""" |
This script extracts filter banks from audio files. Audio files are split |
into frames of 25 ms and 64 F banks are extracted from each frame. |
64 such frames are grouped together to create a sample which is a |
64 x 64 matrix. Each matrix is saved as a .npy file into the output folder. |
Samples from different speakers are in different folders and can be easily read |
by torchvision's DatasetFolder. |
""" |
import os |
import re |
from io import StringIO |
from pathlib import Path |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import librosa |
import python_speech_features as psf |
BASE_PATH = 'LibriSpeech' |
OUTPUT_PATH = 'fbanks' |
np.random.seed(42) |
def read_metadata(): |
with open(BASE_PATH + '/SPEAKERS.TXT', 'r') as meta: |
data = meta.readlines() |
data = data[11:] |
data = ''.join(data) |
data = data[1:] |
data = re.sub(' +|', '', data) |
data = StringIO(data) |
speakers = pd.read_csv(data, sep='|', error_bad_lines=False) |
speakers_filtered = speakers[(speakers['SUBSET'] == 'train-clean-100')] |
speakers_filtered = speakers_filtered.copy() |
speakers_filtered['LABEL'] = speakers_filtered['ID'].astype('category').cat.codes |
speakers_filtered = speakers_filtered.reset_index(drop=True) |
return speakers_filtered |
def get_fbanks(audio_file): |
def normalize_frames(signal, epsilon=1e-12): |
return np.array([(v - np.mean(v)) / max(np.std(v), epsilon) for v in signal]) |
y, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=None) |
assert sr == 16000 |
trim_len = int(0.25 * sr) |
if y.shape[0] < 1 * sr: |
return None |
y = y[trim_len:-trim_len] |
filter_banks, energies = psf.fbank(y, samplerate=sr, nfilt=64, winlen=0.025, winstep=0.01) |
filter_banks = normalize_frames(signal=filter_banks) |
filter_banks = filter_banks.reshape((filter_banks.shape[0], 64, 1)) |
return filter_banks |
def assert_out_dir_exists(index): |
dir_ = OUTPUT_PATH + '/' + str(index) |
if not os.path.exists(dir_): |
os.makedirs(dir_) |
print('crated dir {}'.format(dir_)) |
else: |
print('dir {} already exists'.format(dir_)) |
return dir_ |
def main(): |
speakers = read_metadata() |
print('read metadata from file, number of rows in in are: {}'.format(speakers.shape)) |
print('numer of unique labels in the dataset is: {}'.format(speakers['LABEL'].unique().shape)) |
print('max label in the dataset is: {}'.format(speakers['LABEL'].max())) |
print('number of unique index: {}, max index: {}'.format(speakers.index.shape, max(speakers.index))) |
for index, row in speakers.iterrows(): |
subset = row['SUBSET'] |
id_ = row['ID'] |
dir_ = BASE_PATH + '/' + subset + '/' + str(id_) + '/' |
print('working for id: {}, index: {}, at path: {}'.format(id_, index, dir_)) |
files_iter = Path(dir_).glob('**/*.flac') |
files_ = [str(f) for f in files_iter] |
index_target_dir = assert_out_dir_exists(index) |
sample_counter = 0 |
for f in files_: |
fbanks = get_fbanks(f) |
num_frames = fbanks.shape[0] |
file_sample_counter = 0 |
start = 0 |
while start < num_frames + 64: |
slice_ = fbanks[start:start + 64] |
if slice_ is not None and slice_.shape[0] == 64: |
assert slice_.shape[0] == 64 |
assert slice_.shape[1] == 64 |
assert slice_.shape[2] == 1 |
np.save(index_target_dir + '/' + str(sample_counter) + '.npy', slice_) |
file_sample_counter += 1 |
sample_counter += 1 |
start = start + 64 |
print('done for index: {}, Samples from this file: {}'.format(index, file_sample_counter)) |
print('done for id: {}, index: {}, total number of samples for this id: {}'.format(id_, index, sample_counter)) |
print('') |
print('All done, YAY!, look at the files') |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |