import { normalizePath } from 'vite'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { debug } from './debug.js'; import { defaultInspectorOptions, parseEnvironmentOptions } from './options.js'; import { cleanUrl } from './utils.js'; function getInspectorPath() { const pluginPath = normalizePath(path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))); return pluginPath.replace( /\/vite-plugin-svelte-inspector\/src$/, '/vite-plugin-svelte-inspector/src/runtime/' ); } /** * @param {Partial<import('./public.d.ts').Options>} [options] * @returns {import('vite').Plugin} */ export function svelteInspector(options) { const inspectorPath = getInspectorPath(); debug(`svelte inspector path: ${inspectorPath}`); /** @type {import('vite').ResolvedConfig} */ let viteConfig; /** @type {import('./public.d.ts').Options} */ let inspectorOptions; let disabled = false; return { name: 'vite-plugin-svelte-inspector', apply: 'serve', enforce: 'pre', configResolved(config) { viteConfig = config; const environmentOptions = parseEnvironmentOptions(config); if (environmentOptions === false) { debug('environment options set to false, inspector disabled'); disabled = true; return; } // Handle config from svelte.config.js through vite-plugin-svelte const vps = config.plugins.find((p) => === 'vite-plugin-svelte'); const configFileOptions = vps?.api?.options?.inspector; // vite-plugin-svelte can only pass options through it's `api` instead of `options`. // that means this plugin could be created but should be disabled, so we check this case here. if (vps && !options && !configFileOptions && !environmentOptions) { debug("vite-plugin-svelte didn't pass options, inspector disabled"); disabled = true; return; } if (environmentOptions === true) { inspectorOptions = defaultInspectorOptions; } else { inspectorOptions = { ...defaultInspectorOptions, ...configFileOptions, ...options, ...(environmentOptions || {}) }; } inspectorOptions.__internal = { base: config.base?.replace(/\/$/, '') || '' }; }, async resolveId(importee, _, options) { if (options?.ssr || disabled) { return; } if (importee.startsWith('virtual:svelte-inspector-options')) { return importee; } else if (importee.startsWith('virtual:svelte-inspector-path:')) { return importee.replace('virtual:svelte-inspector-path:', inspectorPath); } }, async load(id, options) { if (options?.ssr || disabled) { return; } if (id === 'virtual:svelte-inspector-options') { return `export default ${JSON.stringify(inspectorOptions ?? {})}`; } else if (id.startsWith(inspectorPath)) { // read file ourselves to avoid getting shut out by vites fs.allow check const file = cleanUrl(id); if (fs.existsSync(id)) { return await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf-8'); } else { viteConfig.logger.error( `[vite-plugin-svelte-inspector] failed to find svelte-inspector: ${id}` ); } } }, transform(code, id, options) { if (options?.ssr || disabled) { return; } if (id.includes('vite/dist/client/client.mjs')) { return { code: `${code}\nimport('virtual:svelte-inspector-path:load-inspector.js')` }; } } }; }