from featurizers.speech_featurizers import SpeechFeaturizer |
from configs.config import Config |
from random import shuffle |
import numpy as np |
from vocab.vocab import Vocab |
import os |
import math |
import librosa |
import tensorflow as tf |
def wav_padding(wav_data_lst, wav_max_len, fbank_dim): |
wav_lens = [len(data) for data in wav_data_lst] |
wav_lens = [math.ceil(x/8) for x in wav_lens] |
wav_lens = np.array(wav_lens) |
new_wav_data_lst = np.zeros((len(wav_data_lst), wav_max_len, fbank_dim)) |
for i in range(len(wav_data_lst)): |
new_wav_data_lst[i, :wav_data_lst[i].shape[0], :] = wav_data_lst[i] |
return new_wav_data_lst, wav_lens |
class DatDataSet: |
def __init__(self, |
batch_size, |
data_type, |
vocab: Vocab, |
speech_featurizer: SpeechFeaturizer, |
config: Config): |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
self.data_type = data_type |
self.vocab = vocab |
self.data_path =config.dataset_config['data_path'] |
self.corpus_name = config.dataset_config['corpus_name'] |
self.fbank_dim = config.speech_config['num_feature_bins'] |
self.max_audio_length =config.dataset_config['max_audio_length'] |
self.mel_banks = config.speech_config['num_feature_bins'] |
self.file_nums = config.dataset_config['file_nums'] |
self.language_classes = config.running_config['language_classes'] |
self.suffix = config.dataset_config['suffix'] |
self.READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 |
self.shuffle = True |
self.blank = 0 |
self.source_init() |
def source_init(self): |
self.dat_file_list, self.txt_file_list = self.get_dat_txt_list(self.data_type) |
print('>>', self.data_type, 'load dat files:', len(self.dat_file_list)) |
print('>>', self.data_type, 'load txt files:', len(self.txt_file_list)) |
max_binary_file_size = max([os.path.getsize(dat) for dat in self.dat_file_list]) |
print('>> max binary file size:', max_binary_file_size) |
self.feature_binary = np.zeros(max_binary_file_size // 4 + 1, np.float32) |
def get_dat_txt_list(self, dir_name): |
corpus_dir = self.data_path+'/'+self.corpus_name + '/' |
print('!!', corpus_dir) |
file_lst = os.listdir(corpus_dir) |
txt_file_lst = [] |
dat_file_lst = [] |
for align_file in file_lst: |
if align_file.endswith(self.suffix): |
file_name = align_file[:-len(self.suffix)] |
dat_file = file_name + '.dat' |
if dir_name in file_name: |
dat_file_lst.append(corpus_dir + dat_file) |
txt_file_lst.append(corpus_dir + align_file) |
print('*********',dir_name, txt_file_lst, dat_file_lst) |
return dat_file_lst, txt_file_lst |
def load_dat_file(self, dat_file_path): |
f = open(dat_file_path, 'rb') |
pos = 0 |
buf = f.read(self.READ_BUFFER_SIZE) |
while len(buf) > 0: |
nbuf = np.frombuffer(buf, np.float32) |
self.feature_binary[pos: pos + len(nbuf)] = nbuf |
pos += len(nbuf) |
buf = f.read(self.READ_BUFFER_SIZE) |
def get_batch(self): |
while 1: |
shuffle_did_list = [i for i in range(len(self.dat_file_list))] |
if self.shuffle: |
shuffle(shuffle_did_list) |
for did in shuffle_did_list: |
wav_lst = [] |
label_lst = [] |
self.load_dat_file(self.dat_file_list[did]) |
txt_file = open(self.txt_file_list[did], 'r', encoding='utf8') |
utt_lines = txt_file.readlines() |
txt_lines = utt_lines |
if self.shuffle: |
shuffle(txt_lines) |
for line in txt_lines: |
wav_file, label = line.split('\t') |
wav_lst.append(wav_file) |
label_lst.append(label.strip('\n')) |
shuffle_list = [i for i in range(len(wav_lst) // self.batch_size)] |
if self.shuffle: |
shuffle(shuffle_list) |
for i in shuffle_list: |
begin = i * self.batch_size |
end = begin + self.batch_size |
sub_list = list(range(begin, end, 1)) |
label_data_lst = [label_lst[index] for index in sub_list] |
prediction = np.array( |
[self.vocab.token_list.index(line) for |
line in label_data_lst], |
dtype=np.int32) |
feature_lst = [] |
wav_path = [] |
get_next_batch = False |
for index in sub_list: |
_, start, end = wav_lst[index].split(':') |
feature = self.feature_binary[int(start): int(end)] |
feature = np.reshape(feature, (-1, 80)) |
feature = feature[:self.max_audio_length, :] |
feature_lst.append(feature) |
wav_path.append(wav_lst[index]) |
if get_next_batch: |
continue |
features, input_length = wav_padding(feature_lst, self.max_audio_length, self.fbank_dim) |
yield features, input_length, prediction |
class TxtDataSet: |
def __init__(self, |
batch_size, |
data_type, |
vocab, |
speech_featurizer: SpeechFeaturizer, |
config: Config |
): |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
self.data_type = data_type |
self.vocab = vocab |
self.feature_extracter = speech_featurizer |
self.data_path = config.dataset_config['data_path'] |
self.corpus_name = config.dataset_config['corpus_name'] |
self.fbank_dim = config.speech_config['num_feature_bins'] |
self.max_audio_length =config.dataset_config['max_audio_length'] |
self.mel_banks = config.speech_config['num_feature_bins'] |
self.file_nums = config.dataset_config['file_nums'] |
self.data_length = config.dataset_config['data_length'] |
self.shuffle = True |
self.sentence_list = [] |
self.wav_lst = [] |
self.label_lst = [] |
self.max_sentence_length = 0 |
self.source_init() |
def source_init(self): |
read_files = [] |
if self.data_type == 'train': |
read_files.append(self.corpus_name + '_train.txt') |
elif self.data_type == 'dev': |
read_files.append(self.corpus_name + '_dev.txt') |
elif self.data_type == 'test': |
read_files.append(self.corpus_name + '_test.txt') |
print('data type:{} \n files:{}'.format(self.data_type, read_files)) |
total_lines = 0 |
for sub_file in read_files: |
with open(sub_file, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: |
for line in f: |
wav_file, label = line.split(' ', 1) |
label = label.strip('\n').split() |
self.label_lst.append(label) |
self.wav_lst.append(wav_file) |
total_lines += 1 |
if self.data_length: |
if total_lines == self.data_length: |
break |
if total_lines % 10000 == 0: |
print('\rload', total_lines, end='', flush=True) |
if not self.data_length: |
self.wav_lst = self.wav_lst[:self.data_length] |
self.label_lst = self.label_lst[:self.data_length] |
print('number of', self.data_type, 'data:', len(self.wav_lst)) |
def get_batch(self): |
shuffle_list = [i for i in range(len(self.wav_lst))] |
while 1: |
if self.shuffle: |
shuffle(shuffle_list) |
for i in range(len(self.wav_lst) // self.batch_size): |
begin = i * self.batch_size |
end = begin + self.batch_size |
sub_list = shuffle_list[begin:end] |
label_data_lst = [self.label_lst[index] for index in sub_list] |
prediction = np.array( |
[self.vocab.token_list.index(line[0]) for |
line in label_data_lst], |
dtype=np.int32) |
feature_lst = [] |
wav_path = [] |
get_next_batch = False |
for index in sub_list: |
audio, _ = librosa.load(self.data_path + self.wav_lst[index], sr=16000) |
if len(audio) == 0: |
get_next_batch = True |
break |
feature = self.feature_extracter.extract(audio) |
feature_lst.append(feature) |
wav_path.append(self.wav_lst[index]) |
if get_next_batch: |
continue |
features, input_length = wav_padding(feature_lst, self.max_audio_length, self.fbank_dim) |
yield features,input_length, prediction |
def create_dataset(batch_size, load_type, data_type, speech_featurizer, config, vocab): |
""" |
batch_size: global batch size |
data_type: the type of lode data, supports type: txt, dat() |
""" |
if load_type == 'dat': |
dataset = DatDataSet(batch_size, data_type, vocab, speech_featurizer, config) |
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(dataset.get_batch, |
output_types=(tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.int32), |
output_shapes=([None, None, config.speech_config['num_feature_bins']], |
[None], [None])) |
elif load_type == 'txt': |
dataset = TxtDataSet(batch_size, data_type, vocab, speech_featurizer, config) |
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(dataset.get_batch, |
output_types=(tf.float32, tf.int32, tf.int32), |
output_shapes=([None, None, config.speech_config['num_feature_bins']], |
[None], [None])) |
else: |
print('load_type must be dat or txt!!') |
return |
options = tf.data.Options() |
options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard_policy = tf.data.experimental.AutoShardPolicy.DATA.DATA |
dataset = dataset.with_options(options) |
return dataset |