# Contributor License Agreement (CLA) **Effective Date:** 11/07/2024 **Owner:** Callum Maystone ("Licensor") **Repository:** ActiveGraphNetworks ## Purpose The purpose of this CLA is to outline the terms under which contributors may submit code, documentation, or other materials to this repository. By submitting a contribution, you agree to the terms set forth in this CLA. ## 1. Grant of License - You agree to assign and transfer to the Licensor all rights, title, and interest in your contributions. This includes, without limitation, the rights to reproduce, modify, distribute, perform, and display the contributions, and to sublicense these rights to others. - You retain the right to use and distribute your contributions for non-commercial purposes, but you may not license or assign the contributions to others in a way that conflicts with this CLA. ## 2. Warranties You represent and warrant that: - Your contribution is your original work and does not infringe on the rights of any third party. - You have the legal right and authority to grant the rights outlined in this CLA. - Your contribution is not subject to any restrictions, including patents, that would prevent the Licensor from using it as described in this CLA. ## 3. Attribution The Licensor may, at their sole discretion, provide attribution to contributors in the repository or related documentation. Attribution does not imply any rights or ownership of the contributions beyond what is outlined in this CLA. ## 4. License Revocation and Enforcement - The Licensor reserves the right to revoke any rights granted under this CLA if it is determined that you have violated the terms of this agreement or the Proprietary License Agreement. - Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the repository content or your contributions will be subject to legal action, and you agree that the Licensor has the right to seek damages and enforce their intellectual property rights in court. ## 5. Governing Law This CLA will be governed and interpreted under the laws of Australia. Any disputes arising under this agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia.