import argparse |
import os.path |
import joblib |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import tensorflow as tf |
from PIL import Image |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity |
from classify import classify |
def recommend( |
ref_path: str, num_recommendations: int, |
data_path: str, clf_path: str, fe_path: str, clu_path: str, |
) -> list: |
""" |
Recommends similar images based on a reference image. |
:param ref_path: Path to the reference image. |
:param num_recommendations: Number of recommended images to return. |
:param data_path: Path to the .csv data file containing recommender database image feature vectors. This file must be generated using the same feature extractor specified in fe_path. |
:param clf_path: Path to the classifier model file. |
:param fe_path: Path to the feature extraction model file. |
:param clu_path: Path to the clustering model file. |
:return: List of paths to the recommended images. |
""" |
if num_recommendations < 1: |
raise ValueError('Number of recommendations cannot be smaller than 1.') |
df_rec = pd.read_csv(data_path) |
fe = tf.keras.models.load_model(fe_path) |
clu = joblib.load(clu_path) |
clu.set_params(n_clusters=int(np.sqrt(len(df_rec) / num_recommendations))) |
ref_processed, ref_class = classify(ref_path, classifier_path=clf_path, return_original=False, verbose=False) |
recommendations = df_rec[df_rec['Class'] == ref_class] |
ref_processed = np.squeeze(ref_processed) |
ref_feature_vector = fe.predict( |
tf.expand_dims(ref_processed, axis=0), |
verbose=0 |
) |
ref_feature_vector = ref_feature_vector.astype(float) |
ref_feature_vector = ref_feature_vector.reshape(1, -1) |
clu.fit(recommendations.drop(['ImgPath', 'Class'], axis='columns').values) |
ref_cluster = clu.predict(ref_feature_vector) |
ref_cluster_indices = np.where(clu.labels_ == ref_cluster)[0] |
recommendations = recommendations.iloc[ref_cluster_indices] |
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity( |
ref_feature_vector, |
recommendations.drop(['ImgPath', 'Class'], axis='columns') |
) |
sorted_ref_cluster_indices = np.argsort(-cosine_similarities.flatten()) |
if num_recommendations > len(sorted_ref_cluster_indices): |
raise ValueError('Number of recommendations too large. Insufficient database size.') |
top_ref_cluster_indices = sorted_ref_cluster_indices[:num_recommendations] |
recommendations = recommendations.iloc[top_ref_cluster_indices] |
return list(recommendations['ImgPath'].values) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
ap.add_argument('-f', '--file', required=True, help='reference image') |
ap.add_argument('-d', '--database', default='data/recommender-database', help='the database containing the images to be recommended, default: data/recommender-database') |
ap.add_argument('-c', '--classifier', default='models/clf-cnn', help='the machine learning model used for image classification, default: models/clf-cnn') |
ap.add_argument('-e', '--feature-extractor', default='models/fe-cnn', help='the machine learning model used for image feature extraction, default: models/fe-cnn') |
ap.add_argument('-k', '--clustering-model', default='models/clu-kmeans.model', help='the machine learning model used for image clustering, default: models/clu-kmeans.model') |
ap.add_argument('-n', '--num', required=False, default='10', help="number of recommendations, default: 10") |
args = vars(ap.parse_args()) |
num = int(args['num']) |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(max([1, num // 5]) + 1, 5, figsize=(16, 16), num='Flower Image Recommender') |
axes = axes.ravel() |
ref = Image.open(args['file']) |
_, ref_class = classify(args['file'], classifier_path=args['classifier'], return_original=False, verbose=False) |
axes[2].imshow(ref) |
axes[2].set_title( |
f'Reference Image - "{ref_class}"', |
fontsize=10, |
weight='bold' |
) |
axes[2].text( |
0.5, -0.08, f'{os.path.relpath(args["file"])}', |
horizontalalignment='center', |
verticalalignment='center_baseline', |
transform=axes[2].transAxes, |
fontsize=8, |
) |
for i, rec_path in enumerate(recommend( |
args['file'], int(args['num']), |
args['database'] + '.csv', args['classifier'], args['feature_extractor'], args['clustering_model'] |
), start=5): |
with Image.open(f'{args["database"]}/{rec_path}') as rec: |
axes[i].imshow(rec) |
for ax in axes: |
ax.axis('off') |
plt.show() |