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+ [{"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the scene is in the in the kitchen . the mother is wiping dishes and the water is running on the floor . a child is trying to get a boy is trying to get cookies outta out a jar and he's about to tip over on a stool . the little girl is reacting to his falling . it seems to be summer out . the window is open . the curtains are blowing . it must be a gentle breeze . there's grass outside in the garden . mother's finished certain of the the dishes . kitchen's very tidy . the mother seems to have nothing in the house to eat except cookies in the cookie jar . the children look to be almost about the same size . perhaps they're twins . they're dressed for summer warm weather . you want more ? the mother's in a short sleeve dress . I'll hafta say it's warm . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh I see the sink is running over . I see the stool is tipping over . little boy's trying to get cookies out . the girl is reaching to get a cookie . the mother is drying dishes . the window's open . that's what she's washing oh she's drying dishes now . she's standing in the water . the cupboard door is open . there's a cookie jar . the brother's leaning against the cookie jar . curtains on the window . there's some grass and some shrubbery outside the house next door . kitchen cabinets . oh I see three people in there, a mother and little boy and a girl . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a boy and a girl are in the kitchen with their mother . and the little boy is getting a cookie for the little girl but he's on a stool it's about to fall down . the mother is washing dishes . and she's obviously thinking of something else because the water's pouring out over the sink . she's finished with some of the dishes . it seems to be summertime because there are bushes . the window is open . there seems to be some kind of a breeze because the curtains on the sill there blowing . must be fairly hot . the mother's in a sleeveless dress . the children are in in short sleeve tops and have sandals . the little boy has tennis shoes on . the mother obviously is unaware of what the children are doing . she's going to be aware of it very shortly . Imean how much more do you want ? hm ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " it was summertime and mother and the children were working in the kitchen . and the window was open and there was a slight breeze blowing in . mother was daydreaming and forgot and left the water in the sink running and it was overflowing . the children were hungry and because they knew mother was distracted doing the dishes they did something they probably should not have done . and they got the kitchen stool and moved it under the cupboard where the cookie jar was . and the young boy climbed up to get a cookie . because he did not place his weight correctly on the stool he's about to fall and probably hurt himself because his head's gonna hit the kitchen cupboards . it looks like the house is set in the country . and it's a large house but either that or you're seeing another house or the a wing of the house . there's grass growing a little a little path . mother looks pretty laid back there . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " wait until I put my glasses on . oh ? there's a girl reaching for a cookie . a boy is up standing on a stool . he's falling off a stool . he's got his hand in the cookie jar . girl has her hand up to her mouth . the mother is washing dishes . the stink sink is overflowing . the window is open . she's drying the dishes . the water's all over the floor . she's getting her feet wet . looks like the breeze is blowing in . and there's some dirty dishes on the counter . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the kids are in the kitchen with their mother taking cookies out of the cookie jar . a boy's handing it to the girl . and the boy's on a on a stool and he's tripping over . he's gonna fall on the floor . the mother's standing there doing the dishes . she's washing the dishes looking out the open window . and the water's running down over the sink on on the floor getting her feet wet . and there are she's drying a dish . and there are a couple of dishes sitting on the kitchen counter . and looking out the window it's probably in the spring or summer of the year . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well there's a mother standing there washing the dishes and the sink is overspilling . and the window's open . and outside the window there's a walk with a curved walk with a garden . and you can see another building there . looks like a garage or something with curtains and the grass in the garden . and there are dishes two cups and a saucer on the sink . and she's getting her feet wet from the overflow of the water from the sink . she seems to be oblivious to the fact that the sink is overflowing . she's also oblivious to the fact that her kids are stealing cookies out of the cookie jar . and the kid on the stool is gonna fall off the stool . he's standing up there in the cupboard taking cookies out of the jar, handing them to his a girl about the same age . the kids are somewhere around seven or eight years old or nine . and the mother is gonna get shocked when the when the he tumbles and the cookie jar comes down . and I think that's about all . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " somebody's getting cookies outof the cookie jar, standing on a stool . the stool's gonna tip over . and the girl's saying shh don't let somebody hear . and the mother's drying dishes . the water's running out into the floor . cups and plates are sitting on the counter . you can look out the window and see the shrubbery . the lid's sideways from the cookie jar . the door is open on the cabinet . mother apparently doesn't really notice well enough . curtains are hanging on the window . the window is open . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a boy is getting cookies outof the cookie jar . he's standing on a stool that's gonna fall . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the mother's drying dishes . the faucet's running water . it's dripping outof the sink . spilling onto the floor . dishes are on the counter . window is open . must be summertime . the girl is laughing . looks like she's laughing . that's about it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " www . the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar . he's handing one to a girl . the the stool he's standing on is falling . the lady's drying dishes . the sink is running over . the water's turned on full . cups are sitting on the counter, plates sitting on the counter . puddle of water's on the floor . little girl is saying shho don't tell anybody . and the cookie jar looks like it's ready to fall out . and the cookie jar is full, clear full . that's about all I see that's going on . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the little girl's saying don't tell my mother . she's reaching for a cookie . the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar . the lid fell off the cookie jar . the stool's ready to fall . it's slanted . the lady's drying dishes . water's running outof the sink . faucets are running . dishes are sitting on the counter . the window's open . water's going on the floor . the lady has her back to the kids . looks like the drapes are blowing in the wind . that's about all there is isn't it ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh for god's sakes . the lady is wiping dishes . the sink is overflowing . the boy is getting a cookie . he's handing another one to the little girl . the little girl is shushing whatever you call that the boy because evidently they're stealing them . and sneaking them is a better word . and they're you said happening . a verb . it hasta be movement . and just including identifying things ? the lady is standing in a puddle of water . and the faucet is running . and the window is open . and there's a house next door, with curtains at the window, the same kind of curtains as hers . and there's a tree in the next yard . it almost looks like it doesn't have a trunk . it doesn't start in the ground it starts in the air . there's a shrub between the two yards . there are two cups on the counter, one plate . the stool is crooked . she's he's gonna fall over because it and it's a it's a three it's a tripod stool that is falling over, not very steady . the cupboards don't have handles except one door . and the bottom ones do and the ones on the left have a different kind of handle . and can I quit pretty soon ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a little boy is stepping on a ladder that's cockeyed . and the ladder has it's a tripodal it isn't a ladder it's a stool . and it's a a three legged stool . and he's getting cookies outof a jar . and he's handing a cookie to the little girl who's saying \ufffd\ufffdshho\ufffd\ufffd to the mother . and the mother is wiping dishes with water running all over the kitchen floor . and oh god . oh she's she has an open window . and there are bushes in front of the window either in the house next door or some place else . and then there's a tree that doesn't have a trunk . . and . there are two cups and the handles are in opposite directions . and she's sort of dumb because she doesn't turn off the water . she's letting it run on her feet . and half of the kitchen cupboard doors don't have handles . I don't think . and she's wiping the dish with two towels . and she isn't watching her dear darling children fall off the stool . okay isn't that about enough ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " this is the one where I insisted the tree doesn't have a trunk and I still think that tree doesn't have a trunk . okay what do you want me to do ? tell a this is a tree and it if it had a trunk it would continue . this is the top sash of the window and it hasta have a trunk down here and that's just grass . so what well what's this ? isn't that a tree ? looks like a tree to me . okay what do you want me to do you all the action ? there's a little boy in short pants with short sleeves who is has a cookie in his left hand handing it to a little girl and grabbing another one . and the lid is falling off the cookie jar . and the stool is upsetting . and it's a three legged stool . and the little girl is shushing because the mother is standing there in a puddle of water with the water overflowing outof the drain . and she's wiping a dish instead of the mess . and she's wearing an apron and she has on sleeveless clothes . I don't know . I could go on . there are two cups and a plate and she's drying another plate . and she has short hair that's parted on the left hand side . and the little boy has a high pompadour . and the little girl has long hair and a long low waisted dress . how long should I go on ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " there's a little boy and he's getting he's standing on a stool that's upsetting . and he's getting a cookie and he's sharing a cookie with the little girl who is shushing her mother with her finger and reaching for the cookie at the same time . on the what are what are the instructions ? just give as many details like action . or or oh the cupboard door is open . the stool is crooked . the water is splashing on the floor . the mother is I'm assuming it's a mother is stepping in it . she's drying her dishes . the sink is overflowing . the cups and the saucers are there . the window is open and you see the lawn outside . and it must be summertime . they all have on short sleeves . and she's wearing an apron . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " okay start ? okay a little boy is getting a cookie outof the cookie jar . he's standing on a stool . it's tipped over and he's handing his sister a his another little girl a cookie . and the little girl is saying ssh because they don't want their mother to see . and the mother is wiping a dish . and she has the water water running in her in her faucet which is overflowing the sink and splashing on the floor . and she's stepping in a puddle . and she's wearing an apron . and outside is the yard with the path . and there are two cups on the table . and she's wearing an apern . and I guess that's it then . she's a has short sleeves . there are curtains on the windows . the cupboard door is open . there's only there's a handle on one of the on three of the cupboard doors but not on the rest . that's crazy . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " are you ready ? well the sink is overflowing . mother is standing in the water like a jerk . she's wiping the dishes also like a jerk . there the the the boy is trying to get a cookie outof the cookie jar but boy he's about to fall off the stool . his sister has her has her hand up finger up to her mouth like she's saying shh . to be quiet don't let mother know what you're doing . and he's about to hand her a cookie . but in a few moments it's going to be like total catastrophe . mother the reason the water's flowing out over the sink is because the water is running furiously . and I'm looking out through the window . and I don't see anything going on out there . unless I don't that's just a bush I'm presuming or a plum pudding . I told you the stools about to go over . in a moment there's going to be real chaos which will make what's going on in the picture look like nothing . the cookie jar is full . the lid is off the cookie jar . and the do you want me to tell you all of those things ? the the cabinet door has just swung open . stool is about to fall . I guess I've just told you that . with a terrible crash . mother is daydreaming . she doesn't even know what's going on behind her . I think that's very important and sometimes typical . seems to be all I can see . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " further right . oh there's a little girl reaching oh let's say the little boy's reaching for the cookie in the jar . and the stool is falling over . the little girl's reaching up to the little boy for the cookie . and the mother apparently is washing the dishes and the water is running over . she's probably busy looking out at the at the garden . and the cups and saucer the cups and the saucer are on the side . what else do you want ? things that I see ? you mean, curtains ? no I think that's about it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " many or the mother's washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing . she has some of them dried already on the side as she's looking out the window while the little boy is falling off the stool because he's getting into the cookie jar to give to his little sister who's reaching up to get the cookie also . there's water all over the floor . there's the garden is outside and the mother's not paying any attention to what they do . the stool is tipping . the cookie jar the door is open . there may be a little breeze coming in because the this window is open . the little girl is saying has her finger to her mouth shh we won't tell mother while you give me the cookie . it's in the kitchen ofcourse and the cups two cups and a dish already have been dried . and the mother's stepping in the water and she's probably so engrossed in what she's doing outside she neither knows what the children are doing nor is she paying any attention that the water's overflowing . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " mother's washing dishes . the sink is overflowing . the boy's falling off a chair as he's getting for the cookie . girl's reaching up for the cookie . I did say the water is running down . the mother's looking out the window . dishes ofcourse are on the sink . think that's about it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " alright ? mother's doing the dishes . the sink is overflowing . the stool is falling . the boy is going for the cookies . she's reaching out for him . the mother's looking out the window . sink is overflowing . let's see . they use the sink . the boy reaching down to give her the cookie . I think that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a little girl is reaching for the cookie cookie that the boy's reaching for the cookie to give to her while the the stool is being tipped . the mother is drying the dish while the water is running outof the spigot . let's see . action . no birds, geese . it's all I can see . that's fine . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the little boy's on a stepstool trying to reach the cookie jar and he's falling . and the girl is reaching for a cookie he has in his hand . the mama's washing dishes and the sink's running over and she's drying a plate . and the sink is running over down on the floor . the window is up . and is that all ? you want something else ? oh well there's a plate and two cups on the counter . is that is that enough ? Imean is that I I don't see anything ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " I see a little boy on a stool trying to reach the cookie jar . he's got one in his hand that to his little sister . and the stool is falling over tipping . and the lady is guess mama is standing by the sink washing dishes . and the water's running over on the floor . and outside you can see the walk and the shrubbery . and there's some dishes setting on the counter . and that's all I see . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh goody . that boy's climbed on a stool that's falling over to get a cookie . and the little girl is standing below him trying to get the cookie from his hand . and the mother is washing dishes while the water's running over in the sink on the floor . and the window is the sun's shining . there's two cups and this plate on the counter . and maybe the mother is drying a plate . that's all I see . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " mother is drying the dishes but the water is going out over the sink onto the floor . it's a pretty day outside . lots of flowers . there are three dishes left to wash dry I guess . she's standing in the water . looks dangerous . the children are getting into the cookie jar . the boy's up there on the stool . and that's almost falling over . he's got one cookie in his hand . he's handing it to the little girl . and he's getting another one outof the cookie jar cupboard . did you say action that is going on ? the little girl is kinda has her hand up to her mouth . looks like she's trying to eat it or be quiet or she's laughing . the mother doesn't seem to be paying much attention . she looks like she's looking out the window . the water is splashing onto the floor . that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the boy is on a stool that is falling while he's trying to get some cookies outof the cookie jar in the top shelf of the cupboard . the little girl is reaching for a cookie . it looks like she's sort of laughing at the boy or putting her finger up to her mouth to be quiet so her mother doesn't hear who is in the kitchen drying dishes but the water in the sink is overflowing onto the floor and she's stepping in the water . the window is open . looks like it's summer outside . yeah there's trees with leaves . is that all you want me to do ? she's doesn't look it's like she hears them . she doesn't seem to be aware of them . some of the dishes are already washed and dried . is that all you want me to say ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a boy is getting a cookie outof a cookie jar in a high shelf in a very precarious position on a stool . looks dangerous . the mother is washing dishes and not paying attention to what she's doing . the sink is overflowing . there's a nice peaceful sign outside . fortunately there's nothing happening out there . the there's dishes on the counter in the sink . that's it . well except that there's a boy and a girl and the mother . the other woman . but I did mention that . I said the boy was getting a cookie for the girl and the mother was washing dishes . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " boy taking cookies outof a cookie jar . the stool is falling . the little girl is reaching . water is running out of the faucet . the water is overflowing the sink . woman is washing dishes drying dishes . there's nothing to indicate and I don't see any more action . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " everything I see in action or everything I in action or in action . the little girl is trying to get a cookie from the little boy who is on a stool reaching up too high and is just about to have an accident . stool is gonna tip over on him . the supposed mother is drying dishes and not paying attention to what she's doing . and the water in the sink is running over onto the floor making another hazardous condition . the window seems to be open . that's it . all this activity took place in the kitchen . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " things that are happening . girl's reaching for a cookie . the boy is reaching a cookie to the girl and also reaching at the cookie jar and he's gonna fall off a stool . the woman is drying dishes and washing dishes . and she's let the water from the sink pour out on the floor . I don't see any other thing . well I just told you that he was falling from a stool . okeydokey . I said he was reaching a cookie to the girl reaching for a cookie for himself falling off a stool yeah . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " tell you everything that's going on ? there's a little girl asking her brother for a cookie . he is on a step he's on a high stepstool reaching up high for the cookies . and the stool is going out from under him . he is going to fall . the mother is washing dishes and not paying attention . the sink the water in the sink is overflowing . she doesn't seem to be aware of it . the through the window we can see a walkway then a grassy area and another part of the house maybe a garage . there's two two cups and a plate on a kitchen counter . the cookie jar is full . and the boy has the lid off and has one cookie in his hand . that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the little boy is on the stool which is tipping over . and he's getting into the cookie jar which is up in the cabinet . the lid is off the jar . he has a cookie in one hand . he's reaching for another one . the little girl has her hand up for a cookie I guess to take from him and one hand is up to her mouth like she's doesn't want mother to know . mother's doing the dishes at the sink and the sink is overflowing . the water's overflowing onto the floor . she's drying a dish . there's it looks like two cups and a plate on the counter . outside the window it looks like a path . and there's another window and some trees apparently and grass and some shrubs . and it's either I guess it's another part of the house because there's a curtain in the window . and there's curtains on her windows . I guess that's about it . she has an apron on . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " okay the boy is on the ladder on a the stool taking cookies out of the cupboard . the stool is falling over . the little girl is reaching up for a cookie . the water is running over in the sink . the mother's drying dishes . let's see . she's putting her finger up to her mouth th the little girl is like she sees what's gonna happen here . that's really all the action I think I see . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " okay the boy is up in the cupboard getting cookies and he's falling off the stool at the same time . little girl's reaching up her hand . she has her finger up to her mouth . mother's drying a dish at the sink . the water is running over onto the floor . there's a cup and two cups and a dish on the counter . outside there's a a path or some bushes grass tree . let's see . cupboard doors open . and I said she's drying dishes . think that's about all . . End", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the sink is overflowing . mother is drying a dish . okay the boy is falling off the stool while he's getting a cookie out of the the kitchen cupboard there . the girl is reaching up for a cookie . let's see . dishes on the counter but there's no action with them I guess . guess that's all I see . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " cookie jar . a lad standing on a stool teetering, grabbing for the cookies . sister I guess laughing at him . mother washing dishes . sink is overflowing . view of the yard and the kitchen window with its curtain . two cups and a dish remain . looks like they're dried . mother standing in the overflowed water . her four vased two faced cabinets four doors . and a valance and the curtain . window's half open . and there's landscaping along the wall of the view from the yard view of the yard . and the walkway pictured from the window . water is running, overflowing . boy is holding a cookie in his left hand, grabbing for another one with his right hand . the lid of the cookie jar is over uff off . mother's wearing an apron drying dishes . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " what's going on ? mother's drying dishes . sink is overflowing . son is falling off a stool . son is raiding the cookie jar . sister is laughing at her brother . and she's reaching for a cookie . and the window is open . the cup two cups and a dish on the counter top . and the picture Imean the window has two has a pair of drapes or curtains . single basin sink . there's there's a tree on the outside view of the kitchen . and the ll section of the house appears to be outside the view and there's a pathway between them between the two . there are hedges also, the tree side . that's it . no the mother's wearing an apron . and water's splashing . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the child's falling off the chair . he's taking cookies out of the jar . the girl is standing on the floor asking for a cookie . the door to the cabinet door is open . mother is washing dishes . the sink is overflowing . the water's running . I don't know if she's drying them or washing them . anyway and the kitchen window has curtains . the window's open . it looks like a view of the back . there are three dishes on the counter . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a boy is taking cookies from the cookie jar giving one to his sister . he's also falling off the stool he is on . the mother is washing dishes . she's letting the sink overflow . it's getting all over the floor . I see nothing further . the girl is saying be quiet if that if that counts . I don't know what the mother gets by standing in all the water . I don't think that's very important . that's all I see . what have what have I missed ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " I see a young boy falling off a stool stealing cookies . the mother drying dishes . the sink overflowing . a little girl saying be quiet to her brother ready to accept a cookie . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a boy with a cookie in his one hand and his hand in the cookie jar . standing on a stool which is tipping over . the little girl's got her hand up for one . and I don't know what the hand means to the mouth . does it mean she wants to eat ? the kitchen sink is running over, the water running out on the floor . the mother's drying the dishes, frowning but not turning off the faucet . two cups on the counter, a plate . the mother's standing in the middle of the water . curtains at the windows . the lid's falling off the cookie jar . I don't know what else is I could see their cupboard's half open . that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a girl and a boy and a stool . cookies . cookie jar . open closet . curtains . oh the little boy's reaching for the cookies and the stool's falling over . she's laughing I think waiting for a cookie . the mother's drying dishes . the water's spilling over . there's two tea coffee cups, a saucer a plate . let me see . the view from the outside . a tree and some shrubs . the plate she's wiping . tea towel . any more ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " going on or everything that I see whether it's going on or not ? well mama's washing the dishes and the sink's running over . and one of the youngsters is about to fall off a stool . he's reaching in for the cookie jar and handing them to his sister who's got her finger at her nose for some reason . mom's feet are getting wet because of the sink running over . I don't see anything outside that's going on . it's just normal . okay ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the mother is wiping a dish at the sink . the water is overflowing from the sink . a youngster's about to fall off a stool reaching for a cookie jar . and the little girl is holding up her hand to grab a cookie outof his hand . the window appears to be open but I can't make out any action in the background there . that's all . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the wife is letting the sink overflow and slop on the floor . she's wiping a dish . she's apparently looking out the window . the kid that's reaching for the boy that's reaching into the cookie jar is about to fall off his stool . the sister is reaching up for a cookie . she's got her finger pointed sort of at her nose . outside I see nothing that's going on, action . that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " all the action . mother is drying dishes and the tap water is overflowing the sink and running on the floor . and Johnny's trying to get some cookies . and his stepstool is falling . and little girl is reaching her hand up for a cookie and putting her hand to her mouth . oh oh well, that's what's happening . I don't know . mother's stepping Imean the lady's stepping in the water that spilled on the floor . that's all I can be sure of . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the little boy is getting a cookie out of the cookie jar . and the little girl's reaching for a cookie . and the little boy's about to fall off the stool . and the lady is drying dishes . and the water is overflowing in the sink . and I don't really know anything else going on . and the water's spilling out on to her floor . I don't know if the wind's blowing or not . and it the activity, that's all I see . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh there's a little boy on a stepstool about to fall . he's reaching in the cookie jar . and the little girl reaching for a cookie . and the mother washing dishes . and the sink is overflowing . and the tap water's coming in . and it looks like there might be a breeze blowing the curtains . because the water's running on the floor . and the door of the cupboard is ajar where he has a cookie jar . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " mm wow ! well the mother must be daydreaming because the water's overflowing in the sink . and the window's open . she's drying a dish . I think she's deaf . the the boy's in the cookie jar giving his going in the cookie jar giving his sister and he's about to fall off the stool . and the sister the or the little girl who his sister or not but the little girl has her finger to her mouth as if she's trying to trying to get him to be quiet . what else can I tell you about the picture ? there's a there's a garage or a house next door . I'd say that's about all . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh yes . well the mother is washing the dishes . and the water is running over in the sink . and the kids little boy's getting in the cookie jar and he's about to trip over the chair . and she seems to be oblivious to everything . guess in some kind of daze . and the little girl has her finger on her lips and sho don't tell mom . this looks looks like the mother is really kinda burned out . or in some kind of a depression because she doesn't seem to know what's going on . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is merely possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " are you counting them ? well the mother's drying dishes . and she let the water run over . and the little one's got the cookie jar . and the little boy almost fell off the they had a stool . and she had couple dishes, a couple cups and a plate . the little ones didn't have anything . she's drying the dishes . and her water the water run over . huhuh . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the little girl waving at somebody . no it she's waving not waving she's just looking at the somebody painting . and he's on oh you want me to tell you all of the ? and he's on oh I know how I know what it is . why can't I say it ? he's on a ladder . and what she sees on there ? and she sees her mother washing possibly her mother washing her table or drying her dishes . and the I don't know . well the man's on the on the ladder . and there's a cookie jar up there . and the little girl is looking up at him and whispering or holding her finger up as if to say don't tell them up tear . well he's up on the ladder and he's going he's cutting a piece off the cookie or not a piece he's taking some of the outof the cookie jar . and well the woman is drying dishes . and the water is the water is well I was gonna say it's spilling or falling out or what ? the water's running . okay good . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh Johnny is sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar for his sister Sue . mother is washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing with the water on the floor . the curtains are spread aside to let the light in . there's plates and saucers on the table here . and the shall I tell you some more ? no I'm through . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " okay the mommy is washing the drying the dishes . the boy is taking a cookie from the cookie jar and he's gonna hand it to his little sister . and the bench is toppling over as the kid is standing on . and the water's dripping outof the sink . okay ? ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well this boy is almost falling out of the off of the chair when he's putting up the picture . and she's washing dishes . I guess she wouldn't know . oh my ! her sink is running over too isn't it . is that all more or is is there more to it ? this one looks kinda like a oh that's a plate I guess . and a cup and saucer . oh this is a lady here . is it or isn't it ? right there . is that a lady ? I thought this when I had it this way it looked almost like a lady . she's washing dishes . and she must have dropped one . oh no she let the sink ran over . and he's almost falling off of the chair . and she's she did something, it looks like . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the sink is running over . and the the lady's drying the dishes . and the boy's crawled up on the stool and it's falling and he's gonna fall down . and he's handing the cookie to the little girl . and let's see . the cupboard door is open and he was in after the in the cookie jar after the cookies . and and I don't know . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " now ? well I see the dish that she's washing drying dishes . looks like she's drying them . the little boy's up in there getting cookies . and she's got her hands out for some . she's letting her run sink run over . he's after cookie jar . well that's I told you that though . she's drying dishes . what else do I hafta tell you ? the the the stool is got upset . she has spilled water out of the sink . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh I don't mind it . the lady's a lousy dishwasher because her is all over the floor . I never do that do you ? and the boy is falling off of a stool stealing a cookie from the cookie jar . and what else ? and he's going to get hurt when the chair tips over . and what else ? the little girl is asking for a cookie . the mother is doing dishes and the water's running out of the sink all over the floor . some dishwasher . that's good . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " woman dish doing dishes . boy climbing up to get some cookies . well girl waiting to get some of the cookies . bench is falling over with the boy . the water's dripping out on the floor . I guess that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " cookie jar . well the little boy's going up the the little boy went up on the little chair and he's half way coming down like though he's gonna fall down . and the little girl, they're trying to reach up that cookie jar . youknow he's he's the one that's trying to get the cookie jar . and the next thing I guess eventually he'll fall down because he's only on he's on two legs only out on the darn thing here youknow . and the mother or whatever she is, she's doing the dishes . she's already cleaning the dishes . see, and she's got everything on her own side . so now what else shall I do ? . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the water is running out over the sink and over the this . the little boy is going up into the cookie jar but the he's on the top of the chair that he's gonna fall off since it's tipping over . the water that's on the also on the floor that's coming outof the sink . and let's see here here no I don't think I see the the water in here and that . yeah it goes all the way down into this kitchen floor . here he is the boy who's taking the cookie outof the cookie jar but steps back on the chair or whatever you call this the table not a table to get to the top of the of the of the drawer . that's about all . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " mama's washing the dishes . the water is running over in the sink . the and the children are in the cookie jar and one of them is going to get his get hurt because he's got the stool . he has nothing to hold onto there . he does have but he he's not doing it . the little girl has him interested in the cookie jar . he's got what's he got on his feet ? that's the only thing I can see there . over here poor mama . she's dreaming of diamonds I guess . all the water running outof the sink . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " everything ? happening ? well this is the boy trying to get the cookie jar down for his sister I would imagine it is . and he's gonna fall off the ladder off the his stool or whatever he is setting on . the mother is over here . she just dropped some water or whatever on the floor . and and she looks pretty mad . and the water's still running . and it looks like the the girl is laughing at the at the boy because the the stool is gonna fall over . and there's there's water on the floor there . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " what do mhm do you want them crossed out or just say it out loud ? okay the little boy's climbing the cookie jar . he has the little boy has has cookies a cookie in his hand that he got by climbing the step ladder which is ready to fall . the sister is asking for something to eat . she has started little and wants some more . let's see now . the mother the mother has a small mess in the kitchen lucky it's lucky it's small . the mother is now washing and no yeah she's washing and drying the dishes in the kitchen . her water has spilled over terribly bad . and looks like sister's back to try for some more cookies . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " boy over here standing on the chair . it's falling over . and a girl down below . the boy's up up there . he's has a cookie jar up there . he's putting cookies in . and the thing's falling over . then there's the lady . she's she's washing dishes and drying them . and the sink is turned on and the water's running down and is running on the floor and she's standing in the water . she's got a dress on and and there's she's looking out out past drapes down here . and she's looking out through the window . looks like that boy's gonna fall over pretty soon . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " what's going boy's reaching a cookie jar . the the stool is falling over . the girl is holding her hand up for a cookies . and and then they wove in the picture mother the water is overflowing from the sink . she's drying dishes . she's looking out a window . water's on the floor . she's looking out the well there's the the the the curtains are pulled aside . there's dishes on the table . and you can see the grass outside in the yard . dish in her hand . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well there's a little boy on the on a stool . he's gonna fall shortly snitching cookies . mommy's washing dishes . and the sink is running over . I don't know if there's anything more there or not but that's what I see . I see a cookie jar . snitching cookies . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the chair's gonna upset . and the kid's gonna upset the cookies for one thing . and the woman the sink's running over the water on the floor while she's drying the dishes . and you need water in there to wash the dishes and it's running on the floor . you can look out the window and see the grass . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " yeah . the the little boy's trying to get into the cookie jar . and a little girl is has her hand out for the cookie . and the mother's drying dishes . but they drop something ohno she she let the water run over . and the little boy's he's going to fall off the chair if he doesn't oh I guess that's a cookie jar, that little girl . the little boy is gonna fall off the chair if he doesn't be careful . it's the water . I said that . the water was running over the sink . youknow sinks . and what else is there ? there are a few dishes there . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well they're grabbing the cookie jar . right ? and mother is working . well the mother is is taking care of this . and like I said they're grabbing the cookie jar . wonder what my husband is doing . well this is going to fall . and I think that he'll lose his cookies . boy she's having problems here . yeah it's overflowing the onto the floor . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " they're baking . making a mess outof the place . by not putting by not no neatness . yes there's a few accidents . the little boy is standing on a chair which is crooked . the lady has water running outof her sink and towel in her hand which is dangerous . cookies are coming down the cookie jar is coming down . and the place is very pretty . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " I see the a boy stretching out for I don't know whether it's ball a ball or a cake . and it look he was standing on a stool . his little sister was reaching out her hand . and the ladder was beginning to go over . mother was at the dishwasher . and she left the faucet . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " little boy's stealing cookies out of the cookie jar . little girl's whispering not to tell . his chair's gonna fall . his mother's at the sink washing dishes . she's spilled the water all over . it's running all over the floor . she's drying a plate . she's looking out the window . the little boy's stool's gonna fall . he's got a cookie in his hand . he's reaching for a second one . the mother she's looking outside and not watching the water running over from the sink . the cupboard door is open . she shouldn't be looking out the window . she's washing dishes . she's letting the water run out . I don't know what else I could tell . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well little boy reaching out for the cookie jar . and the stool he's standing on tilts over . and he's handing some cookies down to the little girl . and the mother's drying dishes and spills water on the floor . and she's looking out the window . that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the kid's standing on a tilted stool getting cookies . the water's running out of the sink . the girl has two different shoes on . the stool is tilted . the cookie jar is not a jar it's it's it's a tin tin tin thing tin dish or whatever . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " he must be picking apples here . because he's on the ladder and he's got both hands open and he can be . and the chair was falling . the baby's crying . that's all . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the sink is running over . she's drying the dishes . they're getting in the cookie jar and they're upsetting the stool . the girl is reaching for a cookie . the lady here's standing right in the water . she seems to be looking out the window at the lawn . that's about it right ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the little boy's take getting in the cookie jar . his mom's is mom is washing the dishes and drying them . oh somebody let the water run over . and the little boy is going to get killed if he doesn't get up off there . and then there's a little girl . I'll take the cookie jar . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " now right now ? oh I thought you meant well the boy was taking some cookies from the cupboard up there . and he the yeah that there stool I'd call it . I don't know what you call them . and what's she doing ? she's asking for some cookies . mother's drying the dishes . and she's spilled water all over the place at the sink . she's also has some cups and a dish sitting there . her curtains you could see real oh what else ? that's about it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " now ? the girl's the girl's coaxing the boy for a cookie and his stool fell over and the cookie are spilled . she spilled her dishwater washing dishes . she's washing dishes drying them . that runs over the sink's running over . her feet in the water . this must be a path out back . flowers, trees . I don't know what else . water on the floor . yeah . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " a boy is putting something in the closet . or he and he could or I it it could be taking he could be taking a cookie jar out . and he's the stepstool is tilting . and a young girl seems to whisper to him about making noise . doesn't it did you notice that ? yeah . now do I go over on the other side ? whole picture . there's a older woman well young still . I mean to say that . then the the child over there . and she's drying dishes or washing them, washing and dry them drying them . and it looks as if she's spilling water on the floor from the sink . is there a woman's face at the window ? doesn't it like a doesn't it look like there's a face there ? ain't that ? oh I thought it looked like a nose and a mouth and eye there . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " cookie jar . and he's stepping on a well he's on a stool but it's he's going overboard . and the water's running outof the sink . and let's see . yes . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well she's washing dishes . he's climbing up to get cookies . he's gonna fall . and she's laughing . and she's spill running the water over . that looks like someone down out there or something . I don't know what that is . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " I see the little boy's down here getting the the food . and the little girl down here is the same way . this little boy this is falling over . and this little girl she's just getting getting things ready for dinner . food dropped . I think it did . yes it did . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well the boy on the chair is falling, reaching up for a cookie, handing one to the girl . the lady is wiping a dish . water running on the floor . she's standing in it . trees outside, the lawn, shrubbery . a window outside that I can see . that's about it dear . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the water's overflowing outof the sink . and he's falling off the chair . that's it . he's falling off the chair and he's reaching for that dishes or something . and the girl is just looking up . and that's all . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " boy's touching a cake . he's girl's reaching his hand up her hand up . and that woman's drying the dishes dishes . the water's falling flowing over the sink . there's cups and a plate on the sink . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the boy and the girl are playing and he's gonna fall down off the ladder . and the mother's washing the dishes and it's flying out over the sink down to the floor . what else do you want me to tell you ? whatever you see happening . yeah that's it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " it's a family affair, a mother and the children . and they're each busy at at something . and the they seem oblivious to the water falling overflowing . but they seem happy in doing their own thing . I don't think I I lost that . I think I ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh you want me to on that ? oh okay looks like the mother is doing washing the dishes . and the little boy is trying to get cookies up the cookie jar up in the cookie jar . and there's a little girl with him . and that's the the oh the bench or what do you call it is it looks like it's gonna going to fall . and that's that's about all I can see . and those I guess this is breakfast . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " yeah . everything's that's not according to Hoyle huh ? well here's a little boy up on the ladder . the ladder or the the the stool the stool was falling . and there's something else up on the shelf there is falling . and and he's going to fall because the stool is it's tilted too much . here here's a lady that's washing dishes . and all the water is coming over the sink . it's overflowing . that's about it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well there's a cookie jar there with the lid off . and the kid was up getting cookies . and he's upsetting . there's a water spigot here . that kid's getting cookies . see he got a handful on him . well this is a cupboard up here . here somebody ate and left the dish set . and this one's drying the dishes . this lady's drying dishes . that's a cookie jar and the little boy is on a ladder trying to get cookies . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " you want me to tell you ? okay the boy's getting in the cookie jar . his sister's waiting for cookies . the mother's washing dishes and water's spilling over . can see the walk and the grass outside in the window . the stool's about ready to fall . the cupboard door's open . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well here's the child reaching up but he's on a stool and he's falling off . she's drying dishes at the window . she also spilled the water . oh they like I said they were climbing . she's doing dishes . she spilled the water too out of the sink over the sink I should say . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " well this one is in the cookie jar . and this is she tried to climb the oh ? no no . this boy I think this is the same one huh tried to get in the cookie jar . and she's watching . and over here must be the mother . I don't know what the heck they're doing here though . what's going on ? the stool she was climbing and the stool tipped over . she was doing the dishes I think . she spilled something . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " the little boy is on the stool which is tipping and he wants cookies to give to his sister . he has a handful of cookies in one hand already and the little girl is eating a cookie . the mother is washing dishes absentmindedly . she let the sink run over and it's all on the floor . there's a window with you can see their driveway . either bushes or trees and grass a big window . and a tree coming up here . and the part of the roof . and the cookie says cookie jar . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh you want me to tell you . the mother and her two children . and the children are getting in the cookie jar . and she's doing the dishes and spilling the water . and she had the spigot on and she didn't know it perhaps . pardon me . and they're looking out into the garden from the kitchen window . it's open . and the cookies must be pretty good they're eating . the tair the chair is tilting and he's gonna fall off . and the lady the mother's splashing her shoes and stockings all up overflowing the water . and there's a window and curtains on the window . and I can see some trees outside there . and and there's dishes that had been washed and she's drying them . and there's some shrub out there and ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " oh that kid's gonna get a good spill off of that stool if his mother don't turn around there and catch him . gonna drop whatever he's got in his hands . the little girl's reaching up there to get something from the boy . I think he's gonna land himself on the floor the way he does it . ", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}, {"instruction": "Is the patient a dementia?", "input": " ah oh boy . oh the kids are trying to get the cookies . and she's laughing but holding her hand up to him . and the they know he's gonna fall off the chair . and their mother's doing the dishes and not doing not being careful . she didn't turn the water off and the water's all going to the floor instead of getting the dishes all dry . that's all I can and tup two cups and a plate . End", "output": "I suspect that the patient is highly possible a dementia"}]
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