import re import pandas as pd from func_timeout import func_timeout, FunctionTimedOut import pandas as pd from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal, assert_series_equal import collections LIKE_PATTERN = r"LIKE[\s\S]*'" def deduplicate_columns(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: cols = df.columns.tolist() if len(cols) != len(set(cols)): duplicates = [ item for item, count in collections.Counter(cols).items() if count > 1 ] for dup in duplicates: indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(cols) if x == dup] for i in indices: cols[i] = f"{dup}_{i}" df.columns = cols return df def serializate_columns(df: pd.DataFrame): for col in df.columns: if df[col].apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, (list, pd.Series))).any(): df[col] = df[col].apply( lambda x: str(sorted(x)) if isinstance(x, (list, pd.Series)) else x ) return df def normalize_table( df: pd.DataFrame, query_category: str, if_order: bool, sql: str = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Normalizes a dataframe by: 1. removing all duplicate rows 2. sorting columns in alphabetical order 3. sorting rows using values from first column to last (if query_category is not 'order_by' and question does not ask for ordering) 4. resetting index """ df = serializate_columns(df) # remove duplicate rows, if any df = df.drop_duplicates() # sort columns in alphabetical order of column names df = deduplicate_columns(df) sorted_df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1) # check if query_category is 'order_by' and if question asks for ordering has_order_by = False if query_category == "order_by" or if_order: has_order_by = True if sql: # determine which columns are in the ORDER BY clause of the sql generated, using regex pattern = re.compile(r"ORDER BY[\s\S]*", re.IGNORECASE) order_by_clause =, sql) if order_by_clause: order_by_clause = # get all columns in the ORDER BY clause, by looking at the text between ORDER BY and the next semicolon, comma, or parantheses pattern = re.compile(r"(?<=ORDER BY)(.*?)(?=;|,|\)|$)", re.IGNORECASE) order_by_columns = re.findall(pattern, order_by_clause) order_by_columns = ( order_by_columns[0].split() if order_by_columns else [] ) order_by_columns = [ col.strip().rsplit(".", 1)[-1] for col in order_by_columns ] ascending = False # if there is a DESC or ASC in the ORDER BY clause, set the ascending to that if "DESC" in [i.upper() for i in order_by_columns]: ascending = False elif "ASC" in [i.upper() for i in order_by_columns]: ascending = True # remove whitespace, commas, and parantheses order_by_columns = [col.strip() for col in order_by_columns] order_by_columns = [ col.replace(",", "").replace("(", "") for col in order_by_columns ] order_by_columns = [ i for i in order_by_columns if i.lower() not in ["desc", "asc", "nulls", "last", "first", "limit"] ] # get all columns in sorted_df that are not in order_by_columns other_columns = [ i for i in sorted_df.columns.tolist() if i not in order_by_columns ] # only choose order_by_columns that are in sorted_df order_by_columns = [ i for i in order_by_columns if i in sorted_df.columns.tolist() ] sorted_df = sorted_df.sort_values( by=order_by_columns + other_columns, ascending=ascending ) sorted_df = sorted_df[other_columns + order_by_columns] if not has_order_by: # sort rows using values from first column to last sorted_df = sorted_df.sort_values(by=list(sorted_df.columns)) # reset index sorted_df = deduplicate_columns(sorted_df) sorted_df = sorted_df.reset_index(drop=True) return sorted_df def compare_df( df_gold: pd.DataFrame, df_gen: pd.DataFrame, query_category: str, question: str, query_gold: str = None, query_gen: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Compares two dataframes and returns True if they are the same, else False. query_gold and query_gen are the original queries that generated the respective dataframes. """ # drop duplicates to ensure equivalence if df_gen.empty or df_gold.empty: return False try: is_equal = df_gold.values == df_gen.values if is_equal.all(): return True except: try: is_equal = df_gold.values == df_gen.values if is_equal: return True except: pass pattern = re.compile(r"ORDER BY[\s\S]*", re.IGNORECASE) is_order =, query_gold) df_gold = normalize_table(df_gold, query_category, is_order, query_gold) df_gen = normalize_table(df_gen, query_category, is_order, query_gen) # perform same checks again for normalized tables if df_gold.shape != df_gen.shape: return False # fill NaNs with -99999 to handle NaNs in the dataframes for comparison df_gen.fillna(-99999, inplace=True) df_gold.fillna(-99999, inplace=True) is_equal = df_gold.values == df_gen.values try: return is_equal.all() except: return is_equal def subset_df( df_sub: pd.DataFrame, df_super: pd.DataFrame, query_category: str, question: str, query_super: str = None, query_sub: str = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Checks if df_sub is a subset of df_super. """ if df_sub.empty and df_super.empty: return True # handle cases for empty dataframes if df_sub.empty: return False is_order = False if query_sub: pattern = re.compile(r"ORDER BY[\s\S]*", re.IGNORECASE) is_order =, query_sub) # make a copy of df_super so we don't modify the original while keeping track of matches df_super_temp = df_super.copy(deep=True) matched_columns = [] df_sub = deduplicate_columns(df_sub) df_super_temp = deduplicate_columns(df_super_temp) for col_sub_name in df_sub.columns: col_match = False for col_super_name in df_super_temp.columns: col_sub = df_sub[col_sub_name].sort_values().reset_index(drop=True) col_super = ( df_super_temp[col_super_name].sort_values().reset_index(drop=True) ) try: assert_series_equal( col_sub, col_super, check_dtype=False, check_names=False ) col_match = True matched_columns.append(col_super_name) # remove col_super_name to prevent us from matching it again df_super_temp = df_super_temp.drop(columns=[col_super_name]) break except AssertionError: continue if not col_match: if verbose: print(f"no match for {col_sub_name}") return False df_sub_normalized = normalize_table(df_sub, query_category, is_order, query_sub) # get matched columns from df_super, and rename them with columns from df_sub, then normalize df_super_matched = df_super[matched_columns].rename( columns=dict(zip(matched_columns, df_sub.columns)) ) df_super_matched = normalize_table( df_super_matched, query_category, is_order, query_super ) try: assert_frame_equal(df_sub_normalized, df_super_matched, check_dtype=False) return True except AssertionError: return False def _check_df( gt_df: pd.DataFrame, pre_df: pd.DataFrame, gt_sql: str, pre_sql: str ) -> bool: try: if gt_df.empty or pre_df.empty: return False result = compare_df(gt_df, pre_df, "", "", gt_sql, pre_sql) if result: return True result = subset_df(gt_df, pre_df, "", "", query_sub=gt_sql, query_super=pre_sql) return result except Exception as e: return False def check_df( gt_df: pd.DataFrame, pre_df: pd.DataFrame, gt_sql: str, pre_sql: str ) -> bool: try: res = func_timeout(10, _check_df, args=(gt_df, pre_df, gt_sql, pre_sql)) return res except FunctionTimedOut as e: return False except Exception as e: return False