AI & ML interests

Synthetic image generation

Enhance your creative works with photos generated completely by AI. Find model images through our sorted and tagged app, or integrate images via API.πŸ”₯

Generated Photos is a platform that offers hyper-realistic photos of people created by AI. These images can be used in a wide range of applications, like design, gaming, advertising, machine learning, and many others. The platform provides the following products:

Real-life and synthetic datasets β€” a variety of legally-sourced synthetic and real-life datasets balanced by age, ethnicity, gender, and other parameters. If you have specific requirements, you can order a custom dataset. The customers of Generated Photos include SAP, Facebook, Apple TV+, Samsung, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Nestle, MIT, Harvard University, and other well-known brands and institutions.

Generated faces β€” an online gallery of over 2.6 faces with a flexible search filter. You can search images by age, gender, ethnicity, hair or eye color, and several other parameters. All the photos are consistent in quality and style.

Generated humans β€” a pack of 100,000 diverse super-realistic full-body synthetic photos. The images are free for personal use. If you want to use them commercially or need images in higher resolution, you can reach out to the team through the form on the website.

Face generator β€” the only app available on the internet that lets you create quality headshots of people to your parameters.

Human generator β€” another unique app that creates full-body images of people in real time.

Anonymizer β€” an app that will help you conceal your identity online while giving an overall feel of your appearance. It takes your photo, runs through the gallery of generated faces, and returns a grid of your synthetic look-alikes where you can choose the one that you like the most.


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