// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
// Description								/*{{{*/
// $Id: pkgrecords.cc,v 1.3 2002/02/26 01:36:15 mdz Exp $
/* ######################################################################

   Package Records - Wrapper for the package records functions

   ##################################################################### */
// Include Files							/*{{{*/
#include "generic.h"
#include "apt_pkgmodule.h"
#include "pkgrecords.h"

#include <Python.h>

// PkgRecords Class							/*{{{*/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

static PyObject *PkgRecordsLookup(PyObject *Self,PyObject *Args)
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetCpp<PkgRecordsStruct>(Self);

   PyObject *PkgFObj;
   long int Index;
   if (PyArg_ParseTuple(Args,"(O!l)",&PyPackageFile_Type,&PkgFObj,&Index) == 0)
      return 0;

   // Get the index and check to make sure it is reasonable
   pkgCache::PkgFileIterator &PkgF = GetCpp<pkgCache::PkgFileIterator>(PkgFObj);
   pkgCache *Cache = PkgF.Cache();
   if (Cache->DataEnd() <= Cache->VerFileP + Index + 1 ||
       Cache->VerFileP[Index].File != PkgF.MapPointer())
      return 0;

   // Do the lookup
   Struct.Last = &Struct.Records.Lookup(pkgCache::VerFileIterator(*Cache,Cache->VerFileP+Index));

   // always return true (to make it consistent with the pkgsrcrecords object
   return PyBool_FromLong(1);

static PyMethodDef PkgRecordsMethods[] =
    "lookup((packagefile: apt_pkg.PackageFile, index: int)) -> bool\n\n"
    "Changes to a new package"},

 * Get the PkgSrcRecordsStruct from a PyObject. If no package has been looked
 * up, set an AttributeError using the given name.
static inline PkgRecordsStruct &GetStruct(PyObject *Self,char *name) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetCpp<PkgRecordsStruct>(Self);
   if (Struct.Last == 0)
   return Struct;

static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetFileName(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"FileName");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyPath(Struct.Last->FileName()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetHashes(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"Hashes");
   if (Struct.Last == 0)
      return 0;

   auto py = CppPyObject_NEW<HashStringList> (nullptr, &PyHashStringList_Type);
   py->Object = Struct.Last->Hashes();
   return py;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetMD5Hash(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"MD5Hash");
   if (Struct.Last == NULL)
      return 0;
   auto hashes = Struct.Last->Hashes();
   auto hash = hashes.find("md5sum");
   if (hash == NULL)
      return 0;
   return CppPyString(hash->HashValue());
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetSHA1Hash(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"SHA1Hash");
   if (Struct.Last == NULL)
      return 0;
   auto hashes = Struct.Last->Hashes();
   auto hash = hashes.find("sha1");
   if (hash == NULL)
      return 0;
   return CppPyString(hash->HashValue());
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetSHA256Hash(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"SHA256Hash");
   if (Struct.Last == NULL)
      return 0;
   auto hashes = Struct.Last->Hashes();
   auto hash = hashes.find("sha256");
   if (hash == NULL)
      return 0;
   return CppPyString(hash->HashValue());
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetSourcePkg(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"SourcePkg");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyString(Struct.Last->SourcePkg()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetSourceVer(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"SourceVer");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyString(Struct.Last->SourceVer()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetMaintainer(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"Maintainer");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyString(Struct.Last->Maintainer()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetShortDesc(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"ShortDesc");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyLocaleString(Struct.Last->ShortDesc()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetLongDesc(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"LongDesc");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyLocaleString(Struct.Last->LongDesc()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetName(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"Name");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyString(Struct.Last->Name()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetHomepage(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"Homepage");
   return (Struct.Last != 0) ? CppPyString(Struct.Last->Homepage()) : 0;
static PyObject *PkgRecordsGetRecord(PyObject *Self,void*) {
   const char *start, *stop;
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"Record");
   if (Struct.Last == 0)
      return 0;
   Struct.Last->GetRec(start, stop);
   return PyString_FromStringAndSize(start,stop-start);
static PyGetSetDef PkgRecordsGetSet[] = {
    "The filename of the package, as stored in the 'Filename' field."},
    "The homepage of the package, as stored in the 'Homepage' field."},
    "The long description of the packages; i.e. all lines in the\n"
    "'Description' field except for the first one."},
    "The hashes of the packages, as a HashStringList"},
    "The MD5 hash value of the package, as stored in the 'MD5Sum' field."},
    "The maintainer of the package, as stored in the 'Maintainer' field."},
    "The name of the package, as stored in the 'Package' field."},
    "The raw record, suitable for parsing by apt_pkg.TagSection."},
    "The SHA1 hash value, as stored in the 'SHA1' field."},
    "The SHA256 hash value, as stored in the 'SHA256' field."},
    "The short description of the package, i.e. the first line of the\n"
    "'Description' field."},
    "The name of the source package, if different from the name of the\n"
    "binary package. This information is retrieved from the 'Source' field."},
    "The version of the source package, if it differs from the version\n"
    "of the binary package. Just like 'source_pkg', this information\n"
    "is retrieved from the 'Source' field."},

static int PkgRecordsContains(PyObject *Self,PyObject *Arg)
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"__contains__");
   if (Struct.Last == nullptr)
      return -1;
   const char *Name = PyObject_AsString(Arg);

   if (Name == nullptr)
      return -1;

   return !Struct.Last->RecordField(Name).empty();

static PyObject *PkgRecordsMap(PyObject *Self,PyObject *Arg)
   PkgRecordsStruct &Struct = GetStruct(Self,"__contains__");
   if (Struct.Last == nullptr)
      return nullptr;

   const char *Name = PyObject_AsString(Arg);
   if (Name == nullptr)
      return nullptr;

   return CppPyString(Struct.Last->RecordField(Name));

PySequenceMethods PkgRecordsSeqMeth = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,PkgRecordsContains,0,0};
PyMappingMethods PkgRecordsMapMeth = {0,PkgRecordsMap,0};

static PyObject *PkgRecordsNew(PyTypeObject *type,PyObject *Args,PyObject *kwds)
   PyObject *Owner;
   char *kwlist[] = {"cache",0};
   if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(Args,kwds,"O!",kwlist,&PyCache_Type,
                                   &Owner) == 0)
      return 0;

   return HandleErrors(CppPyObject_NEW<PkgRecordsStruct>(Owner,type,
							      GetCpp<pkgCache *>(Owner)));

static const char *packagerecords_doc =
    "PackageRecords(cache: apt_pkg.Cache)\n\n"
    "Package Records contain information about packages. Those objects\n"
    "can be used to retrieve information such as maintainer or filename\n"
    "of a package. They can also be used to retrieve the raw records\n"
    "of the packages (i.e. those stanzas stored in Packages files).";

PyTypeObject PyPackageRecords_Type =
   PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
   "apt_pkg.PackageRecords",                          // tp_name
   sizeof(CppPyObject<PkgRecordsStruct>),   // tp_basicsize
   0,                                   // tp_itemsize
   // Methods
   CppDealloc<PkgRecordsStruct>,   // tp_dealloc
   0,                                   // tp_print
   0,                                    // tp_getattr
   0,                                   // tp_setattr
   0,                                   // tp_compare
   0,                                   // tp_repr
   0,                                   // tp_as_number
   &PkgRecordsSeqMeth,                  // tp_as_sequence
   &PkgRecordsMapMeth,                  // tp_as_mapping
   0,                                   // tp_hash
   0,                                   // tp_call
   0,                                   // tp_str
   _PyAptObject_getattro,               // tp_getattro
   0,                                   // tp_setattro
   0,                                   // tp_as_buffer
   (Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT |                // tp_flags
   packagerecords_doc,                  // tp_doc
   CppTraverse<PkgRecordsStruct>,       // tp_traverse
   CppClear<PkgRecordsStruct>,          // tp_clear
   0,                                   // tp_richcompare
   0,                                   // tp_weaklistoffset
   0,                                   // tp_iter
   0,                                   // tp_iternext
   PkgRecordsMethods,                   // tp_methods
   0,                                   // tp_members
   PkgRecordsGetSet,                    // tp_getset
   0,                                   // tp_base
   0,                                   // tp_dict
   0,                                   // tp_descr_get
   0,                                   // tp_descr_set
   0,                                   // tp_dictoffset
   0,                                   // tp_init
   0,                                   // tp_alloc
   PkgRecordsNew,                       // tp_new
