import { handler } from 'HANDLER'; import { env } from 'ENV'; import http from 'http'; import * as qs from 'querystring'; /** * @param {string|RegExp} input The route pattern * @param {boolean} [loose] Allow open-ended matching. Ignored with `RegExp` input. */ function parse$1(input, loose) { if (input instanceof RegExp) return { keys:false, pattern:input }; var c, o, tmp, ext, keys=[], pattern='', arr = input.split('/'); arr[0] || arr.shift(); while (tmp = arr.shift()) { c = tmp[0]; if (c === '*') { keys.push(c); pattern += tmp[1] === '?' ? '(?:/(.*))?' : '/(.*)'; } else if (c === ':') { o = tmp.indexOf('?', 1); ext = tmp.indexOf('.', 1); keys.push( tmp.substring(1, !!~o ? o : !!~ext ? ext : tmp.length) ); pattern += !!~o && !~ext ? '(?:/([^/]+?))?' : '/([^/]+?)'; if (!!~ext) pattern += (!!~o ? '?' : '') + '\\' + tmp.substring(ext); } else { pattern += '/' + tmp; } } return { keys: keys, pattern: new RegExp('^' + pattern + (loose ? '(?=$|\/)' : '\/?$'), 'i') }; } const MAP = { "": 0, GET: 1, HEAD: 2, PATCH: 3, OPTIONS: 4, CONNECT: 5, DELETE: 6, TRACE: 7, POST: 8, PUT: 9, }; class Trouter { constructor() { this.routes = []; this.all = this.add.bind(this, ''); this.get = this.add.bind(this, 'GET'); this.head = this.add.bind(this, 'HEAD'); this.patch = this.add.bind(this, 'PATCH'); this.options = this.add.bind(this, 'OPTIONS'); this.connect = this.add.bind(this, 'CONNECT'); this.delete = this.add.bind(this, 'DELETE'); this.trace = this.add.bind(this, 'TRACE'); = this.add.bind(this, 'POST'); this.put = this.add.bind(this, 'PUT'); } use(route, ...fns) { let handlers = [].concat.apply([], fns); let { keys, pattern } = parse$1(route, true); this.routes.push({ keys, pattern, method: '', handlers, midx: MAP[''] }); return this; } add(method, route, ...fns) { let { keys, pattern } = parse$1(route); let handlers = [].concat.apply([], fns); this.routes.push({ keys, pattern, method, handlers, midx: MAP[method] }); return this; } find(method, url) { let midx = MAP[method]; let isHEAD = (midx === 2); let i=0, j=0, k, tmp, arr=this.routes; let matches=[], params={}, handlers=[]; for (; i < arr.length; i++) { tmp = arr[i]; if (tmp.midx === midx || tmp.midx === 0 || (isHEAD && tmp.midx===1) ) { if (tmp.keys === false) { matches = tmp.pattern.exec(url); if (matches === null) continue; if (matches.groups !== void 0) for (k in matches.groups) params[k]=matches.groups[k]; tmp.handlers.length > 1 ? (handlers=handlers.concat(tmp.handlers)) : handlers.push(tmp.handlers[0]); } else if (tmp.keys.length > 0) { matches = tmp.pattern.exec(url); if (matches === null) continue; for (j=0; j < tmp.keys.length;) params[tmp.keys[j]]=matches[++j]; tmp.handlers.length > 1 ? (handlers=handlers.concat(tmp.handlers)) : handlers.push(tmp.handlers[0]); } else if (tmp.pattern.test(url)) { tmp.handlers.length > 1 ? (handlers=handlers.concat(tmp.handlers)) : handlers.push(tmp.handlers[0]); } } // else not a match } return { params, handlers }; } } /** * @typedef ParsedURL * @type {import('.').ParsedURL} */ /** * @typedef Request * @property {string} url * @property {ParsedURL} _parsedUrl */ /** * @param {Request} req * @returns {ParsedURL|void} */ function parse(req) { let raw = req.url; if (raw == null) return; let prev = req._parsedUrl; if (prev && prev.raw === raw) return prev; let pathname=raw, search='', query; if (raw.length > 1) { let idx = raw.indexOf('?', 1); if (idx !== -1) { search = raw.substring(idx); pathname = raw.substring(0, idx); if (search.length > 1) { query = qs.parse(search.substring(1)); } } } return req._parsedUrl = { pathname, search, query, raw }; } function onError(err, req, res) { let code = typeof err.status === 'number' && err.status; code = res.statusCode = (code && code >= 100 ? code : 500); if (typeof err === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(err)) res.end(err); else res.end(err.message || http.STATUS_CODES[code]); } const mount = fn => fn instanceof Polka ? fn.attach : fn; class Polka extends Trouter { constructor(opts={}) { super(); this.parse = parse; this.server = opts.server; this.handler = this.handler.bind(this); this.onError = opts.onError || onError; // catch-all handler this.onNoMatch = opts.onNoMatch || this.onError.bind(null, { status: 404 }); this.attach = (req, res) => setImmediate(this.handler, req, res); } use(base, ...fns) { if (base === '/') { super.use(base,; } else if (typeof base === 'function' || base instanceof Polka) { super.use('/', [base, ...fns].map(mount)); } else { super.use(base, (req, _, next) => { if (typeof base === 'string') { let len = base.length; base.startsWith('/') || len++; req.url = req.url.substring(len) || '/'; req.path = req.path.substring(len) || '/'; } else { req.url = req.url.replace(base, '') || '/'; req.path = req.path.replace(base, '') || '/'; } if (req.url.charAt(0) !== '/') { req.url = '/' + req.url; } next(); },, (req, _, next) => { req.path = req._parsedUrl.pathname; req.url = req.path +; next(); } ); } return this; // chainable } listen() { (this.server = this.server || http.createServer()).on('request', this.attach); this.server.listen.apply(this.server, arguments); return this; } handler(req, res, next) { let info = this.parse(req), path = info.pathname; let obj = this.find(req.method, req.path=path); req.url = path +; req.originalUrl = req.originalUrl || req.url; req.query = info.query || {}; =; req.params = obj.params; if (path.length > 1 && path.indexOf('%', 1) !== -1) { for (let k in req.params) { try { req.params[k] = decodeURIComponent(req.params[k]); } catch (e) { /* malform uri segment */ } } } let i=0, arr=obj.handlers.concat(this.onNoMatch), len=arr.length; let loop = async () => res.finished || (i < len) && arr[i++](req, res, next); (next = next || (err => err ? this.onError(err, req, res, next) : loop().catch(next)))(); // init } } function polka (opts) { return new Polka(opts); } const path = env('SOCKET_PATH', false); const host = env('HOST', ''); const port = env('PORT', !path && '3000'); const server = polka().use(handler); server.listen({ path, host, port }, () => { console.log(`Listening on ${path ? path : host + ':' + port}`); }); export { host, path, port, server };