import requests def print_tree(node, prefix="", visited=None): """Recursive function to print a refined tree structure without duplicates.""" if visited is None: visited = set() node_id = node.get("node_id") if not node_id: print(f"{prefix}(unknown node)") return # Avoid printing duplicate nodes by checking if node has been visited if node_id in visited: print(f"{prefix}(already listed) {node_id}") return visited.add(node_id) relationship_label = f"({node.get('relationship', '')})" if node.get("relationship") else "" print(f"{prefix}{node_id} {relationship_label}") children = node.get("descendants", []) for i, child in enumerate(children): new_prefix = f"{prefix}├── " if i < len(children) - 1 else f"{prefix}└── " print_tree(child, new_prefix, visited) def inspect_and_print_relationships(node_id): """Inspect and display relationships for a specified node in both downward and upward directions.""" # Downward traversal for child relationships response_down = requests.get(f"{base_url}/traverse_node?node_id={node_id}&direction=down") traversal_hierarchy_down = response_down.json().get("traversal_path", {}) print(f"\nTraversal Response for {node_id} (Descendants):", traversal_hierarchy_down) # Debugging line print(f"\nInspect Relationships for {node_id} (Descendants):") print_tree(traversal_hierarchy_down) # Upward traversal for parent relationships response_up = requests.get(f"{base_url}/traverse_node?node_id={node_id}&direction=up") traversal_hierarchy_up = response_up.json().get("traversal_path", {}) print(f"\nTraversal Response for {node_id} (Ancestors):", traversal_hierarchy_up) # Debugging line print(f"\nInspect Relationships for {node_id} (Ancestors):") print_tree(traversal_hierarchy_up) # Base URL for API base_url = "http://localhost:5000" # Step 1: Load Graph (Specify the graph to load, e.g., PHSA/340B section) print("\n--- Testing Graph Loading ---") graph_data = {"graph_file": "graphs/PHSA/phsa_sec_340b.json"} response ="{base_url}/load_graph", json=graph_data) print("Load Graph Response:", response.json()) # Step 2: Test Upward and Downward Traversal for 340B Program print("\n--- Testing Inspect Relationships for Node (340B Program) ---") inspect_and_print_relationships("340B Program")