* 本模型仅作学习交流使用,禁止用于任何商业活动或侵犯他人版权、肖像权等权利的行为。 * Study and communication only. Any commercial activity and violation of rights like portrait and copyright is prohibited. 自己融的几个模型 Just some merge models I played around with.
奇数版本的是橘子系模型; Odd number version have a taste of AbyssOrangeMix style
V1:我大部分融模的底模; Starting point for most of my merged models
大致配方(recipe): (AOM2 0.5 + Silicon 29 0.5) + Pastelmix
V1.5:在V1的基础上加了MeinaHentai,肢体有所加强(?), 比较会画nsfw; added MeinaHentai, slightly better anatomy, and more nsfw
配方(recipe):V1 + MeinaHentai
V3:更多人物和背景的细节,更好的光影效果; aimed for more details and better light and shadow effects
配方(recipe):V1.5 + Cetus 3.5
偶数版本的蜡笔系模型; Even number versions are more of a pastel/impasto style
V2:融了PileDream之后的厚涂风格; Added PileDream to get impasto style
配方(recipe): V1 + PileDream
![](./images/V2Nature.png) ![](./images/V2City.png) ![](./images/V2Character.png) ![](./images/V2Weapon.png) V4:类似于V3,在V2的基础上增强了细节和光影效果; Similar to V3, strengthening details, light and shadow effects
配方(recipe): V2 + Line and Light
![](./images/V4nature.png) ![](./images/V4City.png) ![](./images/V4Character.png) ![](./images/V4weapon.png)