('pinterest', '') |
('restaurants, interior design, wedding venues', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('bakeries & coffee shops, travel agencies, art museums', '') |
('linkedin, google+, youtube', '') |
('facebook', '') |
('2004', '') |
('myspace', '') |
('snapchat', '') |
('2003', '') |
('medium', '') |
('high', '') |
('facebook', '') |
('instagram', '') |
('2006', '') |
('500 thousand', '') |
('6 million', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('purple', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('high engagement, high quality content, match your brand', '') |
('benefits, features, elevator pitch', '') |
('culture, mission statement, core values', '') |
('62%', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('u.k.', '') |
('90%', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('north dakota', '') |
('new jersey', '') |
('europe', '') |
('40%', '') |
('north carolina', '') |
('21 million', '') |
('21 million', '') |
('54%', '') |
('87.9', '') |
('6', '') |
('53%', '') |
('49%', '') |
('1,646,212', '') |
('men', '') |
('54%', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('unhappy', '') |
('2', '') |
('44', '') |
('6', '') |
('4', '') |
('south asia', '') |
('europe & central asia', '') |
('15.43%', '') |
('53%', '') |
('73%', '') |
('92%', '') |
('29%', '') |
('alphabet inc.', '') |
('usa today', '') |
('at&t', '') |
('ajc', '') |
('emerson collective', '') |
('usa today', '') |
('usa today', '') |
('verizon', '') |
('civil unrest', '') |
('72%', '') |
('26', '') |
('89%', '') |
('1st', '') |
('44%', '') |
('civil unrest', '') |
('21', '') |
('ecoli outbreak in europe', '') |
('greek financial crisis', '') |
('6', '') |
('33', '') |
('ecoli outbreak in europe', '') |
('john stankey', '') |
('ma huateng', '') |
('lachlan k. murdoch', '') |
('11', '') |
('lachlan k. murdoch', '') |
('john stankey', '') |
('citigroup', '') |
('justin bieber and kim kardashian', '') |
('78%', '') |
('twitter co-founder evan williams', '') |
('0.0% to 1.9%', '') |
('new hampshire', '') |
('6 million', '') |
('$66,660', '') |
('30%', '') |
('$40,190', '') |
('30%', '') |
('40%', '') |
('home health aide', '') |
('medical scientist', '') |
('16%', '') |
('37', '') |
('81%', '') |
('31', '') |
('84%', '') |
('67%', '') |
('321', '') |
('31%', '') |
('37', '') |
('31', '') |
('syd gregory', '') |
('234', '') |
('pietersen', '') |
('buttler', '') |
('kohli', '') |
('collingwood', '') |
('4146', '') |
('listening to music', '') |
('drinking tea or coffee', '') |
('metal', '') |
('3', '') |
('plastic', '') |
('8', '') |
('emotional intelligence', '') |
('social perception', '') |
('organic', '') |
('old clothes', '') |
('ocean pollution', '') |
('characters, main plot, sub-plots', '') |
('ocean pollution', '') |
('8.3%', '') |
('glass', '') |
('12', '') |
('plastic', '') |
('1', '') |
('8.3%', '') |
('14', '') |
('21', '') |
('49', '') |
('100k', '') |
('usman', '') |
('arab countries', '') |
('14', '') |
('australia', '') |
('21%', '') |
('5%', '') |
('71%', '') |
('3%', '') |
('77', '') |
('61%', '') |
('66', '') |
('42%', '') |
('government, other services, manufacturing - nondurable goods', '') |
('eases muscle tension', '') |
('+19%', '') |
('0.0% to 1.9%', '') |
('good', '') |
('33', '') |
('florida, hawaii', '') |
('los angeles', '') |
('albany', '') |
('good', '') |
('11,500', '') |
('leisure & hospitality', '') |
('pietersen', '') |
('118', '') |
('1997', '') |
('3', '') |
('36', '') |
('mysteries and thrillers', '') |
('8', '') |
('14', '') |
('ramesh', '') |
('43%', '') |
('43%', '') |
('23%', '') |
('38%', '') |
('80', '') |
('erapalli prasanna', '') |
('-5.7', '') |
('6.1', '') |
('7', '') |
('22', '') |
('4', '') |
('india, 39.7', '') |
('south america, africa, asia', '') |
('north america, europe, oceania', '') |
('3', '') |
('pakistan, bangladesh, zimbabwe', '') |
('+6', '') |
('-11', '') |
('usman ghani', '') |
('49', '') |
('-4.2', '') |
('517', '') |
('26', '') |
('109.9', '') |
('india', '') |
('14', '') |
('india, 39.7', '') |
('2', '') |
('26.5', '') |
('29.5', '') |
('usa', '') |
('45.8%', '') |
('5.8', '') |
('51', '') |
('saeed ajmal', '') |
('$50.87', '') |
('saeed ajmal, rangana herath', '') |
('14', '') |
('australia', '') |
('43 years', '') |
('44 days', '') |
('84', '') |
('134', '') |
('sri lanka', '') |
('3-10', '') |
('109*', '') |
('19.19', '') |
('dhoni', '') |
('6.63', '') |
('erapalli prasanna', '') |
('india', '') |
('2 april 2011', '') |
('16', '') |
('277/4', '') |
('pakistan, bangladesh, zimbabwe', '') |
('the bible', '') |
('pakistan, bangladesh, zimbabwe', '') |
('pakistan, bangladesh, zimbabwe', '') |
('277/4', '') |
('sourav ganguly', '') |
('45', '') |
('6', '') |
('67.5%', '') |
('27.1%', '') |
('82.2k', '') |
('kohli', '') |
('arab countries', '') |
('west bank', '') |
('22.5%', '') |
('22.5%', '') |
('87.0%', '') |
('14-mar-15', '') |
('sushant singh rajput', '') |
('ms dhoni', '') |
('ziva', '') |
('july 7, 1981 at ranchi, jharkhand', '') |
('dav jawahar vidya mandir', '') |
('dhoni', '') |
('goalkeeper', '') |
('commando cricket club', '') |
('vinoo mankad under-16 championship', '') |
('2007', '') |
('2008', '') |
('south africa', '') |
('kohli', '') |
('dhoni', '') |
('40.5 million', '') |
('dhoni', '') |
('travis dowlin', '') |
('107', '') |
('27', '') |
('rajiv gandhi khel ratna', '') |
('2008', '') |
('biratnagar', '') |
('66', '') |
('orange', '') |
('gandaki province', '') |
('dhangadhi', '') |
('gandaki province', '') |
('dhangadhi', '') |
('dhoni', '') |
('biratnagar', '') |
('biratnagar', '') |
('853', '') |
('112', '') |
('450', '') |
('319', '') |
('21', '') |
('4', '') |
('2', '') |
('waseem akram & ramiz raja', '') |
('12', '') |
('us $ 140,000', '') |
('us $ 70,000', '') |
('3', '') |
('platinum, diamond, gold', '') |
('great expectations, jane eyre', '') |
('great expectations, jane eyre', '') |
('mysteries and thrillers', '') |
('tree of smoke, the thin red line', '') |
('the worm auroboros, conan the barbarians', '') |
('john brunner', '') |
('a modest proposal, the screwtape letters', '') |
('the worm auroboros, conan the barbarians', '') |
('karl marx', '') |
('john mill', '') |
('2', '') |
('1970, 1973', '') |
('troubles, the siege of krishnapur', '') |
('3', '') |
('2009, 2012', '') |
('wolf hall, bring up the bodies', '') |
('2', '') |
('1992', '') |
('equality, china model, nationalism', '') |
('liberalism, universal values, freedom', '') |
('oscar and lucinda, true history of the kelly gang', '') |
('direct democracy', '') |
('representative democracy', '') |
('in the third person', '') |
('an illustration', '') |
('an illustration', '') |
('welfare state', '') |
('federer express', '') |
('free market', '') |
('in the third person, in the first person', '') |
('clay', '') |
('13', '') |
('liberalism, universal values, freedom', '') |
('grass, carpet', '') |
('blue states', '') |
('red states', '') |
('west virginia, north dakota, south dakota', '') |
('44%', '') |
('25%', '') |
('democrat', '') |
('772', '') |
('federer', '') |
('66', '') |
('facebook', '') |
('316million', '') |
('1 career grand slam', '') |
('90', '') |
('45%', '') |
('35', '') |
('35 million', '') |
('3.5 million', '') |
('231.7 million', '') |
('9', '') |
('rafael nadal', '') |
('executive, legislative, judicial', '') |
('every 4 years', '') |
('1932', '') |
('1963', '') |
('1995', '') |
('2011', '') |
('2017', '') |
('judicial', '') |
('surabaya', '') |
('jakarta', '') |
('industrial', '') |
('15 to 24 years old', '') |
('singapore, hong kong', '') |
('18%', '') |
('46', '') |
('business results', '') |
('job satisfaction', '') |
('mars has two moons', '') |
('142', '') |
('twenty thousand leagues under the sea', '') |
('martin caidin', '') |
('bionic limbs', '') |
('1992', '') |
('stranger in a strange land', '') |
('twenty thousand leagues under the sea', '') |
('6', '') |
('stand on zanzibar', '') |
('looking backwards', '') |
('stand on zanzibar', '') |
('john brunner', '') |
('18-25', '') |
('87%', '') |
('learn a skill', '') |
('7%', '') |
('mood-enhancing drugs, genetic engineering', '') |
('automatic motion-sensing doors', '') |
('10.4%', '') |
('6.6 million', '') |
('11.6%', '') |
('internet of things', '') |
('25-34', '') |
('0-5%', '') |
('15~24', '') |
('0-4', '') |
('5.3 million', '') |
('15-34', '') |
('84%', '') |
('22,1%', '') |
('79%', '') |
('44', '') |
('access to technical and vocational training', '') |
('13,8%', '') |
('20', '') |
('9,1', '') |
('14%', '') |
('22,1%', '') |
('kohli', '') |
('8', '') |
('2', '') |
('2', '') |
('3', '') |
('3', '') |
('most equal', '') |
('least equal', '') |
('most equal', '') |
('most equal', '') |
('67%', '') |
('90%', '') |
('11.8%', '') |
('6.6 million', '') |
('7%', '') |
('2', '') |
("see what's over the horizon", '') |
('imagery, trending topics, human voice', '') |
('46', '') |
('low wages', '') |
('59%', '') |
('1.02 - 3.81', '') |
('46. 14% - 100. 00%', '') |
('11.8%', '') |
('east asia and the pacific', '') |
('2', '') |
('81%', '') |
('80%', '') |
('77', '') |
('menswear, bold colors', '') |
('leather, bold colors, statement necklaces', '') |
('6.3%', '') |
('2009, 2011', '') |
('50.6%', '') |
('2.4%', '') |
('95.8%', '') |
('8', '') |
('$39.9 million', '') |
('$10.5 million', '') |
('67.3%', '') |
('24.0%', '') |
('higher maritime institutions', '') |
('@statpoland', '') |
('@glownyurzadstatystyczny', '') |
('glowny urzad statystyczny', '') |
('3', '') |
('0-5%', '') |
('1', '') |
('redbridge, lewisham', '') |
('highland', '') |
('social media marketing', '') |
('social media', '') |
('email marketing', '') |
('email marketing', '') |
('social media channels', '') |
('55%', '') |
('social media marketing', '') |
('2.6 billion', '') |
('8 billion', '') |
('92%', '') |
('5%', '') |
('family planning, sustainable living', '') |
('food, energy, water', '') |
('2/3', '') |
('38%', '') |
('100 acres per minute', '') |
('70%+', '') |
('cars, increased power consumption', '') |
('44%', '') |
('too many ads', '') |
('too much drama', '') |
('7%', '') |
('17%', '') |
('whatsapp', '') |
('oil, water', '') |
('twitter, facebook, pinterest', '') |
('snapchat', '') |
('2011', '') |
('2/3', '') |
('3 billion', '') |
('6 billion', '') |
('7 billion', '') |
('59%', '') |
('1 billion', '') |
('4.5 billion', '') |
('second', '') |
('0', '') |
('0', '') |
('79%', '') |
('7 billion', '') |
('78%', '') |
('4%', '') |
('2%', '') |
('22%', '') |
('3%', '') |
('1%', '') |
('19%', '') |
('14%', '') |
('41%', '') |
('47%', '') |
('10%', '') |
('18-29', '') |
('37%', '') |
('9%', '') |
('68%', '') |
('45%', '') |
('27%', '') |
('65+', '') |
('control, tweener, power', '') |
('control, tweener, power', '') |
('control, tweener, power', '') |
('facebook, youtube', '') |
('72%', '') |
('video, infographics, images', '') |
('16%', '') |
('75%', '') |
('social media personas', '') |
('25%', '') |
('56%', '') |
('24.6%', '') |
('8%', '') |
('27.1%', '') |
('16.5%', '') |
('43.3%', '') |
('13%', '') |
('35.8%', '') |
('tweener frame', '') |
('facebook', '') |
('control, tweener, power', '') |
('open pattern, dense pattern', '') |
('4 3/8"', '') |
('1.5h', '') |
('27"', '') |
('sweet corn', '') |
('flour corn', '') |
('pod corn', '') |
('pod corn', '') |
('native americans', '') |
('dent corn', '') |
('10 hours + 30 mins', '') |
('centeotl and chicomecoatl', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('175 million', '') |
('milk', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('250 million', '') |
('the corn palace', '') |
('twitter, facebook', '') |
('89%', '') |
('79%', '') |
('the cornhusker', '') |
('83%', '') |
('48%', '') |
('52%', '') |
('34%', '') |
('45-64', '') |
('7%', '') |
('15%', '') |
('45-64', '') |
('18%', '') |
('35%', '') |
('6', '') |
('change passwords', '') |
('6', '') |
('19%', '') |
('open pattern, dense pattern', '') |
('dense pattern', '') |
('tweener frame', '') |
('78%', '') |
('head, grip, beam', '') |
('zara', '') |
('facebook, youtube', '') |
('gucci', '') |
('69%', '') |
('mid, midplus, oversize', '') |
('youtube', '') |
('red bull', '') |
('79%', '') |
('facial masks', '') |
('queen elizabeth ii', '') |
('22 mm, 23-27 mm, 28 mm', '') |
('professional services, communications', '') |
('81%', '') |
('bank of canada', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('disney club penguin', '') |
('71%', '') |
('google', '') |
('100 million', '') |
('37%', '') |
('linkedin, google+, youtube', '') |
('linkedin, google+, youtube', '') |
('hippocampus', '') |
('married people', '') |
('13%', '') |
('education sector', '') |
('negative', '') |
('15%', '') |
('north america', '') |
('green', '') |
('83%', '') |
('fish, milk, bananas', '') |
('50%', '') |
('mexico, spain, brazil', '') |
('mexico, spain, brazil', '') |
('data scientists', '') |
('43%', '') |
('26%', '') |
('life purpose', '') |
('life purpose', '') |
('50%', '') |
('education sector', '') |
('waning gibbous', '') |
('business management', '') |
('new moon', '') |
('waxing crescent', '') |
('44%', '') |
('5%', '') |
('600+ million', '') |
('waxing gibbous', '') |
('waning gibbous', '') |
('8%', '') |
('400 million', '') |
('29', '') |
('pink', '') |
('52%', '') |
('59%', '') |
('corporate blogs', '') |
('los angeles lakers, new york knicks', '') |
('$3.30b', '') |
('0.06', '') |
('new york yankees, los angeles dodgers', '') |
('$3.70b', '') |
('$2.20b', '') |
('$1.93b', '') |
('nba', '') |
('mlb', '') |
('nfl', '') |
('discover ideas', '') |
('female', '') |
('chicago bears', '') |
('$2.20b', '') |
('dallas cowboys, new england patriots, new york giants', '') |
('share photos and stories', '') |
('micro blogging', '') |
('older than 35', '') |
('facebook', '') |
('320 million', '') |
('$2.20b', '') |
('19%', '') |
('mlb', '') |
('380 million', '') |
('dallas cowboys', '') |
('espn', '') |
('medium', '') |
('philadelphia eagles', '') |
('comprehensive', '') |
('medium', '') |
('denoising dirty documents', '') |
('facebook recruiting - human or bot', '') |
('31%', '') |
('9%', '') |
('84%', '') |
('13%', '') |
('32%', '') |
('10%', '') |
('15%', '') |
('1924', '') |
('data scientists', '') |
('data scientists', '') |
('1924', '') |
('1924', '') |
('17%', '') |
('data scientists', '') |
('1.2%', '') |
('olympics', '') |
('1910s', '') |
('olympics', '') |
('2002', '') |
('3', '') |
('21', '') |
('2016', '') |
('needs to escape', '') |
('in a fulfilling relationship', '') |
('loving and honest', '') |
('shy person', '') |
('frustrated', '') |
('romantic person', '') |
('introvert', '') |
('needs guidance', '') |
('sensitive', '') |
('in a fulfilling relationship', '') |
('8.8 million', '') |
('1.2%', '') |
('2 hours 56 mins', '') |
('4.61', '') |
('whatsapp', '') |
('35 million', '') |
('231.7 million', '') |
('25,000', '') |
('95%', '') |
('infographics', '') |
('37%', '') |
('41%', '') |
('30%', '') |
('linkedin, $119 million', '') |
('56%', '') |
('56%', '') |
('email marketing', '') |
('twitter co-founder evan williams', '') |
('10', '') |
('40 minutes', '') |
('357 minutes', '') |
('12', '') |
('northrop grumman', '') |
('mq-9 reaper', '') |
('2002', '') |
('"beast of kandahar"', '') |
('mq-8 fire scout, rq-4b global hawk, rq-11b raven', '') |
('rq-4b global hawk', '') |
('500 ft', '') |
('55 ft', '') |
('450 lb', '') |
('24', '') |
('500 ft', '') |
('22', '') |
('mq-8 fire scout, rq-4b global hawk, rq-11b raven', '') |
('450 lb', '') |
('27.5 ft', '') |
('rq-4b global hawk', '') |
('mq-8 fire scout, rq-4b global hawk, rq-11b raven', '') |
('50,000', '') |
('8', '') |
('nucleolus', '') |
('mitochondrion', '') |
('$105,594', '') |
('data visualization developer', '') |
('77', '') |
('66', '') |
('job satisfaction', '') |
('33%', '') |
('data scientist', '') |
('6', '') |
('ms excel', '') |
('linkedin', '') |
('united states, germany', '') |
('vegetable oil', '') |
('texas', '') |
('33%', '') |
('57%', '') |
('33%', '') |
('"share" rate, "comment" rate', '') |
('8%', '') |
('3-10', '') |
('3-10', '') |
('after 8 p.m. and before 8 a.m.', '') |
('swimming', '') |
('152', '') |
('100', '') |
('michael gorman', '') |
('15.4', '') |
('the library of congress', '') |
('4', '') |
('solid, liquid, gas', '') |
('0', '') |
('german empire, austria-hungary', '') |
('organic chemistry', '') |
('4', '') |
('biochemistry', '') |
('3', '') |
('56%', '') |
('60%', '') |
('26%', '') |
('26%', '') |
('25%', '') |
('33', '') |
('40%', '') |
('89%', '') |
('21%', '') |
('80%', '') |
('52%', '') |
('94%', '') |
('42%', '') |
('banking', '') |
('10%', '') |
('18%', '') |
('28%', '') |
('43%', '') |
('bangalore', '') |
('19%', '') |
('10%', '') |
('7%', '') |
('20%', '') |
('3', '') |
('swimming', '') |
('throat', '') |
('emory university', '') |
('organic chemistry', '') |
('5 years', '') |
('american woodcock', '') |
('01/2012', '') |
('common raven', '') |
('10/2005 - 11/2011', '') |
('3', '') |
('50%', '') |
('4', '') |
('1997', '') |
('14%', '') |
('26%', '') |
('michael gorman', '') |
('64%', '') |
('15~24', '') |
('dewey decimal classification, library of congress classification, colon classification', '') |
('76%', '') |
('32%', '') |
('48,000', '') |
('dr. shiyali ramamrita ranganathan', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('21 min', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('myspace', '') |
('298,700', '') |
('64%', '') |
('67%', '') |
('84%', '') |
('85%', '') |
('twitter, facebook, pinterest', '') |
('linkedin, google+, youtube', '') |
('919,700', '') |
('440', '') |
('6', '') |
('6', '') |
('4', '') |
('10.4%', '') |
('10', '') |
('44%', '') |
('30', '') |
('25%', '') |
('13', '') |
('50%', '') |
('religious group', '') |
('2,740', '') |
('20%', '') |
('20%', '') |
('local social club', '') |
('20%', '') |
('0', '') |
('41%', '') |
('1', '') |
('18.6%', '') |
('26.2%', '') |
('35.8%', '') |
('90%', '') |
('50% to 95%', '') |
('1', '') |
('1994', '') |
('1997', '') |
('98.6%', '') |
('aol', '') |
('61%', '') |
('30-45 years old', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('1998', '') |
('homicide', '') |
('delivery drivers, healthcare professionals, public service workers', '') |
('myspace', '') |
('1999', '') |
('1997', '') |
('16-24', '') |
('31,347', '') |
('25', '') |
('42', '') |
('16', '') |
('66,769', '') |
('34 million', '') |
('3 million', '') |
('64', '') |
('aol', '') |
('2%', '') |
('30', '') |
('college students', '') |
('800,000', '') |
('2006', '') |
('2007', '') |
('23,000', '') |
('2007', '') |
('200 million', '') |
('49%', '') |
('20%', '') |
('2010', '') |
('1994', '') |
('2008', '') |
('psychological', '') |
('2', '') |
('sexual abuse of children', '') |
('2010', '') |
('3', '') |
('2003', '') |
('1.97 billion', '') |
('2011', '') |
('facebook, youtube', '') |
('1 billion', '') |
('2007', '') |
('linkedin, facebook', '') |
('57%', '') |
('2011', '') |
('4+ billion', '') |
('25%', '') |
('67%', '') |
('2013', '') |
('59%', '') |
('59%', '') |
('marketing', '') |
('59%', '') |
('89%', '') |
('21%', '') |
('50%', '') |
('53%', '') |
('27%', '') |
('54.3%', '') |
('2%', '') |
('54.3%', '') |
('212', '') |
('372', '') |
('342', '') |
('3 billion', '') |
('25%', '') |
('39%', '') |
('30%', '') |
('21%', '') |
('913', '') |
('281', '') |
('11.8%', '') |
('68', '') |
('70%', '') |
('75%', '') |
('74%', '') |
('battle of moscow', '') |
('battle of el alamein', '') |
('10 hours', '') |
('5 years', '') |
('2 years', '') |
('2 years', '') |
('10 hours + 30 mins', '') |
('2 years', '') |
('2 years', '') |
('2 years', '') |
('10 hours + 30 mins', '') |
('handguns', '') |
('9%', '') |
('2001', '') |
('prescription drugs', '') |
('heroin', '') |
('cocaine', '') |
('6', '') |
('blood pressure', '') |
('nausea', '') |
('one to watch', '') |
("st john's wort", '') |
('372', '') |
('syria, iraq', '') |
('syria, iraq', '') |
('arresting officer, victim', '') |
('6', '') |
('reconciliation', '') |
('38%', '') |
('12 april', '') |
('erfurt, winnenden', '') |
('0.3', '') |
('22.9%', '') |
('level of potential risk to community? family?', '') |
('removals, order protection, where did the firearm go?', '') |
('1996', '') |
('6', '') |
('medical services are not free', '') |
('16', '') |
('75%', '') |
('medical services are not free', '') |
('19%', '') |
('25%', '') |
('zambia', '') |
('togo, benin', '') |
('7', '') |
('11,493', '') |
('0.8', '') |
('united states', '') |
('homicides', '') |
('49%', '') |
('71.6%', '') |
('between 250,000 and 500,000', '') |
('the democratic republic of congo', '') |
('21%', '') |
('33%', '') |
('62.8%', '') |
('r&d/scientific/technical', '') |
('60%', '') |
('every 4 years', '') |
('24%', '') |
('21%', '') |
('south dakota', '') |