos < context.viewport.from - 100000 /* C.MaxDistanceBeforeViewport */) { this.state = this.lang.streamParser.startState(getIndentUnit(context.state)); context.skipUntilInView(this.parsedPos, context.viewport.from); this.parsedPos = context.viewport.from; } this.moveRangeIndex(); } advance() { let context = ParseContext.get(); let parseEnd = this.stoppedAt == null ? : Math.min(, this.stoppedAt); let end = Math.min(parseEnd, this.chunkStart + 2048 /* C.ChunkSize */); if (context) end = Math.min(end,; while (this.parsedPos < end) this.parseLine(context); if (this.chunkStart < this.parsedPos) this.finishChunk(); if (this.parsedPos >= parseEnd) return this.finish(); if (context && this.parsedPos >= { context.skipUntilInView(this.parsedPos, parseEnd); return this.finish(); } return null; } stopAt(pos) { this.stoppedAt = pos; } lineAfter(pos) { let chunk = this.input.chunk(pos); if (!this.input.lineChunks) { let eol = chunk.indexOf("\n"); if (eol > -1) chunk = chunk.slice(0, eol); } else if (chunk == "\n") { chunk = ""; } return pos + chunk.length <= ? chunk : chunk.slice(0, - pos); } nextLine() { let from = this.parsedPos, line = this.lineAfter(from), end = from + line.length; for (let index = this.rangeIndex;;) { let rangeEnd = this.ranges[index].to; if (rangeEnd >= end) break; line = line.slice(0, rangeEnd - (end - line.length)); index++; if (index == this.ranges.length) break; let rangeStart = this.ranges[index].from; let after = this.lineAfter(rangeStart); line += after; end = rangeStart + after.length; } return { line, end }; } skipGapsTo(pos, offset, side) { for (;;) { let end = this.ranges[this.rangeIndex].to, offPos = pos + offset; if (side > 0 ? end > offPos : end >= offPos) break; let start = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex].from; offset += start - end; } return offset; } moveRangeIndex() { while (this.ranges[this.rangeIndex].to < this.parsedPos) this.rangeIndex++; } emitToken(id, from, to, size, offset) { if (this.ranges.length > 1) { offset = this.skipGapsTo(from, offset, 1); from += offset; let len0 = this.chunk.length; offset = this.skipGapsTo(to, offset, -1); to += offset; size += this.chunk.length - len0; } this.chunk.push(id, from, to, size); return offset; } parseLine(context) { let { line, end } = this.nextLine(), offset = 0, { streamParser } = this.lang; let stream = new StringStream(line, context ? context.state.tabSize : 4, context ? getIndentUnit(context.state) : 2); if (stream.eol()) { streamParser.blankLine(this.state, stream.indentUnit); } else { while (!stream.eol()) { let token = readToken(streamParser.token, stream, this.state); if (token) offset = this.emitToken(this.lang.tokenTable.resolve(token), this.parsedPos + stream.start, this.parsedPos + stream.pos, 4, offset); if (stream.start > 10000 /* C.MaxLineLength */) break; } } this.parsedPos = end; this.moveRangeIndex(); if (this.parsedPos < this.parsedPos++; } finishChunk() { let tree ={ buffer: this.chunk, start: this.chunkStart, length: this.parsedPos - this.chunkStart, nodeSet, topID: 0, maxBufferLength: 2048 /* C.ChunkSize */, reused: this.chunkReused }); tree = new Tree(tree.type, tree.children, tree.positions, tree.length, [[this.lang.stateAfter, this.lang.streamParser.copyState(this.state)]]); this.chunks.push(tree); this.chunkPos.push(this.chunkStart - this.ranges[0].from); this.chunk = []; this.chunkReused = undefined; this.chunkStart = this.parsedPos; } finish() { return new Tree(this.lang.topNode, this.chunks, this.chunkPos, this.parsedPos - this.ranges[0].from).balance(); } } function readToken(token, stream, state) { stream.start = stream.pos; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { let result = token(stream, state); if (stream.pos > stream.start) return result; } throw new Error("Stream parser failed to advance stream."); } const noTokens = /*@__PURE__*/Object.create(null); const typeArray = [NodeType.none]; const nodeSet = /*@__PURE__*/new NodeSet(typeArray); const warned = []; // Cache of node types by name and tags const byTag = /*@__PURE__*/Object.create(null); const defaultTable = /*@__PURE__*/Object.create(null); for (let [legacyName, name] of [ ["variable", "variableName"], ["variable-2", "variableName.special"], ["string-2", "string.special"], ["def", "variableName.definition"], ["tag", "tagName"], ["attribute", "attributeName"], ["type", "typeName"], ["builtin", "variableName.standard"], ["qualifier", "modifier"], ["error", "invalid"], ["header", "heading"], ["property", "propertyName"] ]) defaultTable[legacyName] = /*@__PURE__*/createTokenType(noTokens, name); class TokenTable { constructor(extra) { this.extra = extra; this.table = Object.assign(Object.create(null), defaultTable); } resolve(tag) { return !tag ? 0 : this.table[tag] || (this.table[tag] = createTokenType(this.extra, tag)); } } const defaultTokenTable = /*@__PURE__*/new TokenTable(noTokens); function warnForPart(part, msg) { if (warned.indexOf(part) > -1) return; warned.push(part); console.warn(msg); } function createTokenType(extra, tagStr) { let tags$1 = []; for (let name of tagStr.split(" ")) { let found = []; for (let part of name.split(".")) { let value = (extra[part] || tags[part]); if (!value) { warnForPart(part, `Unknown highlighting tag ${part}`); } else if (typeof value == "function") { if (!found.length) warnForPart(part, `Modifier ${part} used at start of tag`); else found =; } else { if (found.length) warnForPart(part, `Tag ${part} used as modifier`); else found = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } } for (let tag of found) tags$1.push(tag); } if (!tags$1.length) return 0; let name = tagStr.replace(/ /g, "_"), key = name + " " + tags$ =>; let known = byTag[key]; if (known) return; let type = byTag[key] = NodeType.define({ id: typeArray.length, name, props: [styleTags({ [name]: tags$1 })] }); typeArray.push(type); return; } function docID(data) { let type = NodeType.define({ id: typeArray.length, name: "Document", props: [languageDataProp.add(() => data)], top: true }); typeArray.push(type); return type; } function buildForLine(line) { return line.length <= 4096 && /[\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u0700-\u08ac\ufb50-\ufdff]/.test(line); } function textHasRTL(text) { for (let i = text.iter(); !;) if (buildForLine(i.value)) return true; return false; } function changeAddsRTL(change) { let added = false; change.iterChanges((fA, tA, fB, tB, ins) => { if (!added && textHasRTL(ins)) added = true; }); return added; } const alwaysIsolate = /*@__PURE__*/Facet.define({ combine: values => values.some(x => x) }); /** Make sure nodes [marked](^isolate) as isolating for bidirectional text are rendered in a way that isolates them from the surrounding text. */ function bidiIsolates(options = {}) { let extensions = [isolateMarks]; if (options.alwaysIsolate) extensions.push(alwaysIsolate.of(true)); return extensions; } const isolateMarks = /*@__PURE__*/ViewPlugin.fromClass(class { constructor(view) { this.always = view.state.facet(alwaysIsolate) || view.textDirection != Direction.LTR || view.state.facet(EditorView.perLineTextDirection); this.hasRTL = !this.always && textHasRTL(view.state.doc); this.tree = syntaxTree(view.state); this.decorations = this.always || this.hasRTL ? buildDeco(view, this.tree, this.always) : Decoration.none; } update(update) { let always = update.state.facet(alwaysIsolate) || update.view.textDirection != Direction.LTR || update.state.facet(EditorView.perLineTextDirection); if (!always && !this.hasRTL && changeAddsRTL(update.changes)) this.hasRTL = true; if (!always && !this.hasRTL) return; let tree = syntaxTree(update.state); if (always != this.always || tree != this.tree || update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged) { this.tree = tree; this.always = always; this.decorations = buildDeco(update.view, tree, always); } } }, { provide: plugin => { function access(view) { var _a, _b; return (_b = (_a = view.plugin(plugin)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.decorations) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Decoration.none; } return [EditorView.outerDecorations.of(access), Prec.lowest(EditorView.bidiIsolatedRanges.of(access))]; } }); function buildDeco(view, tree, always) { let deco = new RangeSetBuilder(); let ranges = view.visibleRanges; if (!always) ranges = clipRTLLines(ranges, view.state.doc); for (let { from, to } of ranges) { tree.iterate({ enter: node => { let iso = node.type.prop(NodeProp.isolate); if (iso) deco.add(node.from,, marks[iso]); }, from, to }); } return deco.finish(); } function clipRTLLines(ranges, doc) { let cur = doc.iter(), pos = 0, result = [], last = null; for (let { from, to } of ranges) { if (last && > from) { from =; if (from >= to) continue; } if (pos + cur.value.length < from) { - (pos + cur.value.length)); pos = from; } for (;;) { let start = pos, end = pos + cur.value.length; if (!cur.lineBreak && buildForLine(cur.value)) { if (last && > start - 10) = Math.min(to, end); else result.push(last = { from: start, to: Math.min(to, end) }); } if (end >= to) break; pos = end;; } } return result; } const marks = { rtl: /*@__PURE__*/Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-iso", inclusive: true, attributes: { dir: "rtl" }, bidiIsolate: Direction.RTL }), ltr: /*@__PURE__*/Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-iso", inclusive: true, attributes: { dir: "ltr" }, bidiIsolate: Direction.LTR }), auto: /*@__PURE__*/Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-iso", inclusive: true, attributes: { dir: "auto" }, bidiIsolate: null }) }; export { DocInput, HighlightStyle, IndentContext, LRLanguage, Language, LanguageDescription, LanguageSupport, ParseContext, StreamLanguage, StringStream, TreeIndentContext, bidiIsolates, bracketMatching, bracketMatchingHandle, codeFolding, continuedIndent, defaultHighlightStyle, defineLanguageFacet, delimitedIndent, ensureSyntaxTree, flatIndent, foldAll, foldCode, foldEffect, foldGutter, foldInside, foldKeymap, foldNodeProp, foldService, foldState, foldable, foldedRanges, forceParsing, getIndentUnit, getIndentation, highlightingFor, indentNodeProp, indentOnInput, indentRange, indentService, indentString, indentUnit, language, languageDataProp, matchBrackets, sublanguageProp, syntaxHighlighting, syntaxParserRunning, syntaxTree, syntaxTreeAvailable, toggleFold, unfoldAll, unfoldCode, unfoldEffect };