#!/usr/bin/python3 # This is a simple clone of tests/versiontest.cc import apt_pkg import sys import re apt_pkg.init_config() apt_pkg.init_system() TestFile = apt_pkg.parse_commandline(apt_pkg.config, [], sys.argv) if len(TestFile) != 1: print("Must have exactly 1 file name") sys.exit(0) # Go over the file.. list = open(TestFile[0], "r") CurLine = 0 while(1): Line = list.readline() CurLine = CurLine + 1 if Line == "": break Line = Line.strip() if len(Line) == 0 or Line[0] == '#': continue Split = re.split("[ \n]", Line) # Check forward if apt_pkg.version_compare(Split[0], Split[1]) != int(Split[2]): print("Comparision failed on line %u. '%s' ? '%s' %i != %i" % (CurLine, Split[0], Split[1], apt_pkg.version_compare(Split[0], Split[1]), int(Split[2]))) # Check reverse if apt_pkg.version_compare(Split[1], Split[0]) != -1 * int(Split[2]): print("Comparision failed on line %u. '%s' ? '%s' %i != %i" % (CurLine, Split[1], Split[0], apt_pkg.version_compare(Split[1], Split[0]), -1 * int(Split[2])))