Channel Definition |
The .info files allow to specify a set of default channels that is available |
in the dialog "add channel". The .info file whose name corresponds to the |
LSB release name is used, e.g. 'Ubuntu.info' on a Ubuntu system. |
Furthermore all .info files are used to render the channels presented in the |
sources list more user friendly. |
Abstract paragraphs |
If the Suite name contains a {, the entire paragraph becomes a template |
that gets formatted with distro-info-data data. See the Ubuntu.info.in |
and Debian.info.in for examples. |
Note that in such a case, if these paragraphs use { in their values for |
non-template things, such as in regular expressions; they need to be |
escaped - { to {{ and } to }}. |
Abstract paragraphs can only be in the middle of the file, the head and the |
tail are copied unmodified. If abstract paragraphs are interleaved with |
concrete ones, the behavior is undefined. |
Tags |
Suite: the name of the dist used in the repository |
MatchSuite: mainly used for cdroms. defaults to Suite |
ParentSuite: the channel only appears as a component of the parent suite in |
the add dialog |
the components/sections of the suite correspond to the ones of |
the parent suite. specified components of the suite itself |
are ignored |
Available: determs the availabilty of the suite in the add dialog. |
defaults to False |
RepositoryType: does the repository contain binary or source packages |
BaseURI: the base URI of the repository |
MatchURI: used for identifing mirrors |
Description: description of the suite. the translation is done through |
gettext at runtime |
Component: a component/section of the suite (ignored if ParentSuite is |
set) |
CompDescription: humand readable description of the component/section |
(ignored if ParentSuite is set). the translation is done |
through gettext at runtime |
ValidMirros: A file that contains a list of mirrors |