# ウィンク補助LoRA (Wink helper)



Reproduces wink with left or right eye closed almost certainly.

## ダウンロード (Download)

- [右目閉じ / Right eye closed Ver1.20 (rightwink_v120.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/rightwink_v120.safetensors)
- [左目閉じ / Left eye closed Ver1.20 (leftwink_v120.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/leftwink_v120.safetensors)

Since there are some differences in output results, older version is also distributed.

- [右目閉じ / Right eye closed Ver1.10 (rightwink_v110.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/rightwink_v110.safetensors)
- [左目閉じ / Left eye closed Ver1.10 (leftwink_v110.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/leftwink_v110.safetensors)
- [右目閉じ / Right eye closed Ver1.00 (rightwink_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/rightwink_v100.safetensors)
- [左目閉じ / Left eye closed Ver1.00 (leftwink_v100.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/leftwink_v100.safetensors)

## 使い方 (Usage)

`one eye closed, wink`のプロンプトを指定してください。  
ウィンクがうまく出ない場合は、まずプロンプトの強度を`(one eye closed, wink:1.3)`のように上げてみて、それでもうまくいかない場合はLoRAの強度を上げてください。




Use with `one eye closed, wink` prompt.  
If wink does not appear certainly, strengthen prompt : `(one eye closed, wink:1.3)` . If it also does not work well, strengthen LoRA weight.

On some datamodels, using old version(Ver1.00) may make better result.

When using Ver1.00, try to use block weight described above to reduce unintended effect to posing or painting.

## サンプル ギャラリー (Sample gallery)

<details><summary>右目閉じ (Right eye closed)</summary>




<details><summary>左目閉じ (Left eye closed)</summary>


