AI & ML interests

Synthetic Smart Meter Data

About OpenSynth

Access to smart meter data is essential to rapid and successful energy transitions. Researchers, modelers and policymakers need to understand how energy demand profiles are changing, in a system that requires greater real time optimization of demand and supply on the grid. Yet current global energy modeling and policymaking is still largely based on static and highly aggregated data from the past – when energy flowed in one direction, consumer profiles were relatively predictable, and power generation was highly controllable.

OpenSynth is building a community for holders of raw smart meter (i.e. demand) data to generate and share synthetic data and models that can be used by researchers, industry innovators and policy-makers.

About the Data Repository

This repository contains synthetic smart meter dataset generated and contributed by organisations with access to synthetic smart meter data themselves, using methods described in OpenSynth's model repository:


None public yet