import path from 'node:path'; import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import { findDepPkgJsonPath } from 'vitefu'; /** * @typedef {{ * dir: string; * pkg: Record; * }} DependencyData */ /** * @param {string} dep * @param {string} parent * @returns {Promise} */ export async function resolveDependencyData(dep, parent) { const depDataPath = await findDepPkgJsonPath(dep, parent); if (!depDataPath) return undefined; try { return { dir: path.dirname(depDataPath), pkg: JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(depDataPath, 'utf-8')) }; } catch { return undefined; } } const COMMON_DEPENDENCIES_WITHOUT_SVELTE_FIELD = [ '@lukeed/uuid', '@playwright/test', '@sveltejs/kit', '@sveltejs/package', '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte', 'autoprefixer', 'cookie', 'dotenv', 'esbuild', 'eslint', 'jest', 'mdsvex', 'playwright', 'postcss', 'prettier', 'svelte', 'svelte2tsx', 'svelte-check', 'svelte-hmr', 'svelte-preprocess', 'tslib', 'typescript', 'vite', 'vitest', '__vite-browser-external' // see ]; const COMMON_PREFIXES_WITHOUT_SVELTE_FIELD = [ '@fontsource/', '@postcss-plugins/', '@rollup/', '@sveltejs/adapter-', '@types/', '@typescript-eslint/', 'eslint-', 'jest-', 'postcss-plugin-', 'prettier-plugin-', 'rollup-plugin-', 'vite-plugin-' ]; /** * Test for common dependency names that tell us it is not a package including a svelte field, eg. eslint + plugins. * * This speeds up the find process as we don't have to try and require the package.json for all of them * * @param {string} dependency * @returns {boolean} true if it is a dependency without a svelte field */ export function isCommonDepWithoutSvelteField(dependency) { return ( COMMON_DEPENDENCIES_WITHOUT_SVELTE_FIELD.includes(dependency) || COMMON_PREFIXES_WITHOUT_SVELTE_FIELD.some( (prefix) => prefix.startsWith('@') ? dependency.startsWith(prefix) : dependency.substring(dependency.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).startsWith(prefix) // check prefix omitting @scope/ ) ); }