import { isCSSRequest, preprocessCSS, resolveConfig, transformWithEsbuild } from 'vite'; import { mapToRelative, removeLangSuffix } from './utils/sourcemaps.js'; /** * @typedef {(code: string, filename: string) => Promise<{ code: string; map?: any; deps?: Set }>} CssTransform */ const supportedScriptLangs = ['ts']; export const lang_sep = '.vite-preprocess'; /** * @param {import('./public.d.ts').VitePreprocessOptions} [opts] * @returns {import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup} */ export function vitePreprocess(opts) { /** @type {import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup} */ const preprocessor = { name: 'vite-preprocess' }; if (opts?.script !== false) { preprocessor.script = viteScript().script; } if (opts?.style !== false) { const styleOpts = typeof opts?.style == 'object' ? opts?.style : undefined; = viteStyle(styleOpts).style; } return preprocessor; } /** * @returns {{ script: import('svelte/compiler').Preprocessor }} */ function viteScript() { return { async script({ attributes, content, filename = '' }) { const lang = /** @type {string} */ (attributes.lang); if (!supportedScriptLangs.includes(lang)) return; const { code, map } = await transformWithEsbuild(content, filename, { loader: /** @type {import('vite').ESBuildOptions['loader']} */ (lang), target: 'esnext', tsconfigRaw: { compilerOptions: { // svelte typescript needs this flag to work with type imports importsNotUsedAsValues: 'preserve', preserveValueImports: true } } }); mapToRelative(map, filename); return { code, map }; } }; } /** * @param {import('vite').ResolvedConfig | import('vite').InlineConfig} config * @returns {{ style: import('svelte/compiler').Preprocessor }} */ function viteStyle(config = {}) { /** @type {Promise | CssTransform} */ let cssTransform; /** @type {import('svelte/compiler').Preprocessor} */ const style = async ({ attributes, content, filename = '' }) => { const ext = attributes.lang ? `.${attributes.lang}` : '.css'; if (attributes.lang && !isCSSRequest(ext)) return; if (!cssTransform) { cssTransform = createCssTransform(style, config).then((t) => (cssTransform = t)); } const transform = await cssTransform; const suffix = `${lang_sep}${ext}`; const moduleId = `${filename}${suffix}`; const { code, map, deps } = await transform(content, moduleId); removeLangSuffix(map, suffix); mapToRelative(map, filename); const dependencies = deps ? Array.from(deps).filter((d) => !d.endsWith(suffix)) : undefined; return { code, map: map ?? undefined, dependencies }; }; // @ts-expect-error tag so can be found by v-p-s style.__resolvedConfig = null; return { style }; } /** * @param {import('svelte/compiler').Preprocessor} style * @param {import('vite').ResolvedConfig | import('vite').InlineConfig} config * @returns {Promise} */ async function createCssTransform(style, config) { /** @type {import('vite').ResolvedConfig} */ let resolvedConfig; // @ts-expect-error special prop added if running in v-p-s if (style.__resolvedConfig) { // @ts-expect-error resolvedConfig = style.__resolvedConfig; } else if (isResolvedConfig(config)) { resolvedConfig = config; } else { resolvedConfig = await resolveConfig( config, process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'build' : 'serve' ); } return async (code, filename) => { return preprocessCSS(code, filename, resolvedConfig); }; } /** * @param {any} config * @returns {config is import('vite').ResolvedConfig} */ function isResolvedConfig(config) { return !!config.inlineConfig; }