Browse files- +14 -2
- talkmouth/ +38 -2
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ tags:
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[実験LoRA置き場 (Experimental LoRA files)](./experimental/
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[デフォル眼](#デフォル眼-comic-expressions) / [ジト目](#ジト目-comic-expression--scornful-eyes) / [白目](#白目-comic-expression--white-eyes) / [黒目](#黒目-comic-expression--black-eyes) / [(☆\_☆)/(♡\_♡)の目](#☆_☆/♡_♡の目-star-and-heart-shaped-eyes) / [オッドアイ固定化補助](#オッドアイ固定化補助-heterochromia-helper) / [にやにやした表情の目と口](#にやにやした表情の目と口-smirking-eyes--slyly-mouth) / [デフォルメされた猫の目と口](#デフォルメされた猫の目と口-anime-cat-eyesmouth) / [猫の目&猫の口](#猫の目&猫の口-cat-eyes--cat-mouth) / [驚いた目&眠そうな目](#驚いた目&眠そうな目-surprised-eyes--sleepy-eyes) / [目隠れ](#目隠れ-hair-over-eyes) / [円形の口](#円形の口-circular-mouth) / [ぐにゃぐにゃ口](#ぐにゃぐにゃ口-wavy-mouth-set) / [閉じた口](#閉じた口-closed-mouth-set) / [口の大きさ変更](#口の大きさ変更-mouth-size-control) / [前面ライトアップ](#前面ライトアップ-front-lighting) / [暗闇化/光る眼](#暗闇化/光る眼-darkness--glowing-eyes) / [2.5D変換](#25d変換-convert-2d-to-25d) / [ペーパーキャラクター](#ペーパーキャラクター-paper-character-effect) / [集中線](#集中線-comic-effect--concentrated-lines) / [ぼかし&背景ぼかし](#ぼかし&背景ぼかし-blur--background-blur) / [キャラクター発光](#キャラクター発光-character-luminescence) / [トーンカーブ調整](#トーンカーブ調整-tone-curve-control) / [彩度調整](#彩度調整-saturation-control) / [ウィンク補助](#ウィンク補助-wink-helper) / [激おこ顔](#激おこ顔-extremely-angry-face) / [にっこり笑顔](#にっこり笑顔-smiling-face) / [思案顔](#思案顔-thinking-face) / [茹でダコ顔](#茹でダコ顔-strongly-embarrassed-face) / [青醒め顔](#青醒め顔-paled-face)
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[Comic expressions](#デフォル眼-comic-expressions) / [Comic expression : scornful eyes](#ジト目-comic-expression--scornful-eyes) / [Comic expression : white eyes](#白目-comic-expression--white-eyes) / [Comic expression : black eyes](#黒目-comic-expression--black-eyes) / [Star and heart shaped eyes](#☆_☆/♡_♡の目-star-and-heart-shaped-eyes) / [Heterochromia helper](#オッドアイ固定化補助-heterochromia-helper) / [Smirking eyes and mouth](#にやにやした表情の目と口-smirking-eyes--slyly-mouth) / [Anime cat eyes/mouth](#デフォルメされた猫の目と口-anime-cat-eyesmouth) / [Cat eyes / Cat mouth](#猫の目&猫の口-cat-eyes--cat-mouth) / [Surprised eyes / Sleepy eyes](#驚いた目&眠そうな目-surprised-eyes--sleepy-eyes) / [Hair over eyes](#目隠れ-hair-over-eyes) / [Circular mouth](#円形の口-circular-mouth) / [Wavy mouth set](#ぐにゃぐにゃ口-wavy-mouth-set) / [Closed mouth set](#閉じた口-closed-mouth-set) / [Mouth size control](#口の大きさ変更-mouth-size-control) / [Front lighting](#前面ライトアップ-front-lighting) / [Darkness / Glowing eyes](#暗闇化/光る眼-darkness--glowing-eyes) / [Convert 2D to 2.5D](#25d変換-convert-2d-to-25d) / [Paper character effect](#ペーパーキャラクター-paper-character-effect) / [Comic effect : concentrated lines](#集中線-comic-effect--concentrated-lines) / [Blur / Background blur](#ぼかし&背景ぼかし-blur--background-blur) / [Character luminescence](#キャラクター発光-character-luminescence) / [Tone curve control](#トーンカーブ調整-tone-curve-control) / [Saturation control](#彩度調整-saturation-control) / [Wink helper](#ウィンク補助-wink-helper) / [Extremely angry face](#激おこ顔-extremely-angry-face) / [Smiling face](#にっこり笑顔-smiling-face) / [Thinking face](#思案顔-thinking-face) / [Strongly embarrassed face](#茹でダコ顔-strongly-embarrassed-face) / [Paled face](#青醒め顔-paled-face)
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@@ -104,6 +104,18 @@ The color and left-right combination of the heterochromia eyes can be fixed.
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Total of 12 combinations of four colors (blue, green, yellow, and red), each with left and right sides, are available.
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There are a few quirks to using this LoRA. Please refer to the "Usage" section.
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## にやにやした表情の目と口 (Smirking eyes / Slyly mouth)
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[詳しく見る/ダウンロード (Details/Download)](./smirking/
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[実験LoRA置き場 (Experimental LoRA files)](./experimental/
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[デフォル眼](#デフォル眼-comic-expressions) / [ジト目](#ジト目-comic-expression--scornful-eyes) / [白目](#白目-comic-expression--white-eyes) / [黒目](#黒目-comic-expression--black-eyes) / [(☆\_☆)/(♡\_♡)の目](#☆_☆/♡_♡の目-star-and-heart-shaped-eyes) / [オッドアイ固定化補助](#オッドアイ固定化補助-heterochromia-helper) / [あいうえお発音の口(Mouths pronouncing /aiɯeo/)](#あいうえお発音の口) / [にやにやした表情の目と口](#にやにやした表情の目と口-smirking-eyes--slyly-mouth) / [デフォルメされた猫の目と口](#デフォルメされた猫の目と口-anime-cat-eyesmouth) / [猫の目&猫の口](#猫の目&猫の口-cat-eyes--cat-mouth) / [驚いた目&眠そうな目](#驚いた目&眠そうな目-surprised-eyes--sleepy-eyes) / [目隠れ](#目隠れ-hair-over-eyes) / [円形の口](#円形の口-circular-mouth) / [ぐにゃぐにゃ口](#ぐにゃぐにゃ口-wavy-mouth-set) / [閉じた口](#閉じた口-closed-mouth-set) / [口の大きさ変更](#口の大きさ変更-mouth-size-control) / [前面ライトアップ](#前面ライトアップ-front-lighting) / [暗闇化/光る眼](#暗闇化/光る眼-darkness--glowing-eyes) / [2.5D変換](#25d変換-convert-2d-to-25d) / [ペーパーキャラクター](#ペーパーキャラクター-paper-character-effect) / [集中線](#集中線-comic-effect--concentrated-lines) / [ぼかし&背景ぼかし](#ぼかし&背景ぼかし-blur--background-blur) / [キャラクター発光](#キャラクター発光-character-luminescence) / [トーンカーブ調整](#トーンカーブ調整-tone-curve-control) / [彩度調整](#彩度調整-saturation-control) / [ウィンク補助](#ウィンク補助-wink-helper) / [激おこ顔](#激おこ顔-extremely-angry-face) / [にっこり笑顔](#にっこり笑顔-smiling-face) / [思案顔](#思案顔-thinking-face) / [茹でダコ顔](#茹でダコ顔-strongly-embarrassed-face) / [青醒め顔](#青醒め顔-paled-face)
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[Comic expressions](#デフォル眼-comic-expressions) / [Comic expression : scornful eyes](#ジト目-comic-expression--scornful-eyes) / [Comic expression : white eyes](#白目-comic-expression--white-eyes) / [Comic expression : black eyes](#黒目-comic-expression--black-eyes) / [Star and heart shaped eyes](#☆_☆/♡_♡の目-star-and-heart-shaped-eyes) / [Heterochromia helper](#オッドアイ固定化補助-heterochromia-helper) / [Mouths pronouncing /aiɯeo/](#あいうえお発音の口) / [Smirking eyes and mouth](#にやにやした表情の目と口-smirking-eyes--slyly-mouth) / [Anime cat eyes/mouth](#デフォルメされた猫の目と口-anime-cat-eyesmouth) / [Cat eyes / Cat mouth](#猫の目&猫の口-cat-eyes--cat-mouth) / [Surprised eyes / Sleepy eyes](#驚いた目&眠そうな目-surprised-eyes--sleepy-eyes) / [Hair over eyes](#目隠れ-hair-over-eyes) / [Circular mouth](#円形の口-circular-mouth) / [Wavy mouth set](#ぐにゃぐにゃ口-wavy-mouth-set) / [Closed mouth set](#閉じた口-closed-mouth-set) / [Mouth size control](#口の大きさ変更-mouth-size-control) / [Front lighting](#前面ライトアップ-front-lighting) / [Darkness / Glowing eyes](#暗闇化/光る眼-darkness--glowing-eyes) / [Convert 2D to 2.5D](#25d変換-convert-2d-to-25d) / [Paper character effect](#ペーパーキャラクター-paper-character-effect) / [Comic effect : concentrated lines](#集中線-comic-effect--concentrated-lines) / [Blur / Background blur](#ぼかし&背景ぼかし-blur--background-blur) / [Character luminescence](#キャラクター発光-character-luminescence) / [Tone curve control](#トーンカーブ調整-tone-curve-control) / [Saturation control](#彩度調整-saturation-control) / [Wink helper](#ウィンク補助-wink-helper) / [Extremely angry face](#激おこ顔-extremely-angry-face) / [Smiling face](#にっこり笑顔-smiling-face) / [Thinking face](#思案顔-thinking-face) / [Strongly embarrassed face](#茹でダコ顔-strongly-embarrassed-face) / [Paled face](#青醒め顔-paled-face)
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Total of 12 combinations of four colors (blue, green, yellow, and red), each with left and right sides, are available.
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There are a few quirks to using this LoRA. Please refer to the "Usage" section.
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## あいうえお発音の口(Mouths pronouncing /aiɯeo/)
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[詳しく見る/ダウンロード (Details/Download)](./talkmouth/
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Reproduces mouths pronouncing `/a/ /i/ /ɯ/ /e/ /o/`, Japanese 5 basic vowels.
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It can be applied to a variety of other applications depending on its shape.
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## にやにやした表情の目と口 (Smirking eyes / Slyly mouth)
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[詳しく見る/ダウンロード (Details/Download)](./smirking/
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
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# あいうえお発音の口(Mouths pronouncing /aiɯeo/)
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## ダウンロード (Download)
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@@ -11,3 +15,35 @@ Reproduces mouths pronouncing `/a/ /i/ /ɯ/ /e/ /o/`. It can be applied to a var
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- [「う」の口 / Mouths pronouncing /ɯ/ (talkmouth_U_v100.safetensors)](
12 |
- [「え」の口 / Mouths pronouncing /e/ (talkmouth_E_v100.safetensors)](
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- [「お」の口 / Mouths pronouncing /o/ (talkmouth_O_v100.safetensors)](
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# あいうえお発音の口(Mouths pronouncing /aiɯeo/)
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6 |
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8 |
Reproduces mouths pronouncing `/a/ /i/ /ɯ/ /e/ /o/`, Japanese 5 basic vowels.
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It can be applied to a variety of other applications depending on its shape.
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## ダウンロード (Download)
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- [「う」の口 / Mouths pronouncing /ɯ/ (talkmouth_U_v100.safetensors)](
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- [「え」の口 / Mouths pronouncing /e/ (talkmouth_E_v100.safetensors)](
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- [「お」の口 / Mouths pronouncing /o/ (talkmouth_O_v100.safetensors)](
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## 使い方 (Usage)
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LoRAを有効にするだけで発動しますが、`open mouth`のプロンプトはなるべく指定してください。
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Suitable for anime-style models. With most photorealistic models, it won't work well.
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It is recommended to use with `open mouth` prompt. Do not use with `closed mouth`.
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Mouth size (openness) can be adjusted by LoRA weight to some extent.
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## サンプル ギャラリー (Sample gallery)
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