import MagicString from 'magic-string'; import { log } from './log.js'; import path from 'node:path'; import { normalizePath } from 'vite'; /** * this appends a *{} rule to component styles to force the svelte compiler to add style classes to all nodes * That means adding/removing class rules from <style> node won't trigger js updates as the scope classes are not changed * * only used during dev with enabled css hmr * * @returns {import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup} */ export function createInjectScopeEverythingRulePreprocessorGroup() { return { name: 'inject-scope-everything-rule', style({ content, filename }) { const s = new MagicString(content); s.append(' *{}'); return { code: s.toString(), map: s.generateDecodedMap({ source: filename ? path.basename(filename) : undefined, hires: true }) }; } }; } /** * @param {import('../types/options.d.ts').ResolvedOptions} options * @param {import('vite').ResolvedConfig} config * @returns {{ * prependPreprocessors: import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup[], * appendPreprocessors: import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup[] * }} */ function buildExtraPreprocessors(options, config) { /** @type {import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup[]} */ const prependPreprocessors = []; /** @type {import('svelte/compiler').PreprocessorGroup[]} */ const appendPreprocessors = []; // @ts-ignore const pluginsWithPreprocessorsDeprecated = config.plugins.filter((p) => p?.sveltePreprocess); if (pluginsWithPreprocessorsDeprecated.length > 0) { log.warn( `The following plugins use the deprecated 'plugin.sveltePreprocess' field. Please contact their maintainers and ask them to move it to 'plugin.api.sveltePreprocess': ${pluginsWithPreprocessorsDeprecated .map((p) => .join(', ')}` ); // patch plugin to avoid breaking pluginsWithPreprocessorsDeprecated.forEach((p) => { if (!p.api) { p.api = {}; } if (p.api.sveltePreprocess === undefined) { // @ts-ignore p.api.sveltePreprocess = p.sveltePreprocess; } else { log.error( `ignoring plugin.sveltePreprocess of ${} because it already defined plugin.api.sveltePreprocess.` ); } }); } /** @type {import('vite').Plugin[]} */ const pluginsWithPreprocessors = config.plugins.filter((p) => p?.api?.sveltePreprocess); /** @type {import('vite').Plugin[]} */ const ignored = []; /** @type {import('vite').Plugin[]} */ const included = []; for (const p of pluginsWithPreprocessors) { if ( options.ignorePluginPreprocessors === true || (Array.isArray(options.ignorePluginPreprocessors) && options.ignorePluginPreprocessors?.includes( ) { ignored.push(p); } else { included.push(p); } } if (ignored.length > 0) { log.debug( `Ignoring svelte preprocessors defined by these vite plugins: ${ignored .map((p) => .join(', ')}`, undefined, 'preprocess' ); } if (included.length > 0) { log.debug( `Adding svelte preprocessors defined by these vite plugins: ${included .map((p) => .join(', ')}`, undefined, 'preprocess' ); appendPreprocessors.push( => p.api.sveltePreprocess)); } return { prependPreprocessors, appendPreprocessors }; } /** * @param {import('../types/options.d.ts').ResolvedOptions} options * @param {import('vite').ResolvedConfig} config */ export function addExtraPreprocessors(options, config) { const { prependPreprocessors, appendPreprocessors } = buildExtraPreprocessors(options, config); if (prependPreprocessors.length > 0 || appendPreprocessors.length > 0) { if (!options.preprocess) { options.preprocess = [...prependPreprocessors, ...appendPreprocessors]; } else if (Array.isArray(options.preprocess)) { options.preprocess.unshift(...prependPreprocessors); options.preprocess.push(...appendPreprocessors); } else { options.preprocess = [...prependPreprocessors, options.preprocess, ...appendPreprocessors]; } } } /** * * @param filename {string} * @param dependencies {string[]} * @returns {({dependencies: string[], warnings:import('svelte/types/compiler/interfaces').Warning[] })} */ export function checkPreprocessDependencies(filename, dependencies) { /** @type {import('svelte/types/compiler/interfaces').Warning[]} */ const warnings = []; // to find self, we have to compare normalized filenames, but must keep the original values in `dependencies` // because otherwise file watching on windows doesn't work // so we track idx and filter by that in the end /** @type {number[]} */ const selfIdx = []; const normalizedFullFilename = normalizePath(filename); const normalizedDeps =; for (let i = 0; i < normalizedDeps.length; i++) { if (normalizedDeps[i] === normalizedFullFilename) { selfIdx.push(i); } } const hasSelfDependency = selfIdx.length > 0; if (hasSelfDependency) { warnings.push({ code: 'vite-plugin-svelte-preprocess-depends-on-self', message: 'svelte.preprocess returned this file as a dependency of itself. This can be caused by an invalid configuration or importing generated code that depends on .svelte files (eg. tailwind base css)', filename }); } if (dependencies.length > 10) { warnings.push({ code: 'vite-plugin-svelte-preprocess-many-dependencies', message: `svelte.preprocess depends on more than 10 external files which can cause slow builds and poor DX, try to reduce them. Found: ${dependencies.join( ', ' )}`, filename }); } return { dependencies: hasSelfDependency ? dependencies.filter((_, i) => !selfIdx.includes(i)) // remove self dependency : dependencies, warnings }; }