"""Base classes for progress reporting. |
Custom progress classes should inherit from these classes. They can also be |
used as dummy progress classes which simply do nothing. |
""" |
from __future__ import print_function |
import errno |
import fcntl |
import io |
import os |
import re |
import select |
import sys |
from typing import Optional, Union |
import apt_pkg |
__all__ = ['AcquireProgress', 'CdromProgress', 'InstallProgress', 'OpProgress'] |
class AcquireProgress(object): |
"""Monitor object for downloads controlled by the Acquire class. |
This is an mostly abstract class. You should subclass it and implement the |
methods to get something useful. |
""" |
current_bytes = current_cps = fetched_bytes = last_bytes = total_bytes \ |
= 0.0 |
current_items = elapsed_time = total_items = 0 |
def done(self, item): |
"""Invoked when an item is successfully and completely fetched.""" |
def fail(self, item): |
"""Invoked when an item could not be fetched.""" |
def fetch(self, item): |
"""Invoked when some of the item's data is fetched.""" |
def ims_hit(self, item): |
"""Invoked when an item is confirmed to be up-to-date. |
Invoked when an item is confirmed to be up-to-date. For instance, |
when an HTTP download is informed that the file on the server was |
not modified. |
""" |
def media_change(self, media, drive): |
"""Prompt the user to change the inserted removable media. |
The parameter 'media' decribes the name of the media type that |
should be changed, whereas the parameter 'drive' should be the |
identifying name of the drive whose media should be changed. |
This method should not return until the user has confirmed to the user |
interface that the media change is complete. It must return True if |
the user confirms the media change, or False to cancel it. |
""" |
return False |
def pulse(self, owner): |
"""Periodically invoked while the Acquire process is underway. |
This method gets invoked while the Acquire progress given by the |
parameter 'owner' is underway. It should display information about |
the current state. |
This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the |
acquisition should be continued (True) or cancelled (False). |
""" |
return True |
def start(self): |
"""Invoked when the Acquire process starts running.""" |
self.current_bytes = 0.0 |
self.current_cps = 0.0 |
self.current_items = 0 |
self.elapsed_time = 0 |
self.fetched_bytes = 0.0 |
self.last_bytes = 0.0 |
self.total_bytes = 0.0 |
self.total_items = 0 |
def stop(self): |
"""Invoked when the Acquire process stops running.""" |
class CdromProgress(object): |
"""Base class for reporting the progress of adding a cdrom. |
Can be used with apt_pkg.Cdrom to produce an utility like apt-cdrom. The |
attribute 'total_steps' defines the total number of steps and can be used |
in update() to display the current progress. |
""" |
total_steps = 0 |
def ask_cdrom_name(self): |
"""Ask for the name of the cdrom. |
If a name has been provided, return it. Otherwise, return None to |
cancel the operation. |
""" |
def change_cdrom(self): |
"""Ask for the CD-ROM to be changed. |
Return True once the cdrom has been changed or False to cancel the |
operation. |
""" |
def update(self, text, current): |
"""Periodically invoked to update the interface. |
The string 'text' defines the text which should be displayed. The |
integer 'current' defines the number of completed steps. |
""" |
class InstallProgress(object): |
"""Class to report the progress of installing packages.""" |
child_pid, percent, select_timeout, status = 0, 0.0, 0.1, "" |
def __init__(self): |
(self.statusfd, self.writefd) = os.pipe() |
self.write_stream = os.fdopen(self.writefd, "w") |
self.status_stream = os.fdopen(self.statusfd, "r") |
fcntl.fcntl(self.statusfd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) |
def start_update(self): |
"""(Abstract) Start update.""" |
def finish_update(self): |
"""(Abstract) Called when update has finished.""" |
def __enter__(self): |
return self |
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): |
self.write_stream.close() |
self.status_stream.close() |
def error(self, pkg, errormsg): |
"""(Abstract) Called when a error is detected during the install.""" |
def conffile(self, current, new): |
"""(Abstract) Called when a conffile question from dpkg is detected.""" |
def status_change(self, pkg, percent, status): |
"""(Abstract) Called when the APT status changed.""" |
def dpkg_status_change(self, pkg, status): |
"""(Abstract) Called when the dpkg status changed.""" |
def processing(self, pkg, stage): |
"""(Abstract) Sent just before a processing stage starts. |
The parameter 'stage' is one of "upgrade", "install" |
(both sent before unpacking), "configure", "trigproc", "remove", |
"purge". This method is used for dpkg only. |
""" |
def run(self, obj): |
"""Install using the object 'obj'. |
This functions runs install actions. The parameter 'obj' may either |
be a PackageManager object in which case its do_install() method is |
called or the path to a deb file. |
If the object is a PackageManager, the functions returns the result |
of calling its do_install() method. Otherwise, the function returns |
the exit status of dpkg. In both cases, 0 means that there were no |
problems. |
""" |
pid = self.fork() |
if pid == 0: |
try: |
os.set_inheritable(self.writefd, True) |
except AttributeError: |
pass |
try: |
os._exit(obj.do_install(self.write_stream.fileno())) |
except AttributeError: |
os._exit(os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "dpkg", "dpkg", "--status-fd", |
str(self.write_stream.fileno()), "-i", |
obj)) |
except Exception as e: |
sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e) |
os._exit(apt_pkg.PackageManager.RESULT_FAILED) |
self.child_pid = pid |
res = self.wait_child() |
return os.WEXITSTATUS(res) |
def fork(self): |
"""Fork.""" |
return os.fork() |
def update_interface(self): |
"""Update the interface.""" |
try: |
line = self.status_stream.readline() |
except IOError as err: |
if err.errno != errno.EAGAIN and err.errno != errno.EWOULDBLOCK: |
print(err.strerror) |
return |
pkgname = status = status_str = percent = base = "" |
if line.startswith('pm'): |
try: |
(status, pkgname, percent, status_str) = line.split(":", 3) |
except ValueError: |
return |
elif line.startswith('status'): |
try: |
(base, pkgname, status, status_str) = line.split(":", 3) |
except ValueError: |
(base, pkgname, status) = line.split(":", 2) |
elif line.startswith('processing'): |
(status, status_str, pkgname) = line.split(":", 2) |
self.processing(pkgname.strip(), status_str.strip()) |
pkgname = pkgname.strip() |
status_str = status_str.strip() |
status = status.strip() |
if status == 'pmerror' or status == 'error': |
self.error(pkgname, status_str) |
elif status == 'conffile-prompt' or status == 'pmconffile': |
match = re.match("\\s*\'(.*)\'\\s*\'(.*)\'.*", status_str) |
if match: |
self.conffile(match.group(1), match.group(2)) |
elif status == "pmstatus": |
if float(percent) != self.percent or status_str != self.status: |
self.status_change(pkgname, float(percent), status_str.strip()) |
self.percent = float(percent) |
self.status = status_str.strip() |
elif base == "status": |
self.dpkg_status_change(pkgname, status) |
def wait_child(self): |
"""Wait for child progress to exit. |
This method is responsible for calling update_interface() from time to |
time. It exits once the child has exited. The return values is the |
full status returned from os.waitpid() (not only the return code). |
""" |
(pid, res) = (0, 0) |
while True: |
try: |
select.select([self.status_stream], [], [], |
self.select_timeout) |
except select.error as error: |
(errno_, _errstr) = error.args |
if errno_ != errno.EINTR: |
raise |
self.update_interface() |
try: |
(pid, res) = os.waitpid(self.child_pid, os.WNOHANG) |
if pid == self.child_pid: |
break |
except OSError as err: |
if err.errno == errno.ECHILD: |
break |
if err.errno != errno.EINTR: |
raise |
return res |
class OpProgress(object): |
"""Monitor objects for operations. |
Display the progress of operations such as opening the cache.""" |
major_change, op, percent, subop = False, "", 0.0, "" |
def update(self, percent=None): |
"""Called periodically to update the user interface. |
You may use the optional argument 'percent' to set the attribute |
'percent' in this call. |
""" |
if percent is not None: |
self.percent = percent |
def done(self): |
"""Called once an operation has been completed.""" |