import os
from pathlib import Path
import re

VOCAB_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
SEQ_DELIMETERS = {"tokens": " ", "labels": "SEPL|||SEPR", "operations": "SEPL__SEPR"}

def get_verb_form_dicts():
    path_to_dict = os.path.join(VOCAB_DIR, "verb-form-vocab.txt")
    encode, decode = {}, {}
    with open(path_to_dict, encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for line in f:
            words, tags = line.split(":")
            word1, word2 = words.split("_")
            tag1, tag2 = tags.split("_")
            decode_key = f"{word1}_{tag1}_{tag2.strip()}"
            if decode_key not in decode:
                encode[words] = tags
                decode[decode_key] = word2
    return encode, decode

ENCODE_VERB_DICT, DECODE_VERB_DICT = get_verb_form_dicts()

def get_target_sent_by_edits(source_tokens, edits):
    target_tokens = source_tokens[:]
    shift_idx = 0
    for edit in edits:
        start, end, label, _ = edit
        target_pos = start + shift_idx
        if start < 0:
        elif len(target_tokens) > target_pos:
            source_token = target_tokens[target_pos]
            source_token = ""
        if label == "":
            del target_tokens[target_pos]
            shift_idx -= 1
        elif start == end:
            word = label.replace("$APPEND_", "")
            # Avoid appending same token twice
            if (target_pos < len(target_tokens) and target_tokens[target_pos] == word) or (
                target_pos > 0 and target_tokens[target_pos - 1] == word
            target_tokens[target_pos:target_pos] = [word]
            shift_idx += 1
        elif label.startswith("$TRANSFORM_"):
            word = apply_reverse_transformation(source_token, label)
            if word is None:
                word = source_token
            target_tokens[target_pos] = word
        elif start == end - 1:
            word = label.replace("$REPLACE_", "")
            target_tokens[target_pos] = word
        elif label.startswith("$MERGE_"):
            target_tokens[target_pos + 1 : target_pos + 1] = [label]
            shift_idx += 1

    return replace_merge_transforms(target_tokens)

def replace_merge_transforms(tokens):
    if all(not x.startswith("$MERGE_") for x in tokens):
        return tokens
    if tokens[0].startswith("$MERGE_"):
        tokens = tokens[1:]
    if tokens[-1].startswith("$MERGE_"):
        tokens = tokens[:-1]

    target_line = " ".join(tokens)
    target_line = target_line.replace(" $MERGE_HYPHEN ", "-")
    target_line = target_line.replace(" $MERGE_SPACE ", "")
    target_line = re.sub(r'([\.\,\?\:]\s+)+', r'\1', target_line)
    return target_line.split()

def convert_using_case(token, smart_action):
    if not smart_action.startswith("$TRANSFORM_CASE_"):
        return token
    if smart_action.endswith("LOWER"):
        return token.lower()
    elif smart_action.endswith("UPPER"):
        return token.upper()
    elif smart_action.endswith("CAPITAL"):
        return token.capitalize()
    elif smart_action.endswith("CAPITAL_1"):
        return token[0] + token[1:].capitalize()
    elif smart_action.endswith("UPPER_-1"):
        return token[:-1].upper() + token[-1]
        return token

def convert_using_verb(token, smart_action):
    key_word = "$TRANSFORM_VERB_"
    if not smart_action.startswith(key_word):
        raise Exception(f"Unknown action type {smart_action}")
    encoding_part = f"{token}_{smart_action[len(key_word):]}"
    decoded_target_word = decode_verb_form(encoding_part)
    return decoded_target_word

def convert_using_split(token, smart_action):
    key_word = "$TRANSFORM_SPLIT"
    if not smart_action.startswith(key_word):
        raise Exception(f"Unknown action type {smart_action}")
    target_words = token.split("-")
    return " ".join(target_words)

def convert_using_plural(token, smart_action):
    if smart_action.endswith("PLURAL"):
        return token + "s"
    elif smart_action.endswith("SINGULAR"):
        return token[:-1]
        raise Exception(f"Unknown action type {smart_action}")

def apply_reverse_transformation(source_token, transform):
    if transform.startswith("$TRANSFORM"):
        # deal with equal
        if transform == "$KEEP":
            return source_token
        # deal with case
        if transform.startswith("$TRANSFORM_CASE"):
            return convert_using_case(source_token, transform)
        # deal with verb
        if transform.startswith("$TRANSFORM_VERB"):
            return convert_using_verb(source_token, transform)
        # deal with split
        if transform.startswith("$TRANSFORM_SPLIT"):
            return convert_using_split(source_token, transform)
        # deal with single/plural
        if transform.startswith("$TRANSFORM_AGREEMENT"):
            return convert_using_plural(source_token, transform)
        # raise exception if not find correct type
        raise Exception(f"Unknown action type {transform}")
        return source_token

# def read_parallel_lines(fn1, fn2):
#     lines1 = read_lines(fn1, skip_strip=True)
#     lines2 = read_lines(fn2, skip_strip=True)
#     assert len(lines1) == len(lines2)
#     out_lines1, out_lines2 = [], []
#     for line1, line2 in zip(lines1, lines2):
#         if not line1.strip() or not line2.strip():
#             continue
#         else:
#             out_lines1.append(line1)
#             out_lines2.append(line2)
#     return out_lines1, out_lines2

def read_parallel_lines(fn1, fn2):
    with open(fn1, encoding='utf-8') as f1, open(fn2, encoding='utf-8') as f2:
        for line1, line2 in zip(f1, f2):
            line1 = line1.strip()
            line2 = line2.strip()

            yield line1, line2

def read_lines(fn, skip_strip=False):
    if not os.path.exists(fn):
        return []
    with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    return [s.strip() for s in lines if s.strip() or skip_strip]

def write_lines(fn, lines, mode='w'):
    if mode == 'w' and os.path.exists(fn):
    with open(fn, encoding='utf-8', mode=mode) as f:
        f.writelines(['%s\n' % s for s in lines])

def decode_verb_form(original):
    return DECODE_VERB_DICT.get(original)

def encode_verb_form(original_word, corrected_word):
    decoding_request = original_word + "_" + corrected_word
    decoding_response = ENCODE_VERB_DICT.get(decoding_request, "").strip()
    if original_word and decoding_response:
        answer = decoding_response
        answer = None
    return answer

def get_weights_name(transformer_name, lowercase):
    if transformer_name == 'bert' and lowercase:
        return 'bert-base-uncased'
    if transformer_name == 'bert' and not lowercase:
        return 'bert-base-cased'
    if transformer_name == 'bert-large' and not lowercase:
        return 'bert-large-cased'
    if transformer_name == 'distilbert':
        if not lowercase:
            print('Warning! This model was trained only on uncased sentences.')
        return 'distilbert-base-uncased'
    if transformer_name == 'albert':
        if not lowercase:
            print('Warning! This model was trained only on uncased sentences.')
        return 'albert-base-v1'
    if lowercase:
        print('Warning! This model was trained only on cased sentences.')
    if transformer_name == 'roberta':
        return 'roberta-base'
    if transformer_name == 'roberta-large':
        return 'roberta-large'
    if transformer_name == 'gpt2':
        return 'gpt2'
    if transformer_name == 'transformerxl':
        return 'transfo-xl-wt103'
    if transformer_name == 'xlnet':
        return 'xlnet-base-cased'
    if transformer_name == 'xlnet-large':
        return 'xlnet-large-cased'

    return transformer_name