<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<issues format="6" by="lint 8.1.2" type="baseline" client="gradle" dependencies="false" name="AGP (8.1.2)" variant="all" version="8.1.2"> |
<issue |
id="CanvasSize" |
message="Calling `Canvas.getHeight()` is usually wrong; you should be calling `getHeight()` instead" |
errorLine1=" canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/ui/view/VisualizerView.java" |
line="98" |
column="40"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="CanvasSize" |
message="Calling `Canvas.getWidth()` is usually wrong; you should be calling `getWidth()` instead" |
errorLine1=" canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/ui/view/VisualizerView.java" |
line="98" |
column="21"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="CustomViewStyleable" |
message="By convention, the custom view (`VisualizerView`) and the declare-styleable (`visualizerView`) should have the same name (various editor features rely on this convention)" |
errorLine1=" TypedArray args = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.visualizerView);" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/ui/view/VisualizerView.java" |
line="73" |
column="65"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="NotificationPermission" |
message="When targeting Android 13 or higher, posting a permission requires holding the `POST_NOTIFICATIONS` permission (usage from com.bumptech.glide.request.target.NotificationTarget)"> |
<location |
file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="SimpleDateFormat" |
message="To get local formatting use `getDateInstance()`, `getDateTimeInstance()`, or `getTimeInstance()`, or use `new SimpleDateFormat(String template, Locale locale)` with for example `Locale.US` for ASCII dates." |
errorLine1=" SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS");" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/util/StringUtils.java" |
line="170" |
column="32"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="SimpleDateFormat" |
message="To get local formatting use `getDateInstance()`, `getDateTimeInstance()`, or `getTimeInstance()`, or use `new SimpleDateFormat(String template, Locale locale)` with for example `Locale.US` for ASCII dates." |
errorLine1=" SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS");" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/util/StringUtils.java" |
line="177" |
column="35"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="SimpleDateFormat" |
message="To get local formatting use `getDateInstance()`, `getDateTimeInstance()`, or `getTimeInstance()`, or use `new SimpleDateFormat(String template, Locale locale)` with for example `Locale.US` for ASCII dates." |
errorLine1=" SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM");" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/util/StringUtils.java" |
line="183" |
column="35"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="SimpleDateFormat" |
message="To get local formatting use `getDateInstance()`, `getDateTimeInstance()`, or `getTimeInstance()`, or use `new SimpleDateFormat(String template, Locale locale)` with for example `Locale.US` for ASCII dates." |
errorLine1=" SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm");" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/util/StringUtils.java" |
line="189" |
column="35"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="SimpleDateFormat" |
message="To get local formatting use `getDateInstance()`, `getDateTimeInstance()`, or `getTimeInstance()`, or use `new SimpleDateFormat(String template, Locale locale)` with for example `Locale.US` for ASCII dates." |
errorLine1=" SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/util/StringUtils.java" |
line="365" |
column="32"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UseSwitchCompatOrMaterialXml" |
message="Use `SwitchCompat` from AppCompat or `SwitchMaterial` from Material library" |
errorLine1=" <Switch" |
errorLine2=" ^"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="157" |
column="13"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of androidx.core:core-ktx than 1.12.0 is available: 1.13.0" |
errorLine1="" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="47" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of androidx.appcompat:appcompat than 1.2.0 is available: 1.6.1" |
errorLine1="dependencies {" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="48" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of com.google.android.material:material than 1.4.0 is available: 1.11.0" |
errorLine1="" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="49" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout than 2.1.1 is available: 2.1.4" |
errorLine1=" implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'], dir: 'libs')" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="50" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of androidx.activity:activity than 1.3.0 is available: 1.8.2" |
errorLine1=" implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.12.0'" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="51" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of androidx.fragment:fragment than 1.3.0 is available: 1.5.7" |
errorLine1=" implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0'" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="52" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="GradleDependency" |
message="A newer version of com.google.android.exoplayer:exoplayer than 2.14.2 is available: 2.18.5" |
errorLine1="" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="build.gradle" |
line="59" |
column="20"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="SpUsage" |
message="Should use "`sp`" instead of "`dp`" for text sizes" |
errorLine1=" android:textSize="18dp"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="15" |
column="9"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="DrawAllocation" |
message="Avoid object allocations during draw/layout operations (preallocate and reuse instead)" |
errorLine1=" canvas.drawBitmap(mCanvasBitmap, new Matrix(), null);" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/ui/view/VisualizerView.java" |
line="116" |
column="42"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="ObsoleteSdkInt" |
message="Unnecessary; SDK_INT is never < 24" |
errorLine1=" if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/java/ai/guiji/duix/test/ui/activity/BaseActivity.java" |
line="89" |
column="13"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.color.purple_200` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1=" <color name="purple_200">#FFBB86FC</color>" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/values/colors.xml" |
line="3" |
column="12"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.color.purple_500` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1=" <color name="purple_500">#FF6200EE</color>" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/values/colors.xml" |
line="4" |
column="12"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.color.purple_700` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1=" <color name="purple_700">#FF3700B3</color>" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/values/colors.xml" |
line="5" |
column="12"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.color.teal_200` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1=" <color name="teal_200">#FF03DAC5</color>" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/values/colors.xml" |
line="6" |
column="12"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.color.teal_700` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1=" <color name="teal_700">#FF018786</color>" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/values/colors.xml" |
line="7" |
column="12"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.drawable.ic_launcher_background` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1="<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"" |
errorLine2="^"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/drawable/ic_launcher_background.xml" |
line="2" |
column="1"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.drawable.ic_launcher_foreground` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1="<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"" |
errorLine2="^"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/drawable/ic_launcher_foreground.xml" |
line="1" |
column="1"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="UnusedResources" |
message="The resource `R.string.need_record_permission` appears to be unused" |
errorLine1=" <string name="need_record_permission">需要授予语音权限以继续操作</string>" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/values/strings.xml" |
line="15" |
column="13"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="TextFields" |
message="This text field does not specify an `inputType`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="47" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="TextFields" |
message="This text field does not specify an `inputType`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="70" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="TextFields" |
message="This text field does not specify an `inputType`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="93" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="TextFields" |
message="This text field does not specify an `inputType`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="115" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="Autofill" |
message="Missing `autofillHints` attribute" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="47" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="Autofill" |
message="Missing `autofillHints` attribute" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="70" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="Autofill" |
message="Missing `autofillHints` attribute" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="93" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="Autofill" |
message="Missing `autofillHints` attribute" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="115" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="ContentDescription" |
message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" |
errorLine1=" <ImageView" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_call.xml" |
line="7" |
column="6"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="ContentDescription" |
message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" |
errorLine1=" <ImageView" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_call.xml" |
line="33" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="ContentDescription" |
message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" |
errorLine1=" <ImageView" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_call.xml" |
line="43" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="ContentDescription" |
message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" |
errorLine1=" <ImageView" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_call.xml" |
line="93" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="ContentDescription" |
message="Missing `contentDescription` attribute on image" |
errorLine1=" <ImageView" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_call.xml" |
line="103" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="LabelFor" |
message="Missing accessibility label: provide either a view with an `android:labelFor` that references this view or provide an `android:hint`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="47" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="LabelFor" |
message="Missing accessibility label: provide either a view with an `android:labelFor` that references this view or provide an `android:hint`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="70" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="LabelFor" |
message="Missing accessibility label: provide either a view with an `android:labelFor` that references this view or provide an `android:hint`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="93" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="LabelFor" |
message="Missing accessibility label: provide either a view with an `android:labelFor` that references this view or provide an `android:hint`" |
errorLine1=" <EditText" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="115" |
column="14"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="HardcodedText" |
message="Hardcoded string "1214228509954805760", should use `@string` resource" |
errorLine1=" android:text="1214228509954805760"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="51" |
column="17"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="HardcodedText" |
message="Hardcoded string "5b8b91f1-fb2d-4cdf-a8f0-5f6dd178687b", should use `@string` resource" |
errorLine1=" android:text="5b8b91f1-fb2d-4cdf-a8f0-5f6dd178687b"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="74" |
column="17"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="HardcodedText" |
message="Hardcoded string "1764548680285933569", should use `@string` resource" |
errorLine1=" android:text="1764548680285933569"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="97" |
column="17"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="HardcodedText" |
message="Hardcoded string "300", should use `@string` resource" |
errorLine1=" android:text="300"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml" |
line="119" |
column="17"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="HardcodedText" |
message="Hardcoded string "启动ASR", should use `@string` resource" |
errorLine1=" android:text="启动ASR"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_test_asr.xml" |
line="19" |
column="9"/> |
</issue> |
<issue |
id="HardcodedText" |
message="Hardcoded string "关闭ASR", should use `@string` resource" |
errorLine1=" android:text="关闭ASR"" |
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
<location |
file="src/main/res/layout/activity_test_asr.xml" |
line="27" |
column="9"/> |
</issue> |
</issues> |