import { execSync } from 'node:child_process'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'; import { resolve } from 'import-meta-resolve'; import { adapters } from './adapters.js'; import { dirname, join } from 'node:path'; import { existsSync } from 'node:fs'; /** @type {Record string>} */ const commands = { npm: (name, version) => `npm install -D ${name}@${version}`, pnpm: (name, version) => `pnpm add -D ${name}@${version}`, yarn: (name, version) => `yarn add -D ${name}@${version}` }; function detect_lockfile() { let dir = process.cwd(); do { if (existsSync(join(dir, 'pnpm-lock.yaml'))) return 'pnpm'; if (existsSync(join(dir, 'yarn.lock'))) return 'yarn'; if (existsSync(join(dir, 'package-lock.json'))) return 'npm'; } while (dir !== (dir = dirname(dir))); return 'npm'; } function detect_package_manager() { const manager = detect_lockfile(); try { execSync(`${manager} --version`); return manager; } catch { return 'npm'; } } /** @param {string} name */ function import_from_cwd(name) { const cwd = pathToFileURL(process.cwd()).href; const url = resolve(name, cwd + '/x.js'); return import(url); } /** @typedef {import('@sveltejs/kit').Adapter} Adapter */ /** * @returns {Promise} The corresponding adapter for the current environment if found otherwise undefined */ async function get_adapter() { const match = adapters.find((candidate) => candidate.test()); if (!match) return; /** @type {{ default: () => Adapter }} */ let module; try { module = await import_from_cwd(match.module); } catch (error) { if ( error.code === 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && error.message.startsWith(`Cannot find package '${match.module}'`) ) { const package_manager = detect_package_manager(); const command = commands[package_manager](match.module, match.version); try { console.log(`Installing ${match.module}...`); execSync(command, { stdio: 'inherit', env: { ...process.env, NODE_ENV: undefined } }); module = await import_from_cwd(match.module); console.log(`Successfully installed ${match.module}.`); console.warn( `\nIf you plan on staying on this deployment platform, consider replacing @sveltejs/adapter-auto with ${match.module}. This will give you faster and more robust installs, and more control over deployment configuration.\n` ); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `Could not install ${match.module}. Please install it yourself by adding it to your package.json's devDependencies and try building your project again.`, { cause: e } ); } } else { throw error; } } const adapter = module.default(); return { ...adapter, adapt: (builder) => {`Detected environment: ${}. Using ${match.module}`); return adapter.adapt(builder); } }; } /** @type {() => Adapter} */ export default () => ({ name: '@sveltejs/adapter-auto', adapt: async (builder) => { const adapter = await get_adapter(); if (adapter) return adapter.adapt(builder); builder.log.warn( 'Could not detect a supported production environment. See to learn how to configure your app to run on the platform of your choosing' ); }, supports: { read: () => { throw new Error( "The read function imported from $app/server only works in certain environments. Since you're using @sveltejs/adapter-auto, SvelteKit cannot determine whether it will work when your app is deployed. Please replace it with an adapter tailored to your target environment." ); } } });