try: # For debugging from localutils.debugger import enable_debug enable_debug() except ImportError: pass import flax.linen as nn import jax.numpy as jnp from absl import app, flags from functools import partial import numpy as np import tqdm import jax import jax.numpy as jnp import flax import optax import wandb from ml_collections import config_flags import ml_collections import tensorflow_datasets as tfds import tensorflow as tf tf.config.set_visible_devices([], "GPU") tf.config.set_visible_devices([], "TPU") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from typing import Any import os from utils.wandb import setup_wandb, default_wandb_config from utils.train_state import TrainState, target_update from utils.checkpoint import Checkpoint from utils.pretrained_resnet import get_pretrained_embs, get_pretrained_model from utils.fid import get_fid_network, fid_from_stats from models.vqvae import VQVAE from models.discriminator import Discriminator FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('dataset_name', 'imagenet256', 'Environment name.') flags.DEFINE_string('save_dir', "/home/lambda/jax-smooth/chkpts/checkpoint", 'Save dir (if not None, save params).') flags.DEFINE_string('load_dir', "/home/lambda/jax-smooth/chkpts/checkpoint.tmp" , 'Load dir (if not None, load params from here).') flags.DEFINE_integer('seed', 0, 'Random seed.') flags.DEFINE_integer('log_interval', 1000, 'Logging interval.') flags.DEFINE_integer('eval_interval', 1000, 'Eval interval.') flags.DEFINE_integer('save_interval', 1000, 'Save interval.') flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 32, 'Total Batch size.') flags.DEFINE_integer('max_steps', int(1_000_000), 'Number of training steps.') model_config = ml_collections.ConfigDict({ # VQVAE 'lr': 0.0001, 'beta1': 0.0,#.5 'beta2': 0.99,#.9 'lr_warmup_steps': 2000, 'lr_decay_steps': 500_000,#They use 'lambdalr' 'filters': 128, 'num_res_blocks': 2, 'channel_multipliers': (1, 2, 4, 4),#Seems right 'embedding_dim': 4, # For FSQ, a good default is 4. 'norm_type': 'GN', 'weight_decay': 0.05,#None maybe? 'clip_gradient': 1.0, 'l2_loss_weight': 1.0,#They use L1 actually 'eps_update_rate': 0.9999, # Quantizer 'quantizer_type': 'kl', # or 'fsq', 'kl' # Quantizer (VQ) 'quantizer_loss_ratio': 1, 'codebook_size': 1024, 'entropy_loss_ratio': 0.1, 'entropy_loss_type': 'softmax', 'entropy_temperature': 0.01, 'commitment_cost': 0.25, # Quantizer (FSQ) 'fsq_levels': 5, # Bins per dimension. # Quantizer (KL) 'kl_weight': 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001,#They use 1e-6 on their stuff LUL. .001 is the default # GAN 'g_adversarial_loss_weight': 0.5, 'g_grad_penalty_cost': 10, 'perceptual_loss_weight': 0.5, 'gan_warmup_steps': 25000, 'pl_decay': .01, 'pl_weight': 2 }) wandb_config = default_wandb_config() wandb_config.update({ 'project': 'vqvae', 'name': 'vqvae_{dataset_name}', }) config_flags.DEFINE_config_dict('wandb', wandb_config, lock_config=False) config_flags.DEFINE_config_dict('model', model_config, lock_config=False) ############################################## ## Model Definitions. ############################################## @jax.vmap def sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(*, labels: jnp.ndarray, logits: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: """ """ zeros = jnp.zeros_like(logits, dtype=logits.dtype) condition = (logits >= zeros) relu_logits = jnp.where(condition, logits, zeros) neg_abs_logits = jnp.where(condition, -logits, logits) return relu_logits - logits * labels + jnp.log1p(jnp.exp(neg_abs_logits)) class VQGANModel(flax.struct.PyTreeNode): rng: Any config: dict = flax.struct.field(pytree_node=False) vqvae: TrainState vqvae_eps: TrainState discriminator: TrainState # Train G and D. @partial(jax.pmap, axis_name='data', in_axes=(0, 0)) def update(self, images, pmap_axis='data'): new_rng, curr_key = jax.random.split(self.rng, 2) resnet, resnet_params = get_pretrained_model('resnet50', 'data/resnet_pretrained.npy') is_gan_training = 1.0 - (self.vqvae.step < self.config['gan_warmup_steps']).astype(jnp.float32) def loss_fn(params_vqvae, params_disc): # Reconstruct image print("calling self.vqvae") reconstructed_images, result_dict = self.vqvae(images, params=params_vqvae, rngs={'noise': curr_key}) print("Reconstructed images shape", reconstructed_images.shape) print("Input images shape", images.shape) assert reconstructed_images.shape == images.shape #Path reg here. def path_reg_loss(latents, targets):#let's have pl_mean be in our self.config pl_noise = jax.random.normal(new_rng, shape = targets.shape) / jnp.sqrt(targets.shape[2] * targets.shape[3]) def grad_sum(latents, pl_noise):#So we don't have access to the actual decode method #return jnp.sum(self.vqvae.decode(latents)) #I am not sure if this makes any sense whatsoever tbh my_sum = self.vqvae(latents, params=params_vqvae, method="decode", rngs={'noise': curr_key})*pl_noise print("Decode shape", my_sum.shape) return jnp.sum(my_sum) decode_grad_fn = jax.grad(grad_sum) pl_grads = decode_grad_fn(latents, pl_noise) pl_lengths = jnp.sqrt(jnp.mean(jnp.sum(jnp.square(pl_grads), axis = [2,3]), axis = 1)) pl_mean = self.vqvae.pl_mean + self.config.pl_decay * (jnp.mean(pl_lengths) - self.vqvae.pl_mean) pl_penalty = jnp.square(pl_lengths - pl_mean) loss = jnp.mean(pl_penalty) return loss, pl_mean smooth_loss, pl_mean = path_reg_loss(result_dict["latents"], reconstructed_images) print("Smooth loss is", smooth_loss) # GAN loss on VQVAE output. discriminator_fn = lambda x: self.discriminator(x, params=params_disc) real_logit, vjp_fn = jax.vjp(discriminator_fn, images, has_aux=False) gradient = vjp_fn(jnp.ones_like(real_logit))[0] # Gradient of discriminator output wrt. real images. gradient = gradient.reshape((images.shape[0], -1)) gradient = jnp.asarray(gradient, jnp.float32) penalty = jnp.sum(jnp.square(gradient), axis=-1) penalty = jnp.mean(penalty) # Gradient penalty for training D. fake_logit = discriminator_fn(reconstructed_images) d_loss_real = sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=jnp.ones_like(real_logit), logits=real_logit).mean() d_loss_fake = sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=jnp.zeros_like(fake_logit), logits=fake_logit).mean() loss_d = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake + (penalty * self.config['g_grad_penalty_cost']) d_loss_for_vae = sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=jnp.ones_like(fake_logit), logits=fake_logit).mean() d_loss_for_vae = d_loss_for_vae * is_gan_training real_pools, _ = get_pretrained_embs(resnet_params, resnet, images=images) fake_pools, _ = get_pretrained_embs(resnet_params, resnet, images=reconstructed_images) perceptual_loss = jnp.mean((real_pools - fake_pools)**2) l2_loss = jnp.mean((reconstructed_images - images) ** 2) quantizer_loss = result_dict['quantizer_loss'] if 'quantizer_loss' in result_dict else 0.0 if self.config['quantizer_type'] == 'kl' or self.config["quantizer_type"] == "kl_two": quantizer_loss = quantizer_loss * self.config['kl_weight'] loss_vae = (l2_loss * FLAGS.model['l2_loss_weight']) \ + (quantizer_loss * FLAGS.model['quantizer_loss_ratio']) \ + (d_loss_for_vae * FLAGS.model['g_adversarial_loss_weight']) \ + (perceptual_loss * FLAGS.model['perceptual_loss_weight']) \ + smooth_loss codebook_usage = result_dict['usage'] if 'usage' in result_dict else 0.0 return (loss_vae, loss_d), { 'loss_vae': loss_vae, 'loss_d': loss_d, 'l2_loss': l2_loss, 'd_loss_for_vae': d_loss_for_vae, 'smooth_loss': smooth_loss, 'perceptual_loss': perceptual_loss, 'quantizer_loss': quantizer_loss, 'codebook_usage': codebook_usage, 'pl_mean': pl_mean, } # This is a fancy way to do 'jax.grad' so (loss_vae, params_vqvae) and (loss_d, params_disc) are differentiated. _, grad_fn, info = jax.vjp(loss_fn, self.vqvae.params, self.discriminator.params, has_aux=True) vae_grads, _ = grad_fn((1., 0.)) _, d_grads = grad_fn((0., 1.)) vae_grads = jax.lax.pmean(vae_grads, axis_name=pmap_axis) d_grads = jax.lax.pmean(d_grads, axis_name=pmap_axis) d_grads = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x * is_gan_training, d_grads) info = jax.lax.pmean(info, axis_name=pmap_axis) if self.config['quantizer_type'] == 'fsq': info['codebook_usage'] = jnp.sum(info['codebook_usage'] > 0) / info['codebook_usage'].shape[-1] #So i think we need to update the new vqvae updates, new_opt_state = self.vqvae.tx.update(vae_grads, self.vqvae.opt_state, self.vqvae.params) new_params = optax.apply_updates(self.vqvae.params, updates) #Right here. new_vqvae = self.vqvae.replace(step=self.vqvae.step + 1, params=new_params, opt_state=new_opt_state, pl_mean=info["pl_mean"]) updates, new_opt_state = self.discriminator.tx.update(d_grads, self.discriminator.opt_state, self.discriminator.params) new_params = optax.apply_updates(self.discriminator.params, updates) new_discriminator = self.discriminator.replace(step=self.discriminator.step + 1, params=new_params, opt_state=new_opt_state) info['grad_norm_vae'] = optax.global_norm(vae_grads) info['grad_norm_d'] = optax.global_norm(d_grads) info['update_norm'] = optax.global_norm(updates) info['param_norm'] = optax.global_norm(new_params) info['is_gan_training'] = is_gan_training new_vqvae_eps = target_update(new_vqvae, self.vqvae_eps, 1-self.config['eps_update_rate']) new_model = self.replace(rng=new_rng, vqvae=new_vqvae, vqvae_eps=new_vqvae_eps, discriminator=new_discriminator) return new_model, info @partial(jax.pmap, axis_name='data', in_axes=(0, 0)) def reconstruction(self, images, pmap_axis='data'): reconstructed_images, _ = self.vqvae_eps(images) reconstructed_images = jnp.clip(reconstructed_images, 0, 1) return reconstructed_images ############################################## ## Training Code. ############################################## def main(_): np.random.seed(FLAGS.seed) print("Using devices", jax.local_devices()) device_count = len(jax.local_devices()) global_device_count = jax.device_count() local_batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size // (global_device_count // device_count) print("Device count", device_count) print("Global device count", global_device_count) print("Global Batch: ", FLAGS.batch_size) print("Node Batch: ", local_batch_size) print("Device Batch:", local_batch_size // device_count) # Create wandb logger if jax.process_index() == 0: setup_wandb(FLAGS.model.to_dict(), **FLAGS.wandb) def get_dataset(is_train): if 'imagenet' in FLAGS.dataset_name: def deserialization_fn(data): image = data['image'] min_side = tf.minimum(tf.shape(image)[0], tf.shape(image)[1]) image = tf.image.resize_with_crop_or_pad(image, min_side, min_side) if 'imagenet256' in FLAGS.dataset_name: image = tf.image.resize(image, (256, 256)) elif 'imagenet128' in FLAGS.dataset_name: image = tf.image.resize(image, (128, 128)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {FLAGS.dataset_name}") if is_train: image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image) image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0 return image split = tfds.split_for_jax_process('train' if is_train else 'validation', drop_remainder=True) print(split) dataset = tfds.load('imagenet2012', split=split, data_dir = "/dev/shm") dataset =, dataset = dataset.shuffle(10000, seed=42, reshuffle_each_iteration=True) dataset = dataset.repeat() dataset = dataset.batch(local_batch_size) dataset = dataset.prefetch( dataset = tfds.as_numpy(dataset) dataset = iter(dataset) return dataset else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {FLAGS.dataset_name}") dataset = get_dataset(is_train=True) dataset_valid = get_dataset(is_train=False) example_obs = next(dataset)[:1] import os print(os.getcwd() + "0") get_fid_activations = get_fid_network() # if not os.path.exists('./data/imagenet256_fidstats_openai.npz'): # eaaise ValueError("Please download the FID stats file! See the README.") # truth_fid_stats = np.load('data/imagenet256_fidstats_openai.npz') truth_fid_stats = np.load("./base_stats.npz") rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(FLAGS.seed) rng, param_key = jax.random.split(rng) print("Total Memory on device:", float(jax.local_devices()[0].memory_stats()['bytes_limit']) / 1024**3, "GB") ################################### # Creating Model and put on devices. ################################### FLAGS.model.image_channels = example_obs.shape[-1] FLAGS.model.image_size = example_obs.shape[1] vqvae_def = VQVAE(FLAGS.model, train=True) vqvae_params = vqvae_def.init({'params': param_key, 'noise': param_key}, example_obs)['params'] tx = optax.adam(learning_rate=FLAGS.model['lr'], b1=FLAGS.model['beta1'], b2=FLAGS.model['beta2']) vqvae_ts = TrainState.create(vqvae_def, vqvae_params, tx=tx) vqvae_def_eps = VQVAE(FLAGS.model, train=False) vqvae_eps_ts = TrainState.create(vqvae_def_eps, vqvae_params) print("Total num of VQVAE parameters:", sum(x.size for x in jax.tree_util.tree_leaves(vqvae_params))) discriminator_def = Discriminator(FLAGS.model) discriminator_params = discriminator_def.init(param_key, example_obs)['params'] tx = optax.adam(learning_rate=FLAGS.model['lr'], b1=FLAGS.model['beta1'], b2=FLAGS.model['beta2']) discriminator_ts = TrainState.create(discriminator_def, discriminator_params, tx=tx) print("Total num of Discriminator parameters:", sum(x.size for x in jax.tree_util.tree_leaves(discriminator_params))) model = VQGANModel(rng=rng, vqvae=vqvae_ts, vqvae_eps=vqvae_eps_ts, discriminator=discriminator_ts, config=FLAGS.model) if FLAGS.load_dir is not None: try: cp = Checkpoint(FLAGS.load_dir) model = cp.load_model(model) print("Loaded model with step", model.vqvae.step) except: print("Random init") else: print("Random init") model = flax.jax_utils.replicate(model, devices=jax.local_devices()) jax.debug.visualize_array_sharding(model.vqvae.params['decoder']['Conv_0']['bias']) ################################### # Train Loop ################################### best_fid = 100000 for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, FLAGS.max_steps + 1), smoothing=0.1, dynamic_ncols=True): batch_images = next(dataset) batch_images = batch_images.reshape((len(jax.local_devices()), -1, *batch_images.shape[1:])) # [devices, batch//devices, etc..] model, update_info = model.update(batch_images) if i % FLAGS.log_interval == 0: update_info = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.mean(), update_info) train_metrics = {f'training/{k}': v for k, v in update_info.items()} if jax.process_index() == 0: wandb.log(train_metrics, step=i) if i % FLAGS.eval_interval == 0: # Print some images reconstructed_images = model.reconstruction(batch_images) # [devices, 8, 256, 256, 3] valid_images = next(dataset_valid) valid_images = valid_images.reshape((len(jax.local_devices()), -1, *valid_images.shape[1:])) # [devices, batch//devices, etc..] valid_reconstructed_images = model.reconstruction(valid_images) # [devices, 8, 256, 256, 3] if jax.process_index() == 0: wandb.log({'batch_image_mean': batch_images.mean()}, step=i) wandb.log({'reconstructed_images_mean': reconstructed_images.mean()}, step=i) wandb.log({'batch_image_std': batch_images.std()}, step=i) wandb.log({'reconstructed_images_std': reconstructed_images.std()}, step=i) # plot comparison witah matplotlib. put each reconstruction side by side. fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 8, figsize=(30, 15)) #print("batch shape", batch_images.shape)#batch shape (4, 32, 256, 256, 3) #THE FIRST SHAPE IS DEVICES #print("recon shape", reconstructed_images.shape)#it's all the same lol #print("valid shape", valid_images.shape) #it seems to be made for 8 device, aka tpuv3 instead for j in range(4):#fuck it axs[0, j].imshow(batch_images[j, 0], vmin=0, vmax=1) axs[1, j].imshow(reconstructed_images[j, 0], vmin=0, vmax=1) wandb.log({'reconstruction': wandb.Image(fig)}, step=i) plt.close(fig) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 8, figsize=(30, 15)) for j in range(4): axs[0, j].imshow(valid_images[j, 0], vmin=0, vmax=1) axs[1, j].imshow(valid_reconstructed_images[j, 0], vmin=0, vmax=1) wandb.log({'reconstruction_valid': wandb.Image(fig)}, step=i) plt.close(fig) # Validation Losses _, valid_update_info = model.update(valid_images) valid_update_info = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.mean(), valid_update_info) valid_metrics = {f'validation/{k}': v for k, v in valid_update_info.items()} if jax.process_index() == 0: wandb.log(valid_metrics, step=i) # FID measurement. activations = [] activations2 = [] for _ in range(780):#This is apprximately 40k valid_images = next(dataset_valid) valid_images = valid_images.reshape((len(jax.local_devices()), -1, *valid_images.shape[1:])) # [devices, batch//devices, etc..] valid_reconstructed_images = model.reconstruction(valid_images) # [devices, 8, 256, 256, 3] #print("valid recon shape", valid_reconstructed_images.shape) valid_reconstructed_images = jax.image.resize(valid_reconstructed_images, (valid_images.shape[0], valid_images.shape[1], 299, 299, 3), method='bilinear', antialias=False) valid_reconstructed_images = 2 * valid_reconstructed_images - 1 activations += [np.array(get_fid_activations(valid_reconstructed_images))[..., 0, 0, :]] #Only needed when we save #valid_reconstructed_images = jax.image.resize(valid_images, (valid_images.shape[0], valid_images.shape[1], 299, 299, 3), #method='bilinear', antialias=False) #valid_reconstructed_images = 2 * valid_reconstructed_images - 1 #activations2 += [np.array(get_fid_activations(valid_reconstructed_images))[..., 0, 0, :]] # TODO: use all_gather to get activations from all devices. #This seems to be FID with only 64 images? activations = np.concatenate(activations, axis=0) activations = activations.reshape((-1, activations.shape[-1])) # activations2 = np.concatenate(activations2, axis = 0) # activations2 = activations2.reshape((-1, activations2.shape[-1])) print("doing this much FID", activations.shape)#8192, 2048 should be 2048 items then I guess mu1 = np.mean(activations, axis=0) sigma1 = np.cov(activations, rowvar=False) fid = fid_from_stats(mu1, sigma1, truth_fid_stats['mu'], truth_fid_stats['sigma']) # mu2 = np.mean(activations2, axis = 0) # sigma2 = np.cov(activations2, rowvar = False) #save mu2 and sigma2 #And then exit for now # np.savez("base.npz", mu = mu2, sigma = sigma2) # exit() #Used with loading base #fid = fid_from_stats(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2) if jax.process_index() == 0: wandb.log({'validation/fid': fid}, step=i) print("validation FID at step", i, fid) #Then if fid is smaller than previous best FID, save new FID if fid < best_fid: model_single = flax.jax_utils.unreplicate(model) cp = Checkpoint(FLAGS.save_dir + "best.tmp") cp.set_model(model_single) best_fid = fid if (i % FLAGS.save_interval == 0) and (FLAGS.save_dir is not None): if jax.process_index() == 0: model_single = flax.jax_utils.unreplicate(model) cp = Checkpoint(FLAGS.save_dir) cp.set_model(model_single) if __name__ == '__main__':