Richard A Aragon
AI & ML interests
TuringsSolutions's activity
Perhaps now the mods of this site will take it seriously when someone simply asks for a block button? How hard is it?
If you touch me or my kids, I submit all of this to the police immediately. I have already been in touch with them every weekend. My neighbor is a sheriff and is aware you are a child abuser. Go fuk yourself and seek some therapy man. Leave me out of it. Sorry you got involved with a fucking hydra. Your fault for marrying it, loser. Eat your own consequences.
My guess is that you were next to homeless before you married the crazy lady, then it was too late when you realized you fuked up bbbbbaaaaaaddddddddd! How far off am I?
Go take this out on your wife, I didn't make your life. I certainly didnt force you to marry someone you only knew for less than six months. Shows you are brain ded af, which is why I document all of this. Only a dipshit who does something like that would do shit like this.