naveensp's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
886ea5f verified
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
import torch
from omegaconf import DictConfig, ListConfig
from omegaconf import OmegaConf as om
from omegaconf.errors import OmegaConfBaseException
from torch.distributed.fsdp import MixedPrecision, ShardingStrategy
from .aliases import PathOrStr
from .beam_search import Sampler
from .exceptions import OLMoConfigurationError
from .util import StrEnum
__all__ = [
C = TypeVar("C", bound="BaseConfig")
D = TypeVar("D", bound="DictConfig|ListConfig")
class BaseConfig:
def _register_resolvers(cls, validate_paths: bool = True):
# Expands path globs into a list.
def path_glob(*paths) -> List[str]:
out = []
for path in paths:
matches = sorted(glob(path))
if not matches and validate_paths:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{path} does not match any files or dirs")
return out
# Chooses the first path in the arguments that exists.
def path_choose(*paths) -> str:
from .util import is_url
for path in paths:
if is_url(path) or Path(path).exists():
return path
if validate_paths:
raise FileNotFoundError(", ".join(paths))
return ""
# Finds the latest checkpoint in a folder.
def path_last_checkpoint(path) -> str:
from .util import find_latest_checkpoint
latest_checkpoint = find_latest_checkpoint(path)
if latest_checkpoint is None:
if validate_paths:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find a latest checkpoint at {path}")
return ""
return str(latest_checkpoint)
om.register_new_resolver("path.glob", path_glob, replace=True)
om.register_new_resolver("path.choose", path_choose, replace=True)
om.register_new_resolver("path.last_checkpoint", path_last_checkpoint, replace=True)
def update_legacy_settings(cls, config: D) -> D:
Update the legacy config settings whose schemas have undergone backwards-incompatible changes.
return config
def new(cls: Type[C], **kwargs) -> C:
conf = om.structured(cls)
if kwargs:
conf = om.merge(conf, kwargs)
return cast(C, om.to_object(conf))
except OmegaConfBaseException as e:
raise OLMoConfigurationError(str(e))
def load(
cls: Type[C],
path: PathOrStr,
overrides: Optional[List[str]] = None,
key: Optional[str] = None,
validate_paths: bool = True,
) -> C:
"""Load from a YAML file."""
schema = om.structured(cls)
raw = om.load(str(path))
if key is not None:
raw = raw[key] # type: ignore
raw = cls.update_legacy_settings(raw)
conf = om.merge(schema, raw)
if overrides:
conf = om.merge(conf, om.from_dotlist(overrides))
return cast(C, om.to_object(conf))
except OmegaConfBaseException as e:
raise OLMoConfigurationError(str(e))
def save(self, path: PathOrStr) -> None:
"""Save to a YAML file.""", f=str(path))
def asdict(self, exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
out = asdict(self) # type: ignore
if exclude is not None:
for name in exclude:
if name in out:
del out[name]
return out
class LayerNormType(StrEnum):
default = "default"
The default LayerNorm implementation, equivalent to PyTorch's built-in version.
low_precision = "low_precision"
A low-precision version of the default LayerNorm.
rms = "rms"
An RMSNorm implementation. When using ``torch.compile`` this is
probably the fastest implementation.
class ActivationType(StrEnum):
gelu = "gelu"
relu = "relu"
swiglu = "swiglu"
class BlockType(StrEnum):
sequential = "sequential"
llama = "llama"
A block similar to the sequential block with slightly different
implementations of operations like attention to imitate the behavior of Llama.
class InitFnType(StrEnum):
mitchell = "mitchell"
The strategy suggested to us by Mitchell Wortsman from UW.
This uses a truncated normal distribution with an adaptive standard deviation that depends
on the size of the weights as well as the depth of the layer.
normal = "normal"
All weights are initialized from the same normal distribution.
kaiming_normal = "kaiming_normal"
All weights are initialized with the Kaiming method from a normal distribution.
Note this currently won't work with FSDP.
fan_in = "fan_in"
"Fan-in variance scaling", i.e. normal with a standard deviation of ``1/sqrt(d_in)`` where ``d_in``
is the input dimensionality of the kernel.
full_megatron = "full_megatron"
This is what metaseq calls "full megatron init". It is the init used for Llama 2.
class ModelConfig(BaseConfig):
OLMo (model) configuration.
# Note that the defaults for these attributes are equivalent to the base GPT2 model.
d_model: int = 768
The hidden size of the model.
n_heads: int = 12
The number of self-attention heads.
n_kv_heads: Optional[int] = None
The number of heads to use for keys and values. Defaults to `n_heads`.
Set this to ``None`` or ``n_heads`` for normal multi-head attention.
Set this to 1 for multi-query attention.
Set it to some in-between value for Llama2-style grouped query attention.
clip_qkv: Optional[float] = None
Clip QKV to this value when set.
n_layers: int = 12
The number of layers/blocks.
mlp_ratio: int = 4
The ratio of the inner MLP dimensionality to ``d_model``.
This is only used when ``mlp_hidden_size`` is not set.
mlp_hidden_size: Optional[int] = None
Set the exact hidden size for the MLP. Otherwise the inner MLP hidden size will be set to `mlp_ratio * d_model`.
activation_type: ActivationType = ActivationType.swiglu
The activation function to use within the MLP layers.
block_type: BlockType = BlockType.sequential
The transformer block implementation.
block_group_size: int = 1
The number of blocks to group together into a single parent block.
This has no affect on the number of parameters in the model and is only used to wrap groups
of blocks together with a single FSDP wrapper during training.
alibi: bool = False
If ``True``, use ALiBi embeddings. Mutually exclusive with ``rope``.
alibi_bias_max: float = 8.0
Maximum absolute value of ALiBi bias.
rope: bool = False
Use rotary positional embeddings (RoPE). Mutually exclusive with ``alibi``.
rope_full_precision: bool = True
If ``True``, apply RoPE embeddings at full precision regardless of the input type. Otherwise,
apply RoPE at the precision of the input.
flash_attention: bool = False
If ``True``, use ``FlashAttention``.
attention_dropout: float = 0.1
The dropout probability within the attention modules.
multi_query_attention: Optional[bool] = None
Deprecated. Use n_kv_heads instead.
attention_layer_norm: bool = False
Apply layer norm to the keys and queries within the attention mechanism.
This can help stabilize training.
residual_dropout: float = 0.1
The dropout probability for the MLP and attention output within each block.
embedding_dropout: float = 0.1
The dropout probability for embeddings.
layer_norm_type: LayerNormType = LayerNormType.default
The layernorm implementation to use.
layer_norm_with_affine: bool = True
Whether to include bias and weight parameters for the layer norms.
This only affects layer norms that are immediately followed by a linear layer in the forward pass,
so everything except QK-norms. To turn off affines for QK norms as well, set :attr:`attention_layer_norm_with_affine`
to ``False``.
attention_layer_norm_with_affine: bool = True
Toggle affine transform for the QK norms.
max_sequence_length: int = 1024
The maximum input sequence length supported by the model.
include_bias: bool = True
Whether or not to include bias parameters in linear layers.
In PaLM, they got rid of all bias terms because they found that large
models tend to have near 0 bias terms anyway.
bias_for_layer_norm: Optional[bool] = None
Whether or not to include bias parameters in layer norm.
This is separate from the include_bias parameter, because of a ROCm crash when biases are disabled in
layer norm.
When this is None (the default), it inherits the setting from include_bias.
scale_logits: bool = False
If ``True``, scale the output logits by ``1 / sqrt(d_model)``.
vocab_size: int = 50257
Vocabulary size of the model.
embedding_size: Optional[int] = 50304
The number of embeddings, i.e. the number of tokens. If set to ``None`` it will default
to ``vocab_size``. If ``vocab_size`` is not a multiple of 128, setting this to the
next multiple of 128 that's greater than ``vocab_size`` can improve throughput
weight_tying: bool = True
Whether to tie output linear weights to the input embedding.
eos_token_id: int = 50256
The ID of the end-of-sentence special token.
pad_token_id: int = 50256
The ID of the token to use for padding. Defaults to the ID of the EOS token.
init_device: Optional[str] = None
The torch device to use when initializing the model parameters, e.g. "cpu", "cuda:0", "meta".
init_fn: InitFnType = InitFnType.normal
The weight initialization strategy.
init_std: float = 0.02
The standard deviation to use when initializing weights with a "fixed distribution" ``init_fn``, such
as "normal".
init_cutoff_factor: Optional[float] = None
A positive factor used to scale the cutoff values when initializing weights with a "fixed distribution" ``init_fn``, such
as "normal". Setting this to None means values are not cutoff.
precision: Optional[str] = None
Precision used to train/evaluate with. You shouldn't set this directly.
See :data:`TrainConfig.precision` instead.
ternary: bool = False
Use ternary BitLinear layer from "The Era of 1-bit LLMs: All Large Language Models are in 1.58 Bits" (
def effective_n_kv_heads(self) -> int:
if self.n_kv_heads is None:
if self.multi_query_attention is True:
return 1
return self.n_heads
if self.multi_query_attention is None:
return self.n_kv_heads
if self.multi_query_attention:
n_kv_heads_should_be = 1
n_kv_heads_should_be = self.n_heads
if self.n_kv_heads == n_kv_heads_should_be:
return n_kv_heads_should_be
raise OLMoConfigurationError(
"You can't set `multi_query_attention` and `n_kv_heads` at the same time."
class OptimizerType(StrEnum):
lionw = "lionw"
adamw = "adamw"
class OptimizerConfig(BaseConfig):
name: OptimizerType = OptimizerType.lionw
learning_rate: float = 1.0e-4
weight_decay: float = 0.01
betas: Tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 0.95)
no_decay_norm_and_bias: Optional[bool] = None
Deprecated. Use ``decay_norm_and_bias`` and ``decay_embeddings`` instead.
decay_norm_and_bias: bool = False
decay_embeddings: bool = False
metrics_log_interval: Optional[int] = None
The interval with which to collect and log detailed parameter-specific metrics.
This only applies when logging to W&B, since these metrics won't be logged to the console.
If not set, defaults to the wandb `log_interval`.
def __post_init__(self):
self.betas = tuple(self.betas) # type: ignore[assignment]
def update_legacy_settings(cls, config: D) -> D:
new_config = config.copy()
if om.is_dict(new_config):
assert isinstance(new_config, DictConfig)
if hasattr(new_config, "name") and == "decoupled_lionw": = "lionw"
if hasattr(new_config, "eps"):
del new_config.eps
return new_config
class SchedulerType(StrEnum):
cosine_with_warmup = "cosine_with_warmup"
linear_with_warmup = "linear_with_warmup"
inverse_sqrt_with_warmup = "inverse_sqrt_with_warmup"
max_scheduler = "max_scheduler"
constant = "constant"
class SchedulerUnits(StrEnum):
steps = "steps"
tokens = "tokens"
class SchedulerConfig(BaseConfig):
name: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.cosine_with_warmup
units: SchedulerUnits = SchedulerUnits.steps
t_warmup: Union[int, float] = 100
t_max: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None
alpha_f: float = 0.1
grad_clip_warmup_steps: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None
The warmup period for which the max grad norm (or norm ratio) will be set to its
warmup value of `max_grad_norm * grad_clip_warmup_factor`.
grad_clip_warmup_factor: Optional[float] = None
The ratio of the max allowed gradient norm (or norm ratio) for clipping during the warmup period
vs after the warmup period.
class PaddingDirection(StrEnum):
right = "right"
left = "left"
class DataConfig(BaseConfig):
paths: Optional[List[str]] = None
datasets: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None
label_mask_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None
pad_direction: PaddingDirection = PaddingDirection.right
generate_attention_mask: bool = False
num_workers: int = 0
drop_last: bool = False
pin_memory: bool = False
prefetch_factor: Optional[int] = None
persistent_workers: bool = False
timeout: int = 0
seed: Optional[int] = None
class EvaluatorType(StrEnum):
downstream = "downstream"
lm = "lm"
class EvaluatorConfig(BaseConfig):
label: str
type: EvaluatorType = EvaluatorType.lm
data: DataConfig = field(default_factory=DataConfig)
device_eval_batch_size: Optional[int] = None
subset_num_batches: Optional[int] = None
class TruncationDirection(StrEnum):
right = "right"
left = "left"
class TokenizerConfig(BaseConfig):
identifier: str = "gpt2"
truncate_direction: TruncationDirection = TruncationDirection.right
class WandbConfig(BaseConfig):
project: Optional[str] = None
entity: Optional[str] = "ai2-llm"
group: Optional[str] = None
name: Optional[str] = None
tags: Optional[List[str]] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["watching"])
log_artifacts: bool = False
rank_zero_only: bool = True
log_interval: int = 1
class SpeedMonitorConfig(BaseConfig):
window_size: int = 100
gpu_flops_available: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None
class CompilerConfig(BaseConfig):
mode: Optional[str] = None
The mode to compile the model in. At the moment this can be "default",
"reduce-overhead" (useful for smaller models/batches), or "max-autotune"
(the fastest for larger models, but takes a long time to compile).
fullgraph: bool = False
Whether it is OK to break model into several subgraphs when compiling.
Note that this is not compatible with FSDP.
backend: str = "inductor"
The backend to use.
class FSDPWrapStrategy(StrEnum):
by_block = "by_block"
Wrap each OLMo block with its own FSDP instance.
by_block_and_size = "by_block_and_size"
Like 'by_block' but `wte` and `ff_out` will be wrapped separately as well.
by_block_group = "by_block_group"
Wrap each block group together into its own FSDP instance.
This requires :attr:`~ModelConfig.block_group_size` to be bigger than 1.
by_block_group_and_size = "by_block_group_and_size"
Like 'by_block_group' but `wte` and `ff_out` will be wrapped separately as well.
size_based = "size_based"
Used PyTorch's default size-based auto wrap policy.
one_in_two = "one_in_two"
one_in_three = "one_in_three"
one_in_four = "one_in_four"
one_in_five = "one_in_five"
class FSDPPrecision(StrEnum):
pure = "pure"
Equivalent to :class:`torch.distributed.fsdp.MixedPrecision` with ``param_dtype``, ``reduce_dtype``,
and ``buffer_dtype`` all set to the autocast precision data type.
mixed = "mixed"
Equivalent to :class:`torch.distributed.fsdp.MixedPrecision` with ``param_dtype``, and ``buffer_dtype``
set to the autocast precision data type, while ``reduce_dtype`` is set to fp32.
class FSDPConfig(BaseConfig):
use_orig_params: bool = True
This must be ``True`` if using ``compile`` or you want to track the parameter norm during training.
sharding_strategy: ShardingStrategy = ShardingStrategy.FULL_SHARD
wrapping_strategy: Optional[FSDPWrapStrategy] = None
The wrapping strategy to use. If ``None``, the default, the model is wrapped with a single top-level
FSDP instance.
precision: FSDPPrecision = FSDPPrecision.pure
class CheckpointType(StrEnum):
sharded = "sharded"
unsharded = "unsharded"
sharded_ephemeral = "sharded_ephemeral"
class ShardedCheckpointerType(StrEnum):
torch_new = "torch_new"
torch_legacy = "torch_legacy"
local = "local"
class ActivationCheckpointingStrategy(StrEnum):
whole_layer = "whole_layer"
Checkpoint every transformer layer.
one_in_two = "one_in_two"
Checkpoint one in two transformer layers.
one_in_three = "one_in_three"
Checkpoint one in three transformer layers.
one_in_four = "one_in_four"
Checkpoint one in four transformer layers.
two_in_three = "two_in_three"
Checkpoint two out of every three transformer layers.
three_in_four = "three_in_four"
Checkpoint three out of four of every transformer layers.
fine_grained = "fine_grained"
Focus checkpointing on where it is cheap to recompute and saves most memory.
class TrainConfig(BaseConfig):
OLMo training configuration.
run_name: Optional[str] = None
The name of the run.
seed: int = 6198
Used to seed all initial RNG states.
epoch: Optional[int] = None
Increment this when starting a new epoch.
dry_run: bool = False
If ``True``, don't actually train.
model: ModelConfig = field(default_factory=ModelConfig)
OLMo Model configuration.
optimizer: OptimizerConfig = field(default_factory=OptimizerConfig)
Optimizer configuration.
scheduler: SchedulerConfig = field(default_factory=SchedulerConfig)
Learning rate scheduler configuration.
data: DataConfig = field(default_factory=DataConfig)
Training data configuration.
restore_dataloader: bool = True
When restarting, restore the data loader to where it left off.
If you restarting in order to train on a different dataset, set this to ``False``.
fast_forward_batches: Optional[int] = None
When restarting, use this to fast-forward the dataloader beyond the last checkpoint.
This can be useful when restarting due to a loss spike in order to skip the data that
corresponded to the spike.
evaluators: List[EvaluatorConfig] = field(default_factory=list)
Evaluation configurations.
eval_interval: int = 1000
How often (in terms of batches) to run evaluations.
tokenizer: TokenizerConfig = field(default_factory=TokenizerConfig)
Tokenizer configuration.
save_folder: str = "./"
The directory to save checkpoints to.
remote_save_folder: Optional[str] = None
A folder in a cloud bucket to upload saved checkpoints to.
canceled_check_interval: int = 50
How often (in batches) to check if the run has been canceled or reached its time limit.
save_interval: int = 1000
How often (in terms of steps) to save sharded training state checkpoints.
save_interval_unsharded: Optional[int] = None
How often (if at all) to save unsharded training state checkpoint.
For large models it can be costly to save these, so it usually makes sense to save
these less often than regular (sharded) training checkpoints.
save_interval_ephemeral: Optional[int] = None
How often (if at all) to save ephemeral sharded checkpoints. These checkpoints are the same
as those saved every `save_interval` except that at most only the most recent one of these is kept.
This is useful when you want to checkpoint often for restarts in case of failures, but don't
want to keep the majority of these checkpoints.
For example, suppose you want to keep your checkpoints at every 1000 steps, but you also want to save
a temporary checkpoint every 100 steps in case your job fails. In that case you would
set `save_interval=1000` and `save_interval_ephemeral=100`.
save_num_checkpoints_to_keep: int = -1
How many sharded checkpoints to keep.
save_num_unsharded_checkpoints_to_keep: int = -1
How many unsharded checkpoints to keep.
save_overwrite: bool = False
If ``True``, overwrite any conflicting checkpoint files.
force_save_unsharded: bool = False
Save an unsharded checkpoint before training (even during a dry run).
Use this option with `--load-path={PATH}` and `--dry_run` to convert a sharded
checkpoint into an unsharded checkpoint.
no_pre_train_checkpoint: bool = False
Skip saving pre-train checkpoint.
load_path: Optional[str] = None
The path to a training checkpoint to restore/resume from.
Note that you can make use of the "path.last_checkpoint" Omegaconfig YAML resolver here, which takes
a local or remote directory and resolves to the latest checkpoint (sharded or unsharded) in that directory.
For example,
load_path_sharded_checkpointer: Optional[ShardedCheckpointerType] = None
The sharded checkpointer type to use to load the initial checkpoint from ``load_path``.
reset_optimizer_state: bool = False
When this is set, we restore the model from a checkpoint (if given), but we leave the optimizer uninitialized.
We also set a new learning rate schedule that does a new warmup, such that it intercepts the original learning
curve (according to the current learning rate schedule settings), and continues from there.
reset_trainer_state: bool = False
When this is set we don't restore the trainer state from a checkpoint.
sharded_checkpointer: ShardedCheckpointerType = ShardedCheckpointerType.torch_legacy
The name of the sharded checkpointer to use to save (sharded) checkpoints throughout training.
new_style_checkpoints: Optional[bool] = None
Deprecated. Use ``sharded_checkpointer`` instead.
max_duration: Union[int, str] = 10000
How long to train for.
If specified without a unit (the default), the units are assumed to be steps.
You can also specify this in terms of tokens, for example: `max_duration="2e12T"` means train until
2 trillion tokens.
global_train_batch_size: int = 512
The effective global batch size.
device_train_batch_size: Optional[int] = None # calculated automatically
Don't set this manually. This will be set to ``global_train_batch_size // world_size``.
device_train_microbatch_size: int = 16
The number of instances passed to the model in a single forward-backward pass. You should set
this as large as you can based on available GPU memory.
device_eval_batch_size: int = 16
The number of evaluation instances passed to the model in a single forward pass on each device.
eval_subset_num_batches: int = -1
The number of batches to use for downstream evaluation from each dataset.
eval_on_load: bool = False
When resuming from a checkpoint, run the evaluation loop right away.
device_train_grad_accum: Optional[int] = None # calculated automatically
Don't set this manually. This will be set to ``device_train_batch_size // device_train_microbatch_size``.
max_grad_norm: Optional[float] = None
Clip gradient norms to this value if set.
max_grad_norm_ratio: Optional[float] = None
If set, gradient norms will be clipped to `max_grad_norm_ratio * exp_avg(norm(grad))`.
This takes priority over `max_grad_norm` when set.
precision: Optional[str] = None
Precision to train with (e.g. "amp_bf16", "amp_fp16", or "fp32").
wandb: Optional[WandbConfig] = None
Weights & Biases configuration.
speed_monitor: SpeedMonitorConfig = field(default_factory=SpeedMonitorConfig)
Speed monitor configuration.
console_log_interval: int = 1
How often to log to the console.
compile: Optional[CompilerConfig] = None
Settings for compiling the model with ``torch.compile()``.
fsdp: FSDPConfig = field(default_factory=FSDPConfig)
Fully sharded data parallel settings.
softmax_auxiliary_loss: bool = False
If ``True``, we add the auxiliary loss function from PaLM that encourages the softmax
normalizing term to be close to 0.
time_limit: Optional[float] = 60 * 60 * 47.5
The maximum amount of time to train for before saving a checkpoint and ending early.
On LUMI we have 48 hours max per job, so we default to just under 48 hours to give us time
to write out a final checkpoint.
extra_steps_after_cancel: int = 10
Under certain conditions when a run is canceled we train for a few extra steps after saving
the final checkpoint so that when the run is restarted from the latest checkpoint we have some
overlap in metrics.
early_stopping_factor: Optional[float] = None
save_data_indices: bool = True
Save training data indices from each batch for each worker.
python_profiling: bool = False
Whether to run the Python profiler on batches 6, 7, and 8.
torch_profiling: bool = False
Whether to run the PyTorch profiler on batches 6, 7, and 8.
stop_at: Optional[int] = None
Stop at a specific step.
stop_after: Optional[int] = None
Stop after a specific number of steps.
activation_checkpointing: Optional[ActivationCheckpointingStrategy] = None
The activation checkpointing strategy to use.
fused_loss: Optional[bool] = None
Whether to use the fused CE loss function from `flash-attn`.
def autocast_precision(self) -> torch.dtype:
if self.precision == "amp_bf16":
return torch.bfloat16
elif self.precision == "amp_fp16":
return torch.float16
elif self.precision == "fp32":
return torch.float32
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected precision type '{self.precision}'")
def fsdp_precision(self) -> MixedPrecision:
if self.fsdp.precision == FSDPPrecision.pure:
return MixedPrecision(
elif self.fsdp.precision == FSDPPrecision.mixed:
return MixedPrecision(
raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.fsdp.precision}")
def update_legacy_settings(cls, config: D) -> D:
new_config = config.copy()
if om.is_dict(new_config):
assert isinstance(new_config, DictConfig)
if hasattr(new_config, "activation_checkpointing"):
if new_config.activation_checkpointing is False:
new_config.activation_checkpointing = None
if new_config.activation_checkpointing is True:
new_config.activation_checkpointing = ActivationCheckpointingStrategy.whole_layer
if hasattr(new_config, "optimizer"):
new_config.optimizer = OptimizerConfig.update_legacy_settings(new_config.optimizer)
return new_config