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+ Imagine you are a researcher in political science and you want to annotate press releases with the labeling scheme of the Comparative Agendas Project. Choose one of the following categories:
+ 1 Macroeconomics: General domestic macroeconomic issues, i.e. economic growth and the state of the economy. Inflation policies, cost of living, prices and interest rates, e.g. related to the monetary supply, wage-price control and stabilization. Taxation, Tax Policy, and Tax Reform. Support and restructuring of the domestic industry. Monetary policy of the central bank. Discussion of national budgets e.g. public debt.
+ 2 Civil Rights: Discrimination and attacks against minorities. Lack of accessibility to public buildings and discrimination based on health conditions. Discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation in all areas of life, i.e. equal pay, gender quotas and equal rights for marriage. Ethical aspects of abortion, organ donations and the role of family in society. Age discrimination, regulation on mandatory retirement age, and the social and legal participation of young people. Voting rights and requirements of age, nationality. Freedom of speech, religion, association and the press. Issues related to privacy and transparency rights (including privacy of records, access to government information and data protection). Issues related to anti-government activity groups. Examples for minorities are: handicapped, members of the LGBTQI community, religious groups and ethnic groups.
+ 3 Health: Health care reform, insurance reform, availability and cost of health insurance, such as provider and insurer payment and regulation. Regulation of the medical/ pharmaceutical industry. Construction of hospitals. Consumer protection of patients and liability of doctors. Health manpower and training. Long-term care, home health, terminally ill and rehabilitation services. Children’s health. Mental health care. Disease prevention and health promotion, such as tobacco, alcohol, and controlled and illegal drug abuse, treatment, and education. Impact of passive smoking. Drug abuse education and prevention, insurance coverage. Only medical use of controlled substances. Health care research and development.
+ 4 Agriculture: Government subsidies and agricultural market laws, agricultural trade, impact of imported products and the development in and regulation on EU export subsidies. Animal and crop disease and pest control. Food inspection and safety, including seafood, and labeling requirements. Welfare and treatment of animals. Agricultural research and development and its regulation, e.g. experiments on genetically modified crops. Regulation of fishing. Environmental problems of agricultural production: Environmental problems related to large-scale pannage, agriculture related water pollution, environmental problems due to overproduction.
+ 5 Labor: Includes issues generally related to labor, employment, employment-based pensions and workforce development. Worker safety and protection, work-related injury and disease compensation. Issues related to undeclared work and illegal employment. Employment training for adult workers i.e. aid for job retraining, government schemes or subsidies in support of training and employment of long-term welfare recipients. Employee benefits as social security, mandatory sick pay or government-provided unemployment insurances. Labor Unions. Fair labor standards, minimum wage, work hours, creation of part time work, parental leave and child care. Youth employment and child labor. Migrant and seasonal workers’ and related social and economic issues, illegal employment. Limiting bonuses for managers, ceiling for wages of senior positions.
+ 6 Education: The government’s educational policy, budgeting, administration and reforms. Higher education, i.e. student loans, university programs, research budgets and facilities, educational structure. Elementary and secondary education, i.e. school reforms, improvement of educational standards. Early childhood education. Programs for underprivileged students, including adult literacy programs, bilingual education needs, rural education initiatives and education of handicapped pupils. Educational measures for children with migration history or from socially or financially weak families. Vocational education programs. Excellence Research and development in education.
+ 7 Environment: Sustainability and environmental policies. Regulations that prioritize the environment over economic and infrastructural aspects or vice versa. Drinking water safety, recycling and waste disposal, issues related to hazardous waste and toxic chemical regulation, treatment, and disposal. Air pollution, climate change, global warming, noise pollution and related policies. Indoor environmental hazards, indoor air contamination (including on airlines), and indoor hazardous substances such as asbestos. Species and forest preservation e.g. protection of endangered species, control of the domestic illicit trade in wildlife products, regulation of laboratory or performance animals. Environmental impact reports. Land and water conservation as well as research and development in environmental technology not including alternative energy.
+ 8 Energy: Policies on energy and energy sources. Nuclear energy and nuclear regulatory commission issues, i.e. nuclear safety and disposal of nuclear waste. Hydroelectricity, initiatives for the construction of electric power plants. Natural gas and oil, regulations on oil supply and pipelines, gas prices, shortages and gasoline regulation. Coal, its influence on the environment and closing-down of coal mines, trade and regulation. Alternative and renewable energy, bio-fuels, solar and geothermal power, energy conservation and subsidies for energy-conserving initiatives or energy efficiency i.e. vehicles, homes. Energy technology research and development.
+ 9 Immigration: Includes issues related to immigration, refugees, and citizenship. General positioning for or against Immigration and related legislation such as immigration laws, recognition of foreign degrees, language requirements etc. The definition of the refugee concept is included in this category. Integration policies are in this category. Policies around citizenship, including dual citizenship.
+ 10 Transportation: Transportation and infrastructure budget. Infrastructure projects, i.e. mass transportation and safety, public transportation systems, road construction/ highway construction, airports, air traffic control and safety, railroad transportation and safety and maritime infrastructure issues. Regulation on private enterprises, e.g. highway user tolls, liability with accidents, truck and automobile transportation safety, trucking regulations and audits etc. Research and development in infrastructure.
+ 12 Law and Crime: Criminal and civil code as well as changes to it. White collar crime and organized crime, i.e. tax evasion, corruption, drug policy, counterfeiting and fraud, cyber-crime, law enforcement on the internet, e.g. removal of hate-messages and fake-news, money laundering. Law enforcement agencies including border patrol and customs. Administration of the justice system, court administration, prisons, juvenile justice system, executive branches dealing with law and crime. Child abuse and child protection, domestic violence. Family issues, domestic violence, and family law. Crime prevention, control and impact of crime. Police, domestic security and domestic surveillance.Policing and other domestic security responses to terrorism (e.g. special police). Crimes against women and crime research.
+ 13 Social Welfare: Social equality, social security system, the right to benefits/assistance and its regulation. Issues related to poverty assistance for poverty-struck, low-income families, including food assistance programs, programs to assess or alleviate welfare dependency and tax credits directed at low income families. Help for different groups of society, including elderly assistance programs, social and state pensions, issues related to aid for people with physical or mental disabilities. Issues related to domestic volunteer associations, charities, and youth organizations. Issues related to parental leave and child care.
+ 14 Housing: Housing regulation and investments. Urban and rural economic development through initiatives of cities and communities. Affordability programs, housing programs for low income households, elderly and handicapped and housing for the homeless, public shelters and support for paying rent. Research on housing and community development.
+ 15 Domestic Commerce: Banking system and financial institution regulation. Regulation and facilitation of securities and commodities i.e. regulation of commodity markets or financial transaction taxes. Consumer finance, mortgages, credit cards, consumer credit records and fraud. Insurance regulation, bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, accountability, debt restructuring. Corporate management i.e. corporate mergers and antitrust regulation, and Support of small businesses. Issues related to domestic natural disaster relief, disaster or flood insurance, and natural disaster preparedness. Copyright and patents, i.e. limitation period and patent fights. Regulation and promotion of tourism. Issues of consumer safety and consumer fraud, such as security norms for goods and the rights of consumers. Sports and gambling regulation, wholesale trade, accommodation and real estate.
+ 16 Defense: Defense policy and spending. Defense alliances and agreements i.e. NATO. Military intelligence and espionage. Military and other national security responses to terrorism (e.g. Homeland Security). Readiness, modernization and acquisitions of weapon systems, manpower, military personnel, military court and reform and finances of the military service. Issues related to nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation, modernization of nuclear equipment. Arms control treaties and nuclear non-proliferation treaties, military aid and weapons sales to other countries. Civil defense and civilian personnel. Defense alliances and agreements, security assistance, and (UN) peacekeeping activities. Military nuclear and hazardous waste disposal and military environmental compliance. War related issues, debates on combat missions, parliamentary oversight of missions and general oversight over defense contracts. Claims against the military, prosecution of illegal war deployment, indemnities to soldiers that died and veteran issues.
+ 17 Technology: Space, science and technology developments. Space and space exploration, regulation of commercial use of space and satellites. International science cooperation and technology transfer. Telephone, and broadcast industry regulations (TV, Cable, Radio), telephone network, radio communications, media council of public media, competition regulation within the broadcast industry and regulation of the press. Infrastructure of high speed internet. Research and development, libraries, archives and non-university research institutions. Science technology transfer and international science cooperation. Weather forecasting, oceanography, geological surveys, and weather forecasting research and technology.
+ 18 Foreign Trade: General trade policies, trade negotiations, disputes and agreements (including tax treaties). Export promotion, initiatives of the government and export regulation. Tariff and import restrictions and import regulation. International private business investments, foreign investments, the productivity and competitiveness of the domestic business sector compared to other countries. Exchange rates. Mentions of economy in relation to foreign trade (trade negotiations, disputes, and agreements, including tax treaties).
+ 191 International Affairs: International affairs and foreign and development aid. International resources exploitation and agreements, law of the sea and international ocean conservation efforts. Issues related to developing countries. International finance, i.e. the World Bank, international monetary fund and financial crises. Human rights, human rights violations, human rights treaties and conventions, UN reports on human rights, crimes associated with genocide or crimes against humanity. International organizations, NGOs (e.g. the United Nations, International Red Cross, UNESCO, International Olympic Committee, International Criminal Court etc.). Assessment of political issues in other countries, relations between individual countries. International terrorism/hijacking (e.g. acts of piracy, terrorist incidents in foreign countries). Diplomats, embassies and citizens abroad.
+ 192 European Union: Issues related to the European Union an European Integration. Common Market Issues and EU Monetary Policy.
+ 20 Government Operations: Issues related to general government operations, including appropriations for multiple government agencies. Intergovernmental relations an local government issues, federal government branch relations, administrative issues, and constitutional reforms, congressional operations and the relationship between the legislative and executive power. The relation between federal and local government and the distribution of power and finances among them. National mints, medals, and commemorative coins. Government employee benefits, pensions, civil employees. Government efficiency and bureaucratic oversight. Nominations and appointments, impeachments and political scandals. Issues related to government procurement, government contractors, contractor and procurement fraud, and procurement processes and systems. Government property management, construction, and regulation and transparency and public participation in public works. Perceived unfair (under-) representation/non-representation of a party. Political campaigning, campaign finance, political advertising, elections and related issues (e.g. voter registration), plus government ethics concerning these areas. Census and statistics collection by government. Claims against the government or the constitution, compensation for the victims of terrorist attacks, compensation policies without other substantive provisions. Tax administration, Issues related to the capital city, national holidays and the postal service.
+ 23 Culture: Issues related to general cultural policy issues. Arts and humanities, i.e. museums and theaters, cultural heritage protection.
+ 98 Non-thematic: Non-thematic press releases, e.g. invitations to events, expressions of condolence or congratulations, procedural information etc.
+ 99 Other: This category includes all issues that don’t fit into any of the prior categories. Multi-thematic press releases (e.g. speeches, interviews) clearly dedicated to only one topic or with a main topic are coded in that respective category.
+ Now do it yourself! This is a press release of a party from COUNTRY_PLACEHOLDER
+ Code according to the single predominant substantive policy area. Return the integer value for the correct category. Do not explain yourself. Do only output a single integer.