# AGDB Time Series Graphs and Query Structure Active Graph Databases (AGDBs) are a groundbreaking framework for efficiently handling time-series data. They are structured to facilitate quick querying and contextual relationships, integrating with **Active Graph Theory (AGT)** and **Active Graph Networks (AGN)** for advanced data interactions across domains. ## Overview of AGDB Architecture AGDB leverages predefined hierarchical relationships in time-series data, with **synthetic relationships** enabling efficient traversal across time. This architecture allows for efficient querying, rule-based operations, and scalable handling of massive datasets. ### Architecture Diagram ```mermaid graph TB subgraph AGDB AGT[Active Graph Theory] AGN[Active Graph Network] AGDBMain[(AGDB Main Database)] SyntheticRel[Synthetic Relationships] TimeHierarchy[Time Hierarchy Nodes] DataNodes[Data Nodes] AGT --> AGN AGN --> AGDBMain AGDBMain --> SyntheticRel AGDBMain --> TimeHierarchy TimeHierarchy --> DataNodes end AGDB -->|Integrates| AGT AGDB -->|Utilizes| AGN AGT -->|Provides Structure| SyntheticRel AGN -->|Facilitates Querying| DataNodes ``` **Explanation:** - **AGT**: Provides the underlying theory of dynamic relationships and contextual inference. - **AGN**: Builds on AGT by allowing queries to traverse nodes in the AGDB using both predefined and synthetic relationships. - **AGDB Main Database**: Houses all structured data, including temporal nodes and synthetic relationships. - **Synthetic Relationships**: Enable faster traversal by inferring paths across temporal checkpoints. - **Time Hierarchy Nodes**: Represent time intervals (Year, Month, Day, etc.). - **Data Nodes**: Store the actual data points, connected to the relevant time nodes. --- ## Structure of AGDB Time Series Graphs In AGDB, time-series data is structured through hierarchical **Time Nodes** and **Data Nodes**, facilitating fast querying by navigating time intervals. Synthetic relationships allow jumping between nodes based on predefined checkpoints. ### AGDB Structure Diagram ```mermaid graph TD TimeHierarchy[Time Hierarchy] Year[Year] Month[Month] Day[Day] Hour[Hour] Minute[Minute] Checkpoints[Predefined Checkpoints] Data[Data Nodes] TimeHierarchy --> Year Year --> Month Month --> Day Day --> Hour Hour --> Minute Minute --> Data TimeHierarchy --> Checkpoints Checkpoints --> Minute Checkpoints -->|Synthetically link| Hour ``` **Explanation:** - **Year > Month > Day > Hour > Minute**: AGDB uses a hierarchical structure to navigate time. - **Checkpoints**: Act as shortcuts within the hierarchy for faster traversal. - **Data Nodes**: Store information linked to each specific time, accessible via traversal through the hierarchy or checkpoints. --- ## AGDB Query Logic and Traversal AGDB queries use a path-based syntax that references temporal nodes and synthetic relationships. The path-based approach allows efficient querying through hierarchical relationships. ### Example Query Structure ```mermaid graph LR Year2024[2024] Month11[November] Day04[4th] Hour10[10:00 AM] Minute45[10:45 AM] DataNode[Data Node] Year2024 --> Month11 Month11 --> Day04 Day04 --> Hour10 Hour10 --> Minute45 Minute45 --> DataNode Checkpoint1040[Checkpoint 10:40 AM] Checkpoint1040 -->|+5 Minutes| Minute45 ``` **Explanation:** 1. Start at `2024`, navigate through each hierarchical node until reaching the `10:45 AM` data node. 2. The checkpoint at `10:40 AM` enables quicker access to `10:45 AM` by adding a synthetic relationship of `+5 Minutes`. --- ## Definitions and Components To understand how AGDB integrates with AGT and AGN, let's break down some of the main components: ### AGT (Active Graph Theory) AGT provides the foundation for contextual relationships, visualizing data as interconnected nodes where each relationship holds meaning. It enables AGDB to model data similarly to how the human brain understands context and relationships. ```mermaid graph LR AGT[Active Graph Theory] Nodes[Data Nodes] Relationships[Relationships] ContextualInference[Contextual Inference] AGT --> Nodes AGT --> Relationships Relationships --> ContextualInference ``` **Explanation**: - **Nodes** represent data points. - **Relationships** store the connections between nodes. - **Contextual Inference** allows the system to derive meaning from node relationships, adding depth to data interactions. ### AGN (Active Graph Networks) AGN is the operational framework that uses AGT’s relational logic to make querying intuitive and efficient within AGDB. By applying policies and rules, AGN automates navigation through AGDB’s structure. ```mermaid graph TD AGN[Active Graph Network] QueryEngine[Query Engine] TraversalRules[Traversal Rules] SyntheticPathing[Synthetic Pathing] Checkpoints[Checkpoints] AGN --> QueryEngine QueryEngine --> TraversalRules TraversalRules --> SyntheticPathing SyntheticPathing --> Checkpoints ``` **Explanation**: - **Query Engine**: Processes queries using AGN’s traversal logic. - **Traversal Rules**: Define how queries move through the graph. - **Synthetic Pathing**: Allows queries to jump to checkpoints or infer paths, improving efficiency. --- ## Sample Queries and Structure ### Basic Query Example To retrieve data at `10:45 AM` on `2024-11-04`: ```plaintext get-node-type ts-path {domain}/2024/11/04/10/45 ``` This query moves hierarchically through each node (Year > Month > Day > Hour > Minute) to reach the target. ### Checkpoint-Based Query If there’s a checkpoint at `10:40 AM`, the query can reach `10:45 AM` using synthetic pathing: ```plaintext get-node-type ts-path {domain}/2024/11/04/10/40 +5 ``` This query accesses the `10:40` checkpoint and increments by `5 minutes`. ### Rule-Based Trading Strategy Example For a trading decision at `11:45 AM` on `2024-11-04`: ```plaintext get-node-type ts-path TRADING/2024/11/04/11/45 ``` This command pulls trading data for the specified time, which can be processed by AGN rules for pattern recognition and decision-making. --- ## Summary and Conclusion The AGDB system offers a structured approach to time-series data by leveraging AGT and AGN. With hierarchical nodes, synthetic relationships, and checkpoint-based pathing, AGDB provides a highly efficient way to query and analyze time-series data across various domains. AGDB allows users to: 1. **Query Time-Series Data Efficiently**: Use synthetic relationships and checkpoints to quickly retrieve relevant data. 2. **Apply Cross-Domain Context**: AGT provides context to relationships, while AGN enables effective query processing. 3. **Execute Rule-Based Strategies**: AGN’s rules and policies allow for actionable insights in real time, making it suitable for domains like finance, healthcare, and more.